ORH Remedies
CT SCAN........... this test I took today should shed some light on how much calcium I have deposited in my heart. After all my EDTA Chelation IV's for the last 13 years and my doing the KONCENTRATED K protocol for the last 6 months, I will be disappointed if I am not in pretty good shape......pluggage wise. I found a site that explains the roll of two nerves that control your heart rhythm. This Chiropractor has solved AFIB patients problems by addressing these two nerves. I have been to many Chiropractors and most don't know squat, but none are on this guy's level. He says it sometimes takes 6 to 9 months and he's in Calif and I'm in Tn. Also, I'm on the shady side of the mountain and the sun is setting. My Ga Ozone MD was the one who told me about Vit K -2 and the protocol. He says it will shut down the by-pass business. Addressing these two nerves may shutdown the Ablation business. Both by-pass and ablation just treat the symptom and not the problem. Could not have gotten into flaxseed go-round because I just use it to clean out my gut plaque and it works for that. Forgot, also have done Serapeptase for the last year and will be a point for Paul. I'm the shotgun guy, if any have forgotten. I'm still alive and don't have a clue as to why. ====ORH====
HI U OLD PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,, after my CT Scan both my ankles turned red and itched. On research I found that folks with blood cancer have this reaction. I was concerned and I called my Dr's office and was told to stop going on the internet. I think something is wrong because I have had blood cancer in the past and treated it my self. Oh well, I'm ahead of the stats so I should just be thankful. Tn is now spraying the roadside instead of mowing. The sprayed us last month and now my roadside muscadine vines are dying. Wrote our road guy and told him that I will cause him grief.......... and I will. Worked for 25 years to get this orchard and am going to raise holy hell. This is crazy stuff. We are killing ourselves. I do all this garden stuff to avoid Round up and the gov. ruins my garden with what I'm trying to avoid. This is about money. I promise you that our national gov is involved. Some lobbyist hooked a rider on an essential bill that will require the states to use round up instead of mowing. I plan to raise holy hell. ====ORH====
Keep fighting the good fight, ORH! It's a lonely battle. I agree it's very difficult taking care of our own health when various agencies (around the world) make decisions for us - whether it's sanctified destruction (Roundup spraying), enforced vaccinations, technology that hasn't been tested properly (5G effects on humans, insects, bees, etc.) - it seems we've become guinea pigs despite our best efforts. Your gumption is admirable - I wish you the best of luck!
ORH Remedies
AFIB.............. HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let me tell you a story about treating AFIB with only natural supplements. I did that for a few years because my natural doctor was treating his AFIB wife with Nattokinase. Now this it a good product, but may not be the total answer. Today I went in for a Vit C IV in prep for my heart ablation procedure in a few weeks. I want to be in the best shape for this invasive procedure. I made this decision and could care less if my heart doctor knows. I call these shots. Plan to do 3 IV's before he address' my heart ablation. What has shaken me up us that my natural doctor's wife in now in a wheel chair following a stroke and many TIA's. What I also know is that she was head strong and would not take his advice ...ever. They are Baptist, but she undoubtably never understood that the man had 51% control. For you Feminist, you need to understand the load this 51% puts you under, is nothing but hard times, you are ultimately responsible for everything that goes wrong in the family. So here is where I am. Sometimes you have to listen and do what the traditional doctor say to do. My AFIB is now under better control with Rx, but the pills keep me feeling badly. I want to do this ablation to get off one Rx that is the culprit. I will still have to keep my blood thinned, and accept that. The Lone Ranger is long gone and he took his silver bullet with him. There are few simple solutions for life's health problems. Now to my garden stuff. Got a new neighbors that are as country as me. We are trying to out give one another. Took them some fresh corn this morning and told the wife that I need to be the winner and keep them obligated to me. Don't like being obligated to others. She just laughed and said ....... we'll see. ATS,,,,,,,,,,, ====ORH====
ORH Remedies
HEART PROCEDURE SCHEDULED HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, who said I can't be charming. Met with my electrical cardiologist yesterday and he agreed to go with my heart ablation if I get through the rigors of a few tests. He agreed to this after I have given him a pint of my Tractor Driver's Blackberry Jelly. The Louisiana Cajuns call it Lagniappe. It is a gift for someone when you visit. The thing about garden stuff is that most folks know it's value is in the toil it took to give it to you. I have done this my entire life and the treat comes back ten fold. The bible tells us that. The Rxs have my AFIB under control, but I feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck since taking all these pills. My dad had AFIB because he had destroyed his lungs smoking and he could not get enough oxygen. Back in those days when he went into AFIB and could not get out, then old doc Ranier came to our house and took a handkerchief and tried to pull his tongue out. Sometimes that worked. If not, then he took his thumbs and pushed on his eyeballs. Sometimes that worked. If not , then he stood him up in front of a bed and hit him in the heart as hard as he could with his fist. That always worked. Dad never went to the ER for AFIB because there was no ER in those days.. Ole Doc Ranier just came to the house. Dad's demise was a stroke following an AFIB. I told my doctor that I had done a lot of research before selecting him. He wanted to know what I had found. You got A+ on skills, but do not have good bedside manners. He laughed and said that applied to most all doctors. I did not tell him that is the reason most of my doctors are women. They listen. As all know I have tried to solve my ails naturally over the years. But sometimes you need to see a doctor. This was my time to do so. ====ORH====
