I was on allergy pills, dyphenhydramine for over a decade. Stopped taking. Runny nose and sneezing constantly. Used 4 boxes of kleenex a month while on those pills. Started MMS a week and a half ago...nose dried up. Hardly any sneezing or nose blowing. It is wonderful. Hoping for help with asthma.
Put 2 drops mms and 2 drops citric acid in a glass and mix together for twenty seconds. It produces a mist (best way I can describe it) that you inhale through your nose and throat. You won't see the mist.
Take it slow, just sniff until you feel a biting sensation in your nose or throat and stop, once only. It's sort of like getting a whiff of ammonia if you have ever experienced that sensation.
I use it daily for my lungs and a sore throat and it has worked to alleviate a sore throat.
I am new on this board so I may not be available for questions yet.
One note you cannot use this with any liquid with vitamin C.
I'm using MMS in coffee enemas. Never seen so many parasites coming out of me before! Sorry...i know it's disgusting. My naturalist doctor uses MMS for kids with autism. He says autism is curable!