Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

| Modified on Jun 25, 2024
Posted by Jon (Waycross, GA) on 10/01/2022

Editor's Choice I was diagnosed 1st w/ asthma, then COPD, & asbestosis a few years ago. IMO the asbestosis causes the breathing issues. I've tried a number of things for asthma, including Yamoa capsules. Yamoa is the bark of an african gum tree variety. About 30% of those taking Yamoa for asthma have excellent results. Unfortunately I'm not one of them.

The thing that seems to have helped me the most is N-acetyl-L-cysteine (N-A-C) Some sources say asthma is a glutathione deficiency. I still have breathing issues similar to asthma from asbestosis & COPD. But I hardly ever have serious breathing issues unless I have a COPD exacerbation. N-A-C is pretty inexpensive, I paid $13 for 600 capsules, 600mg ea.
I usually buy 3 bottles at a time, shipping was $6. That was at ilifeline DOT com.

N-A-C is very inportant for glutithione production so I take 2 caps twice daily. In my case some amino acids are helpful, including l-glycine.
I'm 67 & it seems my digestion is off so I take Super Enzymes, Dr. Berg's Gallbladder Support, Ox Bile & Tudca. I should add that not eating sugar or anything the body converts to sugar, & especially processed foods is very important, I eat keto, very low carb & I fast so I've lost ~100lb net.

These things helped me, especially the N-A-C, so I wanted to share. Have a GREAT day, Neighbor!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Chip (Playa Hermosa, Guanecaste, Costa Rica) on 01/13/2014

Editor's Choice Hello I would like to tell you how I use Aloe Vera to help keep my Asthma under control.

I am 66 YO and had child hood asthma which went away after I was 10.

However about 6 years ago I had a bad viral chest infection which took 6 weeks to clear up. I was left with asthma, although initially it was not very bad. I used a Symbicort inhaler and morning and evening puffs controlled it. Then in 2010 I moved from South Florida to Costa Rica. After a couple of months I was able to get rid of my inhaler. However, in early 2013 a Swiss company started demolishing a mountain so they could build a new resort less then a half mile away. Over a hundred large Mack trucks would drive by my home everyday carrying away the dirt and rocks. My asthma started back up with a vengeance. I ended up using Albuterol and Symbicort inhalers and taking Singulair (Montelukast) every day. (This was all prescribed by my Doctor in the USA.) I was using the Albuterol several times a day. Although they finished up in early December my symptoms continued.

I noted early on the the Singulair acted as anti-viagra. The Singulair made it difficult to impossible to have an erection. So I substituted Lobiella. I would take a capsule just before bedtime and it would help me a lot. It also did not have the side effects of the Singulair.

Recently I found out that Aloe Vera acts like a natural steroid and when I have it, my lungs clear just like the Albuterol. However, the aloe-vera gel is very bitter so I either mix it in juice or I get a bottle of Aloe Vera drink, which does not work as well. A number of roadside stands sell Aloe-vera drink that is not pasteurized and it works better although I do get some relief from the commercial drink.

When I drink several glasses a day it keeps my lungs clear. I had tried ACV but it did not work for me nearly as well.

I hope my experiences help.

Vitamin C, Omega 3
Posted by Rusti1 (Usa) on 04/17/2015

Editor's Choice I've been asthmatic since being pregnant at age 26. On medications including steroids and inhalers. Just to make a long story shorter, I began with Vitamin C with bioflavanoids and rosehips (ascorbic acid alone did not seem to help). Vit C 1000 worked many times if I caught an attack early enough, but, omega 3s helped even better so I added them. Another real difference I found was when I went organic. A lot of things improved for one, but, it seems also my asthma as well.

Haven't had a problem in years, eating all kinds of foods, but, organic, in particular organic dairy and grass fed meats. I do now have raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar most everyday as well. Just to add, since going organic, my son's allergies that he had for years since he was a teenager, now in his 30's, have subsided as well. I use all natural household cleaning products as well such as baking soda and vinegar. Kind of "detoxing" as much as I can. Hope that helps anyone.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Valarie (Las Vegas ) on 08/25/2018

Editor's Choice I was born with asthma even died a couple of times as a child, my mother had to give adrenaline shots till I was 19 years old. We moved out of the San Francisco house into a brand new house in Pacifica. My asthma improved immensely. I believe the San Francisco house was filled with mold and the new house wasn't. Then when I was about 19 years old I got it and supplements and herbs and improve my diet.

