Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

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Posted by Carolyn (Hollywood, FL) on 12/16/2006

I forgot to mention that none of my boils reached the surface. I am an internet nut, so when the first boil appeared, I jumped onto the net and immediately found this wonderful site with information about turmeric. Thank God, I had a new bottle of turmeric powder on the shelf. I am going to keep up the turmeric for a couple of months and maybe longer... It may have been the turmeric instead of the iodine that caused the secondary boils to totally disappear overnight and reduce the mother boil to a tiny little lump under the skin surface. The iodine burns and stains my skin. I am very fair skinned but I put up with the pain, thinking it was killing the boils, but now I wonder if it is the turmeric. I put a teaspoon of the powder into my coffee and you can hardly taste it, anyway, who cares what it tastes like so long as it works. I sip the coffee all day and night until bedtime.

Posted by Lee (Vinings, GA) on 12/12/2006

I think it was Thanksgiving Weekend Friday that it rained. The following day was gorgeous, however the skies overhead were covered in contrails. 2 days later boils started to appear on both my boyfriend and myself: For me, 2 itchy boils appeared on my chest, for him it was on the side of his neck. I took turmeric right away. He refused, thinking it was a large pimple. My boil disappeared overnight while his grew . A few days later, more boils started to appear down his neck. At that point I MADE him take turmeric in water. The smaller boils healed up overnight but the large one is still healing after 2 weeks now. He thinks the outbreak happened after a week of junk food during the holidays (lots of chocolate). I think it may have had to do with the rain and contrails. If there are any more people in this area of Georgia with boils, please let me know! One more note: we live very close to an Air Force base which had a lot of cargo planes flying overhead that particular Saturday.

Posted by Adam (Morgantown, WV) on 12/08/2006

Turmeric works for boils. I had two large boils on my face. One on my cheek that had arose about 4 days prior to the one on my forehead. I have suffered from them for most of my life. I read about turmeric on this site and decided to try it. I started taking 1 tsp. turmeric with a half of glass of warm water 3 times a day. The texture was making me queasy so I switched to 1 tsp. turmeric and a half a glass of vanilla soy milk three times a day on the second day. That was much easier to get down. On the third day the younger boil on my forehead has came to a head and burst. The older boil on my cheek has softened and is no longer painful (pain was reduced significantly on both boils on the first day!). I only wish I would have found this site before they broke the skin.

Posted by J (Oklahoma City, OK) on 12/08/2006

Having been in pain for 4 days, and getting to the point where I almost couldn't walk (getting in and out of the car was near impossible, as well as crossing my legs or even bending over to pick things up) I stumbled across this website and thought I would try this remedy (too embarrassed to see doctor at this point, but was almost ready to throw in the towel). I took one capsule (450mg each) in the afternoon, and another before I went to bed last night. I also did a hot soak on the boil for approx. 30 minutes before I went to bed. I woke up at 3 this morning to find that the boil had finally burst. It's continuing to ooze a bit, but the relief from the pain is wonderful and makes up for the small mess. I don't usually go for natural remedies, but this truly is amazing. I would recommend it to anyone. What have you got to lose, but a few dollars on investing in turmeric capsules?

Posted by Lena (Portland, Oregon) on 11/25/2006

I had recurrent furuncles that spread rapidly to outlying areas. I drank the turmeric 3 times and in one day they had all receeded and didn't return for over 2 months. My skin is very healthy around the affected area. Although furuncles do come back eventually, I know now to use this simple formula.

EC: A furuncle is another name for a boil. It is a skin infection involving an entire hair follicle and the adjacent subcutaneous tissue.

