Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Dry Skin

23 User Reviews
5 star (21) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by Lisa (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/07/2007

I ingest pure virgin coconut oil twice per day. I used to have dry scaly skin. I tried the most expensive lotion brands: Loccitane, Origins, Bath & Body Works -- but nothing made my skin shiny and smooth. After two weeks of ingesting coconut oil and using externally my skin began to shine! My boyfriend couldn't stop touching me and everyone thought I was pregnant because my skin glowed. I am an African-American so we notoriously suffer from dry skin but now I have beautiful skin and because I live in Thailand I have access to some of the best oil around at good prices. The only mild reactions I had was gas which I took gas pills for.

Dry Skin
Posted by Lynn (Westmont, IL) on 11/17/2006

I used to have very dry skin, I'd have to put on lotion a couple times a day in the winter to feel "normal." I also used department store facial creams. I now use coconut oil for my body and face. I can't rave enough about the results. A person in Fruitful Yield gave the me the suggestion for my daughter and then told me that she uses it on her face as a cream. I thought it was worth a try.

Dry Skin
Posted by Suzan (Fair Oaks, CA) on 08/02/2006

I did not try to 'cure' anything.. I just wanted the benefits of the coconut... I have never had any 'bad' reaction. We've been eating coconut oil for about 5 years. I buy it online from "Tropical Traditions" by the gallon. I LOVE coconut cream concentrate... (ground coconut meat with the oil) Eat it straight several times a day... Put the oil on my face every morning and on my husband's legs as they tend to become too dry in the hot summer. Also cook/fry with just the Virgin coconut oil... and olive oil. NONE of any coconut oil will 'clog your arteries'.. Read "Know Your Fats" by Mary G. Enig... She is very knowledgeable and will answer all your questions. Thanks for asking.....Suzan

Dry Skin
Posted by Rita (Burson, CA) on 07/05/2006

I have been taking coconut oil for a few weeks because of the health benefits I had heard about. One day I noticed that my skin felt very soft even though I had been too lazy to use body lotion. Later I reached up and touched my ears which had been rough for some time. They are as soft as baby ears. I didn't put it on my ears, I just took it internally a couple of tablespoons, sometimes more, a day. I also put it on my face at night and it seems to make a difference. At least my skin feels very soft.

Dry Skin
Posted by Kathy (Kansas City) on 05/02/2006

I used organic, virgin coconut oil on my skin and a daily dose of 1 tsp. I have been using it for about a month. It has really changed my dry skin. Before I used it my skin just seemed to always be dry and flaky, no matter how much I moisturized. I am a redhead with very fair skin. I love what it has done for my skin! It seems to calm the skin down, reducing redness, and it makes my skin feel so soft. I have occasionally had some red "spots" that show up then disappear, so it seems to be doing something more than just moisturizing. It appears to be reversing sun damage. I have only been using it for a month, so I think it is too soon to tell.

Dry Skin
Posted by Sana (Pakistan) on 03/01/2006

my face turned dry and my complexion got dark. i tried coconut oil on my face; i simply padded on my face daily. my face got healthier look n i got fairness on my face.

Dry Skin
Posted by Jackie (NYC) on 02/26/2006

I decided to try coconut oil on my hands, which have been dry, worn and terrible this winter! I am even beginning to get psoriasis on a few knuckles! I decided to massage coconut oil into each hand for about 5 minutes in the morning and evening. After 2 days I have to report that my hands look a thousand times better... softer, more feminine, etc. I think this is the best natural cure for dry skin. Hope others try it too!

Dry Skin
Posted by Margaret (Garland, TX) on 02/18/2006

Coconut Oil cured dry Skin on my scalp and body. I'll check back with you on the cholesterol lowering effects, but my skin is not nearly as dry as it was and my hair and scalp loves it. Never greasy just natural and smooth. I am also using it to replace cooking oil. That's where I expect to see the cholesterol lowering results. It has a very mild flavor and withstands heats just as well as other vegetable oils.

Dry Skin
Posted by Dorinda (York, NY) on 01/30/2006

I've have been using coconut oil for over a year and it has given my skin a beautiful sheen... I no longer have dry, scaly skin; and it has helped my hair. I make bran muffins with it; stir fries, Thai food, and I put it in my protein shakes and often use it to make omelets. Also it is wonderful for a foot rub.. dishpan hands. I now can eat it right off a spoon.

Replied by Laurie
(Sudbury, Ontario)

Hi , can you please please tell me how much one uses on face and body and how often , do u leave it on or rinse it off. Same with the hair. No one ever says ingredients.Thanks

Replied by Nanci
(Niagara Falls, NY)

I have used it all over & here's what I do - I keep some in a rubbermaid container (with the top on) that I toss into he tub while I shower. The heat makes it melty, so then I just pour it onto my palm afterwards & slather it everywhere. I also use it on my hair like a hot oil treatment before a shampoo.