(United States)
Greetings ORH, I am one of those people greatly inspired by your health walk and awesome experience with life. I know a man who had heart a procedure at 77 years of age and at ninety he still travels around and out of America My uncle does works with concrete. He is up in His eighties and doing this construction work. For about the last ten years, he has been going in to the hospital about once a year to get his heart beat reset. He goes in the morning and when he comes home he goes to work in his garden or wherever. The point there is he doesn't have to go to seat still after procedure. Anyway he always goes out when he comes home. "Knowing when to give in" has added decades to many lives. HisJewel
ORH Remedies
HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing is working on my AFIB problem, so I have a plan. My main guy tells me now that I need an arterial gram. I see him in two weeks and will agree with that even though I tested zero 7 years ago and have continued my EDTA CHELATIONS. This is all BS, but what you have to go through to solve your problem. If I have no pluggage then , I want an electrical MD involved. My problem is electrical . This is a a heck of a note when you have to solve you own medical problem. I have been down this trail for some 10 years. It has been one helluva pissin contest. My guy says he can solve the problem with drugs. He may can, but an electrical solution may solve the problem permanently and over night. I go Monday and talk to my Nurse RATCHET. I have found the women listen and men don't. My Tractor Driver is going with me because my life is getting about as interesting as I can stand. Hey, I have lived a full life and me and the Lord gee haw. If i go out............ then I go to a better place. ====ORH=====
I noticed another person leaving a post also in TN mention something about this parasite in TN after the water system was cleared. I believe it was on a borax post.
Trish,,,,,,,,, I have learned that AFIB and H Pylori are hand and glove. Ozonated water will kill that bacteria. Just learned this, but I am too far along to turn back now. Also, I think everyone is over looking UBI , which was used before antibiotics. Ablation may stop my misery, but it does not solve my problem. We have a bugger bear that is just now becoming known. Go to any hospital and the people are not real. We have a someone messing with us and it has to be through our food . It has to be a bright individual who wants to control the world. That used to be the military folks........ now it is the pencil neck nerds. ====ORH====
(West of Hawaii, South of Japan.)
I suggest check in with a good osteopath (the Canadian kind osteopathic manual practitioner, not the US kind, essentially a doctor) or chiropractor. There will be stuff going on in the spine that influences or interferes with the electrical signalling. See: BMJ (I think about 1984) - a somatic component to myocardial infarction and New Scientist: high blood pressure is a pain in the neck. Of course, just because there is a connection doesn't mean every chiro and every osteo can sort it safely. These are special skills. So be sure to get a recommendation first. Also look up Dr Carolyn Dean - remineralise your heart
ORH Remedies
AFIB,,,,,,,,,,, too vain to tell you birds how I ended up a day in ER and two days in ICU. I got a problem far more serious than I once thought. On Tues my blood pressure and pulse went out the roof and my cayenne extract trick would not work. Finally, I capitulated and went to the ER in Athens, Tn. For about 5 hours neither, I nor the medically folks, could make it move. My pulse had has a mind of its own. It stayed at 180 full time for about 5 hours. I thought I was a goner. The rest would end up all on my ATS', but still no conclusion, so I won't go into that. What is so amazing to me is that anything now sends my pulse to 180, but it comes right back down. It does not stay up. If any of you ole patoots have a clue, I'd appreciate the knowledge. I got a feeling that I am a stressed out old geezer and just needs to turn off the TV, computer, EC and go fishing. ====ORH====
(Ten Mile, TN)
YEP IT'S ME AGAIN,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you follow this thread you wii find that for a few years , I have all the answers and then for a few years , I don't know sheet. That's the way us humans are. We 'bout half smart. Right now I feel very dumb. ====ORH====
(United States)
Greetings ORH, "Ole Robert Henry, You are smarter than you think, it just that there's always more to learn, after we learn. My worst dealings with AFIB almost always happen soon After I EAT a high carb meal. Especially eat out, fries, smoothies coffee, donuts etc. The Magnesium, and potassium helps to slow down and regulate my heart beat. And I found out that if I take fulvic acid just a drop or three in water helps me tremendously to avoid AFIB, but I had to start with a half drop for at least a week. the brand I ordered is strong. HisJewel
(United States)
ORH, I just want to add to my previous post that I use a liquid Fulvic Acid. The bottle says, "Fulvic Acid Minerals. HisJewel
(United States)
Hi There again ORH and EC, I found Bill Thompson's post on Fulvic Acid and noticed he used Iodine when taking Fulvic Acid to even things out. That may be key to successful use. Here is his post. Bill from San Fernando, Philippines March 14, 2013 at 8:15 am Hi Lauren… I use humic/fulvic acid on a weekly basis. I also just buy it from the garden center as granules or powder because its way cheaper than buying the organic or edible “standardized” forms. To make the drink I just add a small amount of Humic Acid to water so that the water has a light brown see-through appearance(not black). I also always add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to make the water alkaline. Then I just add a few drops of lugols iodine or a few drops of 10% sodium thiosulphate to remove any heavy metals and bad halogens and then just drink it like that. Humic acid is just 75 million year old plant humus that has been broken down by enzymes and has also had high thermodynamic pressure applied to it because it is found compacted in rock strata. Humic Acid makes body metabolism much more efficient, it is a wonderful detoxer of poisons and also has strong anti-viral action.
