Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Skin Issues
Posted by Keerati (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/03/2007

This is more of a beauty experience. I am a college students and once in a while, I ran out of money to buy expensive face cream, so i tried this extra virgin coconut oil that i bought ages ago (for my hair)...on my face. and skin was glowing. i have oily/ acne prone skin but it doesnt irritate me. infact, i've cut down the expenses such as face cream, toner, hair mask, makeup remover, body lotion, foot lotion, hand cream etc. WOW!...thats a lot of saving..with just one jar of coconut oil!

Skin Issues
Posted by Amy (Boise, Idaho) on 01/18/2007

I have been using topical prescription acne meds for 2 years and have done pretty well. This winter I have had a terrible time with dry skin and acne. I have tried exfoliators and lots of moisturizer to relieve the dry skin flakes and have seen no improvement. Just more pimples and flakes. One morning I woke up with a large rash on my neck where I had used an exfoliator. That night I started using coconut oil on my face and neck. (not virgin, Spectrum brand refined) My neck looked much better the next day and I did not wake up with any new pimples which I was very surprised. It was scary putting something so oily on my face! My large pimples under my neck went away in 3 days. My flaky skin was gone in one day. My skin looks great, soon I will try the virgin coconut oil for my face and to include in my diet. This is the first time I have ever been able to say that something natural and possibly a fad REALLY worked for me.

Skin Issues
Posted by Brook (MO) on 04/25/2006

I have heard from my uncle, who recently started using coconut oil, all the benefits. He mentioned it can be used on the face and body as a moisturizer and acne treatment, sun screen, helps prevent wrinkles, removes sun spots and warts, and helps with weight loss when ingested. I had flat warts on my face, and have been using coconut oil on my face and ingesting it two to three times a day for about a month. The warts are gone, but my face, chest, and back have horribly broken out. I can't think of it being from anything but the coconut oil. I also have been eating three tablespoons a day for a month for weight loss, and have currently not lost any weight. I wanted some advice as to if I am doing something wrong, or if my body just doesn't react well to this remedy.

Skin Issues
Posted by Mia (USA) on 03/22/2006

Organic Unrefined coconut oil cleared my face of blemishes and marks. I started breaking out on my face a couple months ago and I didn't know what to do. I tried everything. Then my dad told me about coconut oil and the health benefits it has. I did alot of research for it and it seemed like a good skin remedy. I decided to try it. I noticed a HUGE difference the next day. It has cleared my skin incredibly. It has made my skin soft and glowing just like it had been before. Coconut oil has also made me more energetic and even healthier. IT IS AN AMAZING MIRACLE CURE!!

Skin Issues
Posted by Ann (Reading, England) on 02/08/2006

I suffered from acne, tried most products in the shelf but nothing seemed to work. A friend told me about coconut oil which l have been using for the last five months all the acne cleared and the marks are clearing gradually. It is a miracle cure!

Skin Issues
Posted by Denel (Odessa, Texas) on 02/03/2006

i'm trying coconut oil for dark spots left from face blemishes. it seems to be helping - about how long do you think it will take for the spots to lighten up? I also take 6tsps of the coconut oil daily.

Skin Issues
Posted by Samantha (Moravia, IA) on 10/17/2005

I got some coconut oil from a friend that told me to put it on at night before i went to bed. I do not know what kind of coconut oil it is, but i put it on every night. I have always had a problem with acne and red blemishes on my face. The coconut oil cleared my face within days. I was stunned. I have tried face cleansers, proactive, skin buffers, etc. nothing worked for me. I will forever be grateful for the tip to use coconut oil.

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