Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

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Posted by E S B 4 Love (Atlanta, Georgia) on 07/20/2007

I tried a lot of the remedies on the site just from old wife tales: hot towels, peroxide, iodine, and neosporin. All of which helped bring the boil to a head. It even burst a bit but no pain relief or timely drainage. I then came across your site and read bout the TURMERIC remedy. Went to SEVENANDAH bought some bulk powder, mixed it with H2O, took a root beer chaser and went to bed. DID I MENTION I WAS IN INTOLERABLE PAIN? By morning the surface pain had dissipated, swelling is down, it is not as tender and drainage. WE HAVE ACHIEVED DRAINAGE. After just one dose. In all honestly I didn't think it would work. But this has turnout to be the best $.77 cent investment of my life!!!!!! Thank God and thank Goodness for your site. It really saved me. It is unfortunate some don't experience the same results. Maybe they have a resistance to natural meds due to ingesting too many western meds?

Posted by Missie (Wichita, Kansas) on 07/19/2007

Since I was a teen, I've fought with boils. Then I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa about a year ago. My doctor simply gave me the diagnosis and left the room, giving me no information whatsoever. I resolved that I would find a way to at least ease living with this disease. I started looking around and that is when I came upon your site. I tried the turmeric cure and it works! I also had a bit of trouble with sores remaining after a boil would drain. I mixed a little turmeric with honey and applied it as a salve. It heals up in no time! Thanks to all of you, this site changed my life!

Posted by David (North Hollywood, California, USA) on 07/16/2007

All I can say is WOW!!! I had a small sebaceous cyst just below my earlobe for a long time, months, maybe even years. It never bothered me, it was just a small pea-sized lump that was hardly even noticeable. Around the middle of last week, I woke up one morning to find that the small lump had become inflamed, tender and nearly doubled in size. I spent two days putting acne medication (benzoyl peroxide and retinol) on the affected area, to no avail. I began taking vitamin c, garlic oil, echinacea/goldenseal and vitamin d in an attempt to boost my immune system, but I still wasn't seeing any noticeable improvement.

By day 3 or 4, the small painless pea-sized lump had become an extremely painful abscess nearly the size of a golf-ball. I hate going to doctors partly because I don't have health insurance but I also disagree with a lot of western medicine's habit of treating the symptoms instead of the causes, but I recognized that an infection like this could potentially get worse or spread so I made an appointment on Friday for the following Monday to have the boil lanced and get on antibiotics.

That Friday afternoon, I kept researching other alternatives online and stumbled across your site. I figured with all the positive feedback, turmeric was worth a try.

WOW! Within 24 hours, the boil had broken and was beginning to drain. Now, on Monday, I've cancelled my doctor's appointment and I'm still taking 3-4 500mg Turmeric capsules 3 times a day to continue the healing process, but I'm grinning ear to ear because it's now almost completely gone. The pain is totally gone, the abscess has gone down at least 75% in size, and I saved myself a couple hundred dollars in doctor's bills with a $10 bottle of ____________ brand turmeric curcumin capsules.

You and your website are a godsend! Thank you so much, I will preach the value of turmeric for a long time to come. I'm hoping if I continue to take it on a regular basis it will help clear up my persistent back-acne as well. Thank you thank you thank you sooo much!!!! Blessings and peace to you!

Posted by Sharon (USA) on 07/14/2007

Well, I didn't believe it was possible, but turmeric worked. It has been a full week since the 35mm or so rock-hard lump showed up in my groin. I went for the turmeric remedy. I've been taking turmeric tablets three times a day for over a week, plus washing the area with antibacterial soap, and applying tea tree oil. I used the tea tree oil three times a day the first few days, then dropped down to once a day. A lump that normally would have stayed around and caused me pain and discomfort for up to a month was 80% gone after four days, and is 99% gone now. I have to really feel around for it-it's about the size and depth of a lentil. It occurred to me that I had a mammogram and very messy ultrasound a little less than a week before the boil and boil, jr. showed up. Think about it-these procedures required equipment to be aggressively pressed into my underarms and upper chest-lymph areas? Anyway, I'm thrilled that the turmeric worked. I still can't believe it. I used to get boils and cysts about once a year, but I've been getting them several times a year for the past 18 months or so. I hope that this remedy continues to work.