Over the years it would get better with diet and then get worse with diet. This past spring was one of the most intense experiences. I was on too many medications and I was not on the right foods in my diet, my asthma really bad.

In the early morning hours searching on I found a comment that asthma was fungus based. The recommendation was to take oil of oregano 2 to 4 dropper full‘s per day! I had some in the cabinet so I started taking it and sure enough, I started getting better and getting relief with my asthma.

I went down the rabbit hole Searching for anti-fungal diet and supplements. I found Doug Kaufman wrote a bunch of books on it has a TV show podcast Facebook podcast community for support.

Then I took a prescription drug called NyStaten to kill the fungus even stronger along with herbal remedies and diet But the detox was too strong and I ended up with extremely itchy scalp so I stopped taking the NyStaten and I am back onto the antifungal diet with oil of oregano and olive leaf.

I am posting that asthma and allergies can be illuminated, reduced and healed. All from oil of oregano and olive leaf with an antifungal diet which means no carbs no sugar's no alcohol. Asthma and allergies are fungal yeast or mold based.

Many diseases are fungus yeast mold parasites causing diabetes cancer and a whole other list of conditions. It is upsetting that our medical system has us on all these drugs that were making me angry depressed crazy and not healing my condition or educating me that my foods were feeding the fungus.

I could barely walk up a flight of stairs over this past winter and spring. Once getting on the antifungal diet and taking the oil of oregano I was able to almost run up a flight of steps for the first time in years easily. Now I'm starting all over again to regain that and improve it more and more.

I hope this post of information will help you as well.

Posted by Mike (Reading, Pa) on 03/01/2016

Editor's Choice Two students I had contact with each had asthma most of their lives. I informed them that bovine colostrum could get rid of the asthma quickly. Both of them followed the protocol that I suggested which was one half scoop of the colostrum powder for the first two days, one scoop for days three and four, one and one half scoops for days five and six, and two scoops for day seven and after until the asthma is gone. You will find the measuring scoop inside the container of colostrum powder.

When they no longer have asthma I suggested that they go back to a half scoop for prevention.

Also, I instructed them to mix the colostrum with eight ounces of "healthy" water in a blender and drink the mixture thirty minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach which is critical in getting the greatest benefit from the colostrum. They followed the protocol that I suggested and both of them got rid of the asthma in four weeks.

It has been over two years for the one student and over one year for the other student since they have gotten rid of the asthma. Praise The Lord! The colostrum powder that I suggested they purchase can be found on the internet for approximately $65.00. Simply enter 21 ounces colostrum powder on any search engine and you will find a powder that is effective and moderately priced.

Vitamin E, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin C
Posted by Rose (FL) on 12/25/2020

Editor's Choice I had bad asthma that could last up to 17 days using prescribed meds. And one day I was given a remedy, & within a year, my asthma went away. The remedy is ...


  • 2 vitamin E 400 IU,
  • 2 cod liver oil capsules, and
  • 2 vitamin C (500 MG) tablets.

I took them with food, 3 times a day, when I was very sick with asthma, for a year. I stopped taking them when my asthma went away, & started taking them, again, whenever I have problems with it.

My brother, had very bad sinus problems, & this same remedy, above, helped him get better.


Adjust Your pH
Posted by Angela (Gautier, Mississippi) on 10/23/2012

For asthma, your bottom line is your PH levels. I am willing to bet you have been eating other sugars. Everyone has around these cooler months we do every year even myself. If I eat a piece of candy it throws me into a asthma attack, yes I made the same mistae. Sugar is worse than heroine they say. Sometimes I believe it, I cant stay away from it. I know the golden rule and still donr follow it. My ph balance is my bottom line, if you have a healt problem it started with your PH balance being to acidic. Even cancer. You have to use a 70/30% ratio on the food. 70%veggie and 30 meat, sugar stuff.

