The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Mary Jane (Los Angeles) on 05/08/2014
I have been taking turmeric in water (not the capsules you buy at the health food store, just the simple spice) since February to see if it would help me with allergies. I'd say it took 2 months of taking turmeric in water with some olive oil and twist of black pepper to see results. But my allergies, which always turn into sinus infections this time of the year, are minimal. My skin is clear of blemishes too. Nice side effect!
Posted by Tlcarteffects (Cleveland, Oh) on 03/27/2014
My daughter started developing painful boils and I started giving her turmeric capsules and it worked like a charm. When she would stop taking them the boils came back. Daily she had to take the turmeric and I know she had hidradenitis suppurativa, an incurable skin disease that hits around puberty characterized by painful boils in areas your body can sweat. This involves the hair follicle and sweat glands. I would highly recommend turmeric to anyone, as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory and really cures boils as well as prevents future boils if taken regularly. These boils are antibiotic resistant also unless they become infected if course. if a boil appears you can also make a poultice with turmeric powder and coconut oil and rub on the area. This forces the boil to heal 3x quicker than it would if left alone. But the trick to avoiding new ones is to take the turmeric on daily basis.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Man (Sojournor In America) on 01/05/2014
I have been using turmeric in water (pure/distilled with activated carbon post filtration) for a while because I read about the benefits of Turmeric. And today as was cooking up breakfast I considered making a new blend of Turmeric in water, and this time I added one teaspoon of 99.996 DMSO to see what would happen. I took a swig of it and the flavor is different. It seems easier to drink now. The DMSO seems to have countered the pungent-ness, (for a lack of a better word) of the regular drink. And knowing that DMSO is a transport substance, perhaps this Turmeric will benefit me.
Posted by Sleighb7 (Ontario, Canada) on 11/18/2013
I scraped my foot very badly, kind of a road rash burn, a week and a half later it was infected and not healing, applied tumeric powder on the open wound, plastic wrap over tumeric and a bandage, applied new poultice twice a day, is healing very quickly now, no infection. Can't recommend enough. It has been two days so far will continue to apply till wound is healed.
Gangrene, Gout, MRSA
Posted by Gillian (Andalusa Spain) on 10/04/2013
I am sorry for all the pain your daughter is going thru and good for you not giving up and for being such a great mom.
I don't know if this would help, and please check to make sure it is safe for her to do the following. I had a tooth infection and I put goldenseal, sprinkled from a capsule on it, and brushed the area, and put some in a tea bag and put it on the infection. ( I also brushed the area with kosher salt and gargled with salt water, however it only got better when I used goldenseal. ) In 2 or 3 days infection was gone.
She might want to also take it internally, but make sure it is safe for her to do so.
Good luck to you both and I will keep you in my prayers.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Sandra (Australia ) on 08/20/2013
Maybe you are having side effects with Tumeric because it is releasing toxins through your skin. Don't be so quick to say it didn't work because it sounds as though it was working. Toxins needs a way to get out and skin is one way.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/20/2013
I read that 1/2 tsp of turmeric will cause constipation. Try 1/4 tsp with 1/8 tsp ginger.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/20/2013
Try cooking grade grocery store turmeric powder. Don't use the capsules. Start from a quarter teaspoon.
In South India, some women used to apply turmeric in their face and body during their bath. But it is a different turmeric variety exclusively for applying in skin. Of course, cooking variety of turmeric powder can also be applied on the skin.
I agree some people experience the rash when applying turmeric on their skin. May be because if they rince with soap directly with applied turmeric, as soap reacts with turmeric. Better idea is, cleanse with water and then wash with soap.
When taking internally, try food grade turmeric. Good Health
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Stac3y (Allentown, Pa) on 08/20/2013

I just wanted to share two side effects I have had in trying to use turmeric orally. The first is severe constapation. I would imagine this might benefit someone with Crohn's or IBS, but I definately have a problem.
The second is that it causes my face and scalp tend to break out. After two days, it feels like my face is falling apart with acne. I've tried turmeric on and off again at least six times, and this happens everytime. This happens with just 500 mg a day, so a relatively small amount. I know a lot of people have been trying this for acne, but it tends to make things much, much worse for me.