(United States)
Hello ORH. I just had two AFibs while in hospital for vertigo. Thankfully I was there, but, I do like looking for natural helps while I'm out. I'm on Metoprolol for now, but, I take basic vitamins everyday A, B12, C1000, D3 and Omega 3s, and I also take Magnesium Citrate (listed above) as well. Having a whole-food only diet may help too. Wish you the best.
PACs Trigger Identified
Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) GONE…HOW???? WHY???
Well, I have used all the treatments on here, but not until I found the reason it was happening.
My esophagus has thin skin, the nerves of the vagus nerve are irritated when you have reflux/eaten aggravating foods. Then the vagus nerve gets irritated….that is why magnesium (calms nerves), advil (removes inflammation), water (coats throat temporarily and stops dehydration), but no one could identify WHY…
THIS IS WHY…so stop the inflammation, the reflux (hiatial hernia is popped up, push it down), drink pickle juice to reduce acid to help reflux).
NO MORE PACS, NOTHING. Eat ice cream to help inflammation, but mostly, get the reflux under control, use epsom salt to keep a relaxed airway, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE PACS.
Being a margarita drinker, thought it was alcohol…no unless you are dehydrated, it was the lime juice causing reflux, then causing inflammation of the vagus nerve, then the cycle begins and won't end until you get the vagus nerve to calm down and not be inflamed.
FINALLY, THANK GOD, I always thought I was going to die, now, a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF….
I hope this helps someone.
One more thing, as you age, stop taking magnesium pills. THEY DON'T WORK because they are not absorbed well enough. I make my own spray, use Magnesium Chelate (amazon), put in spray bottle with hot water….spray on chest, skin, neck, etc. NOW you will feel the relief you cannot get with pills…same with potassium….TAKE LIQUID NOT PILLS< THEY DON'T WORK. PACS…GONE, GONE, GONE…do it, try it, you will thank your lucky stars for this website….THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC
Salt Tablet
I suffer from A-Fib. I have it 24/7 but I have cut it down to a smooth rhythm with just a salt tablet, plain sodium chloride tablet you can but OTC or online at Amazon. I got the idea from taking liquid hydration for muscle cramps and running to the bathroom hoping I would not leave a trail. I think it was due to high potassium levels & not enough sodium in pure form in controlled amount but it did what no MD could do in a day, no less, it started to smooth out, it`s not perfect but vast improvement.
A foot note, US Soldiers in areas of high temperature in SE Asia had to take a salt pill every day to keep from dehydration & an anti malaria pill hydroxychloroquinee daily to prevent malaria. No reported side effects either.
Sea Salt
I think I have written on this subject before. I have had Afib all my life. It can be caused by many things like thyroid, vagus nerve irritation, dehydration, deficiencies of various minerals, etc.
I want to share/update my story: I was using 2 tbsp of olive oil per day (calms vagus nerve), one drop of potassium iodide, adrenals, magnesium and calcium, taurine, coq 10 and b vitamins-all of which helped a lot! The medications did not help at all. Then a weird thing happened. I got acute mononucleosis at 65 years of age. I was hospitalized repeatedly because my salt levels dropped so low that it was life threatening. My Afib went absolutely crazy. I realized that salt was maybe a factor. One of the doctors said that your body keeps salt in tight control so that your heart can beat correctly. If you run low, it will take it from your bones (! ). If it can't find the salt anywhere….well you're ready to meet your maker. I never liked salt and guess I was deficient prior to getting sick.
