Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

316 User Reviews

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Posted by Kim (Sweetwater, TN) on 11/01/2006

I was only taking one capsule turmeric capsule and it really worked. Now i'm not and the boil came back in a different place, should i have taken the capsules 3 x a day instead of once. They were only 400 mg.

Posted by Galina (Glasgow, Scotland) on 10/29/2006

Drinking 1 teaspoon of turmeric in boiled water 3 times a day(i put sliced ginger in it also) and a hot compress of turmeric and ginger at night for a few minutes cured a huge boil on the top of my thigh. This boil was absolutely huge, so much so that i couldn't sit properly or lie comfortably in bed. In fact it was difficult to find clothes to wear as anything touching it was painful !!I was desperate, I had tried everything but it was just getting angrier and angrier. I found this website and read about the turmeric remedy and thought I may as well. It is true what all the people say it actually DOES work-within a day my big angry boil was disappearing and the pain - well that was gone. I of all people Miss Skeptical , can assure you all this remedy is a winner!!! Thank you to the most wonderful human being that discovered this remedy. However i must point out - the hot compress DOES make your skin go a very bright and most unattractive yellow so don't go arranging any hot dates!

Posted by Cheri (Memphis, TN) on 10/25/2006

Turmeric and Castor Oil got rid of boil in five days. Last year I got a boil and did not know what it was and neglected it for a week and ended up in the hospital for a week, never again!

Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 10/22/2006

After about a year of not really knowing the small lump that looked like a pimple was a boil we tried the Turmeric three times a day and within 24hrs saw a complete turn around. This would normally take 10 to 15 days. We now will try taking one Turmeric pill daily and hopefully they will NEVER return. I give this a 100% YEA

Posted by Frank (Arizona) on 10/20/2006

I started taking Turmeric for a group of boils that I had on my right jaw line. These boils were so bad that they felt like someone put a cigar out on different places of my face. This is now day 2 of treatment with Turmeric The pain has stopped and so has the itching. This in no small thing as the pain and inching is severe --- it stops you picking at them. The boils have drained and have begun to heal. I have had these boils before and they take months to heal some as long as 2 years to fully heal. So I am very pleased with this treatment. it's as good as an antibiotic -- better as I would have to take antibiotics for months before. One thing I learned is that Turmeric will stain. Watch where you leave teaspoons and glassed etc..

Posted by Michelle (Austin, TX) on 10/18/2006

I've had reoccurring patches of boils for about 13 or 14 years now. I get them under my arms, my inner thighs, sometimes on my stomach and bottom. I've tried the antibiotic soaps which were so harsh they actually bleached my clothes. I've always tried to keep the areas clean and dry and not to shave over them. I've never really had much luck with getting them to stay away for any length of time. I had finally started to get fed up with the pain this past week and was about to set a dermatologist appointment when I happened on this site. I don't care to take antibiotics so I figured I would try some of the remedies. HOW AMAZING IT"S BEEN! I started to take Turmeric 3x a day and I've been taking it for 4 days and I can already see a significant difference. The large boil I had is almost invisible but I can still feel the core. many of the other smaller ones are gone and my skin hasn't looked this smooth and clear for a VERY long time. I've also been rubbing under my arms with Tea Tree Oil, but it think it is the Turmeric because my thighs are clear as well. I've also been oil pulling which I find more enjoyable each day I do it. I can't wait to see the lasting benefits of it but my teeth sure do seem whiter. It also initially seemed to help my cough.

Posted by Saf (Birmingham, UK) on 10/14/2006

This website has been a God send for me! Thank you a million times over! Earlier this year I had the biggest boil on my buttock ever that i couldn't even sit down. I'm talking tennis ball size. After weeks of antibiotics nothing happened and eventually i was referred to the hospital for an incision and drainage under general anesthesia! It took two weeks of packing before I could even go back to work! It was embarrassing and painful! I was referred to the dermatology department of the hospital and they gave me antibacterial washes, tested for diabetes (negative) and gave me a two month long course of the antibiotic Erythromycin. While taking the antibiotics I had three more boils but not as big. I managed to get about and applied the topical antibiotics which had no effect really. They went away after a few weeks. Since then I've had others come up and go and have also had another appointment at dermatology. Again I was given more washes and topical antibiotics. They told me that they didn't know what to do to help me at all. I've came to the conclusion that I had to live with them and hoped and prayed that I wouldn't get it so bad that I had to have it surgically removed again. Then over two weeks ago one developed and because it was higher up on my buttock cheek, I have been getting away with it and have been able to sit etc, despite discomfort. I continued to apply the topical antibiotic and it had no affect and the monster continued to grow. The other thing is that none of these have ever come to a head! They are deep rooted and huge. This one was almost tennis ball size this Friday gone and it was getting evermore painful. I tried heat compresses etc many times before but still it never comes to a head and it all has no effect whatsoever.