Posted by Abigail (Ypsilanti, MI) on 11/15/2006

I suffered from boils for over 20 years after being told by doctors to use hot, moist compresses to help heal faster. No doctor prescribed antibiotics even after blood tests revealed an extremely high white blood cell count. I was finally referred to a dermatologist in May of 2005 when my blood cell count was so high it was causing fatigue among other problems. I was diagnosed with hidradenitis superative and was told only antibiotics would make the boils heal and they couldn't guarantee it would go away permanently. I spent over a year on 2 different antibiotics and every time I stopped using them, the boils came back. I've been on the turmeric for a week since the newest outbreak which included over 16 boils total. I now only have 3 actual boils and some purple spots where boils were beginning to develop but are now going away. I was told by my doctors that I would spend the rest of my life on antibiotics. Thank you for giving me hope. I can now live my life pain free. Thank you!

Replied by Cerissa
(Saint Louis, Mo)

Your story sounds so similar to mine. I have been on antibiotics for almost two years-I can't even remember the last time I HAVE NOT had any boils in my arm pits. I had surgery in one armpit, which helped, but now it has moved to the other pit. I am inspired by what I have read on here and I am going on the hunt for the turmeric pills. Thanks everyone!

Posted by Ah Wee (Singapore) on 11/15/2006

I used 1 tsp Turmeric powder 3 times plus Dermanol-C(Betamethasone 0.025% and Clioquinol 3.0% cream). They reduce the swell when the head breaks, shrink the size to 1/3 within 24 hr. Felt some discomfort on Sat and Sun. Swelling started on Sun at bikini line cum inner thigh.The boil grew to the size of a thumb size overnite. Very red and painfull when walking. Monday nite: apply Dermanol-C; a kind of anti-inflammatory with anti-microbial cream, rub the cream very hard so that the cream can go into the skin every 3-4 hours. Tue: Continue applying the cream.By 5pm, notice a white skin form at the tip. Surf the net, chance upon this site with turmeric as the cure. Well, not hard to find this power as this is commonly used in Indian cooking. Bought a packet at S$0.80. Took 1 tsp at 8pm. Took a hot bath at 10pm. The skin broke with white discharge and little (1 drop) of blood. Place toilet paper on it and went to bed. (Wed) 4:15am-Checked, wow, it reduce to 1/2 the size. So happy. Although it still pains when touch. Little yellowish discharge and 2 drop of blood. 10:30am: Checked, reduced to 1/3 the size, still some pain but bearable. Walk with ease. Apply the cream. Going to take some more turmeric powder. I think by tomorrow, it should fully heal. I still can't decide whether is the turmeric powder that helps or it is the combination of the 2. Anyway, gives it a try. I'm still grateful to this site for this recommendation. Total suffer 4 days, result seen in 24 hrs.

Posted by Danny (Dallas, TX) on 11/14/2006

Turmeric is undoubtfully one of the aces in ayurvedic medicine. I've seen my grandmother & then mother using turmeric for variety of skin problems & wounds, trust me it does work immaterial of what this modern day medicine claims. For those who find ingesting turmeric really difficult can boil a spoonful of turmeric in a glass of milk (sugar to taste) and drink it. It tastes great, try it!

Posted by Lee (Palm Harbor, FL) on 11/11/2006

First I want to say thank you for the wonderful site you have! I have been dealing with boils under my arms, breasts and buttocks for a long time. I was always in pain with them. The other day a new one popped up under my arm that made keeping my arms to my side almost unbearable. The last time I had a really bad one on my upper thigh, by the pantie line, I went to the doctor as it drained for three weeks and I was scared. Of course he put me on antibiotics (30 days worth) which caused other problems. Such as yeast infections and upset stomach. I did not want to go through that again so did some research on your site as I had it bookmarked for other issues. I started taking the turmeric two days ago and the larger one under my arm is just about gone and the two smaller ones are completely gone, no pain and no redness. The larger one did break the skin, but it is not draining and no pain at all. I have only taken it twice so far and love the results. I have a very large one that really doesn't cause that much pain, more of a dull ache most of the time that is very deep on the upper part of my buttocks. I noticed today that it is about half the size it was!! I have issues with taking the turmeric, it isn't so much the taste, but the texture. So I am going out today to buy the capsules. I have only been taking it once a day and that is right before bedtime. I do have one question though. I started taking ACV twice a day about a week ago for yeast infections, but stopped it when I started the turmeric. Can they both be taken together? Oh and thank you for whoever said to put the ACV in natural Apple Juice! I have no issues drinking it down now it does taste just like apple cider. Thank you again for your wonderful site!