I have recovered completely from the mono BUT I started taking 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per day. If my heart starts skipping, I immediately go for the salt or sometimes take Biolyte (a rehydration drink). This has just about eradicated my Afib. It's worth considering if you have this problem, especially with low blood pressure. Do not use processed salt. Only sea or natural salt. Hope that this helps someone out there. Can't believe it was that simple!!!! This site has been so helpful. 💚💙❤️💜
Slullcap tincture definitely helps with A Fib symptoms - I don't take it every day because it makes me hungry for some reason, I just take it when my symptoms flare up and it helps - Skullcap and also magnesium chloride liquid.
Sodium Bentonite Clay
At last I can finally say I have cured my a fib. I had tried every thing there was to cure it in the past and nothing worked. I had all day everyday 24 hour a fib. It was worse at night when I would wake up with my heart racing, or when I laid down to sleep I heard the thumping in my ear drum. For all that are serious about a cure, the vitamins, are useless, the juicing helps, all other supplements do not make a dent in the problem. The cure I found was to remove toxic acids from the body, mostly from the colon. The best way to do that is with sodium bentonite clay. I try to take 5 tablespoons each day but it is not easy to do at at times it can be contipating but the body rids itself of acids and toxins with good healthy large bowel movements. It will take time, mine was 6 months before noticeable improvement, and for some 6 months to 2 years and it should be continued for as long you want to keep the body clean and toxin free. Also with the bentonite it is vital to take probiotics. Healing begins in the colon and healing is a longer process than what many want but we did not get Afib overnight and will not cure it overnight. I have suggested this to others on other websites but they say I did not cure myself and that I am wrong yet they still suffer. I suspect there may be others that say the same here, but for those that want relief, do it and you will be cured as I am.
(Sofia, Bulgaria)
Diatomaceous Earth is the same as the clay. Does bentonite clay cure AF or does it cleanse your small intestine to better absorb the nutrients vital to your heart/rhythm health? I suspect the latter. I did notice some improvement while taking this, shrunk hemorrhoids in 30 days, and tho it did not keep me out of AF, the supplements seemed to work faster to get me back to NSR. 6 months is a long time to work. If that's all you took and did not stop triggers, that is truly amazing and absolutely worth a shot. Beats the regimen of deadly drugs they put us on.
(AL, US)
(NH, US)
No, I didnt mean to say they are the same item, just that they may have the same effect on our body, removing toxins. I believe Bentonite Clay is from the earth and Diatomaceous Earth is from algae in the sea beds. The 3 types of BC are not recommended for internal use, however the calcium type is suggested as it is more easily digested and moves through the colon where sodium and potash may clog the colon. With either one I would suggest drinking a lot of water. Some have suggested a blend of DE and BC 6 to 1 with great success. Bottom line, whatever removes toxins and gives us better absorption of minerals.
(London, Uk)
(Miami, FL)
Thank you for your input. For objectivity purpose one should state what he has done for his condition and if it helped. Theories and assumptions (will help in 80% cases) don't add value to one's post and are strictly personal perception. Well formed stool indicates slow bowel function. Stools have to be soft to indicate healthy elimination.
This is very interesting. I have had AF on and off for 34 years. It used to happen very infrequently to begin with but over the years, especially in the past 10 years it increased in frequency to around 4-5 a year, each lasting an average of 6 hours. Over the past two years they have become more frequent with one episode about every two months or less. Three weeks ago I had another episode which lasted more than 12 hours, so I got myself to hospital and to cut the story short, I was sent home with beta-blockers and an anticoagulant.
This was by way of a background, but my main point in response to this post is that I also have what I describe as chronic constipation and sometimes other digestive issues. Especially since my hospital admission, I have been getting frequent but short-lasting episodes of atopic beats (a few odds heart beats, which quickly revert to natural 'sinus' rhythm). At the same time, I often feel a sensation which seems to originate from my guts but I can't distinguish from a possible cardiac origin, which makes me wonder whether it is a cardiac or gastric issue. After reading this article, I am wondering whether the effect of pressure from an only partially emptied large intestine on the vagal nerve, could have an effect on the heart, and be the culprit with regard to my AF. I am going to start a quest on finding ways of dealing with my very long-standing bowel issue, which will hopefully help not only with my AF but also result in better removal of toxins from the body, which will have benefits in every respect.
Thank you for this article.
Symptoms…constipation and AFib are usually caused by low magnesium. Get the book, The Magnesium Miracle by Dr Carolyn Dean. Library might have it. It will give you much information on your symptoms and magnesium.
