Diabetes Type II
Health Benefits

Achillea Millefolium for Diabetes Type II Treatment

| Modified on Jan 28, 2025
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2 User Reviews

Posted by Faeqa (Amman, Jordan) on 11/03/2012 70 posts

Achillea Millefolium for diabetic ulcers: Hi I am an Arabian woman who read a lot of old Arabic medicine books which based on using herbs on treating ills, and I tried some of it. One of these herbs is Achillea Millefolium, I used the infusion of this herb 2 cups aday to heal my father's foot diabetic ulcers (he is 80 years), and it gave a magic completely healing to it within one week. After healing he has to take one cup of it daily for prevention, if he stops it 15 days Sequentially the ulcer come back to his feet.

Achillea Millefolium expands the capillaries in the feet and nourishes them.

Replied by Akhtar
(Karachi, Pakistan)

Sallam sister, I read about a diabetes, specially ur comments about (Achillea Millefolium), it really work woderful in diabetes, thanx to share ur experience.

Replied by Bob
(Baltimore, Md)

Hello, is the Achillea Millefolium used as a ground up mixture applied to the foots infected area or as a tea drink?

Replied by Toni

Hi, I tried your treatment on my mother. I was wondering, was your dad on warfrin? Can you please let me know some further information please.

Replied by Faeqa
(Amman, Jordan)
70 posts

Hi Toni, My dad doesn't take warfarin he just takes aspirin.

About Achillea Millefolium he drinks it internally as tea. I use for per cup of water tablespoon of the herb and boil it for few seconds and keep it covered 15 minutes then strain and drink.