The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Gurlith (Puttaparthi, A.p. India) on 01/21/2013

I saw the idea of turmeric for weight loss and followed the suggestion on 1/2 teaspoon turmeric in water. It was just before 10 am, about an hour later my heart start beating very violently and I felt so unwell, like very high bloodpreasure, or if I had taken a lot of coffeine. All night I suffered till 5am then I drank a big glass of water and walked a bit and slowly it calmed down. Anybody know what happened?
Posted by Guilhermo (Curitiba, Parana) on 10/19/2012
I had 10 years of disconfort (inflamation like feeling on my testicle (left side)) and discomfort on all body... Due a bad treated STD... Maybe was all the antibiotic I take it for it... and I had a candida infection I dont know! I also had low libido and low energy....
On the last doctor he said he couldnt do nothing and it was all psycological. So at my last try, I started to take Chanca Piedra TEA with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric...
3 Days later I was almost like new! Chanca piedra helped, I did some experiences with other teas, always with turmeric... And worked too.... So turmeric did the trick... but is best with chanca piedra...
Im on the 10 days... I wont stop... Until I feel im 100%. 95% , wich is realy good. With energy, body relax. Sleeping much better, and happier. (turmeric is used for depression too). Is the most incredible thing I ever used...
Sorry for my English! Good luck for all
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Celeste (Pacifica, California) on 09/03/2012

Hello All ~ I am so happy to hear that tumeric has helped nearly all of you... It is a very beneficial herb. However, I must tell you that if you are using tumeric, never, ever get the powder into your eyes. I did that accidentally while putting tumeric into capsules for a friend of mine, and apparently I did not wash my hands thoroughly enough, and I started rubbing my eyes and it took a week for me to finally find some relief. It resulted in swelling, burning and itching! You may ingest it fine with no problem, but never let it get into your eyes especially via rubbing with unwashed hands! Overall though it is a very important beneficial herb. Hope this helps you... God bless and good health to all!!!
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 08/27/2012
Oh, and you you aren't that fond of mustard, you can hide a tsp or two in a cheese omlet or make deviled eggs without noticing it!
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 06/20/2012 179 posts
Hi Deepthi and Anndee, what I find is that you are taking Turmeric in the raw form, so surely it will give you the reaction what you are having. Please try taking it with the food, for example you can have even one table spoon of it in your Oats breakfast. While cooking your oats you can put a banana, turmeric and after it is cooked you can put some honey. It will not give you any reaction. Baldev
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/19/2012
Anndee, put your turmeric in an empty capsule and swallow it that way with water. I add a drop of black pepper to the capsules as they say it absorbs better with the pepper, but just a few grains.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Anndee (Mumbai, India) on 06/19/2012

I too have been facing the same problem. Today is my second day of having turmeric in warm water and I find the side of my tongue is hurting due to an ulcer. I am having turmeric to cure the recurring boil problem that I have been having since last two years.. I have one painful boil each month and it takes 10-12 days to go away completely, just to come up again, in and around the same area, the next month.. Please help!!!
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Vicki (Houston, Texas) on 05/03/2012