To get your PH back is a 5 day no sweets/cokes/carbs watch what you eat. Hard to do cold turkey so it needs a little help. Apple cider vinegar helps raise it back to ward 7.4 PH balance.1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in water before bed helps once twice a week. It is also alkaline. Dont drink anything but water after the baking soda, defeats the purpose. Just remember your PH balance is your bottom line. Fungus, bacteria, virus, cancer all love a acidic state. They sell PH strips online if you need a visual. It would be good for you to also look up alkaline and acid foods, so you know what you ate that caused it. hope I helped.

K2, D3, Zinc
Posted by Braulio Oliveira (Bahia, Brazil) on 01/02/2019

Editor's Choice Vitamin K2 MK7 + Vitamin D3 + Zinc cures Asthma!

Researches have found the cure to asthma and it is an ostheoporosis medicine!

Basically what they discovered is that asthma is linked to the Calcium metabolism. 99% of the calcium is present in bones and teeths. Anywhere else Calcium is present it causes problems: vascular deterioration that causes heart and brain problems, artritis when it goes to articulations, wrinkles when it goes to the skin, etc.

But nature have its natural Calcium GPS called Vitamin K2 MK7! Vitamin D3 absorbs calcium in the intestin to the blood, but it is K2 that takes it from the blood to the right place: bones and teeths. The first asthma symptom is a result of the accumulation of calcium in the periphery of the body: the skin.

Years before the first asthma crisis almost always there is a strong dermatitis resulting from calcium accumulation. Then years later that calcium will end in vital organs like lungs causing bronchospasm and alkalosis in the blood (buteyko method helps a bit as it balances the alkalized blood with excess calcium). Calcium in lungs could also help build homes for bacterias like Chlamydia pneumoniae. K2 MK7 is a very rare nutrient nowadays, even harder to find in a vegetarian diet (although this diet can also be lower on calcium). K2 MK7 metabolism is related to many other nutrients but mostly D3 and Zinc. If those are also defficient, K2 MK7 won't be able to do its job.

My son had 3 severe asthma crisis that led us to emergency, and many others that were administered at home through glucocorticoids, butheyko method and other things. As K2 MK7 suplementation started my son was in the middle of an crisis.

The crisis was quickly reverted. Now after 3 months of taking at least 400mcg K2 + 5000ui D3 + 50mg zinc 4 to 7 days a week, his is far away from an asthma crisis and his skin is slowly recovering to a completely healthy state.

It takes time until the calcium spread through the body to be catch by Vitamin K2. High doses of K2 have no toxicity recorded on rats, but it *must* come with higher doses of D3 and other related nutrients.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rachel (Stanwood, Wa USA) on 03/06/2013

Apple cider vinegar made my asthma worse. At first I thought it was just a detoxification reaction, so I toughed it out and kept using it while I did vegetable juice fasts and ate super healthy. But my breathing just got worse, so I stopped. I did elimination diets for a long time and after two years of trying to figure out what was the problem I found out it was SULFUR! ACV is loaded with sulfur, along with other common things such as chocolate, dairy, onions, garlic, eggs, broccoli, cabbage, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering chemicals being sprayed in the air everyday, and stinky things like fermaldahyd in perfume. Apparently, 5% of asthmatics have a sulfur sensitivity. It's not the same as an allergy, but it could be caused by mercury poisoning or even genetic problems with methylation pathways. So when I don't eat sulfur foods, I breathe better. Unfortunately, I can't get away from the stratospheric aerosol geoengineering pollution so I can no longer leave my home or go outside without an uncomfortable gas mask. I now have a nebulizer and very powerful air cleaners. The meds all made things worse I don't use anything but albuterol now. Anyways, eliminating sulfur, sulfates and sulfites, including all preservatives may be beneficial, if sulfur sensitivity is the problem (hey, 5% chance! )

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dianne (Tampa, Fl) on 07/08/2009

I apologize in advance for how lengthy this is. I am writing to let everyone know about the incredible benefits we have experienced with Aloe. About one and a half years ago our whole family came down with whooping cough. I decided to try Aloe, as a friend I had known had had great success with it for treating a serious prolonged cough and my mother also told me that in Colombia SA they would use a beaten concoction of Aloe and egg whites to treat whooping cough when she was a little girl. I reaearched Aloe on the internet, and though I didn't find the egg white recipe, I found many things Aloe is good for. It did work very well for whooping cough, especially helping to calm the nightime attacks, and a friend tried it for her daughter's whooping cough and had the same results. When I looked Aloe up on the internet, the treatment for the ailment that interested me the most was asthma. My son had been struggling with it for several years- not severe, but mostly sports induced and it greatly hindered his ability to play sports. I have tried most home remedies for asthama and have had so-so results. He began drinking it every day and by the end of the second month his attacks were completely gone. As long as he continues to drink it daily, he has no attacks. If he stops it entirely he begins having attacks again after a couple of months.

