Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Side Effects
Posted by Nix1234 (Iligan City, Philippines) on 01/14/2011

i also had a bad experience with v.c.o... After taking 2tablespoon on an evening, I immediately had this weird feeling on my stomach.. Then on the morning, the weird feeling still persisted and after I took my breakfast, I felt like vomiting and I did and that really scared me coz' I never involuntary vomit after eating breakfast before... Then on that evening, I had the worst bowel problems.. Its pure liquid that is going out of my body.. Was I having hyperacidity because of the vco?

Side Effects
Posted by Vacoffee Drinker (Fairfax, Va, Usa) on 09/25/2010

Started taking coconut oil about a week ago, 3 tablespoons each day with meals. Not much gain on the energy level, definitely diarrhea/loose stool which I've read about on multiple sites. What about the weight? I'm going up, is this normal in the beginning? Would appreciate some insight.

Side Effects
Posted by Juan (Houston, Tx) on 08/22/2010

The other day I took 1 teaspoon of Organic Coconut Oil and a day later this red "C" shaped thing appeared on my arm. It itches and has a burning sensation and I also have the sudden urge to scratch my body, mostly on my legs. I went out and bought anti-fungal cream but it didn't do any good. I then tried ACV, tea tree oil, ginger on the "C" shaped thing but it's still there. Does anyone know what this is and how to get rid of it? It has tiny red bumps, if that makes any difference. Thanks

Side Effects
Posted by Herbzy (Ontario, Canada) on 05/17/2010

I think I've finally discovered the cause of my awful migraine headaches - VCO. I couldn't put my finger on it because I was taking so many supplements. After eliminating almost everything else I think VCO is the culprit. The reaction only happens when I take a couple spoonfuls of it but it's awful. Like Tammy it's the kind of headache that sets me back a whole day.

Side Effects
Posted by Sara (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 04/24/2010

I have been using coconut oil for more than weeks now. My whole body is itching. I am just wondering if itching is the side effect of coconut oil?

Side Effects
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/22/2010

Coconut oil - questions for Bill or someone else.....

I started to use coconut oil in my cooking a few days ago and also taking a few spoons in my tea. To my surprise although my intestines have worked wonderfully for the past number of years I am now constipated. I thought that coconut oil would regulate the intestines or even cause diarrhea? As I have been drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices since December almost every day my intestines even worked a bit too much, not really diarrhea but almost but now I am constipated. Today I have tried Detox tea which mostly makes them work and I am also taking dessicated coconut and eating more fruit but nothing seems to happen. Is it possible that I seem to be constipated just because the oil is regulating my intestines?

Another question, in my book about coconut oil I have read that you can't heat it up too high but that you can use it for normal cooking and also in the oven because the moisture in the food will lower the temperature. What about grilling in the oven or barbecuing? Will that spoil the oil?

Side Effects
Posted by Cpn (Panther Land, Usa) on 03/13/2010

Hi Bill! I always find your post interesting.

I have a question for you. I have been consuming VCO 1 Tablespoon 2 or 3 times a day and baking soda 1/2 Teaspoon 2 or 3 times daily for about a week now.

Most of my stools have yellow liquid mixed in and some mucus. I was wondering if this is yeast die off??? Did you have this yellow liquid at anytime???

The reason I think it is yeast is because, back in the day, when I use to drink alot of beer. If I were to drink to much or sometimes just after a night of drinking, I would have stools similar to this. One of my friends said it was yeast that was in the beer coming out.

I hope it is yeast die off, but I have no flu like symtoms at all. Although most of the stools have water with them, I still would not say it is diherra, but rather just a loose stool. Most of the time just one or two a day, but space out like normal bowel movements would be.

I also take a probotic when I can remember to. I have lost a small amount of weight also. I still eat most anything, but have cut out alcohol, sugary drinks and most anything that resembles bread for the most part.

Thank you.

Side Effects
Posted by Laura (Boulder, Co) on 03/05/2010

Wow, you have described me exactly. I have the exact same symptoms. More anxiety, less sleep, heart racing, light-headed. It's been a week since I stopped taking the oil and I am still getting heart palpitations. It's been awful. I hadn't taken it in over a month and I decided to try some again. I only took it twice-a couple tsp each time-and I ended up with the worst heart palpitations ever that don't seem to be going away this time. In fact, I went to the cardiologist today because it's so unsettling and it really freaks me out! They didn't find anything yet, but I need further testing to make sure it's not serious. It seems like every time I try to incorporate CO into my diet my symptoms get worse. I've also tried it topically and ended up with red bumps all over my face. This time, I will not be trying again. Ever. It's nice to know I'm not alone! I will try to follow up and I would like to hear your experience too. Best wishes!

Side Effects
Posted by Heather (Readig, Pa) on 03/04/2010

I need desperate help and I don't know where to start! For the past month i have had horrible reactions to all my shampoo, soap, face wash, bubblebath, etc. I knew of my allergy to coconut however always avoided ingesting it, just now, it is affecting me topically. All my products have a form of coconut oil in them. My symptoms are upset stomach and extreme itching all over my body, sweating, and maybe others that i don't notice as being related. I started using products without any(which is very hard to find) yet i am still experiencing this extreme itching all over. Antihistamines are not helping and i'm absolutely baffled on how this has flared up only this past month when it seems to be in everything i have used in past years. Please give me any info you can!!!!