Folks, use caution when taking Curcumin. While the benefits are amazing, it has been proven to cause something called gall bladder squeezing (quite painful) and hair loss! My husband and I were taking one 500 mg capsule per day (with food) for about a year when I started experiencing the gall bladder squeezing sensation (as well as noticeable hair loss). I was afraid I had gallstones but an ultrasound showed no issues? My hairdresser was also alarmed at the amount of hair loss I was experiencing. I even had blood panels done to check my thyroid levels (which were completely normal). By fluke, I stumbled across an article on the possible side effects of the Curcumin, and once we cut back our dosage to three 500 mg capsules per week, the negative symptoms completely disappeared. Just be cautious about your dosing....
Posted by Indianchief (Fremont, Ca; Usa) on 03/21/2012
. I remember, my childhood in India, if I get hurt, mom used to put turmeric paste on wound. Also now if I have, bad cold/infection, I put turmeric in milk and in meal as well.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 03/21/2012
I add tumeric to my scrambled eggs while they are cooking and also add black pepper to them. I also sprinkle tumeric on my roast chicken in the oven.. it adds a great taste to it.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 03/20/2012
You can also add Turmeric to tomato pasta sauces, soups and stews.
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 03/19/2012
Just a pinch of pepper will do, and it is best to take turmeric with a fat as it is more soluble that way so take it in warm milk or coconut milk or almond milk with a little honey... One more thing, I don't know if you have this where you are but the only thing that has turned my hands and feet around is an ointment called Bag Balm. It is used by farmers for cows, but humans use it too, and I have to say it was soothing, calming, and healing from the first use. I hope this helps you, sara
Posted by Yukoncorleone (Binghamton, NY, United States) on 03/19/2012
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with folliculitis over my whole body and Eczema on my hands and feet by my dermatoligist and I'm exploring some natural remidies. For a while I thought it was only Eczema over my entire body, but my Dermatoligst seems to think I have two separate conditons. So far I've tried the oral and topical steroids, topical antibiotics, and they seemed to work while I was using it, but as soon as I ran out it got bad again.
I have taken the ACV (apple cider vineager) with the mother in it (when I thought it was just Eczema), but stopped for a while after I got a stomach bug and had diareaha and vomiting and couldn't stomach the AVC. I'm now back on it for two days now (using 1-2 tsp in water 2-3 times a day according to back of the bottle) and now I'm also trying powdered Turmeric 1 tsp in a glass of warm water or sometimes in orange juice 2-3 times a day.
I'm only on day 2 of this, and I think I'm noticing some benfits. I don't itch as bad, the Eczema doesn't seem as raised or as irritated, and the red bumps from my folliculitis are not as pronounced and bright as they can sometimes get.
My question is this; I've read that Turmeric isn't that readily absorbed into the system and that you should take black pepper with it. If I'm taking 1tsp of powdered Turmeric in a glass of warm water how much black pepper should I add to it? Please advise, I want to make sure I'm getting the most out of the Turmeric as I can.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Diane (Fresno, Ca Usa) on 03/10/2012
I have been trying various ways of taking turmeric but have not liked the taste. I have now concocted a turmeric smoothie. I don't measure but it's about 3/4 cup coconut milk, 1 banana, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 TBS honey and a dash of black pepper. I use a Vitamix, which can handle a lot more than a regular blender. I think a regular blender would work for the above. It makes a pretty thick drink.
With a Vitamix, you can also make an even more substantial drink by adding a cut-up fuji apple. A regular blender can't really pulverize the apple (I have friends who have tried it and it never worked.)
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Roger (Colorado Springs, Colorado) on 03/08/2012
I am, in Ayurvedic lingo, pitta, even pitta imbalanced. If I take turmeric, it makes my pitta imbalance worse and I become irritable and my insomnia is aggravated and I get all kinds of other symptoms typical of pitta imbalance. For my wife, who is pitta weak, turmeric is perfect and balances her and helps her a lot.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 02/21/2012
Another handy way to ingest Turmeric is to put the powder in your mustard or honey-mustard bottle; great on sandwiches and chicken-wings maranade. You can put a huge amount in your mustard without noticing much of a change in the taste. Add black pepper to enhance the healing benefits of Tumeric!
Bags Under Eyes
Posted by Christo (Montreal, Canada) on 01/30/2012
I've always used turmeric, not for therapeutic reasons, however. Mainly as a spice. The last couple of days I've drinking it as a tea because of joint and muscle pains and it works, I must say. But what I did notice the next day after I first started drinking it was that the bags under my eyes, which I've had for over ten years now seemed somehow smaller. As of writing, and this after only two days, they're even less pronounced. I can only thank the turmeric for this, because nothing else has changed in my diet.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Faye (Sparta, NC) on 04/22/2011
I am interested in trying tumeric tea for joint pain and have a question. Can this tea be made ahead as instructed and then reheated to a simmer in the microwave or would that destroy some of the properties of the components. Also, how often do you recommend that this be taken? Thank you.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Susan (USA)
Gurudev Khar Khalsa, a Sat Nam Rasayan healer and Kundalini Yoga teacher in Los Angeles sent us this Ayurvedic tea for lubricating the joints. Gurudev tells us that the almond oil is a very important part of this recipe. Turmeric is called "the internal healer" in Ayurveda. Turmeric is also a blood purifier and is best known for its ability to help the female reproductive organs. Some research indicates that turmeric may be of value in preventing diabetes and cancer.
1/8 teaspoon turmeric, 3 cardamom pods (optional), 1/4 cup water. Simmer 5 to 7 minutes, then add : 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons almond oil (cold pressed). Bring just to the boiling point (but do not boil). Add honey or maple syrup to taste. Sip slowly as a hot tea.
Brain Fog
Posted by Bz (Bklyn, Ny) on 12/01/2011
I had aches and pains and even chiropractics and acupuncture didn't relieve it. I took turmeric and it relieved the aches and pains (joints mostly) and also has cleared up a great deal of my "brain fog". It's been incredible.
Posted by Janie (Nj, Usa) on 11/28/2011
Turmeric is great against arthritis pain, but also for headache or other pains.
My spouse and I take daily turmeric with bromelain (2) capsules and experience no symptoms of arthritis. If we run out of them, we notice the difference right away. (450 each combo capsule from nat fac)
When a headache comes along or a sore throat we use 2 capsules, instead of aspirin or ibuprofen (in addition to our daily regimen).
Conventional medical providers acknowledge turmeric is equal to ibuprofen in pain relief. (And lots less side effects to worry about! )
Fresh Turmeric Vs. Powdered
Posted by Ollytempe (Px, Arizona) on 11/21/2011
Kerrstarr- It is all relative to each individual herb. Some herb contain the desired constituents when fresh and others when dried. As far as solubility, this depends on the chemical profile of the herb and which constituents you desire to extract. Different menstruums (carriers) may include water, alcohol, oil, and glycerite.
When preparing Turmeric, water and alcohol are suitable menstruums. Dried is the traditional way its used but some recent companies do tincture (alcohol) it fresh at 45% alcohol at a ratio of 1:1. I could not find a reference to the ethanol percentage used when tincturing dry but from the looks of it i'd say anywhere from 30-40% would be suitable at a ratio of 1:2 (Alcohol:herb). Turmeric may also be used in a decoction (boiling herb in water).
When studying herbs it is best to buy books from trusted herbalist and study one herb at a time. Each is unique in its own way.
-Daniel, Herbalist
Gum Disease
Posted by Sanjeev (Jalandhar Punjab- India) on 10/20/2011
Very good I suggest you that you can also mix some quantity of black peeper with turmeric for any type of tooth problem. Thanks