I found that one of the reasons that Aloe works for asthama (and other conditions like arthritis and lupus) is because it is anti-inflammatory. So, it keeps the airwarys from getting inflamed. Another reason it works is because it is also excellent for treating allergies which many times are a trigger for asthama. One of the reasons it works for allergies is because of the collagen it causes your body to produce which thickens the the mucus linings of your repiratory system and intestinal tract (heals leaky gut) which in turn helps you not to be so sensitive to allergens. Another reason is that it treats systemic candida which is usually the root of asthma and allergies.

The funny thing I noticed, which is not mentioned in any literature I have researched about Aloe, is that it has also helped with his stunted growth. My son is really short for his age and in the two years before taking Aloe, he only grew six inches total. Once he began taking Aloe for his asthma he grew almost six inches in one year. The growth spurt coincided exactly with time he first began the Aloe. I've tried my own "experiments" to see if his growth is related to the Aloe or if it is just his time to start growing, and I've found that if he has a period of a couple of months where he doesn't take his Aloe at all or only takes it once a week or so, he only grows about a quarter of an inch per month or less. When he takes it every single day, he grows about a half inch per month.

My father has been really inspired about my son's story and began taking it himself about four months ago for his prostate. He has been on prostate medication for the past ten years and still gets up to urinate about four times per night. He has tried different prostate medicines as well as his own share of home remedies, and nothing has worked. Well, after drinking Aloe daily for a couple of months, he was able to get off of his prostate medicine completly. Now he only gets up once or twice per night and he's not on any prostate medecine.

I've heard some people make some type of Aloe tea infusion, but the way we take Aloe is this: We buy a fresh Aloe stalk from the produce section of the grocery store. It has to be at least fourteen inches long, or I've read it's not as beneficial. The Aloe has to be nice and firm. Don't use it if it is soft and squishy as it is too old and may actually agravate some candida problems. We slice off a three inch section from the base and peel off the thick green skin with a paring knife and discard it. We then take the gel (from the three inch section) and gently blend it with a drink mixer with some orange juice for palatability. The less you blend, the better as you don't want to destroy the beneficial properties.

You can buy bottled Aloe, but I DON'T RECOMMEND IT! While there may be some good Aloe products out there, I've read that sometimes the bottle can say 100% Aloe and it is actually 95% water, but for some reason the FDA allows them to say 100% Aloe even if it isn't. The other reason is that bottled Aloe is usually pastuerized which kills many of the beneficial enzymes that make Aloe so effective. Fresher is always better with Aloe.

Keto Diet
Posted by Ralph (Australia) on 04/30/2022

Editor's Choice For the last 12 months, I have found that when I am on a keto diet I am able to completely control my asthma and even eat some broccoli, cabbage etc, however, if I slip up and fall out of keto my asthma will come straight back. The keto diet controls some of the major inflammatory mechanisms affecting the lungs. Finding this out has been a major relief for me and the keto diet can be very satisfying once you get around the learning curve a bit. I hope you or somebody else finds this to be helpful. Cheers Ralph

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Lisa (Netherlands ) on 10/07/2022

Just made an account especially for this. Blackseed oil works for asthma. I can breathe again and I had severe asthma. Somedays I could not even walk up the stairs. When I did I had to lay down and rest. It was that bad. You could hear me breathe. I started using blackseed oil because I read online someone healed their asthma with it. So I tried, because I was desperate, because I had to use a lot of steroids/inhalers. After a few days I noticed a difference. I could breathe deeper, and breathing/inhaling wasn't that hard anymore. I use it with Curcumma/blackpepper capsules.

Just try don't give up. Astma can heal.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Garlic, Oregano
Posted by Michael (Covington, Louisiana) on 04/01/2011

I have found fantastic results from a combination of ACV, Oregano and Garlic for what the conventional Dr. called simply "Adult onset asthma".