For some people, the other benefits might be worth the side effect, but it's a bit too much for me, which is disappointing, as I really wanted to like this herb.
FYI: I eat a healthy, low-gluten, low fat diet that incorporates several gentle cleansing herbs daily, so I do not think this is a detox reaction.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/18/2013
Ok I will give a recipe to drink Turmeric Powder, a delicioius drink.
- 1 Tsp - Turmeric Powder
- 250 ml - Butter Milk (incase you don't get butter milk, make your own by mixing 100 ml yoghurt and 150 ml of water)
- 1/2 tsp - Cumin Powder - Optional
- 1/4 tsp - Black Pepper Powder - Optional
- Salt to taste
Mix everything throughly, so flavours of all the herbs blends well. Sprinkle finely chopped Coriander Leaves. Delicious drink is ready. You can change the ratios according to the desired taste.
Get Well Soon.
Bleeding Gums
Posted by Hassan (Iran) on 06/22/2013
Thank you. Turmeric was useful for bleeding gums. I think for long time turmeric can affect on teeth. because it is acidic. Thank You.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Wendy (Raymore, Missouri, United States) on 06/03/2013
I found a way to take tumeric that I think is yummy. I warm some almond milk on the stove, pour into a mug, add 1/2 tsp. Turmeric, a dash of pure ground cinnamon and 2 drops vanilla extract and drink before bedtime. It tastes like custard.
Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Bridget (Dallas) on 05/24/2013
As I get older I notice more joint pain, creaky joints, and I also have arthritis (which I discovered one day stepping on teh cold tile, my foot seized up! Just like used to happen to my moms hands). I found earthclinic that day, and it saved me! I LOVE this site, and the natural, holistic remedies. Thank YOU so much! This is now my favorite go to place!
I discovered turmeric, which is wonderful for aching joints, aches, pains, and arthritis too. I was making my own paste, but did not always have time for that, then I learned that Piperine (active ingredient in black pepper) increases the absorption of the turmeric...
This stuff really works! If I miss a few days, I feel the pain come back.. When I take it, the pain goes away!
Gangrene, Gout, MRSA
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 05/13/2013
Hi Steve from Cleveland - Your daughter is very blessed to have you as her dad! My diabetic brother went along with what the doctors said and had a partial amputation of his foot which led to other complications. This must be happening all the time. I have written down the ingredients for the soup - it sounds like it would be good for so many things. Thanks for sharing your story. I wish all the best for you and your family. Take care, Bess
Gangrene, Gout, MRSA
Posted by Steve (Cleveland, Ohio, United States) on 05/13/2013
I understand that everyone is unique and someone may be adversely affected by anything. I can't recall ever hearing of turmeric causing any harm. My daughter, who is in poor health, diabetic, blind etc. Never took care of herself and took the toxic poisons her doctor prescribed, developed gout in her foot, which turned into osteomyelitis, and MRSA, and gangrene which became life threatening. A doctor who I can't name insisted that part of her foot must be removed or she would die of the infection. I had reached a point of frustraion with the so called medical field that I cannot begin to describe. I literally researched 24-7 for natural remedies and for my daughters specific case, came up with the following. "SOUP"! Any vegetable soup, 1 heaping teaspoon of Turmeric, 1 heaping teaspoon of crushed oregano leaves, 1 medium to large "HEAD" of garlic sliced by hand no more than 1 hour prior to consumption (the allicin loses it's potency rather quickly), 1/8 cup of freshly ground golden flax seed (all organic). This was eaten every day! Along with the soup, she used oil of oregano 4 drops in a little water 3 times a day, (70% carvacrol content). Be careful not to slosh the water around so the oil stays pooled in one place. Drink it down quickly without disturbing the oil, it is very spicy.
