Health Benefits

MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

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Posted by Helena (Brooklyn, Ny) on 11/23/2009

In sep 2008 I came down with a hive condition, something would trigger them every night about 8pm they were welts all over. At first I thought it was due to detergent. By Jan 2009 I ended up in the emergency room my face hived together. There they did a thyroid test and determined my levels were off the charts, and prescribed meds. I didnt believe the thyroid caused my hives I believed the hives caused my thyroid. A site on hives led me to MMS I started taking it in Feb. My teeth improved immediately, The hives gone, my energy through the roof. Only when I went up to 11 drops did I become violently nauseas. I now only take it when I feel a cold coming on or my gums hurt. I still dont know what caused the hives but I know what cured them, I never took the thyroid meds and I am fine. I think MMS will affect different people differently.