Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

316 User Reviews

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Posted by Isis (St. Lois, MO) on 06/07/2007

Thank you so much for your site !! I had boils a couple of years ago under my arms. It was a painful,long experience. I recently had one pop up again and was lucky enough to find your site. I rushed out and bought the turmeric and I mixed it with my Green tea, lemon and honey. The taste was not overwhelming and it is really doing the trick. You are really a blessing to me. !! Thank you !!

Posted by Leslie (Geneva, IL) on 06/04/2007

This is day 4. I used the turmeric on a poltice with neosporin and also drank the turmeric, one teaspoon in a glass of water. I also put a poltice of baking soda on 2x yesterday for about 10 minutes a time and would immediately put the poltice of turmeric and neosporin back on never leaving it uncovered. The boils are now very small and scabbed over. Just one is weeping very little. I have to say I think the baking soda helped but the turmeric was the main cure. Still have itching today, must be irritation from the turmeric I think. Thanks for this cure, Leslie

Posted by emily (los angeles, ca) on 06/03/2007

Friday of last week i noticed a small little dot on my right hip, thinking it was just a plugged hair follicle or blackhead, i popped it and a little white plug came out. By that night it had grown into what i thought was a big zit. By wednesday itwas so huge, bigger than an egg, i had to go to the doctor to get it lanced. That was incredibly painful and i had an awful doctor who cut into me before i was completely numb, AWFUL experience. It hadn't drained all the way after he had taken the packing out, so i went to another doctor who packed it without an injections. that was probably the most painful experience of my life. Pus oozed out all that day and yesterday and the doctor said that this was truly a bad and very deep cavity. The packing accidently came out last night with my bandage, and the doc told me i would have to come in today to get it re-packed. I am going to cry. Luckily, i came across this site yesterday and took as much turmeric and water as i could. When i took my bandage offthis morning the lump has gone down and there was no puss!! I REALLY hope that the doc doesn't need to re-pack it now that the turmeric has worked. I will let you know...

Posted by Leslie (Geneva, IL) on 06/01/2007

This is day 3 of using the turmeric. Am taking it orally and also applying it to the boil with neosporin. The boils, which have multiplyed to 3 have shrunk. There is no longer any pain and all have broken open and are draining. This afternoon my skin started to itch intensly, had to wash off the turmeric and neosporin. Left these off for a few hours and have reapplied. I think the turmeric is affecting the boils. I am just impatient. Have a large gauze pad tapped to my cheek. Is the itching a sign of healing I hope? Will report my progress. Leslie

Posted by Alyse (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 05/31/2007

I've been trying for months to get rid of boils that keep recurring on my face in the same area. It's been horrible dealing with this and I just found your remedy 3 days ago when I had 2 boils coming up again. I took 2 doses the first night The swelling went down by morning. This morning there is no pain and the boils are almost entirely gone. I can't thank you enough. This has been like a miracle for me.

Posted by Darlene (McDonough, Georgia) on 05/30/2007

I have had a boil for two weeks now. It has been extremely sore, but wouldn't come to a head. I found your website yesterday. Since I lean more toward "Natural" remedies, I was totally ready to give the turmeric a try. I took one dose last night at 6:00 pm. It tasted really horrible, but I chased it with a small glass of grape juice, so there was no "lingering" taste. Before I went to bed last night at 10:00 pm, the boil had come to a head, opened, and was draining. This morning there is very little pain remaining. The boil is less than half its original size. I took another "dose" this morning and am expecting more healing before I get home tonight. Thank you for offering a remedy that does not put "chemicals" in my body!

Posted by Susan (Clifton, NJ) on 05/27/2007

Turmeric Cure; l read this article the other day on your site about the cure for boils. l immediately looked in my cabnet for the spice and l used it two ways. 1. a tablespoon for 2 days in the morning. 2. Took 2 Tbs of curry & Mixed with 3 Tbs of petrolium jelly to create a ointment. Put the ointment on my boil (Which was the size of a ball out of a Dime machine at the supermarket) and wrapped it with some mesh & tape. You see it was too big for any bandage. At first in the morning after it kind of burned. Nothing came to a head; However it was 1/2 the size. l put more ointment that l previously made on it and wrapped it again. 2nd day; The boil that once stuck a inch out on my leg was completely flat. However, l could still feel the ingrown hair that had caused it and their seem to be a lump inside my skin still. The area where my boil was is nothing but a slight pink oval stain where the turmeric pulled the poisons out. This is day 3, No boil- just a small bump under the skin still, so l will continue to use this until it is completly gone. This worked so much better than the operation l was told to have. Thank you for your Teriffic web site...

Posted by KB (Leesburg, FL) on 05/26/2007

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! For years I have been affected with boils. So has all my whole family. We all suffered for years going to doctor, useless medication, recurring boils, stinky mess... No doctor could help us, no medication could stop them from coming back and enlarging all over again. Until I came across your site...and I discovered Turmeric. I put Turmeric on a recurring boil that had disfigured my back shoulder...within days the boil began to get smaller and smaller and is now almost completely gone. And the recurring site is now healing. Thank you so much for the Earth Clinic.

