Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis and Joint Pain
EC: Read hundreds more testimonials like this one on our boil remedies page!
The cysts would appear on the right loin, lanced, then another would appear on the left loin.
I have seen an urologist, internist, ear, nose and throat specialist, and surgeon whose answer to everything was lance it.
It was a battle which started to effect my work, personal life. Within 48 hours the boil will start, and then grow till ready to burst. I couldn't plan any holidays, trips.
Then after May 2007 it went away, and I was ecstatic about this "remission" as it turned out. Lo and behold October 2007 it can back with a vengeance. Which I had once again lanced. This seems to correspond with Earth Clinic's theory on rain and MRSA because no boil appeared during these winter months.
Then I decided to take my health into my own hands and made an appointment with a natural health practitioner. He did help a lot in reversing free radical damage, etc but he said to cut caffeine and aspartame. Which I did, but the boils re-appeared. My GP said that the medical profession can't help my further.
I then went Cyberhunting and came upon earthclinic.com. I have read the testimonies of almost everybody and decided to give turmeric a run for its money. I also decided not to report back within a couple of days to ensure tried results before any feedback.
2 Boils started to appear on my left loin. In less than a day the boils were red and inflamed. I immediately went to the nearest supermarket to purchase turmeric. Within a couple of hours the pain seemed less. The next morning the pain was CONSIDERABLY less and the boils shrunk to 1/3 of its original size. And on day 3 zip, gone, nothing, nada.
I have been using Turmeric for 1.5 months and it is still gone.
I want to thank earthclinic and Ted for their efforts and I would like to state today that you guys have saved my life, literally. I was on my way to fournier's gangrene and I do not think I would've survived that.
Some comments on the Turmeric journey:
It does give you constipation and dehydrate you. Drink plenty water and buy some extra electrolytes.
For the padded problem try Milk of Magnesium, 2 teaspoons should turn on Niagara falls.
I am currently experiencing with dosage, and I am currently running on 1 half teaspoon morning and night. Remember we are all different so test what works best for you.
I wish you well.
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