(northern calif)
Hi Laz, I found a video on YouTube.York Cardiology England a few years ago regarding the vagus nerve, stomach, palpitations and the digestion of food. This Cardiologist explains why your heart has irregular beats sometimes and the connection with the vagus nerve. I notice he has put out several more videos. One is called Palpitations and the Vagus nerve and the other one is The Gastrocardiac Syndrome. This really help me to understand my irregular heart beats.I also started taking magnesium, your heart and muscles love magnesium, lol
Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Here is my latest information. [older posts under Alkaline Diet in the A-Fib section]
I have suggested previously that my afib was caused by toxic blood and that my PH was off. I have since put it all together even more and have cured my afib with a simply effective therapy. Since it is my belief AFIB is an over acid condition caused by poor gut function, poor adrenal function, poor diet, etc I have addressed those issues. Anyone can see the things I have tried over the years and believe me no one supplement will do it, but a long term therapy will. My final solution to this problem is unique and maybe a bit unusual for those not as familiar with this monster as I am. I take bentonite clay and probiotics as my major therapy. The bentonite pulls the toxins and acids from the body and the probiotics creates healing conditions in the colon. None of this comes in a short time this takes over a year of work. The bentonite is the best thing to draw acids from the body, and those acids create conditIons when the heart surface tissue becomes inflamed and irritated resulting in what we know as afib. I take sodium bentonite in a liquid bentonite from a well known company that supplies the product. First use of bentonite can cause constipation so use should be for 3 days on 4 days off until one gets used to it.Probiotics should be a good brand like Key or dr Ohhiras. If one wants to speed the process a bit diet change can come to play, maybe not a radical as mine since I have become mostly vegetarian. It takes time to heal the monster give yourself a year at least. For more information on this and to get products one can look up unique healing on youtube or simply buy your own wherever you like. It works for me and should work for you.
(Missouri, US)
(Tavernier, Fl)
In my search for a cure I realized I was using crutches in the form of many supplements. I have also found the root to all conditions such as afib, or all chronic conditions such as asthma, cancer diabetes etc is either toxicity and or deficiency. I have also discovered that the best way to eliminate the toxic conditions in the body is with bentonite clay, food grade sodium bentonite. Small amounts do not cure, large does. The stools should be massive, and daily, not small and occasional.
My AFIB is getting less and less to the point that I seldom have an attack and if I do a large bowel movement usually corrects it. Benonite not only pulls toxins from the colon but also pulls toxins from the organs and blood but and it takes at least 5 tablespoons taken daily to work or in pill form up to 80 pills.
Bentonite combined with probiotics will work for 80% of all afibs.The others are heart conditions mine was a colon condition which most of us have. This needs to be done for a year maybe two depending on the individual. I had all day every day 24 hour afib. I would wake up at night or in the morning with run away heart beating loud and fast. I could feel my heart beat in my ears. It was all irritation of the vegus nerve that also controls the heart, the source of which was inflammation coming from toxic conditions in the colon. Other symptoms were heavy mucous after eating, heavy mucous in the morning upon waking and showering. Heavy mucous coming from my nose when having a bowel movement, tinnitus, constipation or diareaha, in a cycle. The constipation would get better until it losened to diareaha , then back to the constipation. Back and forth and back and forth. Now its all healing up nicely with the bentonite.
I also use psyllium and or oxy colon cleanse because the bentonite can bind you up a bit when you take a lot but those massive stools sure move out the toxic waste. If you are not having well formed stools at least once a day you are accumulating toxic matter that could be affecting the vegal nerve that affects the heart. This was the holy grail for me.
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U RON, , , , , , , , good post. The natural folks have a debate as to which is more important ...... the colon or the liver. I say both and treat them equally. As I am on the shady side of the mountain, I am paying more attention to Hulda Clark....... it's a parasite thing. Those buggers will get you in a natural born minute and our MD's have no clue.
(Ann Arbor)
I have read, that sodium clay leaches calcium out and that is why calcium bentonite clay is preferable (something like cardio calcium EDTA is more advisable for cardio heavy metal chelation that sodium EDTA). Some thoughts on this?
AFib: I had the most success when I began using Dr.Carolyn Dean's "ReMag" & "ReMyte" which you can find on her website which helped with the magnesium deficiency and mineral deficiency as per Dr. Dean. But the other supplement to absolutely try is Taurine! I take 1500-2000mg a day in 2 doses A.M. and P.M. It was a life saver!
Off the meds now except for a very small dose of metapropol (12.5). I also take Hawthorn, Fish oil, and "Heart Calm" from "Vitabiologics"(2 capsules a day) and a few other basic supplements(Vit c, etc) that I always took! I would advise anyone to get on these and see the results!
Good luck to all and a big "Thank You" to"Earth Clinic" because that is where I found it all!!!!!