Posted by Martin (Sulphur, Louisiana) on 05/25/2007

Developed a whopper of a boil at the waistline. Had it treated with antibiotics it went away then ANOTHER one popped up near it. Felt like "scalded skin". So they got me on the same antibiotic plus Bactrim. Just stumbled across the tumeric cure last night and got some capsules immediately. I am starting to feel some relief, I can actually get up and down out of chairs without excruciating pain (might be the Bactrim but it might also be the tumeric!)

Posted by Ari (NYC, NY) on 05/21/2007

I just got my first huge boil combined with cellulitis last week on my upper thigh. The MD put me on Cipro twice daily, an antibiotic cream twice daily, and orders for warm-hot compresses 4-5 times a day. After 4 days things were much worse and I was on the verge of admission to the ER. A friend of mine provided the link to your website. After reading many of the letters I immediately purchased Turmeric powder and also 800 mg Curcumin pills combined with Bioperine (black pepper extract - aids in curcumin uptake). Between the afternoon and nighttime I took 3 of the pills and 2 cups of the soup. I could not beieve the improvement by the next morning. It is hard to discuss percentages - so I'll stick to function. I went from hardly being able to walk to walking normally overnight. I had experienced intense pain, heat and burning the previous day, and overnight these symptoms were mostly gone. I am having trouble believing these dramatic results myself. I was skeptical when I read of similar experiences in some of the letters at the website - but I am happy to say that I have become a believer. It is amazing that a simple herb from a grocery store can have such a profound effect on health and physiology. The boil and the cellulitis are still there and it will take some more time until they go away, but, I am now feeling very optimistic about the next few days. I sincerely wish to express my gratitude for your sound advice. I would like to add that the turmeric provided enjoyable flavoring to the chicken soup - the combination worked out quite well.

Posted by Brett (Lakeland, FL) on 05/17/2007

WOW! After reading all these stories and giving tumeric a try, i am 100% convinced it works!!

i had a boil right above my crack of my buttocks for over 5 years. it would come and go. last year i started getting boils on my upper thighs as well. i went to gnc and bought the 500mg capsules and began taking them 3x per day. that was 1 week ago. at that time i had 4 boils. now... total count...0.

doctors have no idea about these treatments??? i hope they too are investgating your website and helping people instead of getting rich on our concerns. but, then agian they might have to give up their 60' boat or $500,000 car. i thank you so much for your dedication, knowledge and most of all your heart! i am sharing this with everyone i know because i believe this is a cure for many issues. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Posted by Susan (Dallas, TX) on 05/15/2007

i am not happy with my Dr., so i am looking for a new one to take me and my family to. anyway i have been trying to get this treated for about 2 years now. and what aches me is that he cant tell me nothing except take this prescription. it worked but about 6 months later i have hem again. i did what you recommended here with turmeric. it was nasty but i did it for 1 week everyday just like you said. then i went to health place and get turmeric extract, and i have been following directions. they went away but not all the way. hey were still in y nose. so i took the medicine again. i just want them gone for good. i have never had acne or pimples before. i will write back again if they return, but what i am saying is that i dont know if it was turmeric or the medicine. i just want them gone for good

Posted by Jean (Celina, Ohio) on 05/04/2007

Turmeric For Boils. My husband had one and needed two antbiotics and lancing for his boil. then read this site and tried turmeric for my son who got one weeks later. I had him take turmeric 4 X a day 1 teas in a glass of water relief for him within hours. The boil was 1 1-2 inches across, sore and hard. In two days nearly gone. Thanks for the site!

Posted by Alexander (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 04/27/2007

Three infected pimples developed quickly into boils two weeks ago on the top of my right thigh close to my knee... I tried everything. Aloe Vera, Baking Soda, Garlic, Colloidal Silver, Hydrogen Peroxide... all topically. I even tried the bottle method. After a week of experimentation, I was limping badly because of the excessive pain. That's when I read about Turmeric. I'm taking TWO teaspoons SIX times a day in water, because I figure anything less is a sissy dose. The pain is completely gone, even though two boils still remain. But they are GREATLY reduced in size and almost no swelling. I've been on turmeric for about four days now. It works, just have patience. I'll try using some Neosporin topically soon to close these things up for good.

Posted by Karen (Ione, CA) on 04/17/2007

Took tumeric for my boils had been boil free for almost 2 whole months. I quit taking tumeric and within about 3 weeks two new boils came up. Quickly went back on tumeric and the one boil was down and not tender in 4 days. the other boil is in, lets say a tender subject area it has not grown any bigger and has jet to get big. so here is hoping it doesn't. Thanks for your website -- finally there is hope for people with boils.