OMG!!! 13 days now and I haven't used the asthma ventolin. After 62 years of trying to breath and all the usual nasty drugs, I have to remember to not try, just wait and it comes, just like you folk, without asthma, have been doing it forever, all the way down to my feet. Thanks to the lovely Lugol who made the iodine, which I began using about 6 months ago, starting at 3 – 4 drops in my morning juice or herb tea and after a few weeks raising it to 6 – 7 drops [approx.37mg] at the same time slowly withdrawing from the reliever. I have remained on the steroid evohaler puffer of just one puff only before bed and will start to withdraw from that, hmmm, maybe on new years day. Ha! For a start, will use it every second night and see how it goes. The other things that helped were, from 33 yrs. just after the first lung collapse, I began staying away from supermarkets and eating vegetables plus herb teas and occasional sushi and the last 20 years exercising am and pm. Tai Chi and walking.
Now I am just waiting for the sky to fall. What the nasty PTB's and their big Pharma, Codex Alimentarius, FDA and TGA will introduce next. Never mind, I am 82 and off the planet soon.
Buteyko Breathing Method
Thank you so much for sharing this! The copay for my asthma drug recently went up to $358, and I didn't like being steroid drugs, anyway. I had to go to the ER, and after that, was having to use my inhaler several times a day -- because the alternative medications weren't working that great, for me. Still searching for how to heal asthma I found your post. Went to YouTube and learned the Buteyko method. That was three days ago and I have had zero asthma, and needed to take zero medications, neither Rx, nor alternative, since I first used the Buteyko method. It's a miracle. Thank you.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Robert, you don't have to give it up totally, you can do breathing-thru-a-mouthful of the diluted HP. I do about 6 breaths at a time (number taken from Bill Monroe) and it DOES help any and all respiratory/lung ailments for me. Once or twice a day (more if i'm really needing it) is usually enough to knock out whatever shouldn't be there.
Buteyko Breathing Method
Thank you for that recommendation. I am a 56 year old post menopausal woman with very similar symptoms. My heart was pounding, my breathing was constricted. I suspect I had silent reflux, because after dinner, especially late dinner, I would feel the need to cough out fluids from my lungs. Within literally four days, the constricted feeling went away, my heart is not pounding, my pulse is lowered, my mouth breathing at night stopped, I am sleeping much, much better, my am cotton mouth is gone, I feel rested when I wake up, I don't dread going to sleep, I am not waking up in the middle of the night for reasons I cannot fathom. Thank you Earthclinic and thank you for poster, for telling your story.
Hydrogen Peroxide
As a mother with a son with severe asthma who was always in and out of the hospital with life threating problems. Taking the typical treatments that never seemed to work completely. I began desperately looking in different avenues for help for him. My son is a married man with 3 children, and I was contstantly worried he would not live to see his children grown.
A little over a year ago my son got pneumonia (which he got yearly) this time it was worse nothing was working for him. Some how I started reading about hydrogen peroxide food grade and the many benefits it has had on many people I went and bought the HP gave him a paper on how to use it internally, he also put it in a cool mist humidifier at night when he sleep 1oz food grade HP to a gallon of distilled water, and he used it in his nebulizer, I am here to tell you it cured his pneumonia completely he has not entered a hospital in over a year he can actually function as a real person again his asthma is under control and he preaches about this to everyone. This was so miraculous for him and everyone who knows him cannot believe what it has done for him.. We are praising God for this. I wanted to share this with others becasue this is one of the sites I learned about HP thank you for your testimonies it helped my son. He of course still take HP by mouth and continues to use it in his nebulizer and humidifier
God Bless, Phyllis
Find the Triggers
Asthma can be caused by fungul and bacterial sinusitus. The fungus and bacteria drip down your throat and into your lungs and cause asthma. This type of asthma is often misdiagnosed. Mine was misdiagnosed for two years by several pulmonologists. Then I went to an allergist who really listened to how it started with a horrible almost violent allergy attack and correctly diagnosed it. Turns out I was exposed to fungus and bacteria from illegal construction in my apartment building where the terrible developer opened up water damaged walls without enclosing them. This released the fungus and bacteria which lodged in my sinuses. The pulmonologists treated my lungs and not my sinuses. Its treated by getting rid of the fungus and bacteria in the sinuses through drugs and surgery. The drainage causes a cough. I've had 3 surgeries and used lots of drugs but because I was misdiagnosed for two years the fungus and bacteria are deeply embedded in my respitory system now and very hard to get rid of. I am holding it down (not eliminating it) and controlling the cough by using a Neil Med with 1 extra strength Neil Med packet, 8 drops of garlic extract, 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract, six drops of hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day. Its not perfect but it helps.