Then, on Saturday morning I started researching for the millionth time and THANK GOD came across this website. I started taking turmeric in water. I also mixed up a paste of turmeric and ginger with a little green clay. Within hours I felt as if the inflammation had reduced. I thought it was more of a placebo and my desperation to have something work. At night I changed the dressing and applied more of the same but without the clay. I took the turmeric in water three times on Saturday. Sunday morning, the monster had reduced in size. It was now golf ball size!! I couldn't believe it. I carried on with the drinking of turmeric and changed the dressing and applied only a turmeric paste this time. Later on Sunday evening (yesterday), I went to remove the dressing to take a shower. Suddenly it burst! YUCK!! I've never seen anything like it. They have NEVER burst before and I didn't expect it to this time. I just thought the application of the turmeric would be an added benefit perhaps. It bled lots too but I didn't squeeze it. I just pulled apart the skin and tried to let it drain until it wouldn't come out anymore. I don't think the core had come out and perhaps it will just get reabsorbed. I'm not sure. I washed the area thoroughly with antibacterial wash while in the shower and then covered it with more turmeric but this time with added tea tree oil. UNBELIEVABLE!! I have lots of relief and I can't believe that I found this remedy. Wait till I get to my next dermatology appointment! I know they'll be dismissive as western Docs normally are. I'm also now going to try to use the method of applying stuff in my nose as suggested by someone else on this page in order to kill the infection somehow. I have a friend whom suffers the same problem and I can't wait to tell her! I have believed for a long time now that God has put healing in all things natural and we only need to find the cures and remedies rather than rely on synthetically produced chemicals!! For every ailment there is a cure in NATURE. Thank You So very much to all! God bless You!! xxx

Posted by Kate (Nottingham, England) on 10/06/2006

The turmeric is incredible and is working already 24 hours after using. Am doing the drinks and also made a paste to put on the boil overnight. Now no itching, burning - decreased by half and feels a lot calmer. Have recommended this site to many others. Keep up the good work! THANKS EVER SO MUCH, Kate

Posted by T (Memphis, TN) on 10/03/2006

I had a viciously bad cyst that I was afraid may have become very severe, it had wrapped under the skin on my lower back and came to a head at the base of my spine. I was terrified i was going to have to go to a doctor for antibiotics or surgery. That's when I came upon this cure. its been only one week and all of the swelling has already gone i'm just healing the sore now. Thank you for posting the turmeric cure.

Posted by Kat (Austin, TX) on 09/26/2006

Having never had a boil before, I misdiagnosed a large boil on my thigh at first as a spider bite because of the hardened, red center and itchiness. After nearly 3 weeks with no healing, I did a bit of research online I discovered that I had a boil instead. Searching for a natural remedy, I tried turmeric after reading the testimonials on this website. It started working within hours. Now, 24 hours later, the boil is draining, the swelling has diminished and the pain has completely subsided. Absolutely amazing. I am so glad that I was able to avoid the drugs my doctor would have no doubt prescribed for me.

Posted by Lisa (MO) on 09/25/2006

As soon as you see that you're improving, I suggest not to continue the turmeric. Caused constipation. Only take it when you have the problem.

Replied by Amit
(London, Uk)

Re turmeric causing constipation - you might be right, but it can also be that some 'regularity' is the result of underlying inflammation in the bowels and that when the turmeric cleans that up your body has to readjust - certainly seen this as an outcome for some other herbals which uninflame the bowels. Just a thought - would be interested to hear what others taking it long term have to say.

Posted by Sue (New Zealand) on 09/25/2006

Hi. My husband has had recurrent boils. During the first outbreak he was treated with antibiotics. It took over a week for the boils to drain and go. The next one I treated with a turmeric & ginger paste applied with a little heat & changed every half hour until the boil burst. This time I found this site and gave him turmeric in water. The pain was relieved immediately. The boil was in his ear. It burst this morning with very little pain compared to the last several. I used an ear candle to extract the contents from in his ear canal. He also used oil pulling last night and this morning and a large amount of nasal mucus was removed. He will continue with the turmeric in water 3 x daily and the oil pulling 2 x daily to remove the toxins that are causing the boils. He has had sore ears for many years ever since he was a child. He had used a steroid cream to stop the itching and cracking. Maybe a build up of this is now causing these boils?

Posted by K (western Washington) on 09/21/2006

My friend has been taking turmeric in water as recommended on your site for a little over a week and had been seeing positive results. His bad outbreaks started clearing up and new ones were very small and short-lived. Then, due to stressful circumstances, he forgot to take it for a couple of days and started getting more outbreaks. He is taking it again and hopefully this will stop the new ones.

Replied by Padmini
(Bangalore, India)

Heat boils are caused due to intake of foods which generates heat inside your body. In India, we take food as per climatic conditions. Chicken and eggs are foods that can produce heat in your body. So, if you continuously get heat boils, use turmeric inside and outside and try to avoid all types of food that generates heat. You can take milk, butter, citrus fruits and vegetables. Especially, turmeric is a wonderful medicine for most of the ailments and we in India, add turmeric to most of our food preparations. This will prevent many types of cancers.

Posted by Hina (Brooklyn, NY) on 09/18/2006

:well i read ur remedy at 9 am and i had an 8 oz glass of water with a teaspoon full of turmeric. and at 1:12 pm the pain had reduced tremendously. I'm gonna keep drinking it altho its a tough drink. And i will report back tomorrow.

Posted by Lisa (Missouri) on 09/18/2006

I started taking turmeric, capsule form, a couple weeks ago. At first the cysts rose up as if to riot, but in a week they all went down. Like a lot of things it became worse before it got better and it was worth it. I bought the pills from the health store and Wow! They're not cheap. I looked on and found that I can get three bottles for a dollar less than what I paid for the one I have now!