Posted by Sue (Westminster, MA) on 11/10/2006

my husband broke out with a rash in August...then developed boils... a few large ones....the dr gave a strong antibiotic and took a culture... she said it was staph -a non resistance kind... the antibiotic seemed to work 90%... so the dr gave a milder antibiotc to finish off the boils...that seemed to work BUT... a few days later his arms itched intensly from the elbow down to the hand... the dr. then gave a steroid which seemed to help the first few days.... so dr gave a steroid cream to get rid of the itch BUT THEN THE BOILS started to erupt again... my husband went on-line and found that steroids can cause boils to erupt. he said no more antibiotics.... So I went on line google to see about natural cures for boils. your site was there. THE BOILS SEEM TO HAVE STOPPED IN THEIR tracks... it has only been 31/2 days.... I will let you know if they total clear up... It will be nice if no drugs are needed. MY husband has been taking 1tsp. tumeric with warm water 3 times a day PLUS 4 oz ALOE VERA juice twice a day

Posted by Dylan (San Francisco, CA) on 11/10/2006

I had a very inflamed boil that was located in the pubic region above my penis. Went to the doctor who prescribed antibiotic soap and an oral antibiotic. The antiobiotic seemed to work, until I woke up one morning with a very bad rash on the front and back of my torso ( allergic reaction ) Stopped taking meds and just resorted to antibiotic soap - well, the boil came back furiously. Searched the net for a *natural cure* (and trust me on this - I take very little heed to homeopathic cures ) decided as a last ditch effort to try the turmeric cure. I am very pleased to say, that after a week of a tsp of turmeric in warm water 3x a day, my boil is almost completely healed! I am shocked, gloriously relieved, and now a believer that there *may* be some credibility to natural cures.

Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 11/06/2006

hi...i had boils for years...they just kept recurring even with antibiotics.... i have been taking turmeric capsules for 4 days and already i notice a huge difference.. even in my skin... so far so good...glad i found this site!

Posted by Margret (Toronto, Canada) on 11/03/2006

This is the first time I ever send any commentary or feedback to anything- ever. I feel compelled to do my part in letting everyone know how incredible the effects of Turmeric are on boils. 1 tsp once a day in an inch of hot water. Done. Doesn't taste great but you'll notice results the very next morning. It's been about 2 months since I started using Turmeric everyday and haven't had a single outbreak. I've been plagued by these disgusting, painful, blistering pussing devils since adolescence. I never even knew what they were until my gyno recommended a topical antibiotic (which only seemed to aggravate the beast). For me it was my last straw, so I took matters into my own hands and started researching my symptoms on the internet in search of a cure. I didn't even know exactly what they were until I started my own research which let me to this site. Turmeric is probably available at your grocery store, if not- then definitely at your health food store. It has changed my life and I am so incredibly grateful for everyone's testimonials and for the people who run this site. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. Onwards and upwards!

Posted by Suni (Alpena, MI) on 11/02/2006

UNBELIEVABLE! I had a boil on my back, so I couldn't see it or touch it. It felt like a red hot golf ball burning out of my skin. Extremely painful! Luckily, I discovered this site. THANK YOU! I used a paste made of turmeric, ginger and clay and applied it to the sore area. In a matter of hours, the pain became bearable and in a few days it was almost gone. It took about another week before the core completely disappeared.

Posted by Jon (Columbia, MO) on 11/02/2006

I used Turmeric for a boil. My boil started going away within a day. After one week, my boil is just a red mark. It never broke the skin. I only used turmeric for three days during that week. Note: Turmeric tastes terrible, although it was worth the 'taste bud protest.