We also soaked her foot in hot water with lots of betadine for an hour a day. We fortunately found a doctor who was willing to work with us. A pic line was put in for antibiotic administration. The antibiotics that could be used were limited because my daughter had terrible reactions to many of them. We were told the antibiotic therapy, (if it worked at all), would take six months or longer. Within a month an MRI showed it wasn't gangrene any more but osteomyelitis. A couple of weeks later, it was gout, and MRSA. A month later her white blood cell count had gone down and the pic line was removed. She was on oral antibiotics for another month and then a topical ointment to heal the skin on her foot. As an aside, DON'T SMOKE! Smoking drastically reduces the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream and hampers healing. Most bad bugs are anaerobic and do not survive in the presence of adequate oxygen. No more MRSA, her primary doc stopped lisinopril ( it causes gout). Hope this helps someone. The BIBLE tells us, all plants are for food and for medicine, and it DOESN'T say, no salt.
Posted by Honora (Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand) on 05/18/2011
I read a reference to a problem with a wound that wouldn't heal. The woman used grated turmeric applied as a poultice and the wound finally healed.
Posted by Tanny Abad (Paris, France) on 03/22/2011
Recently I've experienced to have a clusters of boils which is very painful especially those underneath my butt and armpit, it's really a pain in the ass and a real sucker. Sometime ago, while browsing the internet, Turmeric pop-up and it gives me an idea and I read it, I was amased the benefits of it, so went immediately to the supermarket to look for turmeric, but I can't find it, I live in Paris which is a different language, so turmeric is known here as Curcuma. I bought it right away and drink it 3 times a day, After 1 day I noticed that my boils started to drain and the pain is gone, Before reaching the 4th day my skin glows and skins that experienced boils peeled off automatically, for the meantime my skin changes a lot and for the better, It brings back my self-esteem and confidence, thanks for this wonder herb called TURMERIC...
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Saved But Still Battling (Baltimore) on 04/08/2013

Gurlith, Hi. I am having a similar reaction and I know it was the tumeric. I took 1 teaspoon three times in one day with almond milk and a sprinkle of pepper. The next day I took 1 teaspoon the same way. By 2:00pm I started experiencing fatigue and then muscle pain, diahhrea, constipation and felt wretched. I saw that Gavin ( a frequent poster) mentioned that too much tumeric can cause symptoms similar to mild chemo. And that's definitely how bad I feel. That was Sunday and it's Monday evening and I still feel pretty rough. I couldn't even go in to work today. Drinking distilled water and hope to be better soon. I wanted to reply to Gavin's post (from 2011 I think) but couldn't find it. No offence to tumeric, I'm still going to use it... once I recover, but scaling way back to like 1/2- 1tsp 3x/wk. FYI I'm female age 43, 110lbs. Best wishes everyone.
Menstrual Cramps
Posted by Clarisse (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/21/2013
During the first couple days, I get some really bad menstrual cramps. Mine are pretty miserable, to the point where I feel like throwing up and just lying down all day. I remembered that turmeric is used to alleviate menstrual cramps, so I added a tsp of turmeric to some warm milk, along with a bit of flaxseed oil (turmeric is fat-soluble) and some black pepper (increases absorption of curcumin in turmeric). I drank this all before I went to bed. The next morning, no more menstrual cramps! Try it!
Posted by Naja (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe) on 02/25/2013
Hi, I have been using few of Earth Clinic remedies for quite a long time now.
I would just like to add the following - brush your teeth with turmeric paste that you make/use as your face mask. Your teeth will be brighter/whiter as it gets rid of coffee/tee stains and your gums will benefit as well. Just leave it as long as you leave your face mask on.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Yukoncorleone (Binghamton, Ny, United States) on 02/06/2013
2-3 Tablespoons a day? That seems like a lot. I take 1 tsp 2-3 times a day in warm milk when I notice my skin condition(s) flaring up, which in turn is mostly likley caused by my bad diet decisions.
How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa) on 02/01/2013
I was told by a woman fro Inida that in India they take tumeric with a heated glass of milk. It works and tastes great! Two or three tablespoons a day. Add Lecithin if you choose to.
Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/21/2013
Gurlith, maybe it was something else, not the turmeric. You seem to be from India so I suppose you eat turmeric often, so it might not be the turmeric that gave you that reaction.