Buteyko Breathing Method
The Butyeko method of breathing is a definite MUST for those with asthma and who are committed to getting off asthma meds. I ordered the DVD and book from Amazon, now am currently doing the exercises daily. Along with ACV, I am now down to 1 puff of flovent every other day as opposed to Advair twice a day over a year ago....
Fish Oil
I suffered for years with asthma, made worse by cold wet weather. It was one of the reasons I moved to a warmer climate. Inhalers and other medications did not really work. It felt like a giant hand would just squeeze the air out of my lungs. Once I was at a lecture with a friend and he said people thought I was making fun of the speaker, when actually it was my wheezing! Both of my parents smoked,and I think I was dealing with COPD from the time I was five or six. I can remember hiding in closets as a small child so people wouldn't hear me wheeze and clear my lungs. I don't smoke, never have.
I researched for natural cures and found fish oil. I started taking it and the wheezing went away. My lungs feel pliant and able to open up. Wet and cold weather do not affect me anymore. I can breathe! When I don't take the fish oil, the wheezing comes back, so I'm convinced that what is what works for me.
The recommended amount I read is one teaspoon for every 50 lbs. of weight. That's what I take. I usually will take a liquid form, but sometimes pills, so I will take about three or so of those. My body lets me know how much works. I take the fish oil in the morning. I also take flax oil at night, one or two tablespoons. But when I only take flax oil, the wheezing comes back. It has to be fish oil (sorry vegetarians, I don't know any other answers for you).
In the winter I take cod liver oil, in the summer just regular fish oil. Both work as well, but the cod liver oil has vitamin D, which I feel I get enough of in the summer.
So I believe for me, the answer is that I need the omega 3 fatty acids for normal lung function.
The taste can be unpleasant, but there are flavored forms and then of course the pills, though they tend to be rather large.
Another bonus is that I notice my vision is much clearer when I faithfully take fish oil, particularly the cod liver oil. The owner of one of the vitamin stores I go to says that the elderly customers who have taken cod liver oil their entire lives often have 20/20 vision. I believe it.
I hope this can help someone and I'm really glad I found this site. I'm trying a few of the suggestions here and will post in a while when I see (or don't see) results.
H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
My 10yr old son who wheezes with breathing in cold air had an attack and seemed to worsen as the day progressed. Labored breathing with wheezing sounds,scary. I already had a nebulizer machine in the house from years past using albuterol mixtures. I placed about 1/3 cup of water in a separate container and one drop of 35% food grade H202. Stirred it and then filled to capacity the nebulizer holding cup. After about 20 minutes he seemed to breath alot easier but not 100% to normal. He slept for an hour then was able to get up and guess what? No heavy breathing! A little wheezing but not as much as before. I was hesitant to try the H2O2 as so many precautions and warnings. I'm glad I only put one drop into a separate container with more water. One drop in the nebulizer cup (about 2 tablespoons capacity) would have been way too much.
Dietary Changes
The cure for both Asthma and Allergies is a healthy alkaline based diet. Foods come in 2 groups acidic and alkaline. The more acidic foods we eat the more we are susceptible to diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, tumors, colds and asthma and allergies. I am curing my son who has had chronic, food allergies and asthma. There was one point he could only eat 3 foods, now he eat about 15. I realized that he was allergic to all foods acidic and his food allergies were compounded by his asthma. I instituteed a heavy alkaline based diet and now his allergies are better by 50% and asthma went for chronic to mild.... It's all what we eat... do some research into alkalinity and acidity and I guarantee you, you are what you eat!!!
H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
I was desperate to find something other than my rescue inhalers (7-8x/day), steriods, Adviar, Singulair, Albuterol nebulizer and whatever else I've tried throughout the 11 years since I was diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies.
I recently quit my job because my attacks had gotten so bad, I couldn't function. No health insurance, no money, I had to rely on friends' prescriptions, samples and $4 drugs from Walmart.