Posted by Anna (Auckland, New Zealand) on 07/14/2007

Hello! I am writing to express my gratitude at finding this site with its Turmeric cure for boils. On June 10 or 11 I had the first hard lump of a boil in my armpit. I am 30 and have never suffered boils in my life. Not knowing what it was I assumed it was an in grown hair. I had flahes of fever and as it grew it felt like a burn. The boil that resulted was something so painful and depression inducing I was really at the end of my rope. I felt so disgusting and low. This one boil became two..and after the horror of the draining and dressings another even bigger developed higher on the same armpit...It was at that time I stumbled on this site by "google-ing" the words "cures boils". Luckily I had Turmeric in the pantry. It tastes very dry, dusty, chalky and bitter, but I didn't care I overdosed on it! Within minutes I felt the pain literally disappear. I really hoped for a "miracle" cure...but the next day the boil was still there, but the discomfort was gone. I felt the Turmeric encouraged the draining for a few days, and the taking of the baking soda caused the diarrhea, which stopped the draining. The effect of the Turmeric on my mood has been fantastic! I don't know what's in it but it certainly is a depression killer! The red marks that were not fading of the first two boils began to fade with the Turmeric, and the red mark from the larger third boil is fading well, and never seemed to be as red in the first place. As of July 14, all boils have healed, and a fourth that was just starting at the time of finding the Tumeric IMMEDIATELY stopped and healed!! If only I had of known about this a month ago!!! I never went to the doctor, but I don't think I had a staph infection. For months I had been feeling bad due to a falling off the excercise wagon, and eating rubbish filled with white flour and suger...Maybe a kind of internal toxicity?... When I first found the boil I thought also it was a lymph node problem due to the wearing of an anti-perspirent, so instead of a deodorent I used Active Manuka Honey with te UMF of 5 ( it was all they had in the supermarket) and I also used it as the antiseptic on my boils. At first I had used Betadine. I now stopped waering a deoderent and just rub a little honey under each armpit!! I know Manuka Honey has Staph and Strep killing "power" so that's why that might work. I am still taking the Tumeric. Actually, today is the very first time I forgot to take it and I felt my mood plummet! So I went off and happilty overdosed!! My taste buds don't even wince anymore!! Thankyou so much for this site and all the great info.

Posted by Dan (VeroBeach, Florida) on 07/07/2007

I had small boil of some sort right between my eyes. so I found this great site in which I started to read the great results people are having using turmeric powder. I took one teaspoon and mixed it in baked beans. it was still a little strong going down the hatch but I eat it all up. The next day I noticed the boil was already drying up and had gone way down in size and the redness is far less plus no more pain. I am still putting about one half of a teaspoon a day on my food until it is all gone. Thank god for this site.

Posted by luna (north miami, FL) on 07/03/2007

Well I was online looking up cures for boils I've been getting since I was a teenager...I was very over weight and finally lost weight as I got older. I noticed that for that period in time when I was lighter I wasn't getting boils at I just recently gave birth and gained about 60 pounds and have only lost 20 pounds of the baby weight and have noticed that I'm now getting boils and pimples that I used to get as a over weight teenager... I only have gotten them on my inner thighs, buttocks, underarms and under my belly buttom and have always picked at them and because of that I now have horrible scars, that are sooo embrassing....I came across this site claiming that turmeric would cure my boils and help clean my I bought some powder and took 1 tablespoon with half a glass of hot water only once a day and then ate a cup of nonfat unsweeten yogurt. Within the next morning I noticed the boils that had developed under and around my belly button had gone down and one had developed its white pus filled head...I continued to take that amount for the pass 3 days and have stopped because I am breastfeeding and do not know if taking so much turmeric would affect the baby...would it??? this point the boils have all almost today the 4th day that I stopped taking the turmeric I noticed 2 boils in my inner thigh, I go to touch them and they started to drain dark blood mixed with dark bloodclot looking liquid, they are not that big about 1" and the drain hole is tiny....I want to know if I can still take the turmeric and not have it affect my baby???

Posted by Spen (Kokura, Japan) on 07/01/2007

I have scalp folliculitis, for the last 10 years. I've been on many anti biotics, which always fail eventually, and the infection comes back with vengence, painfully. I've therefore turned to natural remedies.The folliculitis causes about 1cm wide spots, filled with puss, very sore, and they are slowly joining together. From 3 days ago, I tried a teaspoon of tumeric, mixed in a little cold water, 3 times a day.

The results are amazing. When I tried anti b's, I would see no results for 5-6 days. With turmeric, within 24hrs, my swelling had halved, and now, 4 days later, although I still have the red marks, the swelling has gone, 100%. I'm amazed, and the happiest man on earth! I'm sure it will not cure me, but the pain and irritation relief is unbelievable. I hope it continues, and if anyone else tries this method, please let me know, and good luck. Spencer.