Side Effects
Posted by Juno (West Hollywood, California, Usa) on 03/03/2010

A few weeks ago I posted a question regarding the possibility of being allergic to coconut oil? I got many good responses, mostly praises for the wonderful qualities of this oil and the fact that most people with a reaction to it probably have detox issues, mainly candida. So I tried it again. This time I did not attempt to ingest it, but used it on my face and some on my arms. My face glowed and my arm skin was supple and soft, however, my neck started developing red dots which soon became red patches of raised swollen skin.

My neck was itchy and very sensitive. Today, the day after (I did not use the coconut oil) still, neck very red swollen patches, and after the morning shower it looked like my neck suffered a burn.

Does this mean I have Candida? is this a die off reaction? and if so, why only my neck?

Side Effects
Posted by Amanda (Hot Springs, Ar, Usa) on 03/02/2010

i had taken vco a few times in the past and it gave me severe diarrhea. i started out more slowly this time and it no longer happened. i have been taking 2 tsp per day for a few weeks. i was feeling great for a while; more energy, better skin, etc. the last week or so, i have been feeling bad; more anxiety, trouble sleeping, lightheaded, my heart racing. i stopped taking it a few days ago,but my heart rate is still higher than my normal and in the middle of the night i woke up feeling panic and checked my bp and pulse rate on a bp monitor; it said around 90 and irregular heartbeat which made me worry (i get panic attacks) i checked it again and it said my pulse was 144 and my blood pressure was high. my blood pressure is NEVER high. it is usually about 100 over 60. i know i was at a high level of anxiety and that can make your heart race and blood pressure go up,but i know my body and i have had anxiety for years and my blood pressure and heart rate have never gone up like that. my question is,for those of you who have experienced similar symptoms, does it take a while to get out of your system?

Side Effects
Posted by Juno (West Hollywood, California, Usa) on 02/09/2010

Is it possible to be allergic to coconut oil? Whenever I try to use coconut oil(internally, or externally) my skin feels itchy and dries up. Is this just the famous die off reaction, and if so what exactly is dying off of my skin?

I have read somewhere that coconut oil is a drying oil and also that it doesn't go well with people with certain blood types like -O is this true?

Side Effects
Posted by Angela (Dawson City, Yukon) on 10/27/2009

Last night I cooked with about two tablespoons of coconut oil for the first time. I was not aware of it's specific cleansing properties. About two hours later I experienced extreme stomach cramps, shaking, vomiting and diarrhea. This lasted about 4 hours. This morning I am still having some stomach cramps. I thought I had food poisoning and noticed that the coconut oil I had just purchased expired in 2008.

I am wondering if the expired coconut oil could have caused these reactions or did I use too much? I also have had liver issues for many years. Any feed back would be great.

Side Effects
Posted by Bee (Somewhere, Mo) on 08/11/2009


Just wanted to share my experience with VCO. I read about it here and was impressed by all the claims of how good it is for your health. I'm sure my diet isn't ideal anyways and I'm trying to be healthier and avoid all kinds of chemicals and drugs. So I started slowly. First evening just a 1/2 tsp. I did relatively shortly after experience cramping and nausea. I felt like I was going to get sick but never actually did. I'm glad I started with a small dose!! Anyhow I kept on with it..and after that I didn't have stomach ailments until I was up to about a TBSP (about a month later). However around the point I was taking 1 tsp I became sick, flu like symptoms. I had just been sick with a severe cold/flu not even 2 weeks earlier and it felt like the same thing all over again. Although I think it was a detox reaction. It did eventually pass, but lasted almost two weeks, and while it was unpleasant, I think it was necessary. I suspect maybe I have a candida problem or something similar. I crave sweets and eat a lot of carbs and sweets (Bad I know!!! I try to be better but obviously am not always). So I think this caused the headaches, general feeling of fatigue and acheyness and lots and lots of mucus!! I was coughing up stuff and my sinuses were clogged. Salt water in a neti pot helped and I tried the tomato tea which helped some too. But I'm feeling better now, not perfect, but it tells me that my body has a lot of recovering to do. There are a number of things I want to get under control, like anxiety and depression and digestive issues. I also want to get off my SSRI, I've gone through the withdrawal before and it is HORRIBLE, so I know it will not be easy, but I feel with some healthier habits and diet I can do it. Thank you for this site! And if anyone has suggestions to make getting off an SSRI easier please share!! I would also love to see a page on here about that if that would be possible!! Thanks again!

Side Effects
Posted by Jennifer (Phoenix, Arizona, USA) on 06/14/2009

I have had malabsorption issues for sometime. My ND wanted me to introduce 100% virgin coconut oil into my diet because of the medium chain fatty acids. I needed to gain weight and muscle. I was using 2T per day in fruit smoothies, cooking, or on toast. Loved the flavor but the side effects were not good. My ND pooh-poohed my questions about possible side effects so I was extremely relieved to find this forum with postings from a number of people who have experienced what I did. My side effects were: severe stomach and gut pain with bloating and tenderness, bad reflux (which I had never had before), heart palpitations, severe sleeplessness, general anxiety-like symptoms, concentration problems, even gum sensitivity . . . just a general sense of continually deteriorating function the longer I was on it. After researching this forum I went off the oil and the symptoms I listed disappeared within two weeks. Although I have no doubt it is a great product for many people, I will never take it again. It just isn't okay for one food item to make me that ill and affect so many areas of my life. The bottom line for me is to learn to listen to my own body and to respect and act on those messages.

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