Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Whisperingsage (Northern California) on 09/07/2015 45 posts

In my studies, I learned that coconut oil is not a significant spurce of vitamin E. It is great for a lot of things but unfortunately E is not one of them. I have a horse in that race as I need a quick source of high dose E for emergency when my mother goats have not had rice bran during their pregnancy and give birth to a "floppy Kid" , in lambs it is "white muscle disease". Cured first by first aid keeping them warm and tubing their colostrum into them, but then placing a fingerful of red palm oil into their mouth. Highest form of natural E I have found so far. It makes them little legs get strong in days and makes them smart enough to start nursing on their own. Feeding rice bran to Moms is tons easier.

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Jean (Ontario, CA) on 01/04/2015

It is easy to make coconut oil. Get 1 coconut (dried with husk removed), grate the coconut, pour some water on and squeeze out the milk. Boil that until you see a custard base with the oil floating on top. That my friends is the purest form of coconut oil you will ever get. Do it out on the barbecue outside, it smells. Saw my grandparents making it in the country in jamaica when I was a child. The custard is the best sauce you can taste, goes with any meat or fish..superb!!

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Mellybag (Austin, Texas. USA) on 11/03/2007

Heating coconut milk to extract oil will not cause loss of nutrients except for vitamin e. This has been widely discussed in other vco forums/fora. Heat should be no more than 80F. So it would take you a real lllooonnng time to get your oil, however, it would be a good oil, no smell, no coconutty taste, clear as water and lasts very very long. I tested this method and my oil lasted 5 years. You have to keep it in a cool dark place and use glass bottle. Melly.

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by SAI ENG (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 10/01/2007

I read with concern how some readers make virgin coconut oil (VCO). It should not be subject to heat treatment otherwise all its nutritional benefits will be lost. When pressing out the cococnut milk from the kernel, try to use cold press method if possible. Do not subject the coconut milk to heat treatment. Let stand in a clean room for 36 hrs at consistent temperature of about 38-40 deg Celcius. The santan will separate into oil, residue (milk) and water. filter out the oil. Filter again and let stand for another 8 hours. Filter for the third time and let stand again for another 8 hrs.This way u'll get a clear colorless VCO. I visited a cottage industry VCO maker and this was how he explained the process of making VCO.

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Colleen (Brooklyn, NY) on 01/07/2007

To make coconut oil, after the milk has been squeezed out from the freshly grated coconut to which water is added to obtain milk, you let it set over night, the fat /cream will rise to the top, this is skimmed off leaving the water residue. The fat is placed in to a heavy duty pot onto a lighted stove where the remaining water evaporates and the oil deposits remain along with the curds. As soon as the curds start to get to a brownish colour your oil is done if not care full at this stage it will start to burn. Be careful this is extremely hot. Set aside to cool and strain throwing away the crisp curds. It won't be rancid either. Good luck.

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Patricia (Kajang, Selangor DE, Malaysia) on 01/06/2007

I take VCO for my candidas, eczema, puffiness. Actually when i consume them, i felt better. But vco at my place, local supplier has phased out the order. and to buy on line, they are so expensive. so following some comments here, i'm trying to do my own at home. but leaving the coconut milk aside till the next day for the separation between oil and water, it turned sour - rancid.. what should i do? thank you.

Make Your Own Coconut Oil
Posted by Ivan (Panajachel, Guatemala) on 07/22/2006

Make your own! Buy a whole coconut (the older ones have more oil), break the nut, take the copra (white part) and grate it, pour a quart of boiling water on it and knead it, squeeze all the now milky white liquid out and let it sit over night and in the morning the oil will have risen to the top. Easy, cheap, needs no special equipment, natural as can be with all the nutrients still in it. Enjoy!