I found this just yesterday and tried the HP therapy in my nebulizer. INSTANLY no more wheezing - no more coughing! I was sure I had gone nuts. I got my first solid night's sleep in ages! I woke up this morning feeling better than I had in years. I will do it again every 2 hours and see how I am tomorrow, but this is so encouraging.
Thank you so much for this site. I will read everything I can find. I hope it lasts.
Coconut Oil
Dear Colleen,
I would probably start with 1/4 teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil three times a day. You could then increase by 1/4 teaspoon at a time. For a four year old I would probably not give more than 1 Tablespoon a day total, but there may be exceptions.
To get a coconut oil in a four year old, I spread it on toast, mix it in oatmeal, add some to steamed vegetables, add it to smoothies, etc.
You might also want to try milk kefir for your daughter. Regular consumption of milk kefir really turned my daugther's health around, including asthma problems.
~Mama to Many~
Vitamin B12
One year ago, I had a bout of the most severe asthma I have had in years. After a trip to the ER and several hundred $$$ in meds over 4 months, I was determined to find natural substitutes for them. I found Vitamin B12 here. I bought a 1000 mcg. sublingual tablet (with 400 of Folic acid) that I began taking every night at bedtime, and can report an amazing decrease in all asthma symptoms over the last year. I have even taken one at the onset of labored breathing and had the attack subside within 20 minutes!!! I am now totally drug free and so grateful to all who wrote about B12. It is a miracle. Also, in the process of the above, I began an anti-allergy regimen of 2 g of Pantothenic Acid, 2 g of Vitamin C, and a Quercetin capsule in divided dose 2x a day. Goodbye to antihistimines! 1 mg. of Vit. C alone has stopped an allergy attack for me as well as other family members. Hope others can find the relief I have!
If you have asthma and you do not have your inhaler with u drink a hot cup of black coffee to stop an asthma attack.
Black Seed Oil
Hi Dan, we have had improvement with my husband's breathing using heparin filters in each room to clean out the air, I replaced the carpets with Farbo flooring (hypoallergenic and doesnt grow mold or put toxic fumes out gassing into the air and had to look up local suppliers that carried it and could order it). We had to eliminate dairy and wheat from the diet and improvement has been happening one day at a time. Not easy given past fire smoke and mold sensitivities.🙏
Mimosa Pudica Seed
I have asthma and have tried every natural remedy over the years. I cut out dairy and processed foods and then went to a plant based diet. This did help some but then I found a product called Mimosa Pudica Seed. This is a gut scrubber and Eliminates parasites. This was a game changer for me and I was able to get off my inhaler. Your health is in your gut. 80-90 of your immune system is in your gut. So gut health is the key! So if you work on you on your gut health you can reverse chronic disease. Most people eat the standard American diet (processed foods, wheat sprayed with glyphosate, fast food, fried foods etc.)and heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity are epidemic.
Another excellent product is Well of life, they have a bundle which includes Digestive enzymes, Probiotic and Fulvic Acid. When taken for 3-6 months can heal your leaky gut and improve or eliminate autoimmunity and get your health back.
MSM helps asthma
I've never posted a review on this site, but this is worth writing about! Had to start slowly, because 1000 mg caused drowsiness...but my peak flow went from 400 to 575 after 1 week!! That is life changing! So for asthma and allergies this is a keeper. Now I'm still only taking a 250 mg dose, 1/4 of a tablet, with those results.
H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Update: I am still having great success with the h202 inhalation therapy - using 6 squirts of the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide a day. However, I really wanted to get to the root of this mild cold induced asthma condition so, I investigated my background a bit. I was born with asthma many years ago and was given many medications. My mother had little knowledge of the condition and so, I was given the standard meds back in the late 60's. Anyhow, I seemed to have little problems with asthma for many years but in reappeared about 10 years ago. I started with medications like singulair, flovent, duo-nebs, etc.....it was awful stuff. After 10 years, I knew I had to figure out this issue.
Fast forward to today...I am using hydrogen peroxide but knew that I must find out, on a cellular level, what is making me asthmatic. I started reading nutritional journals on the science behind nutrition therapy so, my investigation led me to Dr. Carolyn Dean and magnesium deficiencies. I have taken magnesium before but the pill forms are not bioavailable and, according to my research, we only get about 4% of the magnesium needed by taking a pill.