EC: Pat, thank you for sharing with us with the names of the supplements that have helped you. Congratulations on finally getting results! We know how hard you, Hwkmn05 and Bee have been working to figure out a cure for a-fib for a long time now!
(New York)
Hi everyone,
I take taurine and arginine and magnesium and someone out of the blue said to me ; well how long and how much of these things can you take without affecting liver and kidneys. I have no idea.. So my question is how long can we take supplements without any problems? I know water soluable seem to be okay .. Thank you
Bee, absolutely false. Key word is "supplement", not sustenance. Taurine is something our bodies make and Mag is eliminated thru the bowels if we take too much. With that said on Mag, I disagree that BM is sign of adequate dosage, I think we need much more than standard dose. However, if you are buying cheap, big box store supplements with some added goodies, like Mag Stearate which is highly toxic due to use of cottonseed oil, or Selenite, then yes it could be harmful to us.
Thanks! I really think that I wasn't getting enough Mg and especially the Taurine that helped! Off all meds even if I get afib, I convert with a little metapropol and no more fleccanide! I havent had it for about a month now and each time I have had it since January it gets less and less! So I know I'm getting better! The "Heart Calm" has Taurine and Mg in it along with Potassium and coq10.And I take 1000 more Taurine in addition to that a day! So... hoping that I hit on something here! I take Hawthorn and VitC, D, Fish oil, aged garlic and a multi also which I pretty much always took!
Hope you guys are doing well! I am on the run from those doctors and their ablation! Oh and I also use the Magnesium spray oil on my skin 2x a day! I must have needed a lot of Mg! Very depleted it seems! And Taurine is a potent detoxifier as is Mg! All these supplements are costing me more than the meds, but I'd rather do it this way with NO side effects! The only side effect is how good I feel!
Pat, yes supplements arent cheap, but in the long run they are a bargain and we cant put a price on good health, priceless. Metop did slow my HR however, never kept me out of AF and never converted on it. Flec I did in 45min on last episode in 2014. But were all different. You may want to ask about Niacin. I was put on that 6 months ago and it seems to have enhanced the Mag/ Vit C benefit.
Pat, you can't be getting better, AF is progressive and the sooner you get an ablation, the better off you will be. Isn't that just the MO of every EP out there? My latest PCP referred me to one of those gazillionaire heart scratchers just because he saw I had AF in my records. After a 15 min irritating one sided phone conversation with the EPs nurse, I canceled the appt. Last thing I said was, on your meds I had 4 episodes in 4 months. On my supplements Ive had 0 since 2014 after getting off your meds.
Hwk is right, as soon as they hear "Afib" they want to rush you into a surgical procedure if you dare to complain about the medicine! Well, supplements work better for me than any of the meds I was given and I did try quite a few! I just think they should have some other alternative treatments to offer people like me and they did not! It wouldn't hurt for them to fget acquainted with other treatment options! But I had to do my own research and be my own guinea pig to get to this point! And Hwkmn, you say that you haven't seen any problems arising from around 2000 mg Taurine affecting kidneys or liver or anyting else?And Magnesium? It all seems OK to me from what I have read! But it does concern me at times! Of course what option do I have? At least this seems to work as it does for you to keep me in NSR most of the time.And if I do go out it is for a much shorter time! And not as bothersome and scary as before! I haven't been back to dr.'s since December and I don't think I will as I will have to tell them I went off meds(except small dose beta-) and they will probably tell me I am endangering my life doing this or something like that! Don't want them to use the "scare" tactics on me because they do and it can be upsetting! Will keep you posted!
How about Bee? Doing good? Try the solfeggio/healing frequencies too! I know it seems crazy but I think they have helped me too! Will keep u posted.
Referring to Hwk's comments about doctor's ways, 2016, I just saw a so called doctor, he was a "hospitalist" working in a clinic as a doctor who, very early in the conversation told me flat out to stop taking any supplements because none of them work! If he wanted to impress me, he should have kept that to himself. Since low thyroid runs in my family, and I do have it and mentioned that I had to get off levothyroxine because of the side effects, he told me levothyroxine is a very good drug, very effective. When I mentioned a book called "Stop the Thyroid Madness" which addresses the problems some of us have when taking synthetic thyroid, he sneered and said that book has been completely debunked. When I mentioned the blog run by the woman who wrote the book, and all the entries by people who are having problems trying to take Synthroid or Levo or what have you drugs, he didn't say anything. At another point he said supplements are not regulated by the FDA and they are not tested. So I mentioned that there is a government website, National Institutes of Health?, that shows extensive testing of many supplements, herbal, etc. Again he said nothing. Think I should go back to see this guy?? Lol!!!
(New York)
Hi Pat and Hawk;
Thanks for thinking of me.. I am doing well I think.. I am avoiding doctors too like the plague and plugging along trying different things. I am also still taking the 1000 mgs. of taurine and I am still doing the magnesium not as much now though..haven't had on palpitation in ages and I am exercising and eating more raw foods as I hear they will detox anything. I am also taking some kidney herbs too.. anyway; yes I do all kinds of beats from utube. I do think they work.. I do the rife tones and solfeggio and all of that.. love it..
Okay glad to hear you are doing so well. I am so happy and proud of you.. after all of your hard work it paid off.. Kudos to you!!
I know this is a late blog, but I am off all meds since June including beta blocker and taking Magnesium, Hawthorn, Taurine, HeartCalm, And some other essential vitamins that I have taken forever! I also take Fish oil and Vit E to thin my blood. The Afib episodes haven't disappeared but are much slower and go away quicker(2-21/2 hrs) than they used to. Also seem to come during night when I am asleep for some reason. So all in all feeling better as I am not on rotten meds but still dealing with the monster! This is life, I guess! I don't take any meds when I get it either! Just the supplements (Taurine, Hawthorn) and it is no worse for sure! Don't want ablation as it is not a guaranteed cure and could make me worse! So until they come up with something better than that, I will do it my way! Wondering when/if I need "nattokinase" at some point? Don't know much about that! Take care, Pat
(North Little Rock, Arkansas)
(Ten Mile , Tn)
HI U PAT,,,,,,,, I take all the supplements that you posted plus Cartizem. I also take Nattokinase because that is what my chelation doctor has his wife take for A Frib.
As all know, I's smart, jus slow. If I miss my stuff then I wake at night with A Fib and I then check my oxygen. Normally it is 98 but when my heart goes crazy, then it is down to 93. I have concluded that I quit breathing in my sleep which brings this on. No way could I wear the WW II gas mask that has been used, but I think I can live with the new nasal system.
I see a specialist in a few weeks. As usual, my advice to all is not to get old. I'm not a fan of MD's because they treat your symptoms and don't try to keep you healthy. However, sometimes you have to treat the symptoms. I think A Fib may fit in that category. No way am I going to do Rat Poison as I've said before.
Well, kind of used a doctor. No allopath doctor is interested in helping you get off meds, they dont believe in supplements and like the $$ they receive. I used a Naturalpath who was sensible allowing me time to wean off Flec and Metop over 3 months, but it can be a challenge at times. I went into AF 3 times while converting naturally.
(South Wales)
Hi to you all
I too hate taking prescribed drugs only because I know they will never be an answer for afib and in the end will come with their own problems, but while big pharma is in control believe me cures are not their business, so all research done is for more toxic drugs to contain this awful condition for more profit, I believe my afib is a symptom of some imbalance in the nervous system which feeds every organ of the body. I work with pumps all day long and it is no different to the heart if there is any blockages or air trap along network of pipes then it will show in the pump which can go erratic (common sense). So it is no good to keep messing with a perfectly good pump when the problem is elsewhere.
Unfortunately, we have a medical system of experts who know nothing about the human body other than their own area of so call expertise it is so frightening we have been going down the wrong road of health care for far too long, just listen to people like Dr John Bergman total common sense stuff which you would think all doctor would know, but they dont, health care now is base on fear and offer no solutions, afib is certainly based on fear, but as long as no-one is looking at the whole picture then there cannot be a permanent answer, drugs only do two things the either block or kill that's it folks!!!, our bodies are miracles and have been doing a great job keeping us healthy all our lifes, so our job is to fine out why this problem is now occurring and eliminate it, not poison it with more toxins.
To start with it is no good eating raw food diet or more greens if they are full of pesticides(toxic) it as to be organic. Get yourself a good water filter to clean the water you drink, take a good omega 3, but if you can get your nervous system checked out by a good chiropractor, If you live in the usa I recommend John Bergman, I live in the uk and I am having trouble finding a chiropractor who does a nervous system check? but always believe you can cure this don't fall into the black hole of despair, try yoga, meditation, and prayer. Don't bottle up your fears like I did for years. It will only make you ill.
Good luck,
Pat and Dave, Congrats on all your success! I do believe in our bodies ability to heal! I have developed daily proximal afib this past year after having Pac's from dealing with circulatory issues 17years of chronic lyme and mycoplasma with severe symptoms of my scalp muscle and leg spasms. Stress and monthly postmenopausal hemorrhage from altered uterine cells from chronic mycoplasma also occurred during the onset of debilitating daily afib episodes. I take Remag, ReMyte and ReAline to bowel tolerance and other supplements you mentioned but continue with issues. Do you take the Herb Calm and REMag and REMyte? What's the total taurine you take daily as the ReAline does have some? I also do biweekly acupuncture and Chinese herbs to build kidney chi after a vibrant life of 6 kids but now am homebound due to erratic unpredictable afibs (up to 250beats) that have led to passing out, head injury and convulsive syncope. My ekg is ok and blood tests normal. I am looking into ozone for the chronic issues but need to regain NSR which I do have in between serious bouts. You are an inspiration and testimony of body's ability to heal and I appreciate your sharing.Thank you!
Afib - I was reading the posts from everyone and thought I would try the taurine and l arginine, magnesium etc. and I really think it is helping. I have tried other supplements but these seem to help. I will let you know if it is long lasting! Also taking something called serrinisol for adrenal fatigue which is also a possibility since this all began around menopause for me. They say it lowers my cortisol count. Whatever it is hope it keeps on working! Thanks to all of you.you know more than the doctors!
I am on a regimen of supplements to control my AF I am going into my 5th year with. I had never gotten back to NSR without cardioversion, one time in AF for 14 days and scoped for clots before CV'd. Not something I wanted to depend on for life not to mention a large co pay. Of course after my last episode in March, cardios wanted me on a high dosage of flecainide daily. I wouldnt mind a PIP of it, but their words were, "Indefinitely" set me searching for alternatives. At that point I sought out a Naturopathic doctor. Asked, can you keep me in NSR or get me back to it with supplements. He was confident he could. I weaned off the meds in 2months and got on Mg, CoQ10, Hawthorne, Taurine, DHA, Zinc, Rib rose, B12, Iodine, and L-carnitine.
I got the test a few weeks ago waking up at 430am in AF. Heart rate was lower than usual episodes I think in part to being on the MG and Hawth, 80-100. I did five times my usual daily amount along with a tincture of cayenne for 4 hours. I was determined not to go to ER or try the PIP flec. At hour 5, I returned to NSR for the first time ever without doctor or cardiaoversion. Called ND and he was ecstatic wanting to know the exact dosage and what I took. He thought it was all good, but believed it was more the Mg and Hawthorne berry that did the trick.
(New York)
I have been taking Taurine and COQ10 and L Carnitine for hbp and then I go and read that one cannot take Taurine for more than a year.. I even asked a famous Cardiologist who wrote books and believes in alternative treatments.. He says you can take L Carnitine for as long as you want and then I read no you can't take that for too long either. So I am so confused...
I also do magnesium and these supplements are a God Send.
What does your doctor say about the length of taking these amino acids...
Supplements, Yoga
My mother has atrial fib and is 87 years old and is doing well on taking a magnesium supplement 100mg, CO enzyme 10 - 100 mg and Calcium tables twice a day. She is on a low dose beta blocker and a blood thinner as well. Her sister is 88 years old and on the same medications and vitamins listed above with atrial fib and still uses a bicycle to get around in Germany. In addition, I found a yoga exercise used for cardiac problems that is supposed to help reverse atrial fib. The exercise is to cover your left nostril of your nose with a finger of your left hand and slowly release any air in your lungs. Then switch to close the right nostril with the same left finger and breath in slowly with your left nostril for a count of 5-7 secs, then alternate and let the air out of the right nostril - continue to do this for about 10 tries. And try to do this on a daily basis or when stressed.
(Los Angeles, CA)
This yog pranayam that your mother is doing is called anulom vilom pranayam. This pranayam is especially beneficial for people with heart, high BP problems, asthama,menstrual problems and the list goes on.....I poste s few days back stating having problems with my menstrual cycle.....i wasnt getting them for ever.......i did yoga for 2 days and there my periods were.....I am an Indian and my own parents and family members have used these teshniques for years now....It is very important that heart patients do anulom vilom very gently .....there are a total of 7 important pranayams.For all others i would recommend doing all 7 pranayams in order....just look up the web for the seven essential pranayams....
Kapalbhati pranayam another greaty pranayam assures of getting rid of all skin ailments, heart, high bp, diabetes,even cancer and helps a great deal with psoriasis....I have been doing yoga for 10 days now.....7 pranayams,7 asanas........aaaaaaaamaazing results........I have started believing in the power of yoga.....My grandmom is 104 yrs old....is pretty fit compared to her age.....her secret yoga...she reads newspaper with her own eyes.....has her own teeth intact......I will comeback and post in more details abnout the various asans and the precautions that should be taken ...as not everyone cannot do all the pranayams.......
(Stanhope, NJ)
Pareept, your post is interesting I have atrial tachycardia, and found yoga to be helpful, but I'm confused about the overwhelming amount of info about it and which asanas and breathing techniques are best for me. The terminology you used helps to guide my on line search for help. Thank you for posting it.
(Beech Bluff, Tn)