A little background: 4 years ago I began having (gradually) more difficulty breathing at night. During day was fine and I was active. But, at night the tightness in chest was apparent, and along came the wheezing too. It became unbearable and I could not lay down totally without feeling like I was going to choke. Anyway, I went to a conventional Dr. I knew and he did tests and simply said I had developed Adult onset Asthma (I was 35 at the time). He prescribed Advair and I took it (for about 1. 5 yrs) and it helped a ton. But cost a lot too. I eventually sought out a cheaper alternative and he prescribed Symbicort. It cost a lot too. I used it sparingly...

In Nov 2010, I was jogging (as I normally did) and my heart began to race, became light-headed, and almost passed out and had to walk home. Haven't jogged since. Everytime I do any strenuous activity my heart would race and I almost pass out. I did pass out in my yard on March 12 of 2011. Trying to use a hand saw to simply cut down a small tree (5" diameter). That pushed me to solve my issues and get off the prescription. [About this same time, a friend had recommended a website where a man detailed his fight against asthma AND his own doctor. His research concluded that he might not be suffering from asthma, but rather a very serious bacterial infection in his lungs (Chlamydia Pneumonia). He had to convince his doctor to presrcibe a serious regimen of antibiotics to solve the problem... and it did]. To confirm it wasnt a heart issue I got a $59 CTScan to confirm there was no blockage, or issues that weren't solely lung related.

I suspected my issue was the same, especially given my doctor had NO reason for why my "asthma" magically developed. So, being more inclined to try an alternative method OTHER than antibiotics, I used this combination to garner awesome results:

Oregano Oil drops-- 5 to 10 drops into an empty capsule (3x/day) taken before meal-- and topically-- 3 drops on chest-rubbed in, 2 drops on each ankle (inside just above heel), 1 drop on each side of nose rubbed in (stay away from eyes! )-- 1x/day (first week only)-- I smelled awful for a couple hours-- but the fumes felt therapeutic!


Garlic Powder Capsules- 3 to 4 capsules (3x/day) = about 3500-4500mg/day (just before meals)


Apple Cider Vinegar (pills)-3 to 4 pills (3x/day) = 5-7g/day (just before meals)


Baking soda water (1 glass every morning--1st thing)--hoping to improve systemic alkalinity


Sporadic use of Hydrogen Peroxide- [I emptied a nasal sprayer and replaced with H2O2]. Inhaled (5-10x/day) directly in mouth- Hoping to aid in the break up of deeply rooted/lodged infection/bacteria


Regimen began 3/14/2011, I still used inhaler 1x/day (as normal) until 3/16...then began skipping days. Used this method for 5 days and then the Healing Crisis began. From 3/19 to 3/22 a sore throat appeared. Followed by the addition of a runny nose & raspy voice. On the 24th (11th day of treatment)I also was sneezing and felt clammy. Rough night onthe 25th-- Deep Sore throat, cough, major lung discharge of mucus, & nasal mucus discharge too ( but no fever). Sat 26th, same sore throat, lung discharge and no fever (26th marked 1 week since last inhaler use! ). Sun 27th, mild sore throat, reduced discharge and night sweat (like the breaking of a fever)... Noticeable increase in chest cavity when inhaling over the past week!! Still mild tightness only felt at night when laying down.. BUT MUCH better than before and NO inhaler! . 28th-31st, still using regimen and getting slightly better in every respect. I plan to continue the regimen for a full 30days. 31st-converted from oregano oil drops (ran out), to capsules and will continue til mid April.

I am chronicling this as further evidence that alternative methods work, they work well and they can replace MANY conventional methods without the nasty side effects and the high costs! tomorrow will be two weeks since I last used the inhaler and I have 0 desire or need to use it. I am only hoping in the next few weeks I can get back to the full exercise regimen I was used to without my heart racing again (Symbicort side effect [per the insert] -- "irregular heartbeat, racing heartbeat")

I hope this may help someone with "asthma"--look into a possible alternative treatment that CURES them!

K2 MK7 + Vitamin D3 + Zinc
Posted by Braulio Oliveira (Lauro De Freitas, Bahia, Brazil) on 12/30/2018

Vitamin K2 MK7 + Vitamin D3 + Zinc cures Asthma!

My son had 3 severe asthma crisis that led us to emergency, and many others that were administered at home through glucocorticoids, butheyko method and other things.

K2 MK7 suplementation started my son was in the middle of an crisis. The crisis was quickly reverted.

Now after 3 months of taking at least 400mcg K2 + 2000ui D3 + 50mg zinc 4 to 7 days a week, his is far away from an asthma crisis and his skin is slowly recovering to a completely healthy state.

It takes time until the calcium spread through the body to be catch by Vitamin k2. High doses of K2 have no toxicity recorded on rats, but it *must* come with higher doses of D3 and other related nutrients.Si

Researchers have found the cure for asthma and it is an ostheoporosis medicine!

Basically what they discovered is that asthma is linked to the Calcium metabolism.

99% of the calcium is present in bones and teeths. Anywhere else Calcium is present it causes problems: vascular deterioration that causes heart and brain problems, artritis when it goes to articulations, wrinkles when it goes to the skin, etc.

But nature have its natural Calcium GPS called Vitamin K2 MK7! Vitamin D3 absorbs calcium in the intestin to the blood, but it is K2 that takes it from the blood to the right place: bones and teeths.

The first asthma symptom is a result of the accumulation of calcium in the periphery of the body: the skin. Years before the first asthma crisis almost always there is a strong dermatitis resulting from calcium accumulation.

Then years later that calcium will end in vital organs like lungs causing bronchospasm and alkalosis in the blood.

And that is why the Buteyko method is so effective against asthma: it work with the alkalized blood by excess calcium blood calcium.

K2 MK7 is a very rare nutrient nowadays, even harder to find in a vegetatian diet (although this diet can also be lower on calcium). K2 MK7 metabolism is related to many other nutrients but mostly D3 and Zinc. If those any are also deficient, K2 MK7 won't be able to do its job.

Posted by Kristina (Ottawa, Ontario) on 12/30/2017

Hello Earth Clinic,

I have been reading this website for years and have discovered many wonderful cures over the years. This is really the best resource for natural cures for everything!

I had childhood asthma that went away around the age of 10-12. I always had rescue inhalers and had about one asthma attack per year usually from exposure to animal dander but I didn't consider it a problem. When I was pregnant with my daughter at the age of 29 the asthma came back. I figured it was just a symptom of pregnancy and would go away. When she was born the asthma actually got worse and my doctor put me on the daily prevention inhaler as well as my rescue inhaler. I've never been one to take medications not even aspirin for headaches because I go on this website first and follow the advice I find here.

I'm posting this because I tried many of the cures for asthma here and nothing worked, but I've finally been asthma free for 2 weeks by starting Dr. Brownstein's Iodine Protocol. When I asked my doctor why my asthma would get worse during pregnancy and after the birth and then a LONG time after birth as well he just said "pregnancy does weird things to your body". It makes me so angry that he wouldn't test my hormone and thyroid levels at that point knowing that I had a pregnancy (or hormonal) related issue. I have symptoms of hyper and hypothyroidism but I don't fit into either category. From research online I've found that this points to hashimoto's so I started to look for cures for hashimoto's instead of curing my asthma, because as I discovered asthma is a symptom of hashimoto's.

From the first or second day that I started the iodine protocol I didn't need either of my inhalers anymore. I still get a bit of tightness in my chest but not enough to take my rescue inhaler. I'm shocked sometimes when I take a deep breath expecting lots of wheezing but all I get is a huge amount of air!

If you want to try this I would suggest that you read Dr. Brownstein's iodine book because it is a very specific amount of certain supplements being Iodine, Selenium, Vit C and Magnesium and you slowly increase your dosage of Iodine because it can cause detox reactions. It makes me wonder if asthma isn't just a Iodine or Selenium deficiency? I was taking Vitamin C and magnesium before the iodine and still having asthma so I don't think it's a vit c or magnesium deficiency.

You'll want to read the book because there's also a huge iodine controversy with some doctors prescribing it without the selenium which makes thyroid issues worse, then other doctors tell their patients to stay away from it including natural sources such as seaweed even though it's the one thing that the patient really needs.

I know this is a long post but I hope this info helps even just one person who is suffering from asthma.
