Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

| Modified on Jul 01, 2024
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Lugol's Iodine Health Benefits

Iodine, a fundamental element, is vital for the human body's optimal function. However, our bodies cannot naturally produce iodine, leading to prevalent iodine deficiencies. One of the most effective solutions to address this gap is Lugol’s iodine. Rich in its benefits, Lugol’s iodine not only supports various bodily functions but also emerges as a holistic remedy for an array of health concerns. Its inherent antiseptic properties further enhance its utility, making it a potent topical agent against infections and certain skin conditions.

Understanding Lugol’s Iodine

First introduced by the French scientist Jean Lugol in 1829, Lugol’s iodine isn't a brand but rather a distinctive formulation of iodine. It comprises an aqueous solution, which simply denotes water as its primary medium, blended with potassium iodide and iodine. This unique combination amplifies its efficacy, making it a sought-after choice for iodine supplementation.

Health Benefits

  • Natural antihistamine
  • Antioxidant 1
  • Displaces fluoride
  • Displaces bromide
  • Displaces chlorine
  • Mercury detox
  • Promotes proper hormone balance
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Increases metabolism
  • Supports immune system
  • Promotes growth of hair, skin, and nails
  • Needed for the health of bones
  • Protects from radiation
  • Required for proper brain development
  • Reduces hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Part of cancer prevention
  • Necessary for the thyroid gland
  • Kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Lugol’s Iodine: A Superior Choice Among Iodine Supplements

Lugol’s Iodine stands out in the world of iodine supplements for its comprehensive approach to iodine supplementation. Here's a closer look at why it's often considered superior:

1. Diverse Iodine Forms: Lugol's Iodine offers not one, but three distinct forms of iodine – molecular iodine, iodide, and tri-iodide. This diversity ensures that the body receives a broad spectrum of iodine forms to cater to its varied needs.

2. Detoxification Benefits: One of the highlighted strengths of iodide, present in Lugol's solution, is its ability to assist in the removal of certain heavy metals. Metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and arsenic can accumulate in the body, and iodide plays a role in facilitating their elimination.

3. Targeted Support to Body Systems:

  • Thyroid and Beyond: Iodide is crucial for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, aiding in the production of vital thyroid hormones. Furthermore, it benefits other areas like the salivary glands and skin.
  • Holistic Health Benefits: Elemental iodine, another component of Lugol's, finds its utility in tissues such as the breasts, prostate, digestive system, and brain. This means Lugol's offers targeted support to numerous body systems.

In essence, the multifaceted composition of Lugol's Iodine allows it to address the body's iodine requirements holistically. Its unique blend ensures that different tissues and organs receive the specific form of iodine they most favor, making it a superior choice for many looking to supplement with iodine.

Determining the Right Dosage of Lugol’s Solution

The requirement of iodine varies significantly among individuals, and there isn't a universally applicable dosage. Natural remedies, including Lugol’s Solution, often require tailored dosages based on individual health needs, conditions, and tolerances.

Historical Recommendations:

Dr. D. C. Jarvis' Tonic: A renowned name in the field, Dr. Jarvis recommended a tonic that combines the goodness of apple cider vinegar with Lugol’s Iodine. His suggested blend was 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water with a drop of 5% Lugol’s Solution. This concoction was advised to be taken twice a week.

Modern-Day Considerations:

  • Alternative Medicine Approaches: Some practitioners in the realm of alternative medicine propose a daily intake of 12.5-50 mg of Lugol’s Iodine, especially when addressing conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, and other significant health challenges.
  • Caution with Higher Dosages: It's of paramount importance to exercise caution when considering higher dosages. Rapidly increasing iodine intake, particularly without medical supervision, can result in side effects. This caution is doubly vital given iodine's role in detoxifying, where it helps expel metals and toxins from the body.
  • The Importance of Companion Nutrients: Remember, our bodies function with a complex interplay of nutrients. When supplementing with Lugol’s Iodine, ensure the body has adequate "companion nutrients." as noted below. Iodine collaborates with these nutrients for various physiological processes.

Companion Nutrients for Lugol’s Iodine

  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins
  • Magnesium

How Much Iodine is in Lugol’s Solution?

Lugol’s Iodine is typically sold in two strengths – 2% and 5%.

2% Lugol’s Solution

  • 1 drop of 2% solution contains 2.5 mg of iodine
  • 5 drops of 2% solution contain 12.5 mg of iodine
  • 20 drops of 2% solution contain 50 mg of iodine

5% Lugol’s Solution

  • 1 drop of 5% solution contains 6.25 mg of iodine
  • 2 drops of 5% solution contain 12.5 mg of iodine
  • 8 drops of 5% solution contain 50 mg of iodine

Optimal Timing For Taking Lugol's Iodine

The efficacy and side effects of many supplements can be influenced by when they are taken. With Lugol’s Iodine, timing plays a significant role in ensuring maximum absorption and minimal adverse reactions.

  • Morning or Early Afternoon Intake: Lugol’s Iodine is best consumed in the morning or early afternoon. This is because iodine, vital for thyroid function, can boost metabolism and energy levels. If taken too late in the day, this surge of energy might lead to disturbances in sleep or cause insomnia.
  • Consume with Meals: For optimal absorption, it's advisable to take Lugol’s Iodine with food. The presence of food can facilitate better iodine uptake and also reduce the risk of stomach upset, which some individuals might experience.
  • Pairing with Companion Nutrients: If you're also taking 'companion nutrients' (other minerals and vitamins that support iodine function and absorption), they can typically be taken simultaneously with Lugol’s Iodine. This ensures that the body has all the necessary co-factors to utilize and benefit from the iodine properly.

In summary, to get the best out of Lugol’s Iodine supplementation, consider your body's natural rhythms and energy cycles. Adjust your intake timing to harmonize with these rhythms, and always consult with a healthcare professional if unsure.

Applying Lugol’s Solution Topically: What You Need to Know

Lugol's iodine solution is not just limited to oral use. Its topical application offers a range of benefits, from disinfection to addressing various skin concerns. However, there are several considerations to keep in mind when using Lugol’s solution on the skin.

1. Disinfectant Properties: One of the primary reasons Lugol's iodine is applied topically is its potent disinfectant capabilities. It can be applied to minor wounds, cuts, and abrasions to prevent infections.

2. Treatment of Skin Conditions: Beyond its disinfectant properties, Lugol's iodine has been used in addressing various skin issues, such as fungal infections or specific skin lesions. Always consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before using it for any particular condition.

3. Temporary Skin Staining: An important aspect to note is that Lugol's iodine, when applied to the skin, will cause a noticeable brown stain. This staining is temporary. For some individuals, it may fade in a matter of hours, while for others, it might linger for days. It's essential to be aware of this, especially if you're applying it to visible areas.

4. Transdermal Iodine Absorption: The skin does absorb iodine, and some individuals opt for topical application as an alternative method to "consume" their iodine supplements. However, this method lacks precision. It's challenging to ascertain the exact amount of iodine the body absorbs through the skin, which can lead to unpredictable dosing.

5. An Alternative for Those Sensitive to Oral Use: Some people might experience adverse reactions or side effects when taking iodine orally. For these individuals, topical application can be a gentler way to reap the benefits of iodine without digestive concerns.

Skin Problems that Benefit from Topical Iodine Use

  • Warts
  • Skin Tags
  • Moles
  • Dermatitis
  • Fungal Infections
  • Ringworm
  • Tinea Versicolor
  • Boils
  • Scars
  • Acne
  • Nasal Polyp
  • Ganglion Cyst

Using Lugol’s Iodine for Skin Applications: A Guide

When employing Lugol's iodine for topical skin treatments, it's important to be mindful of its strength and the skin's sensitivity. Here's a guideline to help ensure its safe and effective application:

Choosing the Right Concentration:

  • Standard Application: For regular skin use, dab a small amount of 5% Lugol’s iodine onto the concerned area. This can be done once or twice daily, depending on the severity of the issue.
  • Sensitive or Damaged Skin: If the skin area is particularly sensitive, irritated, or broken, it's advisable to opt for a milder concentration. In such cases, a 2% Lugol’s iodine solution may be more appropriate to prevent further irritation or discomfort.

Duration of Application: Continue applying Lugol’s iodine to the affected area for as long as necessary. However, monitor the skin's reaction closely. If any signs of excessive dryness, irritation, or any adverse reactions appear, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Soothing Post-Application:

  • Use of Oils: After applying Lugol’s iodine, to prevent or alleviate any sensation of stinging or burning, gently massage the area with castor oil or coconut oil. These oils not only have soothing properties but can also provide additional moisture, ensuring the skin remains supple and doesn't dry out from the iodine application.

Remember, while Lugol’s iodine is a potent solution with numerous benefits, it's essential always to listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort, reconsider the concentration or method of application, and always reach out to a dermatologist or healthcare professional with any concerns.

Oral Use of Lugol’s Iodine

Historically, a sore throat was painted (internally) with iodine.

For oral infections, Lugol’s iodine can be added to water and swished in the mouth. (1 drop in a tablespoon of water.)

The Importance of Iodine

Iodine is included in the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines and is specifically noted for its benefit to the thyroid gland.

Historically, iodine was commonly prescribed by doctors for a variety of health problems, especially for goiter. With the invention of pharmaceutical medications, iodine fell out of favor. Advocates of natural health, however, have helped to re-popularize using iodine supplements to correct iodine deficiency, which in turn relieves health problems caused by iodine deficiency.

Isn’t Iodine in Food?

Of course, the ideal way to get iodine into the body is with food. However, there are a limited number of foods that contain iodine, and levels of iodine in foods is often not enough to supply the daily needs of the body.

Iodine in Our Diet: Sources and Considerations

Iodine-rich Foods:

  • Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheese
  • Seafood: Codfish, tuna
  • Vegetables: Seaweed, cranberries, strawberries, potatoes
  • Others: Eggs, iodized salt

Challenges with Dietary Iodine:

  • Many foods, due to iodine-depleted soils, don't have optimal iodine levels.
  • While fish and seaweed are iodine-rich, they're not always easily accessible.
  • Iodine once enriched bread but was replaced by cheaper bromide, which also hampers iodine absorption.
  • Water additives like chlorine and fluoride hinder the body's use of iodine.
  • While table salt has iodine, the amount is barely enough to prevent goiters. Moreover, popular non-iodized sea salts and salts in processed foods often lack iodine, limiting its presence in modern diets.

Consequences of Iodine Deficiency:

Low iodine can lead to hypothyroidism, developmental issues in babies, dry skin, hair loss, weight fluctuations, fibrocystic breast disease, migraines, and more.

The Solution:

Supplementing with iodine can counteract these deficiencies, and Lugol’s iodine stands out as a top choice for supplementation.

Earth Clinic Reader Testimonials on Lugol's Iodine

Continue reading to explore testimonials from Earth Clinic readers who have utilized Lugol's Iodine for various health conditions. If you've benefited from Lugol's Iodine, we'd love to hear your story. Please share your experiences with us!

Related Links:

Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition
Benefits of Iodine for Health
Hypothyroid Remedies

Acid Reflux

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Angela (Oh) on 10/15/2018

Like Michelle from Ohio, I too have been cured of horrendous acid reflux with Lugols iodine. I was using it for other reasons and after a few months I realized my acid reflux was completely gone. I have had problems eating oranges, bacon, onions, OJ, etc all my life and now I can eat or drink what ever I want. Glad to hear of someone else getting well with it. I read once that the body needs iodine to make stomach acid that actually stops the reflux.

Replied by Denise
(Crescent City, Ca)

Wonderful to see this post today, as it was today I just ordered Lugols Iodine. I know I need to be careful not to get too much iodine, so may I ask how much you take? Do you also do coconut oil, and a good salt for iodine content? The main issue I'm having is finding an amount to start with but like my other supplements, there is an amount. I believe the Lugols says 12.5 mg. So, maybe that answers my question;)

I still have some acid reflux, and I also have silent reflux, or sometime called LPR (Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and find the throat issues almost unbearable at times.

Thank you in advance for any further info on your progress and amounts you use daily;) Denise

Acid Reflux
Posted by Michelle (Mcarthur, Ohio) on 04/14/2013

Editor's Choice

I am happy to say that I have had fantastic results with using The Lugol's Iodine for my acid reflux. I have suffered for years with this ailment and I have had so many prescriptions and special diet restrictions. I can't believe all this time I have been iodine deficient and that was the cause. I took a few drops a day and slowly built up my dose, taking a few days off here and there. After a couple of weeks I realized I was doing better and about a month later I haven't had any problems with my stomach at all. I have had problems with stomach aches since I was a child. This is revolutionary for me. I am telling absolutely everyone about it!

Acid Reflux
Posted by David (Huntington Beach, California, USA) on 01/04/2009

Hi, I'm a Chiropractor of over 22 years. I want to add a cure that I got from reading Dr. Donsbach, D.C.

My wife and I found as we got older that we were both starting to have digestive problems and really bad acid reflux at nite. The wholist concept is acid reflux is due to NOT ENOUGH acid! You can confirm if this is the case by taking a tablespoon of ACV when you are getting it, if it stops it, then you are LOW in acid.

The next step in the wholistic approach is to take digestive enzymes and HCl to substitute for the low acid. I always thought this isn't getting to the root problem of WHY isn't the body producing enough acid anymore. This is where Dr Donsbach came in.

He discussed that the body needs IODINE to produce the stomach acid. That made sense in that since becoming a Vegetarian, I don't get much seafood and I keep my salt intake down.

So I ordered Lugol's Solution from Amazon and began taking 2 drops a day in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, monday through friday with the weekend off. My wife did the same. Sure enough within a few weeks my digestion is back to where it was as a teenager, and acid reflux is gone! My wife had the same results as well as a friend that tried it.

If you go to take the iodine, first make sure you aren't allergic. I think a drop on the inside of the wrist or arm and see if it gets swollen or itchy, is a good test. After that, if no reaction, then you can start with one drop in water and see how that effects you. If you have no problems then you can proceed to the 2 drops.

I've been trying to get this information out there, because when people take antacids and medicines that decrease acid production in the stomach, it greatly limits the bodies ability to digest the food,and starts a process that ends up greatly harming your health.

If the word can get out about this cure, it will help millions to improve their health for less than a penny a day and prevent them from ruining their health as they are trying to help it.

Good luck and please write your feedback here so others can see.

Best wishes for health and happiness,
David from H.B.

Replied by Sara
(Dublin, CA)

What was the % of the Lugol's Solution used? J. Crow's still sells 5% as well as the 2% version.

Replied by Jen
(Kellersburgh, Pa)

The Lugols solution comes in 2% and 5%. How do you know what dose? Thanks

Replied by Hersche Chocolatte
(South Africa)

I can't believe I've stumbled upon this! I have been experiencing severe "heart" attacks and stabbing pains in my neck...long story short, had the gastro and Ecg checks done, Ecg is 100% clear, got a rx to treat GERD but chose not to get it cos my integrated practitioner advised against this and suggested Betaine Hydrochloride to increase acid levels, Digestive enzymes, Probiotics and Lugol's Iodine for thyroid issues and reflux. Unfortunately, I haven't followed it in this way, will surely do now!

Thank you very much David! (David (Huntington Beach, California, USA) on 01/04/2009)

Replied by Dan
(Lodi, N.j.)

Essential public service announcement.Thank you, Doctor!

Replied by Sandr
(Chicago, IL)

Did he take the 5% or the 2% Lugols?

Broad Benefits

16 User Reviews
5 star (15) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 02/13/2018

I wanted to update my success from use of Lugol's Iodine Protocol and other healthy ideas I have found on E.C.

I began using Lugol's and companion nutrients 7 month's ago. Starting with 1 drop of 2 percent until I reached 20 drops.(please read protocol here on E.C.) I tried to change my diet, but was injured and now at the mercy of my husband and children for purchasing and preparing most of my food. Anyway, I have been indulging a little in sweets, fried foods, and breads. I did eliminate diet soda. I only use the water purifier from the fridge. Hopefully, because we have city water, I will be able to get a good one for the entire house, soon.

I also use 1 tblsp. ACV (for weight control and kidney stones, which I have passed 3 pain free), lemon/lime in each glass of water, baking soda, and Borax (had a terrible anxiety attack 2 days ago from it and my face broke out, badly! ?). I take a borax/Epsom salt bath each day. I stopped taking P*x*l for anxiety and OCD, 4 months ago, after slowly tapering (1/2 dosage of 1 pill weekly, until completely eliminated), began using a non-fluoridated tooth paste, and switched to sea salt.


I am never tired during the day. I used to come home from work and take a nap, and sometimes sleep right through to the next morning!!!

My face is clear of acne. (except, that one day)

My seasonal allergies do not bother me, anymore.

Food allergies are not as aggressive. (Dairy)

No more breast fibrosis.

Goiter gone.

Toe nail fungus gone...fingernails not completely cured, but nails not afflicted, are long, strong, and healthy.

Frequent headaches gone.

Hand blisters gone (I believe a fungus).

Energy restored.

Gray hair (light amount) turned back to original color and thinning hair grew back healthier. It turned very dark/reddish for the first 3 months after beginning protocol(?) I was born blonde.

Eyebrows grew back to outer edges of eyes.

Several moles have disappeared. (external use of Lugol's)

Brain fog lifted most days. (I still suffer with bad weather)

OCD tendencies are reduced.

No need for reading glasses. Dr. said my vision actually improved!
Emotions in check, for the most part. (situational)

Avoided all colds/flu/viruses that my family suffered.

So as you can see...E.C. posters (THANK YOU)...I am restoring my health without the use of Modern Medical Doctors! Did I say thank you?

Replied by Leanna
(Morristown, Tennessee)

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and sjogrens disease and a connective tissue disorder. I have been placing tincture iodine on my arms (rotating) for 2 weeks now. It took 4 days before I felt alittle better. My question is when using lugols what supplements do uou recommend to use with it? How much of borax and Epson salt in bath do you recommend? I bought ivermectin (horse dewormer) apple flavor but haven't tried it yet. I do want to do a parasite cleanse. I weigh 166lbs and I am 57 years old...My BP is runs 120/78 most of time. I don't take BP meds....I do take Levothyroxine and Hydroxychloroquine but have been trying to ween off Hydroxychloroquine for a week now. Sincerely, Granny Lealea 👵

Broad Benefits
Posted by Queen (Cabañas, El Salvador) on 12/11/2017

Editor's Choice

Iodine for Fibrocystic Breast Disease, uterine fibroid, ovarian cysts and hypothyroidism

Hello wonderful people, I was officially diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) about 2 years ago. I also was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid the size of a grape and one cyst on each ovary and hypothyroidism. I have had FBD since I was 19 years old. My breasts were so lumpy I was afraid to touch them. My breasts would become so painful before my period that I was forced to sleep wearing a bra. I have been on the iodine protocol for about 14 months now. I am a 42 year old woman who exercises like crazy (I am a triathlete). I eat very healthy now. I have eliminated dairy products, soy, caffeine, preservatives and processed sugar. I eat 95% organic and grass fed beef.

I started taking 100 mg of lugol's iodine for the first 3 months, then I was taking 150 mg for 4 months. After that, I went back to 100 mg. Now I am back to 150 mg. I believe my ovarian cysts have dissolved because I don't feel nauseous anymore and I don't have pain in my ovaries like I used to. And at some point I bled and it wasn't time for my period so I am assuming the cysts burst. Regarding the uterine fibroid, I am not sure if it has dissolved completely, but I know for sure it has shrunk because my period isn't painful anymore and I don't get lower back pain either like I used to. In terms of my breasts, they are almost free of lumps. I haven't done an ultra sound yet, but I can feel the difference in texture and pain. I can say pain is 95% gone during pms. My thyroid is working well now. I have energy and I don't feel tired anymore.

I have added castor oil packs on breasts and put an ice pack afterward. I alternate the castor oil pack on each breast every day and I am also taking a homeopathic tincture my naturopath recommended.

I read on this site how people have felt a difference with small amounts of iodine in a short period of time, but it has taken a while for me to see great results. I have read Dr. David Brownstein's book and I was surprised at how his patients improved with smaller amounts. It took 3 months (100 mg per day) after starting the iodine protocol to notice my hair wasn't falling out so much. I thought it was normal to lose so much hair. I read somewhere on the internet that people used to take between 300 mg to 1,000 mg of iodine to treat diseases before drugs.

In the nutshell:

Lugol's iodine (5%) 150 mg a day

Magnesium taurate 500 mg a day

Selenium 500 mcg a day

Sodium ascorbate 2.5 to 5 grams a day

B complex

Himalayan sea salt about 1 tsp a day

I take St. John's Wort, apple cider vinegar and baking soda in small amounts most days of the week. I am in the road to being completely healed and I am grateful for this site and the people who post their experiences. Thank you all and remember BE PATIENT.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 08/22/2017

I began taking Lugol's iodine 2 percent last week (5 days ago) under the tongue 2 drops a day. I began using this this because I have a load of skin issues and other ailments I will address. This is what changes I have experienced so far...

I have blisters all over my palms and fingers and finger nail fungus. My hands exploded with tons more painful blisters and sensitivities/ fungus went rampant (getting worse before better for 3 days)... then all of them dried up. Now my hands look really dry like I used bleach to clean without gloves. I keep finding little spots all over my body like I dropped Elmer's white glue and they flake off. Not sure what was there to begin with that needed to go away.

I also have had many ailments described as what iodine deficiency does to some people and this is a small list of issues I have had: Fatigue, weight gain, sugar cravings, enlarged thyroid (no prescription meds), cysts, yeast, pimples, irregular women's cycles heavy or none, to mention some. Through research on Earth Clinic, Iodine should fix this, hopefully.

I did notice some improvement in energy, my skin seems to be clearing. I have also used it topically on a row of 5 moles on my neck, no bandaid just putting it on each morning. They are shriveled up a little so I know it is working. I am just going to keep applying. I will update soon.

Replied by Evelyn

Update on Lugol's... One of my moles were gone when I got up this morning. It was the smallest. I know it will take longer for the others. I did not prepare my skin around them for the treatment and the area is very red. It initially felt like a sun burn and itched. I do not care though, I know it is temporary.

I took a break for two days after the 5 days of the oral intake. I have been sick with a terrible cold since the 6th day. I am surely detoxing and am using zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil, baking soda and drinking either lemon water or orange juice hours after lugol's. I have been using Licorice root for the congestion and oregano oil for the cold or whatever it is. I am on day 13 and am still sick. I will keep pushing through it though because I want to rid my body of this candida and regulate my thyroid. I am very tired and only get the things done I have to do. The blisters on my hands have not returned, but my finger nail fungus is a battle. There was an eruption on the side of the nail and green pus came out. I am soaking my nails (all of them) in vinegar, everyday, now. I hope with all of these remedies combined I will get rid of this stuff.

Replied by Evelyn

I have lost 3 moles. They have shriveled and felt off (while I am asleep or in the shower?) I never saw it happen. Thank goodness, for I am weak when it comes to things like that. I have began treating many more now, various sizes and locations.

My cold has almost subsided now and feel pretty well this afternoon. I had horrible pressure in my sinuses and forehead and woke late last night from barometric pressure headache from the dropping due to the storm that was coming from the hurricane from Texas. I have had to blow my nose all day and it was terrible green. Loads of it. I think I am cleaning or detoxing. (I am usually not this graphic, but you may experience these things and should know this is normal)

I never mentioned my fibroid breast tumors that the docs want to do images for every year (I have refused for the past 4 years to have mammograms and furthered images due to the amount of radiation and money in their pockets with the same results... no cancer). I began evening primrose from GNC for bad breast pain in May and had no pain 2 days after beginning that regimen but I ran out so I bought a brand from a local grocery store and wound up with terrible heartburn. So, I stopped taking it and the pain and lumps came back. Since using Lugol's, I have no more breast pain. I would purchase the primrose from GNC again because, upon further research the grocery store purchased one contained many ingredients not found in the GNC brand.

I know the detoxing is hard to go through, I work full time and went everyday. I wanted results and although I was completely miserable, it was and will be worth it, in the end. I have not bought any Brazil nuts, I understand we need Selenium but they are not sold at my grocery store. I will continue to look for them. I have been taking Cod liver oil for a couple of years now because the doc wanted to put me on Statins for cholesterol. I asked her to give me six months on fish oil, first. My numbers greatly improved and she told me to keep it up.:) I began taking Zinc about a year ago and magnesium about six months ago. I am taking baby steps and adding things that I know my body needs from research on E.C. Thank you Earth Clinic, I never really thought about my body needing minerals, only vitamins. I wish the doctors and schools would get together and learn for themselves so they may teach young people the vital importance of health through all of nature. I guess as we get older and we see life slipping away, we try to better ourselves. I suppose this is why I have turned to this site. I will share the love. God bless.

Replied by Epeach

It has been a month now since beginning Lugol's. I feel so much better, now. I have much more energy than I can ever remember having in a while. I have lost 3 lbs., the fungus on my nails is clearing, brain fog is lifted!!!!!, and allergies are almost completely gone. I will sneeze some mornings but that is all of the symptoms I am having. I am up to 10 drops, now in a little water, it began to hurt the underside of my tongue now that I am using so much more. I found Brazil Nuts and bought enough for a month or so. That was the missing puzzle piece for me. I turned a corner by just eating 5 (a day) on the first day!!!!

I have removed 9 moles so far. Some of the bigger ones are being awfully resistant. I suspect they will go away eventually with continued applications.

My question is, during this journey, sometimes my neck and collar bones ache and throb. Does anyone have an idea for immediate relief?

Replied by Epeach

I thought I would share an update on my Lugol's regimen. It will be 2 months since I began. I am taking 14 drops of 2 percent in water each morning. I have had a lot of anger and anxiety for weeks. I am having difficulty sleeping through the night. I have also been reducing my anxiety meds at the same time. P*x*l is the brand I take and I have reduced it as slow as I have increased the Lugol's, cutting 1/2 of 1 daily pill every other week. It contains fluoride and I do not want it in my system, obviously. I am concerned about my behavior and OCD tendencies. I pray some (or all) of this may be detox reactions. Can anyone advise me on how to keep my emotions in check while I reduce this toxin? I am extremely happy with my energy level and over all feeling of health, though.

The moles that I have been treating all along that did not go away initially, are giving me fits, they tend to grow big and round and itch, but really do not seem like they are going to give up this fight. Any ideas? Should I stop? Try something else or persevere?

My skin and hair are very healthy. The fungus on my nails is still prevalent but seems to be getting better slowly. I have given up on topical treatments all together because it seems to work only temporarily and I cannot devote the time to it everyday. I believe it will get better in time when my insides are clear of yeast.

I have lost a total of 7 lbs. but have included ACV to my routine 3 weeks ago. My thinking is clearer. My vision is clearer, I hardly ever wear my reading glasses anymore. I feel clean. My allergies are almost completely gone and it is ragweed season! Normally, I would be taking Z*rt*c and Sudaf*d on a daily basis this time of year!

Thank you again Earth Clinic for this website! You are saving my life!

Earth Mama

Epeach, do you have any updates?

Did your stubborn moles end up going away?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Melissa (Oklahoma, US) on 02/20/2015

How much Lugol's do you give a 3 # dog?????

Replied by Carly
(Pnw, US)

Hi Melissa....

When our Chihauhua had Cushings and massive skin issues.....I used "betadine solution" 10% Providone-Iodine solution / topical solution iodine on his skin. From what I remember reading at the time, it was considered safe. This would be transdermal, and maybe a good way to go, depending on what your dogs health challenges are.

Ours was a couple of years ago, so you may want to research it on your own. The iodine was sold at a local store with a pharmacy For about ten dollars I believe. Good Luck!

Replied by I 4 Me And U
(Great Plains, US)

If dose is relative to weight, the equivalent dose to 20mg for a 200lb man, would be 0.3mg for a 3lb dog [20/200 = x/3 ] and [ (20*3)/200 = 0.3 ]

To measure out 0.3mg iodine in terms of oz. of water:

Since one drop of Lugols 5% is about 6.3mg total iodine, put one drop in about 10oz of water and dispense only 1/2 oz for the dog for about 0.315mg total iodine.

If using Lugols 2%, one drop is about 2.5mg total iodine. One drop in 10oz of water, dispense about 1.5 oz for about 0.37mg total iodine

For higher doses, multiply the amounts of dilute Lugols in water above.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gokhals (Ca, