Natural Cures for Atrial Fibrillation

Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 05/20/2016

I was able to reduce my afib with a drop of clear potassium iodide and more protein (red meat). However, if I get it, 100 or sometimes 200 mgs of tryptophan completely eradicates it. This answer came to me through a dream. Strange, I know!

I have started taking about 50 mg of tryptophan before bed and I sleep great. I don't know why it works so well in my case for afib!!!! Might be worth a try. I am using a pretty low dose. I've had afib since I was 3 years old. I agree that taurine is good too. But that didn't actually stop my afib. Tryptophan completely stops it within an hour!!!!

Hope this helps someone!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Jay (Kansas) on 05/21/2016

From the research I've done on meds, I found out most of them CAUSE the same disease you are taking them for. I.e., heart meds CAUSE heart problems thus making them worse and possible killing you. See Dr Sherry Rogers, M.D., "Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?"


Posted by Bee (New York) on 05/05/2016

Hi Pat and Hawk;

Thanks for thinking of me.. I am doing well I think.. I am avoiding doctors too like the plague and plugging along trying different things. I am also still taking the 1000 mgs. of taurine and I am still doing the magnesium not as much now though..haven't had on palpitation in ages and I am exercising and eating more raw foods as I hear they will detox anything. I am also taking some kidney herbs too.. anyway; yes I do all kinds of beats from utube. I do think they work.. I do the rife tones and solfeggio and all of that.. love it..

Okay glad to hear you are doing so well. I am so happy and proud of you.. after all of your hard work it paid off.. Kudos to you!!

Posted by Pat (Pa) on 05/04/2016

Hwk is right, as soon as they hear "Afib" they want to rush you into a surgical procedure if you dare to complain about the medicine! Well, supplements work better for me than any of the meds I was given and I did try quite a few! I just think they should have some other alternative treatments to offer people like me and they did not! It wouldn't hurt for them to fget acquainted with other treatment options! But I had to do my own research and be my own guinea pig to get to this point! And Hwkmn, you say that you haven't seen any problems arising from around 2000 mg Taurine affecting kidneys or liver or anyting else?And Magnesium? It all seems OK to me from what I have read! But it does concern me at times! Of course what option do I have? At least this seems to work as it does for you to keep me in NSR most of the time.And if I do go out it is for a much shorter time! And not as bothersome and scary as before! I haven't been back to dr.'s since December and I don't think I will as I will have to tell them I went off meds(except small dose beta-) and they will probably tell me I am endangering my life doing this or something like that! Don't want them to use the "scare" tactics on me because they do and it can be upsetting! Will keep you posted!

How about Bee? Doing good? Try the solfeggio/healing frequencies too! I know it seems crazy but I think they have helped me too! Will keep u posted.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/03/2016


HI U BIRDS DOIN,,,,,,,,,, me, not so good. As all know, I's a hard charger...... kick ass and take names. Well, it appears that my stressful life has caught up with me because my self imposed stress is keeping me in atrial fibrillation. I can bring it on in a heart beat.

I can get out to it after awhile with magnesium, cayenne, hawthorn and chilling. What I know is to keep my blood dilute least it form a clot and I go to the happy hunting ground.

Excuse me, Hillary got into trouble by saying that she can handle men who get off the reservation and that pissed off the Indians. My comment probably gets their ire too, and I could care less. Everyone is in stress because they are afraid of offending anyone. If you read my posts, the more I offend, the more loves I get. Folks have had enough of this PC crap.

Anyway, we headed to SGI and I am going to try and think good thoughts for a change, while soaking in the gulf waters next week. There I will get positive ions, magnesium and fresh sea food.

One thing I have learned on my live's journey ...... don't get old.


Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 04/24/2016 109 posts

Pat, you can't be getting better, AF is progressive and the sooner you get an ablation, the better off you will be. Isn't that just the MO of every EP out there? My latest PCP referred me to one of those gazillionaire heart scratchers just because he saw I had AF in my records. After a 15 min irritating one sided phone conversation with the EPs nurse, I canceled the appt. Last thing I said was, on your meds I had 4 episodes in 4 months. On my supplements Ive had 0 since 2014 after getting off your meds.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 04/24/2016 109 posts

Pat, yes supplements arent cheap, but in the long run they are a bargain and we cant put a price on good health, priceless. Metop did slow my HR however, never kept me out of AF and never converted on it. Flec I did in 45min on last episode in 2014. But were all different. You may want to ask about Niacin. I was put on that 6 months ago and it seems to have enhanced the Mag/ Vit C benefit.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 04/24/2016 109 posts

Bee, absolutely false. Key word is "supplement", not sustenance. Taurine is something our bodies make and Mag is eliminated thru the bowels if we take too much. With that said on Mag, I disagree that BM is sign of adequate dosage, I think we need much more than standard dose. However, if you are buying cheap, big box store supplements with some added goodies, like Mag Stearate which is highly toxic due to use of cottonseed oil, or Selenite, then yes it could be harmful to us.

Posted by Pat (Pa) on 04/22/2016

Thanks! I really think that I wasn't getting enough Mg and especially the Taurine that helped! Off all meds even if I get afib, I convert with a little metapropol and no more fleccanide! I havent had it for about a month now and each time I have had it since January it gets less and less! So I know I'm getting better! The "Heart Calm" has Taurine and Mg in it along with Potassium and coq10.And I take 1000 more Taurine in addition to that a day! So... hoping that I hit on something here! I take Hawthorn and VitC, D, Fish oil, aged garlic and a multi also which I pretty much always took!

Hope you guys are doing well! I am on the run from those doctors and their ablation! Oh and I also use the Magnesium spray oil on my skin 2x a day! I must have needed a lot of Mg! Very depleted it seems! And Taurine is a potent detoxifier as is Mg! All these supplements are costing me more than the meds, but I'd rather do it this way with NO side effects! The only side effect is how good I feel!

Posted by Bee (New York) on 04/09/2016

Hi everyone,

I take taurine and arginine and magnesium and someone out of the blue said to me ; well how long and how much of these things can you take without affecting liver and kidneys. I have no idea.. So my question is how long can we take supplements without any problems? I know water soluable seem to be okay .. Thank you

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 04/09/2016 109 posts

Pat! That's awesome! How long have you been in NSR? Gosh its good to hear you didn't give up and go for the heart scarring. I have that in my regimen, but not daily, usually when I feel "off", combined with increased Mag and C.


Posted by Pat (Pa) on 04/07/2016

Editor's Choice AFib: I had the most success when I began using Dr.Carolyn Dean's "ReMag" & "ReMyte" which you can find on her website which helped with the magnesium deficiency and mineral deficiency as per Dr. Dean. But the other supplement to absolutely try is Taurine! I take 1500-2000mg a day in 2 doses A.M. and P.M. It was a life saver!

Off the meds now except for a very small dose of metapropol (12.5). I also take Hawthorn, Fish oil, and "Heart Calm" from "Vitabiologics"(2 capsules a day) and a few other basic supplements(Vit c, etc) that I always took! I would advise anyone to get on these and see the results!

Good luck to all and a big "Thank You" to"Earth Clinic" because that is where I found it all!!!!!

EC: Pat, thank you for sharing with us with the names of the supplements that have helped you. Congratulations on finally getting results!  We know how hard you, Hwkmn05 and Bee have been working to figure out a cure for a-fib for a long time now!

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/21/2016

Hello Leslie,

How much magnesium are you getting a day? I take about 500 mg. Lack of Magnesium is the most typical reason for afib issues. That coupled with a virus infection on or in the heart can make the problem worse. The virus issue is the curve ball. Have you had any significant and long lasting infections in the time prior to your afib? If so, that might be a clue that the afib is being caused by not only possibly by a lack of magnesium but also a virus. If me, under such conditions, I'd be on two tablespoons of colloidal silver three times a day for a month; constantly monitoring the condition. I take that much CS every day just to keep virus infestation low.

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Leslei (Alaska Usa) on 03/20/2016

I just read this in comments earlier and read online that afib can be from parathyroid tumor, and can cause bone pain! Check it out. I am going to get my calcium checked. There has to be a reason for this affecting so many people. The diet we had before we all got smarter probably the biggest reason, I don't smoke, I can't drink, I eat all healthy, no sugar, no wheat, no fluoride, no Milk, all organic, very little fruit, lots or organic vegetables and meat, nothing out of can, no RX, but lots of supplements, vitamins, magnesium, potassium. Still if I sweat, get in sun, take a sauna, exercise, drink alcohol, eat chocolate, have any caffeine, my heart goes into afib. Had a surgery to check and see if my second "pace maker" was firing again, and he found nothing wrong.

We are all born with two, but one quits working when one is working correctly as you develop fully before and after birth. The only thing happened after that surgery was I got a blood clot and then my pulse went from a normal 65 to over 90 during rest, sleep, that was 4 years ago and it just now is at 78 on resting. I am thinking after reading about the excess calcium causing heart problems, this might be the reason for my Afib.

Posted by Big Al (Bronx Ny) on 03/18/2016

I have afib and a defibrillator. If you have afib you definitely need a defibrillator. I used calcium magnesium for a while when I felt the heart palpitations and it worked. Then they explained to me that when you have afib, if your heart does not go back to normal rhythm, you can die. That's what the defibrillator does for you, it shocks your heart back to normal. It's not a great feeling but its kept me alive for the past 24 years. I am 74 years old now. Recently had a stroke because I refused to take blood thinners. Stupid me, it's not worth it.

Posted by Darien (Boston, Ma) on 01/19/2016

Magnesium Chloride is the best and most absorbable form. I know I can't say brands here, but look for a liquid kind and take 2 teaspoons 3X a day in a glass of water. There are transdermal magnesium chloride brands also that you can just run on the skin.

Avoid Soy
Posted by Darien (Boston, Ma) on 01/19/2016

SOY is the WORST trigger for me! I would tell anyone with A Fib to steer clear of anything with soy oil or soy protein, any kind of soy!

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/09/2016

To Mary/Texas:

I have had it for 3 yrs now and always scary! But the supplements seem to help as well as the drugs for me with no side effects Try them too! The doctors don't have much to offer. Just the nasty drugs with side effects and ablation which doesn't have a great success rate either! Have to learn to "manage it" somehow. I have lorazepam for the anxiety that comes with it too. Just 0.5-1.0mg a day usually! Good luck

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Nh (Nebraska) on 01/05/2016

Check out cayenne and garlic for their blood thinning properties, if you are interested in an herbal alternative.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/05/2016

To Hazel: So sorry about your stroke. I know that sometimes we need to take the blood thinner but so far, the doctors haven't asked me to go on it.I understand that the "magic" age they choose to suggest that you begin is 65yrs. I'm not there yet. So, I also think that there are supplements that are blood thinning and can be used for such. I haven't researched all this yet since I have not been advised to take this med yet. And who knows if they prevent all strokes in everyone or not? Wish you the best in your recovery process! Thanks!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/04/2016

Ron, I was reading your post and thought I probably have alot of toxins also. Maybe even parasites! That's pretty gross! But... what can I take to detoxify? I do have a cup of detox tea few x a week. And am taking supplements Mg, Haw, Taurine, etc.Episodes have gotten less severe but not less often! Appreciate your post!

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/03/2016

Hi James, Nh

I was reading your some of the posts on this website and you say you're off the Toprol, Flec etc? I am so happy to hear that since I am just going off at least that awful "flec"! Can't take that drug! It is nasty to take! But they tell me I won't stay out of "afib".I will take the "flec" just when I get it(about once a week now! ) I just a=don't like it every day! I take Toprol 25mg just at night.Couldn't stand the side effects of that one during the day either! What supplements do youtake a=every day?

Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/03/2016

Hi Hwk! I have been looking for you and Bee! I'mtrying to get off this "horrid" flecainide because I can't stand the way it makes me feel anymore! I gave it a good try for the docs but nt going for it anymore! Just can't! You said you've been off for some months and your afib episodes didn't increase? I'd be happy if they would just stay the same at this point They told me last time that they would increase from this since I had increased a little when I went off once before! So I went back on but can't take anymore! It is rough! Please let me know! You seem to have alot of knowledge about all of this and I don't! I have started Taurine as per Dr. Wolfson/Phoenix and it seems to help somewhat! Will increase the Mg as per Dr C.Dean too! Let me know please! Thank you, Pat

Vitamin C
Posted by Jerry (Yucaipa) on 12/30/2015

Editor's Choice Started having A-Fib episodes 2 weeks ago . First one lasted about 30 minutes really scared me, then felt dizzy and unstable on my feet for the next week. Called the Dr.was told no appointment for 2 more weeks! Had another episode while waiting to go to the dr. Started researching and found Earth clinc . Read about the different Afib remedies and decided to try vitamin c. I could still feel fluttering in my chest and rapid heart beat. Took 1000 Mgs vitamin c capsule, within 15 minutes fluttering and rapid heart beat stopped!

I now take 1000 Mgs vitamin c with breakfast and with dinner.

Afib has not returned! Going to get checked out by dr just to be sure, but won't be taking any drugs if I can help it!

Thanks Earth Clinic and everyone who has posted.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Manny (Texas U.s.a) on 12/30/2015


Do some research on HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) for your stroke. The general concensus is 40, one-hour dives for starters. Remember to get HBOT in a hard chamber, not the soft, inflatable chambers some clinics use.

An authority on HBOT for TBI (traumatic brain injury) is a physician in the New Orleans, La., area. His book is, "The Oxygen Revolution."

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Wild Rose (North Mississippi) on 12/18/2015

I have had Afib for years. I worked nights as a nurse and finally gave in to going to Cardiologist. Meds were given and I'm allergic to most things. I'm even allergic to the rat poison! my triggers are high copper foods, nitrates, nitrites, white sugar, MSG, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, olives, olive leaf, kava kava, sunflowers and their oil, Vitamin E, Olive oil, any vegetable oil, soy products, the cultures in yogurt ( the L-Bac. (sp?) I have seen cause seizures that is in yogurt in a patient I had) avocados, root beer, eggs with all the new added omegas added and the other additives trigger my afib and ocular migraines. there are many more triggers but these are the worst of them.

I took medicines for years and they messed up my heart beat worse than the afib did so I quit. I took they had tried me on 5 others I could not tolerate at all while in the hospital in 2005. I saw my blood pressure on the monitor go to 258 / 178 and I always converted back to regular rhythm on my own. a quick help in the hospital was my husband going for some celery, it always helps me convert back. I got so bad with afib and arthritis and weight from all the pills I had to quit work and go for disability.

I started digging me out of medicines and started natural things to see if I could figure out how to help myself. I have been reading on this site for about a month now and have started with some of the suggestions for blood pressure problems and for afib that I had not been trying. I was taking homeopathics mag-phos #8 and Arnica Montana 6X for my a fib before finding this site. I read about this combination on a site about a man outliving 5 of his cardiologists so I figured if he could so could I. it worked much better than the meds and I still take them some but I am taking the amino acids and bilberry (this strengthens and repairs the blood vessels) which I need for I now have narrowing blood vessels behind my eyes on my optic vessels from the high blood pressure if it continues I go blind)and ginko and vit C 750 mg and Vit D3000 IU. I still have severe bone pain and no one has ever come up with why I do have this pain.

I have a master herbalist that helps me with doses for I am just learning about these things and will never go back to taking meds nor giving chemicals to folks again. it was time to renew my licenses but it has been 5 years since I practiced so I am letting the nursing licenses go and would love to find something natural to help people with to truly help them be better after I get better myself. MY weight went way up on the pills and finding something that will help with weight lost is not easy.

Thank you for your site. I also take black strap molasses and chlorophyll for indigestion. MY diet still needs much work. thanks for all the post and for all the help this makes my decisions about my own health much easier and encouraging to know I'm not the only one against doctors orders.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Hazel (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/14/2015

@ Pat: The "rat poison" will likely save you from getting a devastating stroke, which is much worse than AFIB vit C, garlic and aspirin will thin blood but urgently needed is clot reducing, less clots forming in the pool created by afib enough that when the heart suddenly goes into correct rhythm, there are no clots to be pushed out into your blood stream. Do not be stubborn, you need it; you just have to be monitored for the therapeutic ÍNR range and kept in this range by a doctor that understands the process well to manage it correctly and to eat consistent vitamin K veggies.

Trust me, I am a victim of being too stubborn (3 years post stroke and now disabled with a useless left side/hand for being stubborn), you need it you just have to be monitored for the therapeutic INR range and kept in this range by a doctor that understands the process well to manage it correctly. The trouble with medical community they're trained to pass out drugs but are very poor at explaining why sometimes they are life saving/ very important, I now wish I was not stubborn as a mule but you know what is said about hindsight 20/20, if you knew how to explain the process well rather than just say you have to take this I immediately thought of how the rats bled to death on this cocktail and I was scared out of my mind because I did not know there was a safe way to use the poison that has been tried and proven over many years in several countries across the globe including USA/Canada/Australia and Europe - all doctors should be made to take extra English Language classes on how to explain what they know to patients properly as mandatory requirement before they are given licenses to practice chosen profession.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/12/2015

Hello Will,

Very interesting info on the use of Aloe Vera helping A-Fib. I've used Magnesium which I've seen work over and over. Aloe may work because it has 20 minerals in it, Magnesium being one of them. If we assume that A-Fib is often related to mineral deficiency (especially Magnesium) then it would make sense Aloe could work.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Will (Northbridge, Ma) on 12/10/2015

I have been reading many different A-Fib sites and blogs and have not seen any mention of Aloe Vera softgels. It really has done wonders for my a-fib issues. Has anyone else tried this supplement?

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Waltz (India) on 12/04/2015

Hi Joy,

Triggers from Loud Noise and Emotional Disturbance both are big symptoms of Magnesium deficiency. Try massaging of Magnesium Chloride oil (from Life Flo or Ancient Minerals) twice daily totaling 20-30 sprays everyday, preferably on the chest and back. You can also orally supplement with Magnesium glycinate pills which do not produce diarrhea like other forms of magnesium. In all 500 to 800 mg of Magnesium per day should start helping you within few weeks.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Joy (Salem, Or) on 12/03/2015

Thank u for your input and I will try some of your suggestions except for the cold water which seems to actually trigger my attacks!! Other triggers seem to be; BENDING OVER change in blood pressure, LOUD NOÌSES, EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES, ACID REFLUX and COLD DRINKS.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/30/2015

HI U PATRICK, , , , , , , , , , as you know I's on new turf and appreciate all the help I can get. I see my cardiologist tomorrow and don't know what to expect . He is a big Texan and has a mind set. I just know one thing. I am also having a tussle with cancer, so I think cumin is not in the cards if I keep doing crucifiers to fight cancer. They do not Gee -Haw.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I appreciate your input and will research what you say.

I thank you ======ORH=========

Detox from Chemicals
Posted by Patrick (Washington) on 11/29/2015

WOW! you are RIGHT ON! My afib was caused by heavy metal poisoning from Chemtrails. For those of you who do not know what they are I suggest you research them because they are SLOW KILLING You, your kids and your grandkis!!!!

What happened to me was I was in the mountains and a huge forest fire started and I got caught in all the smoke. When Chemtrails are sprayed in our skies they fall to the ground after a few hours and land on the trees. When a fire burns the trees all the chemicals get burned up too and there are about a dozen VERY TOXIC Chemicals like aluminum oxide, strontium, barium, chromium, lead, arsenic, cadmium and even radioactive isotopes!

So my lungs were saturated by the chemicals and the next day I got pneumonia like symptoms that developed a huge bacterial infection in my lungs which damaged my heart and that's when my tachycardia started and shortly there after my afib.

All my doctors are not schooled on chemtrails or heavy metal poisoning and do not understand anything about chemtrails and don't believe me when I try to explain.

I have been taking Tangy Tangerine (look it up) and detoxing with Bentonite and Zeolite which is supposed to be the best toxin there is. Krewchef had cookies made with Zeolite and passed them out to all the children in Russia after the Chernobyl radiation innocent many years ago and it kept kids from getting Cancer and/or radiation poisoning.

It may take a long time for me to completely detox but until then I'm taking coreg, metoprolol, digoxin and linisipril for the heart failure high blood pressure I got too.

I was the picture of health before that ill faited day that I was forced to breath in all the chemical laced fire smoke.

Posted by Patrick (Washington) on 11/29/2015

Hey ORH.......been reading all your posts figured I'd take the time to give you some info that should help you. Look up everything by Dr Wallach on YouTube. He has a product put out by Youngevity that has the 90 things our bodies need. They are 60 rare earth minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty oils....well actually the Tangy Tangerine only has 87 as it is missing the 3 oils but it also has 115 Super Juices.

If our bodies have all 90 it can not get sick and if you have a problem and start taking it the body can regenerate parts and repair almost anything.

Look for a video called, "The Secrets the Globalists don't want you to know about. It is Dr Wallach and Ben fukes who is a compounding pharmacist and you will hear info that will blow your mind. I sware by Tangy Tangerine and if you start on it your life wiil be changed.

The cheapest place I have found to buy it is if you buy 3 or more. It is about $50 a canister but that will be the best money you can spend on your health.

Hoping for You to be healed


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/24/2015

HI U JANET, , , , , , , , , , , , , , found lots of articles by Ted on Calcium EDTA. I did Disodium EDTA Chelation.

What I did find is a snotty article by Wikipedia. Of course we all know that this is a fictional rag written by self appointed experts.

I do thank you for thinking of my plight. It is what it is.


Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 11/23/2015

Dear Robert Henry,

As I read this, Ted's writing on edta Chelation keeps popping up in my mind. His warning about calcium EDTA and heart issues. I have tried to find the particular email, alas cannot. But I am not Computer smart. I have walked away thinking you know this. But the nag in my head keeps drawing me back, to at least mention it. I know he said most IV's are done from calcium EDTA. I bought the trisodium and use it by drops. Just maybe something to look at.

Blessings, Janet

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/20/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , yep, you right. It hurt my feeling not to get my pulse down. I tried for about 3 hours and pulled every trick I knew. The thing that the ER doctor said is that my pulse had headed down before their stuff had time to react so he was impressed. I can't believe he did not know that cayenne extract would save you from a heart attack or a stroke. I got this from an old doctor some 25 years ago. I have kept it in my gun bag for some 20 years. I have my gun bag at my side at all times.

I have only seen Marijuana once when the DEA found it on our hunting lease some 15 years ago. When we approached the scene, I ask what was going on. " Who are you". This is our hunting lease. He then hollered to his team..... "here he is". Scared my mule and we told them that this was the first marijuana we had ever seen. He then told not to worry, that they had already investigated us from A to Z.

Since then I have watched the video of the guy in Nova Scotia who raises it and boils it down to a tar and cures his friends cancer. He too is in trouble.

I am convinced that the war on Marijuana is promoted by Big Pharma. Just like the killing of the supplement Anatabloc made from tobacco that was curing arthritis. It works ....... just too bad that greed got involved and the Gov of Va had to go to jail. Now it is not available.

Tobacco is a herb used by the Native Americans since the beginning of time. What killed cigarettes was not tobacco, but the arsenic that was spread on it to kill the boll worms who ate the bolls and the pesticides sprayed on it in the warehouses, and the fungicides sprayed to keep down the fungus.

Enough for one outing. =====ORH======

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 11/20/2015


Glad to hear you are back on your feet and out of the hospital. It must have been pretty upsetting for you to head over there! For some reason I keep thinking some medical grade MJ may be of help, both for the high blood pressure and heart rhythm. I just read that it can help with eye pressure in glaucoma, and thought it might help settle things down, even the cancer (per Rick Simpson) Is there anyway you might get your hands on some that stuff that looks like black tar? Is a trip to CO in your future? Ha! Just a thouqht. Have a great Thanksgiving and take care. Give our best to your tractor driver, too.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/19/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS, , , , , , , , , , , ended up in the ER this morning when my heart went crazy again. This time my pulse went to 176 but my BP went out the roof. They got it down after several hours. They did get an EKG when it was out of sync and when it got back to normal and sent to my Knoxville cardiologist.

The first line on the side effects of the drug prescribed for me is: " It can cause very bad health problems that may not go away, and sometimes causes death."

Wow, that sure takes a load off my mind. Between cancer, heart problems and an aching back, my life is about as interesting as I can stand. Don't fret for me, because I always find a way to solve my ails.

When I left the ER , I told all that I truly loved them but hoped I never saw them again. They hooted.


Posted by Bee (New York) on 11/15/2015

I had the same sort of experience Tim .. I had gallstones and I believe giving me palpitations along with the meds I was given for high blood pressure.. beta blocker.... Well I started getting rid of the gallstones with flushes and then started taking a lot of magnesium and yes the COQ10 and carnitine .. I am off the beta blockers now and no more gallbladder pain.. Havent had a palpitation in a very very long time... I k now walk a lot . more than I ever have and there is no more pain in my gallbladder... I do follow Dr. Sinatra and there is where I also got the info. I haven't done the Ribose yet..

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/15/2015 2063 posts


Carnitine is used readily by the heart in energy production. Long time back my gallbladder got plugged with stones so bad that my heart was going bonkers, which was a little frightening to say the least. Well I started taking Magnesium w/ good results but then got bad off again and bought some CoQ10.

OK, I'm out there on the farm cutting Tobacco and I really needs my heart & energy so I popped 30mg CoQ10 and was once again able to make it to the end of the row and end of the day. I soon was told by a Chiropractor that I had gallstones and the flush was like lifting a boulder off my back and my heart function returned to normal.

OK, fast forward a couple yrs and I'z got anemic really bad. One day I visited my parents and was so fatigued and week that I wasn't to sure on whether or not I could make it up a long flight of stairs to my apt, as I had just been winded by a short staircase. Well, just so happens I had only a few tablets of L-Carnitine with me for any emergency heart problem that might arise. I took 500mg and within minutes my energy was very much restored, heart no longer hurt, and was able to ascend that length of stair without a great struggle. This was definitely positive proof to me the Carnitine is very valuable in heart conditions.

Dr Sinatra also recommends CoQ10, D-Ribose, along with Carnitine and Magnesium for optimal heart function.

Posted by Maura (Uk) on 11/14/2015

Dear Robert Henry,

Concerning your atrial fibrillation, I read in a medical journal (Biological Trace Mineral Research) that low zinc was associated with episodes of atrial fibrillation after bypass surgery. I suffered with this condition so I thought perhaps I was very low in zinc as foods are so depleted in minerals now days. I also read it was safe to do high dose zinc for 3 months. I took 100mgs of zinc gluconate per day. The episodes very quickly became less intense, then less frequent and by 3 months had stopped. I now take 25mgs most days and I have not had a recurrence for 2 years. I hope this is useful to you.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/13/2015

HI U Timh, , , , , , my Ky neighbor. I reads a lot and sometimes know just enough to be dangerous . I know you have been following my atrial fibrillation situation and it has improved since I started doing more magnesium and electrolytes. I bought a oximeter and now know what my oxygen level is when my heart goes crazy.

Because of all the stuff I do, it stays at 98 to 99 except when I have one of these spells in the middle of the night and it is down to 93. I now think that my cardiologist is right, and I stop breathing during the night. That then causes my heart to beat like mad trying to get oxygen to my body.

Finally, I bring you into the picture. My research shows that L-carnitine can greatly help my plight. What say you and how does this supplement work? Thanks for your counsel.

Our fall garden plants are absolutely luscious . I need to send a picture. We finish cleaning our spring tomorrow so it will be ready for next summers irrigation. We burned off next years garden site with a new LP torch, which should reduce the amount of weeds we have. As I have said before....... I cheats.

Yo Tenn. Buddy. ======ORH========

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/11/2015

ORH, thank you for your upbeat spirit. I needed that today.

Posted by Robert Herny (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/10/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , went to my hip doctor today and he said my pain is not from my hip but my spine. He wanted to give me a cortisone shot, but I declined. I have already lined up 5 appointments in Atlanta for ozone shots. He said my hips were no where close to replacement like my right knee was. I did not tell him that the ozone shots have already addressed that problem. It's a money thing. I spent a few hundred and he wants $40,000.

He is a nice guy and I did not want to get into a pissin contest with him about ozone regenerating cartilidge. He is a college grad- u- -ate. Whoo pe doo.

Tomorrow I go to Knoxville for an echo heart test to try and determine why I am going into arterial fibrillation. It appears that for me to get to 92 is going to be a chore. I love the challenge.

Most folks get into deep sheet and want to give up........ me , I just got a new challenge. Like I keep telling you sorry rascals, don't give up, keep fighting. You can whip most health problems with knowledge.

Out of spit ======ORH==========

Oat Bran
Posted by Patrick (Mt Vernon, Wa) on 11/06/2015

DO NOT Use just any oatmeal.....use ORGANIC ONLY!!!! all Wheat, Soy and I suspect other grains are soaked with pesticides!!!! Use Raw Honey as your sweetener and I like to use Organic Raisins too. You can get the organic oatmeal at any heath food store in Bulk.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Patrick (Mt Vernon, Wa) on 11/06/2015

I read that Omega 3,6 and 9 can be taken BUT the total amount can not exceed 3 grams (3,000mg) I take 2,400mg of Youngevity Ultimate EFA PLUS. I also take Tangy Tangerine that has Vit E and K in it but my blood thinner is being dosed with those as my baseline and I cant take any more than what I take daily

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/06/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Well life is still interesting as I spent half a day trying to get my heart beat to normal. I stayed in the 176 area for about 3 hours. I pulled every trick I knew to get it down. I finally took a xanax and half a soma and it went to normal.

I am a kick ass and take names kind of guy and that is probably my problem. Right now our government has me upset. The numb nuts are trying to get Ben Carson because he was offered a scholarship to West Point in high school. The news media can find no record so they are saying he is a liar. They got the lying thing right but it is they who are the liars.

Good people, we are at a crossroads. If things continue like they are going then your health will not be a consideration.

Hey, I'm as spooked as you. We do the survival things, but that may not be enough.

Do the Boy Scout thing and BE PREPARED.


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/03/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This ditty is not in the running with Bill's post on Alzheimer's and Fungus, but I'm not in the same league with our friend. I do think this is interesting. I wrote this to personal friends and thought it may be perk your mind as to why so many old folks are on rat poison. I am just copying and pasting what I wrote my friends.

HI YA'LL, , , , , , , , , , , , , Reading my cancer book today and one of the authors is big into chelation so I went to his site and here's what he has to say about what it can do for you. He knows far more than I , so I hope this tells you what you want to know. You really need to get the skinny from someone like this guy, instead of me.

Got in from my cardiologist and he put a heart monitor on me for 30 days and will do an echo test on me next week. He thinks I quit breathing at night and my oxygen gets low and my heart goes crazy trying to get blood to my body. I think he may be right as it only happens when I'm prone and sleeping.

My Dad smoked Camels and burned up his lungs and his heart did the same thing. I took him to L.R. and they told him his problem was not his heart but his lungs, and he had burned them up. He died in a doctors office from a massive stroke brought on by his heart fibrillating , the blood pooling, and forming a clot, and when his heart started to beat properly then the clot hit his brain and he died instantly. My doctor's dad did the same thing.

He said I would probably have to get on rat poison. In the meantime, he told me to take a baby aspirin at daylight and dark. I will , but there has got to be a better way and I have some ideas.

This is an oxygen or electrical problem and not a blood thinning problem, but if you solve the problem then you don't need Big Pharma's pills, nor see the Cardiologist every month to test you. Follow the money. The more I talked about the natural things we did to stay healthy, the more irritated he got. Sounds right to me.

My recent stress test showed that there is no obstruction in my heart blood flow, so I know that chelation works. I did some 60 + chelations….. so it cost me over $6000, but I did not spend $400,000 for a couple of by-passes and I'm still alive. To be continued.........


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 10/31/2015


HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It appears that I was late to this health thing as I now have atrial fibrillation in addition to cancer and a bad back. Last night was the third time I have caught my pulse rate over 156. I did all the medical tests to see if what my problem was and the tests all came out normal. I have an appointment with my cardiologist this Tuesday and I'm sure I'll be wearing a monitor because this thing comes and goes.

Last night I awoke with a bad sensation and called my Tractor Driver to get my monitor and see what was happening. My blood pressure was OK, but my pulse was 156 and stayed that way until I added Cayenne extract to a power ade and drank that and watched my pulse go to normal. This trick is old as the hills but our present doctors have no clue. I know I have a problem, but I am not interested in taking rat poison to stay alive.

Atrial fibrillation is an electrical problem and there is the way I intend to solve it.

So here I am with cancer, a bad back, and a heart problem. I am not throwing in the towel. I will solve all of these using natural methods. I want all you birds to keep up with my saga. If I get to my age goal of 92 then you need to heed my messages, otherwise, do what your doctor says.

We go Thursday to get our fall blood irradiation instead of a flu shot. This too is old as the hills.

If you are 50+ then you need cayenne extract in your gun bag. It will save your life if you have a heart attack or a blood clot. If you don't carry a gun bag then you are not worth saving.


Dental Issues
Posted by My Cat Skittles (Philadelphia, Pa) on 10/14/2015

Someone replied to this website stating that he had a fib and the dental procedure of root canal was actually causing tremendous infection. I have a fib and am scheduled for root canal of three teeth. Is there an alternative dental treatment other than root canal? Thank you.

Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta) on 10/04/2015

Looking for the long discussion in the A Fib section of Earth Clinic that used to be called "Yogurt"? Well, we just moved it to a new page!

Please visit:

Orange Juice (or Vitamin C)
Posted by Endrun (Tennessee ) on 09/19/2015

I had an ablation for A Fib in 2005 and for the most part things went well. However, I will have an event 3 or 4 times a year. I discovered a few years ago the Texas Heart Institute gave patients orange juice before and after heart surgery to keep them from going into A Fib. A couple of years ago I had an episode and after 8 hours I remembered the orange juice.

I drank 16 ounces of orange juice and 3 hours later my heart rate had gone from 160 to 75 beats per minute. I usually have 3 or 4 events per year and as soon as it starts I grab the orange juice. I have successfully taken care of every event, since then, in 2 to 3 hours without going to the ER.

Orange juice does the trick for me. I have read where people drink 8 ounces every day and their A Fib pretty much goes away. It is well worth a try and a whole lot less than going to the ER.

See article.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by Max (London, Uk) on 09/01/2015

I do believe you.... as is very hard to follow a good diet that's why most people fail to achieve results. I going to give it a try and give you feedback. Regards

Posted by Theresa (Ireland) on 08/28/2015

Very interested in your post about afib. Would like more information on the dosing of magnesium because I was in ICU for a week with afib - first time ever got it. I don't want to have ablation operation .

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Mary (Texas) on 08/15/2015 3 posts

I think the drug Levofloxacin after a bout of pneumonia brought on my a-fib. The pharmacist verified that she has many clients that have reacted the same. She said sometime it is permanent and sometimes not. I just hope it is temporary. A-fib started April, 2015 .. It is August now and the attack frequency has lessen greatly. It has been 2 months with no attack .. and then 2 a.m. this morning ..I had an attack. I have avoided the drugs much to cardiologist's dismay. Magnesium works.. cold water works... and the breathing exercises. but scary every time. I do take the krill oil, coq10, R-Lipoic Acid and other stuff.

Several ER visits and one overnight at the hospital. Scary stuff. Feels like a heart attack. My throat gets tight and pressure in my ears and of course all the rest that goes with it. I will get more regular with the bentonite clay to get rid of toxins. So Thankful for this site. Thank you all for your input. Don't take Levofloxacin or any of the Levoquins if you can avoid it.

Supplements, Yoga
Posted by Aaron (Beech Bluff, Tn) on 07/21/2015

Beta blocker in my opinion makes all other treatments redundant. If the other treatments were effective, poisonous beta blockers wouldn't be necessary.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 05/29/2015

Mat (Brisbane, Australia), I would be interested in knowing the name of your holistic GP.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Mat (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/28/2015

Doesn't surprise me that a Cardiologist would say something like that, let alone any doctor. They generally have no idea! There's clinical data to back up Omega 3,6,9 supplementation and the benefits of diets which in them from natural sources. Don't be afraid of questioning your doctor. I did, and found an excellent holistic gp who is switched on!

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Bee (New York) on 04/25/2015


I am sorry you went through this but you will no doubt be healing yourself and yes I know about big pharma ; doctors and their pills.. I was diagnosed with hbp two years ago and was put on pills but none of them worked. I didn't know what to do and I wasn't educated about it at the time.. then they gave me a beta blocker and it worked a little but then I started to get smart and found natural remedies and a better diet and sun and grounding and exercise.. well they wouldn't get me off the drug and so I weaned myself off but it was a small nightmare. I was confined to my house for about a year with horrific side effects.. I had every side effect in the book .. I am off the drugs now and using all natural things and I am so greatful that I am okay.. I am still learning and tweaking as I go.

Good Luck

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Artemis (Florida) on 04/24/2015

Don't know how valid this is, but my Cariologist just the other day told me NOT to take "fish oils". I said to him, but I eat skinless/boneless sardines and, he said, no, that's OK?I mean the fish oils like the Omegas 3,6 etc. I was recently hospitalized twice with pneumonia and now am told I have AFib. Well, they totally destroyed my body and health in the damned hospital with the thousands of drugs they had me on 24/7. My hair has been falling out like crazy?I have sores all over my body and other damage to my health. I stopped taking all but 4 of the drugs and am trying desperately to develop my "natural remedy protocol" in addition to the drugs. Just wanted to tell you what he said about the fish oils. But of course I will research this and also see a more well informed doctor who also has knowledge with natural remedies. They are killing everyone in this freaking country with drugs?and our damned government is all paid off by Big Pharma and lobbyists. Sorry - my apologies for my ranting but it makes me crazy what I see every day and now I am a victim also?but not for long.

This site is a god send - blessings of the Universe to you all for all your support, advice and for just being there.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 04/16/2015

Sounds like you ate and drank a lof of stuff that would use up water to digest and then went to the hospital and got an IV with electrolytes and water. Many people go to the emergency room dehydrated and after an IV they feel good enough to go home. The stuff you ate also had a lot of msg which would decrease your taurine and low taurine can cause heart attacks.

Hope you feel better soon.

Posted by Vonbraun (Los Alamos, New Mexico) on 04/16/2015

Your article is interesting. I have been in A-Fib now for about a month and the hospital could do nothing to get me out of it. Just before the episode occurred I consumed large amounts of Alcohol, Metamusal which is wheat based and a large volume of chocolate. I am now here at this site to try and come to grips with how to get out of A-Fib. I'm currently taking Inderol and 325mg of Bayer aspirin daily as the doctors that can't get a patient into NSR believe that "Rate Control" is the best approach.

I have had A-Fib the first time about 10 years ago while doing an army airborn diet of eating just one small can of chicken a day in the evening and I lost 30 pounds in 30 days. Works like a charm but it may have depleted my minerals far too much and far too fast causing a shock like reaction. Shortly afterwards I went into A-Fib that lasted 3 days and while in the hospital it went back on its own despite doctor's best efforts.

The second time it happened was two years later when I ate two plates of home made spaghetti and drank a glass of milk and then went directly to bed and woke up at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went. 3 days later it went back on its own as before.

The third time it happened a year and a half later was when I made 4 BLT sandwiches and drank a glass of milk and went directly to bed and awoke at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went and no drugs worked and the heart went back to normal on its own after 4 days.

The fifth time it happened a couple years later I ate two large plates of Tuna casserole and a glass of milk and went directly to bed and, you guessed it, awoke at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went and again none of the drugs there converted me back to Normal Sinus Rhythm, but instead my heart went back on its own after 3 days......anyone seeing a pattern here???

Now, this time is different because its not going back to NSR. I consumed a large portion of Metamusal earlier in the day, then I had some whiskey a couple of hours after that and then I ate large amounts of chocolate then a few hours after that I ate two large plates of Rigatoni and a glass of milk and went directly to bed, got up at 8 am with A-Fib after not having it for about 4 and a half years. What is going on here? I learned my lesson NOT to go to bed with a full stomach after my fifth episode but I forgot and did it again.

So I surmise that a loaded stomach may be weighing down on the Vegus Nerve and while the stomach contracts and "rolls" around, the heavy stomach must be artificially stimulating my Vegus Nerve causing the signal to the heart to be scrambled which confuses the heart's atrial nerve clusters at the cluster's entry to the heart or its atrial nodes and this stimulation continues to occur while I'm sleeping in a layed down position allowing this nerve communication to occur for sufficient time to trick the heart into a new rhythm which thusly becomes A-Fib and after a few days of food restriction in the hospitals the stomach must be emptying and thusly releasing the pressure off the Vegus nerve allowing everything to return to normal. But why is it now still in A-Fib for the last month instead of just the typical 3 day period? I am completely perplexed!!!

Anyone have a theory? I am ssssooooooo glad I found this site, now I know I'm not a lone ranger in this affliction. I'm going to try everything you guys are talking about. I want my Normal Sinus Rhythm back. I'm a scientist and must be out doors a lot among other things and need my perfect health.

Antibiotic Connection to AFIB
Posted by Mike (Fairport, Ny) on 04/13/2015

Interesting reads here. I was given an antibiotic a few years ago, and noticed I seem to have a lot of digestive issues since. I also ended up with constant AFIB not long after. Besides all of the nasty associated side affects of having it (anxiety, shortness of breath) I also started having a lot of issues sleeping. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with apnea. I was administered to the hospital for 3 days and given Tikosyn, which put me right back in rythym. Guess what?? Apnea went away. It's not apnea that caused my Afib, it was the other way around!! Hmmmm.......

I'm going to try probiotics and a lot of excercise, I am optimistic this will help and I can get rid of the meds someday. Mike

Multiple Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/11/2015

Dear Rigger, The way you worded your measurement for the BS confused me. You use an upper case "T" which represents a tablespoon but your instructions could be read as "teaspoon". Would you please advise about this?

Avoid Stimulants
Posted by Snowbird (Connecticut And Florida, US) on 04/06/2015

For me, Chocolate brings on the A Fib (couldn't resist the Easter chocolates everyone bought me) and then by taking some slow-release magnesium at bedtime, along with one extra blood pressure pill, and the A Fib is gone in the morning. Done this about 4 times now. Yes, I have a Hx of A Fib, have had the cardiac conversion (shock treatment) twice and am on Pradaxa to prevent blood clots. Any stimulant like coffee or caffeine brings it on for me. My A Fib all started after a non-cancerous tumor was discovered inside my heart and it was removed. That was 8 years ago. I'm 67 now.

Dental Issues
Posted by Donna (Ct, US) on 04/01/2015

Just wondering how you are doing after the extraction? Did it cure your afib? I am contemplating getting the 3 root canals I have removed as I believe it may be causing my afib also.

Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/26/2015

It has been a piecemeal learning endeavor for over two decades that I have become aware of this. I have had four colonoscopies and my heart disturbance was reported while I was under anesthesia. The liquid magnesium citrate had been given prior to the procedures, when this had been reported.

Years later, I can't remember the time frame but I had heard that magnesium citrate was more readily absorbed so I stopped taking my regular magnesium and got the magnesium citrate. I started to have frightening palpitations and "flutters". I was scheduled for a stress test after reporting this to my PCP. It wasn't until I was resting after the test that the rapid flutters began again, right there in the same room. I was then diagnosed with PVC (premature ventricular contraction). I went back on the plain magnesium and they stopped.

Now, I may have a little "rumble" once in awhile. When I look back at what I've eaten, it's always been something in the food or the way it has been cooked. I hope this information will help you. The colonoscopy itself, I don't think would have caused your afib. This is just my opinion and what I have gone through.

Posted by Marko (Wisconsin, US) on 03/25/2015

I had my first Afib episode shortly after having a colonoscopy. My sense is that the colonoscopy was a contributing factor. I am interested in hearing perspectives from others. Could it irritate the vagus nerve and cause afib?

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Terry (Beverly Hills, Ca) on 03/18/2015

Editor's Choice There is indeed a connection between back injuries, nerve trauma/inflammation and A-Fib. Dr. Joel Wallach speaks about this in interviews and his books. For many people according to him, A-Fib has to do with the vagus nerve function being impacted by nerve issues related to back injury or misalignment. There are some scientific papers looking at this association you can find online.

Posted by Bruce (Massachusetts) on 02/20/2015

Hi all, I came across this site and posted on another thread before I fould this afib thread. Thought I'd repost it on this thread.

Anyone hear have afib that their hr gets slower? Any runners with afib and slower heat rates?

Here's my post on another thread:

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by A Verma (India) on 02/03/2015

hmmm, I too had same experience with afib. After a lot of research found out that my FACET joints in my upper back (right behind the chest) is experiencing problem (due to injury). it caused pressing of the spinal nerves situated behind and around the spinal cord.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 01/26/2015 109 posts

It's not just in the gut and it's not just clay or dirt that can cure this. It may have worked for you, but I'm sure you did a few other things along with the dirt.

Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Posted by Sam (Miami, FL) on 12/29/2014

Thank you for your input. For objectivity purpose one should state what he has done for his condition and if it helped. Theories and assumptions (will help in 80% cases) don't add value to one's post and are strictly personal perception. Well formed stool indicates slow bowel function. Stools have to be soft to indicate healthy elimination.

Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 12/27/2014

HI U RON, , , , , , , , good post. The natural folks have a debate as to which is more important ...... the colon or the liver. I say both and treat them equally. As I am on the shady side of the mountain, I am paying more attention to Hulda Clark....... it's a parasite thing. Those buggers will get you in a natural born minute and our MD's have no clue.


Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Posted by Ron (Tavernier, Fl) on 12/27/2014

Editor's Choice Update:

In my search for a cure I realized I was using crutches in the form of many supplements. I have also found the root to all conditions such as afib, or all chronic conditions such as asthma, cancer diabetes etc is either toxicity and or deficiency. I have also discovered that the best way to eliminate the toxic conditions in the body is with bentonite clay, food grade sodium bentonite. Small amounts do not cure, large does. The stools should be massive, and daily, not small and occasional.

My AFIB is getting less and less to the point that I seldom have an attack and if I do a large bowel movement usually corrects it. Benonite not only pulls toxins from the colon but also pulls toxins from the organs and blood but and it takes at least 5 tablespoons taken daily to work or in pill form up to 80 pills.

Bentonite combined with probiotics will work for 80% of all afibs.The others are heart conditions mine was a colon condition which most of us have. This needs to be done for a year maybe two depending on the individual. I had all day every day 24 hour afib. I would wake up at night or in the morning with run away heart beating loud and fast. I could feel my heart beat in my ears. It was all irritation of the vegus nerve that also controls the heart, the source of which was inflammation coming from toxic conditions in the colon. Other symptoms were heavy mucous after eating, heavy mucous in the morning upon waking and showering. Heavy mucous coming from my nose when having a bowel movement, tinnitus, constipation or diareaha, in a cycle. The constipation would get better until it losened to diareaha , then back to the constipation. Back and forth and back and forth. Now its all healing up nicely with the bentonite.

I also use psyllium and or oxy colon cleanse because the bentonite can bind you up a bit when you take a lot but those massive stools sure move out the toxic waste. If you are not having well formed stools at least once a day you are accumulating toxic matter that could be affecting the vegal nerve that affects the heart. This was the holy grail for me.

Posted by Nancy (Woodstock, Ga) on 12/17/2014

Thank you all for your great suggestions and encouragement. I had an irregular heartbeat for about ten year before it became a-fibrillation. Since then, I have a-fib several times a week, sometimes lasting for three or four days. Calcium Channel and Beta Blockers made my a-fib worse, as did magnesium.

A-fibrillation can be a symptom of hyperparathyroidism, a (supposedely) rare disease. The only connection with the thyroid is that these four glands are located on the thyroid. Have your calcium serum tested and if it is high, even a little bit, check out for more symptoms and info. Mine had been high for over ten years; several doctors told me it was nothing to worry about. They were wrong! If it is high, insist on getting your parathyroid hormone tested. I found this out for myself after my doctor told me that my high calcium was nothing to worry about and that several other symptoms I have been experiencing were due to my age (57). It turned out I had a huge tumor.

Most of my symptoms are gone and the a-fib and irregular heartbeat were gone for the first few weeks following the 20 minute surgery. The a-fib came back when my cardiologist scared me into continuing my medicine. I took it for another couple of weeks, the a-fib returned, and I stopped it. I'm better off the medicine than on.

I am still working on getting this under control and have taken note of your suggestions. I tried the 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper this evening and it worked! Thanks everyone for your comments. I am encouraged and will not take the new, even scarier, meds my doctor has prescribed.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 11/07/2014

James.. I read your post about getting off Metoprolol so easy.. I have been doing this for about 8 l/2 months now.. I am going by how I feel but wow this seems like a long time..but I read that I could be overly sensitive to this drug or something..

I am down to 25 mgs. now but it was not without a huge struggle and huge side effects and no I don't have any other issues... I couldn't just cut the pills either . I had to extend the time I took them and then cut them.. There is a site I look at where people have had really aweful time getting off and horrible experiences.. I wish I was one of those..but sometimes I feel like I am doing something wrong.

thank You

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 11/07/2014

Pat, yes , mostly take Mag 300mg before I drink and at bedtime take 300 more along with 500mg Haw. Alcohol raises my HR, hence the Haw. My ND told me also to take Alpho lipoic acid before drinking. Supposedly releases enzymes in liver to deal with alcohol, not sure on that one. I havent really tested that one.

Metop was easy, the Flecainide took me a few months. Yes, I think that is a good protocol, one day on one day off etc. I was taking 25mg twice a day, and then went to night only 50mg, then 25, then 12.5,7.5.....stopped. I would say over 3 months is reasonable.

Yogurt has something in that has never agreed with me and I hardly touch the stuff. Curious what it is that would cause AF tho?

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 11/04/2014

Your mind/body should tell you how you feel and if it's right to take more or none at all of what your concerns are. Most people follow their gut/instincts. If you feel ok with out what ever you question is, then keep trying that path, then if you begin to feel as though you should go back on previous regiment then do so. But my self// I don't do doctors very well, I came very close to a heart attack because of taking conventional meds..Follow your heart. It has never led me wrong yet. Good Luck.

Posted by Pat (Pa, US) on 11/04/2014

To Xylnx:I, too have started taking molasses and it has really helped me with the afib too. Seems to be safe enough I guess. I only take 1 tbsp.every other day. Was taking it every day for a week or so. And all palps seemed to go away. Lowered the dose, then. Although I did have an afib episode one night and didn't have to medicate, though. Went away on its own. Fell asleep so don't think it lasted too long! Also am taking Hawthorne and some other supplements that friends on "earth clinic" recommended. Think they help, too. Anyway, I'm much better than I was when I was listening to the arrythmia doctors and taking their meds! Hope it keeps up!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa, US) on 11/04/2014

To James, NH, US: Still hunting for a good naturopathic m.d. but trying to treat myself, in the meantime.About drinking the wine, do you just take more hawthorne & mag when you have a glass? Also stopped eating yogurt. When this all started I was having yogurt every day. So I thought I would stop and just having one the other day brought on the afib about 7 hrs later.After not having any for a while I am starting to wonder if yogurt has anything to do with it! Who knows! Also, how did you go off the metapropolol? I'm taking only 12.5 every other day now.Should I skip 2 days and take one every 2 days?

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 10/30/2014 109 posts

Bee, you have those effects when you try to stop beta blockers? I guess everyones different. You will need to get off them gradually I would say. Evidently you system has grown accustomed to them and is fighting back. My switch from Flecainide to Hawthorne was pretty smooth, 3 months. Some nights I skipped the meds and doubled the minerals. Had some rough nights where I woke up and took the meds early am. Eventually, I just hung in there and never went back to them. That was 6 months ago, and Im so much better off without them now.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (NH, US) on 10/30/2014 109 posts

Bee, possibly what you should be doing while on the 25mg of meds is take a good COQ10 Ubiquinol, 100mg , am and pm, along with xtra Magnesium, 400mg twice a day. Walking fast and getting your HR to 120 a few times will go along way towards success. I walk every day at least 30 min. I used to jog 1 hr 4 times a week, but thats out now. Betas block stress hormones, good and bad. They also block melatonin, affecting sleep patterns, nightmares. Perhaps theres more from others here that can be added. All and all, great job getting down to that low dose, commendable.

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/28/2014


You say that the beta blocker is equal to aspirin. I have not found that the case as I wean off of it. Its been a small nightmare.. so many side effects but I did read that some people are highly allergic to this drug.. I am happy though that I got from 100 mgs. down to 25 and did it slowly but I still had side effects. This stuff has messed up some of my life. I now have nightmares, panic attacks and other things in which I never had before and no its not all in my

Now I feel I am addicted to it but I want to stop taking it.....I am on another chat board where people have had much worse things happen when they tried to get off of it.. Maybe because it was Metropolol.. who knows??

thanks for the feedback

Posted by Hwkmn05 (NH, US) on 10/28/2014 109 posts

"Solaray"tm makes a 100mg Haw flower extract/ 225mg Haw berry capsule that I found to be excellent. I find it works best with 300mg Mag and 100mg COQ10. I've used 3000 mg Hawthorn to get back to NSR. It doesn't hurt and won't kill you! The low dose of beta blocks is equivalent to strong aspirin. Love the BSM with my Mag/Haw also.

Posted by Earthling (Usa) on 10/28/2014

GNC has standardized Hawthorn (<--no 'e' at the end) in 150mg capsules.

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/27/2014

Hi Pat

Yeah; wow 500 Hawthorn might be too much for me right now but a friend of mine suggested to break the capsule if possible and put a bit on my tongue and wait a few hours and see if any side effects.. I have to keep searching for a lower dose and maybe online.

So glad to hear of your progress..but you are right.. doctors will not believe you as they never believe me.. or if you have a doctor who listens to you then great .. I have not found one yet and don't plan on seeing doctors much if I can help it. I am also taking other natural supplements.

I guess I was looking for something to help me in the weaning process as I am highly overly sensitive to (M) and have taken the weaning very slowly .. It hasn't been much fun..with the side effects and going by how I feel and not the one size fits all the doctors give us.

Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 10/27/2014

Dear Bee,

Another option for the Hawthorne is to make your own capsules. Then you could control exactly what is in each capsule. I did this for my husband. I made him a mix of 2 parts Hawthorne and 1 part ginger and one part cayenne. I bought a little capsule maker and empty capsules. It is a bit of an investment at the beginning but a big savings in the long run, plus you have control over the amounts. My husband took these for his heart irregularities and they worked! I get the Hawthorne powder from Mountain Rose Herbs. They sell the empty gel caps, too. I think I got the pill maker on Amazon.

Thanks for sharing your journey here. I am enjoying following your progress.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Pat (Pa, US) on 10/27/2014

Yes, Bee I believe the lowest dose I found of Hawthorne is 500mg but I only take 1 in a.m.and 1at night The directions on bottle say 2tablets 3x a day! Didn't want to take that much with the beta blocker.But I am really feeling like I don't need the toprol much at all anymore. Also tried the BS molasses.My palpitations seem to have completely disappeared.Amazing! Think it is a combo of the H. and the BS molasses! Would have never gotten this much better listening to what those M.D's wanted me to take! I want to go back and tell them, too! But they won't listen or believe! I am taking 12.5 mg beta blocker every other day, now. Afraid to stop it completely! Don't want to get the afib back! I will continue and report back how it goes. Try it out! May help!

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/27/2014

Hi Pat

Yes I read your other posts about the AFib and all. I am down to 25 mgs. of Metropolol but I was given it for high blood pressure and anxiety. I was getting side effects and palpitations as I wean down so was looking for something to make it easier. It has been rough but yes I am feeling a lot better and I my brain fog is gone . I am not sure what Hawthorn to get. The liquid or the tablets.. Looks like the tablets all come in a high dose as I want to start out small.....will keep checking around.

Yes I would love to find a good naturopathic doctor but haven't yet... the last one cost me 150.00 and then another 50 and did not help me at all........................I even ask around the area and neighborhood and no one really knows anyone worthwhile.

thank you for replying and for the help..

Posted by Pat (Pa, US) on 10/27/2014

To Bee in New York: I also am on beta blocker (toprol) and have started Hawthorne.Am now down to 12.5 mg a day and take H. 2x a day (morning and evening ) with no side effects. Was actually on a higher dose of beta and have weaned down to 12.5mg and am weaning to every other day now.I really believe it has been the Hawthorne. I also take other some other supplements and feel much better than I felt on more beta blocker and fleccainide.Hated that stuff! They even wanted me to go on another more dangerous drug after that! I only wish I could find a good "naturopath m.d." to help guide me a little.Thank God for "earth clinic" and all their advice! Try out the H. I think you will be O.K. even on it with the beta blocker. You just don't need as much beta has been my observation! I am my own guinea pig! Good luck and God bless!

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/21/2014

Hi Hwk;

I have been taking the natural supplements for awhile now since weaning off the meterprolol .. been on the M for two years and was at 100 mgms.. It has not been easy for me as I have read many people are overly sensitive to this drug.. I have many side effects and it has somewhat stopped my life in some ways.. I just tried to go down to 25 miligrams and too many side effects so I opted for 31 mgs. I have been doing this for 8 months in which four doctors told gave me the generic one size fits all formula.. they were all wrong. the last one said I could be off of this stuff in a month or two. I said No that won't work for me. She said some nasty things to me and only gave me a two month supply.. I wont be going back to her.. So I so far am getting no help from doctors plus I have no medical insurance . so glad you got the help you needed and are doing well...

Anyway; I am going to try the Hawthorne at the low dose ..I get most of my advice from people who work in the health food store or people I meet along the way on this journey..

thank You so much

Posted by Hwk (Nh) on 10/21/2014 109 posts

Bee, when I say I got myself off meds, dont think for one second that I just woke up one morning and threw them in the trash. It was under the care and guidance of a couple of Doctors and others. Much depends on the length of time and dosage taken to transfer to natural supplements with no set time table for doing so. If your'e at 37 now, then I would say good job, and with support, it won't be long.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (Nh) on 10/15/2014

Too funny on the wine/alcohol myth. After my first few episodes, cardios wanted to sign me up for AA. My friends laughed because Im always a beer or 2 behind them. So I quit for a year to humor them and went into AF still. Sure, throw booze, caffeine, stress, and all the other things that deplete minerals, mainly Magnesium into the mix. I drink 4-6 glasses of wine a week now, no issues, just load up on mag and haw before and after.

12.5 of Metop is such a low dose, I doubt it will put you in or keep you out of AF. If youre staying out tho, just keep taking it for now, not as dangerous as the Flec and others. Yes, the meds do work and may keep you out for a time, but alas, like all meds eventually stop working as they deplete all the good stuff too.

It took me a while to find a good ND who as familiar with AF and cures. Lucky to be near Vt where there are hundreds and found a good one near Burlington. He lets me call him for free advice any time, and only see him when I feel I need to. Some states are a challenge for NDs, only 17 license them. Happy hunting!

Detox from Chemicals
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 10/15/2014

How would you suggest detoxing the chemicals from the body? Is "detox" tea once a day sufficient, do you think? Or supplements? Garlic? Thanks.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa., US) on 10/14/2014

Now up to 2 doses of hawthorne per day and it works pretty well. Although when I started it I had alot of palps for about the first week or so.they seem to have calmed down. Also pumped up the mag to about 600 a day. And still taking the Taurine and the probiotic with a few additional supplements ( vit C and E). Only taking 12.5 toprol because I believe it does nothing for the afib! Fish oil is another one I started! Will keep going with these for a while.

I can even have 1 glass of wine when I go out (which I couldn't have before) and I don't go right into afib! For some reason the alcohol put me right into afib after the first sip! That really made me angry! No more alcohol ever again??? No fun! Believe me, I was never a big drinker but I do enjoy a cocktail when I go out once in a while!

I'm looking for a good "naturopathic doctor" in the area but not a lot of them around in close proximity! It would be nice to get some advice from them, I agree! Helps having all your input with everyone else! Gives me hope for this lousy condition! I think we can get a handle on it if we try! And I sure wasn't with the traditional M.D.'s! It was just getting worse! I honestly think the toprol at times can cause afib! And the "flec" did too! It was weird.Sometimes they helped and sometimes they made me worse! Very strange! I just couldn't figure it out! But I am learning a lot! Hope our luck holds out!

Posted by Bee (New York) on 10/12/2014

Hi Hwk,

Thank you but I am not sure what you are trying to say.... I got myself down to 37 miligrams from 100 which wasn't easy and I want to get off completely... I believe I have a high sensitivity to it or that is what I read and have been told that some people have a harder time. Yes I will def. try the Hawthorn very soon.. Wow, I can't believe you weaned off of that drug in a few months..

Posted by Hwkmn05 (NH, US) on 10/12/2014 109 posts

Bee, 37 mg is a pretty low dose and depending on what time of day you take it, H should not interfere with it, if it does at all. Beta blockers limit and weaken stress hormones, while H improves circulation expanding blood vessels. New medical studies have now shown how vital stress is to our hearts, calling it "good stress". That fight or flight hormone being blocked should tell us something as naturally beneficially to us eventually will fail. Lets say you take 250 mg H in Am, and all your Metop at night, your HR at the worst will go down slightly and you can adjust the H the next day. By doing this, I weaned off 200 mg of Flecainide, a much more dangerous med, in 3 months, using H right along with it. This isnt rocket science here. No one ever died from a Drug deficiency, but plenty get sick from nutrition/mineral deficiency.

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/11/2014

Dear Om

Didn't you read what I wrote.. I know all about beta blockers and that is why I am GETTING OFF OF THEM.... and all that I read about Hawthorn but it is contraindicated with beta blockers.but I hope to take it one day ... and no I DO NOT HAVE AN IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT but I have bad side effects from the beta blocker and yes I take COQ10, magnesium, B complex, C, D, E, Taurine, L-Carnitine, olive Leaf extract and some other things ...

The last doctor I went to was a naturopath and she yelled at me and didn't believe a word I said (long story).. so I wont be going back to her.

Thank You

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 10/11/2014

Dear Bee

That medicine is not good for you nor will it make you better. As it is said "if the disease is not killing you, the medicine certainly will".

In Europe, for a long time, Hawthorn has been used without "side effects" . Online you can read up on it. When, for a brief time, I had irregular heartbeat because of stress, Hawthorne corrected it and I am fine . It is useful to combine it with Coq 10 with Ubiquinol. H. is going to strengthen your heart within three months. Your body cannot cope with the poison that "doctors" give you. It is designed to keep you dependent and to need more of allopathic poison drugs. Because it is disease mongering and nothing else.

Maybe a naturopathic doctor could help you with this even with one consultation.

Wishing you well. Namaste, Om

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/11/2014

Hi Hwk,

Here is the kicker.. the doctor gave me meterprolol two years ago for high blood pressure and anxiety.. I was taking 100 miligrams and now have gotten down to 37 miligrams but that has been since last March.. I don't have AFib and never had a high heart rate until I started this medication so I am getting off of it.. I have asked, double asked doctors and read about it all and I am highly overly sensitive to this stuff .. Anyway; I would love to take Hawthorne but it interferes with Metropolol or so I have asked read and studied.I don't know now... I would love to keep my heart rate down as I wean but some days if I just walk down the stairs or a few feet with doing nothing else My heart rate goes up and it is too early to take the medication... not even sure I can exercise too much as this point. I have also cut out caffeine, alcohol and sugar.. I was thinking I might have too much cortisol and adrenaline rushes. Thank You.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (NH, US) on 10/11/2014 109 posts

Bee, My experience has been that Mag does not lower your HR but works as an anti arrhythmia. I use 3-900 mg per day/night depending on the vices/feeling that day. Big coffee or wine day, double down on Mag. If youre looking to lower your HR, Hawthorne works well. I use about 5-1500 mg and last 2 AF episodes HR stayed under 75. Rate control will not necessarily keep you out of AF, but you will function better until your back to NSR. Ive been Metop/Flecainide free 5 months now and increased exercise 4 times the amount due to more energy level. When the Meds are gone, youll feel like you just lowered your age 10 years.

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/10/2014

Hi, Hwk

I already do about 500 -900 miligrams a day of magnesium citrate so not sure. Have to experiment some

I just need to keep this heart rate down so I can keep weaning off. Doing a bunch of things so far but would like to find one thing that works the best..

Thank You

Posted by Hwkmn05 (New Hampshire, US) on 10/10/2014 109 posts

Bee, I'm betting it's the Magnesium in Blackstrap Molasses that may be regulating HR. Not a huge amount per Tbls, 15mg maybe, but possibly gets into your system faster than a capsule.

Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/09/2014

Hi Joan

I am weaning off some beta blockers and finding ways to keep my heart rate down. I tried the BSM and it kind of calmed my heart down a bit.. I put a teaspoon in some organic herbal tea... Not sure its working totally though..It does have sugar also.

But what is in that slows down the heart? Is it the minerals.? Potassium??

Posted by Joan (South Riding, US) on 10/09/2014

Over the years, I have found that coffee (more specifically, caffeine) causes me to have irregular heartbeats. Now, every cup of coffee contains a bit of organic Blackstrap Molasses. No longer do I experience heart beats that feel like my heart is flopping around. No longer do I get that shortness of breath feeling. In fact, all I have to do, if I haven't had BSM in a while and experience an irregular heartbeat, is dip my finger into BSM and the irregularity subsides.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 10/08/2014 109 posts

Pat, that sounds great and promising. I like the slow approach of weaning off the "crutches" and building a foundation of healing. You will possibly find that the Metop is basically adding little to your latest success and will feel like a million bucks when thats gone. You can always grab it in a pinch, I have that and Flec on hand as PIP, but have never used.

Thats the thing with Meds vs supplements, we live in a society of having it all now and drugs allow us that instant fix. It can take as long as a year for us to build stores of Magnesium and other minerals. I just read somewhere that women need much more Mag than men. I like that you cancelled you appt, but suggest you do find a good Naturalpath MD. They arent cheap, and most insurance won't cover, but in the long run, they will save you bouque bucks and aggravation. Mine lets me call him for free when I need advice. One thing he added that I have not taken is Lily Valley. Its like foxglove, digoxin natural, but not as strong. Great anti arrhythmia. The thing with blood "thinners" is, they're not! They once again blocked something, just like all drugs do. At 60 I'm not looking to sign up for all that Pharma has in store for us.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa., US) on 10/07/2014

Thank you for your advice, James. Am now down to I 12.5 dose of Toprol a day and using hawthorne (500) mg once a day with the mag (maybe 500-800) a day and feeling better. Palps come less severe and slower when I get them. Hoping that takes care of all the fast erratic episodes of AF. Will report back as time goes by.

So glad to have some relief and not to feel so desperate as to get ablation! Talking to you and earth clinic has helped me lots! Just for the record, I also have been taking coq10 and fish oil and a few other supplements for some time now also. Going to pick up the molasses this week and start that too. Even cancelled my appointment for tomorrow! If all goes well, will let the md's know later on. I will reschedule in a month or so!

Your advice about not giving up on the healing helped too! I'm sure this is some kind of deficiency or something and I always have been! Kept trying to tell them that but they have another agenda! Do also take baby aspirin about 4x a week. And when I remember Vit E few times a week also just to let everyone know! That keeps my blood thin! So does at least 24 oz of water a day! Don't intend to take Big Pharma blood thinner! They tell me by age 65 I should be on it! Hope not!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (New Hampshire, US) on 10/03/2014 109 posts

Pat, Yes, with that on meds, they get you hooked and are not only hard to get off, youre body misses that fix also. But, of the 2, Id say the Magnesium is the most important. Hawthorne does slow rate, but if your doing the Metop, that is already slowing things down. Lowering your HR does not keep you out of Fib, whether its a med or supplement. Mag takes away my flutter or paps in minutes. (No AF this past month) Try loading up on that before bed, start with 300, and get to 6-900mg as soon as you can. It wont hurt you, just will eliminate it next day. Get the oil or gel form also, easier to hold in. Your condition is worse than avg, but Ive seen much worse and heard of successes without surgery. One lady I knew had it every day, for hours. Got on one supplement, and poof, gone and not returned for 5 years. COQ10 once a day was all she took!! I was envious. I take that also, but guess what? It doesnt work without adequate levels of Mag. Obviously she was getting her Mag levels from food sources. Cells towers, micro waves etc, Id believe that, its not like theyve conducted studies and proven any of it is completely safe.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa, USA) on 10/02/2014

To James: Yes I started the Hawthorne. So far just 250 once a day. But for some reason I'm getting alot of intermittent afib which is alot slower than normal but comes more often! As I said, I also take Taurine and Serrinisol. I take 25mg of Toprol split into 2 doses because I can't handle it all together. Makes me feel lousy! I think it's because I have low normal BP and since it lowers my pressure and I really don't need it to, it makes me feel tired. I do seem to be getting the afib more at night now too! It comes in cycles! Wish it would go away for good! But I'll take it on a lesser level, as lately been.Not so fast and scary! I know there has to be a reason for this and sometimes I think they have messed up our electrical systems with all the technology in the world now! All those towers and everything! Some of our hearts are sensitive to it all! They're definitely killing us on this planet! Will let you know how the hawthorne works out.They also gave me Atavan to take for the anxiety I get from it! But only take 0.5 (maybe) a day, if I need to. Don't wanna get hooked on that, too! Don't really like it much. Good luck with yours! Maybe I'll get off them all like you too some day soon!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 10/01/2014 109 posts

Whew, Im glad you clarified that 400mg!! Im a big guy and I was told no more than 3 of my 100mg Flec to get back to NSR. Of course I haven't had the chance to try that because I've converted with Mag and Haw last 2 times. ND says to try the flec to see if that's quicker, but it doesn't sound as tho it is. Don't give up on the supplements and the healing process just yet, it could take 12-18 months to build up the stores of Mag and other good things, not to mention heal the inflammation. Every 3 weeks isn't bad, I'm about 1-2 months, but with the Hawthorne, HR stays low to tolerate. If you're only doing 12.5 of Toprol, you should be ok with Haw. Ablation is not in my thought process right now because you still are bound to Meds after, sometimes forever. One quick hint with my condition, I'm a nocturnal Fibber. So when I get that odd feeling, I load up on Mag, 6-900 mg along with 1 gm Taurine, 500 mg Haw, just before bed. That takes away all the pausing/flutter before bed and I sleep solid and wake up refreshed. Keep in mind that Mag is a blood thinner in its own right, so be careful if you're still on the Decon.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa.) on 09/29/2014

Correction to my last statement! The rescue dose is 4 tablets fleccainide which is 200 mg not 400 mg.Sorry! Taken when I go into the fast heart rate which still scares me every time! I never get used to it! Thanks, Pat

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pa., US) on 09/28/2014

To James.Thanks, I may get the ablation eventually but trying to work with supplements and meds right now. I will try the Hawthorne. I only take 12.5 mg a day of toprol. I really don't think it does anything but am afraid it may keep my HR a little lower so that when I do get afib it isn't quite as fast! But as far as the supplements go, none of them seem to rid me of the afib completely! Sooo, I guess I'll just keep going on my same regimen with supplements and meds. You are fight about the fleccanide, it also didn't prevent the afib so I stopped taking it every day and take a "rescue dose" 400 mg when I go into it, which lately is about every 3 weeks. It still takes about 2 hrs for it to work and even that is too long! Hope they come up with a new cure soon! Hanging in and hope you are too! Pray for us all!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 09/26/2014

Pat, Yes, stay off Rat Poison! No doubt that mine and many of others AF episodes are "Vagally mediated" from Vagus nerve. Having never had an issue during the day, only at sleep or just before bed late, I'm sure mine is digestive system related and not adrenal. Tis why they test us for apnea Im guessing. Unfortunately, EPs and Cardios still attempt to prescribe meds that don't address the condition, but the symptoms. Beta blockers will NOT work for Vagus initiated AF. Flecainide does, but wow, what a dangerous med that is. Add to the nocturnal AFers, the disruption of sleep from meds, actually contributes to arrhythmia by disturbing REM sessions at night. So then they are quick to put us on sedatives. This Pharma ball just keeps rolling downward. However, Ablation does seem to have fair success with both vagal and adrenal AF.

To conclude all this, I was on Metoprolol for a time, and still got AF. Then switched to Flec. However I weaned off that after 3 horrible months, so I can't say if it would have worked. I did take Hawthorne while weaning off these meds, but not the dosage I now take. I would start with a low dose, maybe 250 mg with both berrie and flower. Last AF episode, HR never got higher than 72, tho still irregular, and I was NSR in 5 hours. Id say that's as successful as any beta blocker. So now, When I get that feeling, flutter, etc at night, I load up on Malate Mag, 600-900mg, and 500-1500 Hawthorne, over a 1-3 hour period before bed. Keep in mind, I did build up to this over 6 months as Mag is tough to assimilate in small intestines. I do carry the Tuarine and Arginine in cabinet for PIP purposes, but will look at adding that in. Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap molasses seem to calm flutter down also. Best wishes.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pennsylvania, US) on 09/24/2014

Have been taking taurine and arginine for close to a month now and no afib. (unusual for me!). I also started the probiotic every day. Do you think that I can take the Hawthorne with the low dose of beta blocker? Don't know if I should stop it yet. Still feel like I need to keep my heart rate down to stay out of afib., but I think the supplements are keeping me from being symptomatic! Afib without the symptoms (which a lot of people have and don't know they even have it) is better to me than having "symptoms".

Wish I can get to that point. And I am not going to take the "rat poisoning" to thin by blood which they tell me I will have to take by age 65 (I am 62)! Will anticoagulate with aspirin and vitamin E which I already do.

Forgot to mention the supplement recommended by the "womens health network" called Serrinisol. I think it helps the "adrenal system". Another helpful site I found since losing faith in our traditional medical system to cure me of this. It is a slow process, but I believe I am finally getting somewhere after 2 years of this! I also think "prayer" has helped me a lot, too! Doctors aren't the only people that can heal us! And I believe God will lead me to cures that will heal me! After all, he led me to this website! Just be patient and the healing will come! Thank you all for your helpful input!

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by James (Nh) on 09/18/2014 109 posts

Pat, I too was on Metoprolol low dose for a time. Side effects were mild as I took at night. Tho it did not keep me in NSR. I just had a slower, yet irregular HR. Since May I tossed all the meds, Flec, Torp, etc and went to supplements. Have self converted twice since then but did notice that Hawthrone berry had the same effect as Met with no side effects in keeping HR low. In AF 15 hours and HR was averaging 72 bpm.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by James (NH, US) on 09/14/2014

No, I didnt mean to say they are the same item, just that they may have the same effect on our body, removing toxins. I believe Bentonite Clay is from the earth and Diatomaceous Earth is from algae in the sea beds. The 3 types of BC are not recommended for internal use, however the calcium type is suggested as it is more easily digested and moves through the colon where sodium and potash may clog the colon. With either one I would suggest drinking a lot of water. Some have suggested a blend of DE and BC 6 to 1 with great success. Bottom line, whatever removes toxins and gives us better absorption of minerals.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by Tg (AL, US) on 09/08/2014

Do you mean to say the Diatomaceous Earth is the same thing or has the same action as Sodium Bentonite Clay? Oh, think again. Not at all the same.

Sodium Bentonite Clay
Posted by James (NH, US) on 09/08/2014 109 posts

Diatomaceous Earth is the same as the clay. Does bentonite clay cure AF or does it cleanse your small intestine to better absorb the nutrients vital to your heart/rhythm health? I suspect the latter. I did notice some improvement while taking this, shrunk hemorrhoids in 30 days, and tho it did not keep me out of AF, the supplements seemed to work faster to get me back to NSR. 6 months is a long time to work. If that's all you took and did not stop triggers, that is truly amazing and absolutely worth a shot. Beats the regimen of deadly drugs they put us on.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Pat (Pa, US) on 09/06/2014

can you tell me the maximum dose of fish oil you recommend?

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Pat (Pennsylvania, US) on 09/06/2014

I too believe that the digestive system is also involved with the afib. I think probiotics are a good idea.I started them, too. Makes sense since every episode of afib usually starts with "noises" in my stomach(gas?) Hope it helps!

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 09/04/2014

I also was diagnosed while going thru menopause. Try the magnesium (high doses) and taurine and l arginine. Also possible adrenal fatigue from too much stress(I believe I was under extreme amounts). The women's health network recommended. I try a supplement for that called serrinisol. I have been taking that too. They all seem to help. still take a low dose of toprol (half of a 25 mg) to keep my heart rate from going too fast.and also because I am afraid to stop it totally but have gotten down to a very low dose! Good luck!

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