I delved into Dr. Deans blog, read everything I could about our deficiencies here in the United States and decided to get my magnesium RBC's checked (red blood cells) ...according the Dr. Dean, It needs to be above 6.0 and I was at 5.0. (I can't remember the measurement). I ordered her magnesium because in all honesty, I do believe the magnesium she developed truly is absorbable so much more then what we get from the nutrition shops and doesn't give me "the runs."
I have absolutely no affiliation with Dr. Dean but I respect her work and research immensely - I say this because I am sitting here, day 3 taking her magnesium liquid.....and no need for Advair or H202 therapy. Have I been magnesium deficient for so many years because of all the fluoride in my daily life? I believe so....I am speechless. The fluoride molecules are in so many medications and they hang on to the magnesium we get from our food sources. The pharmaceutical companies add fluoride to the medicines so they are more powerful but, with a price. I know Advair has fluoride molecules, my toothpaste has fluoride molecules, my water source has fluoride molecules.....folks, if you or your child have been taking ANY medications for many, many years (like me), get your magnesium RBC's checked. Here is a site that indicates which meds have fluoride in them.
I give this information to everyone because it has taken me at least two years of investigation to get to this point and I hope it can help others. When I have my magnesium RBC's checked again, I will give everyone an update.
Buteyko Breathing Method
Tried breathing exercise (buteyko method) where I gently breathe in and out, hold my nose, close my mouth, then walk around the house until I cant breathe any longer. Stand still and count to a minute, then do it again 6 more times. Within a day this has cut my cold/flu/asthma/allergies to 80%. I did it morning and night on an empty stomach. By the 3rd day I am 100% cured.
I hope my success with MSM may be able others asthma victims...
After 50+years of great doctors & resp- therapists, and numerous asthma meds & devices daily (including but not limited to inhalers, nebulisers, discus, pods, antiboitoics, steroids, cortico-streoids, spirometers, chambers, etc.), and numerous hospitalizations every year since childhood, my lifelong asthma was remedied within 2 weeks after I began taking an arthritis supplement that contained a new ingredient MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane). Nowadays, I take MSM (1500 mg) about once a month, as soon as I sense a twinge of chest tightness; I've been virtuallly asthma free for almost 2 years now!
Yes (unbelievably) it was as simple, cheap, and easy as that!
Vitamin D3
I would like to propose a theory regarding asthma that is two-fold and possible remedies.
Both my daughter and I had a very bad chest cold in January 2007. At that time she was 5 years old. Then in March that year, she suddenly developed asthma and had to be on inhalers and nebulizer. Over the next two years I noticed that in the Summer, she did not need any of her meds but within a month of starting school, her symptoms came back. I started researching VitaminD3 and had both our levels checked when we went to the doctor in the Spring of 2009. Normal readings should be 40-70ng/ml and she was at 38 and I was at 37. So I purchased VitaminD3 liquid drops @ 400iu per drop and we started taking 2 drops per day (800iu) only during the Fall/Winter months of 2009 and had our levels check in the Spring of 2010. Her level was at 39 and mine was at 40-better but still low. We increased to 4000iu drops in the Fall/Winter only and get adequate sunshine during the Spring/Summer.
What I have found is that by taking the D3, her asthma has been kept under control and she rarely needs her inhaler and both of us have not had a bad cold/flu for the past 3 years.
The other theory I have come across in my research is clinical trials regarding people who have had bronchitis/chest cold that became asthmatic following the illness. Two different bacteria have been shown to be the culprits: mycoplasma pnuemonia and clamydia pnuemonia, causing approx. 50% of childhood asthma and 70% of adult-onset asthma. Researchers have done clinical trials using azithromycin for extended periods to kill the bacteria and have found that the asthma symptoms of the test subjects improve or are completely cured. I am not a big fan of antibiotics though and am not promoting it, however, if the research suggests bacterial infections are a cause of asthma perhaps using an antibacterial natural remedy would be helpful, i.e., collodial silver in a nebulizer. I have not tried this, just a thought.
I have also dabbled in Homeopathy but for now the VitaminD3 seems to be working well.
I hope this information is informative.
Thanks to EarthClinic for a wonderful source of alternative cures.
Best of Health! Wendy