Posted by James (Brighton, UK) on 06/29/2007

Hello. I have repeated staph outbreaks for years and have given it to all girlfiriends in this time as well as two of my brothers. We tried Turmeris and it has had absolutly no effect at all. My latest boil has grown huge despite large doses of Turmeric three times a day and I have a strict organic vegetarian diet.

Posted by jeff (nelson, england) on 06/26/2007

got a boil under the skin on my face. there was no head yet but it was sore and growing by the day. drank a pint of turmeric and warm water one evening (had worse tasting beer). woke up in the morning with the pain gone and the redness and swelling down.had half pint of the potion for next two days. week later and there is no sign of a boil at head appeared at all and i think its because of the turmeric. nice one cheers

Posted by Julie (Glen Ellyn, ILLINOIS) on 06/26/2007

I've been taking the tumerick for about 2 days already and the pain is far less than it was two days ago! I have one right in the crack of my...well, you know...and the pain has been crazy! The last time I had something like this was about 10 years ago. I went to the ER and they sent in a Dr. Boil to look at me (I'm not kidding). I said, "Great, I'm the ER entertainment for the evening." All he did was poke around, which wasn't helping, and give me some antibiotics that worked about as well as the tumeric, and I can tell you I paid way more than $5 for the antibiotics! Hey, the tumeric seems to be clearing my skin of acne, too! Anyhow, try it, what have you got to lose except your boils?

Posted by Aaron (Cape Coral, FL) on 06/21/2007

I tried the TURMERIC remedy for boils about 4 days ago, initially with little hope it would work, but in a state of desperation, since this was my THIRD boil in less than 6 weeks, and I had 2 more starting! I went out as soon as I finished reading all of the testimonials on your site, and bought a bottle of Turmeric capsules from my local GNC. That night I took three 500mg caps with dinner, and another 4 capsules before going to bed. (If a teaspoon is good, a tablespoon is better!) The next morning the boil on my stomach, which was a dark purple golf ball radiating excruciating pain the night before, was now a light purple golf ball that was starting to drain, and the pain had gone down by 80 to 90%!

In addition, one of the new boils that was just starting, (a tiny painful pimple,) started to heal, and the other one, slightly larger, while it didn't go away, it stopped growing, and with 72 hours it too drained (really like a normal pimple, only thicker discharge and more painful.)

It's now been about 4 days, and while the large boil is still draining (the core came out yesterday) and is still very tender, it is healing and no other boils are starting.


The big BONUS is this: The arthritis in my shoulder that I've been suffering with for the last year, is gone, and even more exciting, I have been dealing with Heal Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) for about 2 years, and have been suffering TREMENDOUS pain in my foot, every day, all day.

Within 24 hours of taking the Turmeric, my feet have COMPLETELY stopped hurting!!!I plan to continue taking at least one capsule a day indefinitely as a preventative for recurring boils, and as an apparent remedy for my Heal Spurs!!! The real miracle here is that I don't even believe in natural remedies! Thanks so much for the great advice!!!

Posted by Mary (Kenosha, Wisconsin) on 06/15/2007

I tried Turmeric Extract in capsules (300) mg. for 4 days now and it already has healed up my painful boil which was a hole with blood and pus coming out. I took 3 caplets a day. Now I'm going to continue taking it and see if it will help them from coming back. Thanks for your terrific website. I went to at least 4 or 5 doctors and they weren't helping me at all. they gave me antibiotics and also lanced them and it didn't help as quickly. I'll never trust doctors again.

Posted by Darlene (McDonough, Georgia) on 06/12/2007

Update: I took a total of only four doses of the Turmeric for the horrible boil I had suffered with for over two weeks. At the end of the second day, and after only four glasses of the Turmeric, the boil is completely gone. I wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't happened to me. Thank you again for this awesome website. I'm getting ready to search out solutions for my husband and his acid reflux. You are a godsend.

Posted by Stacy (Marion, Indiana) on 06/10/2007

Turmeric does work. I have been having these boils since I was a teenager and nothing the doctor did or said worked. I actually can tell after taking tumeric 3x a day for about two weeks that it works. I did have another boil come but after a couple of days there is nothing there. I didn't believe it was going to work but couldn't do nothing but try. And I am convinced and probably will take it everytime I feel a boils. And you can feel one before it gets big. Thank you for the website. JUST TRY IT!