For internal use: I soften it & pour it into those little candy molds & chill it, then eat them. My dog comes running when she hears me getting it out so she can have her VCO. (I saw a recipe here that mixes it with cocoa & honey) In the summer I use it before sun exposure - and gently tan without peeling.

You should only buy the Virgin Coconut Oils like Nutiva. If you're going to bother doing it, use the one that will give you the most benefits and have best quality. find it on Amazon, Swanson, Vitacost etc.

Replied by Neon

Hi Liz, I've tried the fish oil for almost a month now, but there's still no change/improvement to my skin. Taking about 3-4pills a day, 200mcg of ALA and GLA of every capsule but still it does not work. Any idea where I'm going wrong?

Energy Booster

6 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Bonnie (Ohio) on 06/27/2015

Reading all the reviews re: coconut oil---I buy it in 54 oz jars from Sam's Club--use it every day. In my coffee, on my skin, cooking-it goes on and on.

I feel I have more energy taking a tablespoon day, also give it to my dogs in their food, they love it.

I'm 84 and get compliments on my skin-when I tell them my age they say "no way, I thought you were in your 60's". I don't use expensive face creams-just VCO. When I have a pain in my neck or shoulders---I get the coconut oil and rub it on.

I love the smell, the taste and the benefits.


Energy Booster
Posted by Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/29/2008

I've had Coconut Oil sitting around my house and only used it for cooking. I heard it was a great alternative to Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils. But since reading about the health benefits from Coconut Oil on this website, I thought it would be good to try for my depression and lack of energy I feel mainly in the mornings. Sometimes, I just cannot move or do anything! I ate a tablespoon and managed not to gag from the texture or lack of taste. Within a HALF-HOUR, I went from not wanting to be around and lethargic to INSTANT ENERGY! I was doing chores, showering, moving about and realizing that the Coconut Oil helped me start my day. It felt like I drank two cups of coffee! Throughout the day, my heart was beating pretty heavy so I will try taking half a tablespoon in the upcoming days. This is a WONDER FOOD!

Replied by Gislain
(Phoenix, AZ)

I recently posted a comment about Coconut Oil and how eating a tablespoon each day helped my Depression. After two days of taking Coconut Oil internally, I developed a terrible case of Heartburn. I felt better emotionally but physically, my chest was painful and the heartburn lasted all day and night. I thought eating too fast was the culprit initially. I was suffering with this Heartburn for an entire week. I wondered if the heavy saturated fat content of the Coconut Oil was making my body react this way.

Today, I didn't eat any Coconut Oil and my symptoms reduced by over 50%. I love the Oil Pulling, Apple Cider Vinegar, and everything else listed on this site. Unfortunately, eating Coconut Oil didn't work out for me apparently. I do plan on using Coconut Oil externally on my skin.

Replied by Bravestar
(Columbia, MD)

If you can't take it by mouth, then try look up gnc or health or vitamin shoppe or internet store to find coconut oil in capsules or table to take oral try that if it help hmm. It's help me well since, I can't take it straight to my mouth, capsules helped for me.

Replied by Joye
(Brandon, Manitoba, Canada)

Hi. You were saying you were taking 1 tbsp of oil a day. I find when we start something new you need to start off small. May be try taking a 1/2 of tsp of oil for a week or so then a 1tsp and so on. Your body is probaly saying it is too much all at once. Try it. I liquidfied my oil and use it in my oatmeal and salads, it is awesome.

Replied by Kelly
(Augusta, Maine)

I had to start even smaller using 1/4 a tsp mixed with 2 tsps of peanutbutter. I then put this mixture on toast twice a day and build up gradually. I am also drinking 4 tbsp a day of apple cider vinegar with 100% fruit juice (I started this regimine first and then later added the virgin coconut oil into my morning and evening routine.) My skin is clearer than it has been for years, I have so much more energy and my depression seems like a distant memory although I am aware of it when under a lot of stress. Also, I am sleeping all through the night! I used to toss and turn all night long and now I wake up refreshed from a long night's sleep.

Replied by T
(Maryland, USA)

I downed a spoonful of virgin coconut oil (VCO) the other day and had the heart pounding problem that evening. That was the first time I'd taken it straight up. The earlier times I had ingested it, it was by spreading it on bread that was nearly toasted, letting it absorb a bit, then popping it back in for a moment to fully toast, in effect "cooking" the oil on the toast. I had read (possibly here?) that VCO in a cooked form is easier for the body to take. When I have eaten it this way, it never gave me problems. Might be worth looking into if working up from a smaller amount doesn't seem to be effective in preventing problems. It's tasty on toast anyway, especially with jelly/jam on top :-)

Replied by Hk
(Bothell, Wa)

When I took a teaspoon by mouth, I felt terrible for the next day, but when I put the same amount on bread twice a day, I have no problems and feel much better. I also lose weight when I take it consistently.

Energy Booster
Posted by Cathy (Anderson, Missouri) on 03/29/2007

About a week ago, I began taking about three tablespoons of EVCO daily and am already starting to feel like I have more energy. For breakfast, I make a packet of low sugar brown sugar flavored instant oatmeal. After it has been nuked in the microwave, I add 2 Tablespoons of EVCO, some extra oat bran and a tablespoon of ground flax seed. Sometimes, I also add a little Splenda. This is a great and tasty way to get your EVCO daily. I'm also hoping that the EVCO will help me lose weight, but I haven't taken it long enough yet.

Energy Booster
Posted by Nicola (Basingstoke, UK) on 02/08/2007

I started using coconut oil 5 days ago - because I heard that it helps you to lose weight. I've not really tracked my weight so far, but I can say, hand on heart, that I have suddenly found a load more energy from somewhere. My 3 year old still wakes me up through the night and some evenings it was as much as I could do to just sit in the chair watching TV or playing with my computer. I now feel energized enough to WANT to wash up etc.. I have noticed that I need to use the bathroom a lot more (maybe having 4-6 number "2s" during the day - which is highly unusual as normally it's 1-2 every other day) -and I've developed an incredible wind problem in the evening. I normally take 1 tablespoon first thing in the morning with my smoothie and it instantly wakes me up. Tonight for the first time I've taken another tablespoon so I'll see how I get on. Can't say I like the taste of it straight out of the jar - it made me feel sick the first day - but can't taste it in the smoothies. I used Holland & Barratt - which costs. c£9.95 but have no idea if its cold pressed/virgin etc..

Energy Booster
Posted by Teri-Lee (TX) on 05/27/2006

I cannot believe how much energy I have! I put 2 Tbsp. in a blender with a 1/2 cup of milk and a banana and mix it up. I don't even taste the oil. I have learned to heat the oil for about 10 seconds in the microwave and then add it to the mixture in the blender because if the oil is a solid you can get chunks.

Replied by Heather
(Mundelein, IL)

In response to Teri-Lee from TX...I would not heat the coconut oil in the microwave before blending it! Microwaving any food changes its composition and destroys the healthy enzymes in the oil. Your shake sounds like a good idea, just skip the microwaving part.

Replied by Roger Bird
(Colorado Springs, Colorado)

Coconut oil is such an energy booster that I have to be careful to take it only in the morning if I want to sleep at night.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Posted by Marion (Riverside, Ca) on 11/19/2008

I was on a quest to find Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. So many people from this site rave about EVCO so it led me to do my own research about the benefits and truth of EVCO. It turns out that EVCO is the best oil on Earth! Not only good internally but also topically. Just good over all healthy for your body head to toe, inside and out. So of course I HAD TO HAVE IT! After searching in every grocery store and having no luck I decided to take the long drive to our Health food store.."Trader Joe's". Was totally dissapointed to find that there was none there either. Maybe it was out of stock? The trip wasn't a total waste because I picked up a bottle of Tea Tree oil for 6 bucks which is normally $13 in drug stores. I also bought some Organic Apple Cider Vinegar there too which I hear is very good. So I guess there is not a market for Coconut Oil in California?? I guess the brain washing and false information has really worked on us Americans. What a shame! So my last stop was Walmart. I have heard that Walmart carries the low quality Coconut oil made from dried COPRA. So I wasn't too optimistic since I was only going to purchase the high quality EVCO even if it meant I had to buy online. They had the cheap stuff but I FOUND USDA EVCO there!! Yay! I'm so happy = )~ Nutiva is the brand and can be bought online as well. For 29 oz. it was $19.99 pricey I know. But well worth it since I love it on my skin and cooking with it! I guess after my long story the point is never give up in your quest for ultimate health. Cheers to good health and many blessings!

Replied by Vivienne
(Paia, HI)

I think various WallMarts carry different items, our local one carries Virgin coconut oil in the vitamin aisle. It's by the vitamin company "Rexall", I cannot remember the size, but it was about $10.00. They also carry Tea Tree Oil, which I bought - 50ml for $5.00.

Replied by Jasmynjade2
(Blanchester, Ohio Usa)

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed, unrefined. Nutiva Brand..... 54 oz... SOLID....... At "The Vitamin Shoppe"
Online for $22 Plus S&H..... Great deal.

Replied by Oclady
(Tustin, Ca)

They carry EVCO at whole foods, I got mine from the one in tustin at the district.

Replied by Kristy
(Menifee, Ca)

I use to live in Riverside as well and found it at Vitamin Shoppe

Replied by Ocnaturaldoc
(Newport Beach, California)

EVCO is available at Mother's Market, Whole Foods Markets, and online.

Replied by Happy Customer
(Hemet, California)

I was able to get mine at GNC in my town. I think I paid $11.99 for 15 fl. Oz. I love it I wish I could find it in a bigger container but I am sure I could if I look on line.

Replied by Shansu
(Ulysses, Kansas - Usa)

A very INFORMATIVE article and brief clip at this site.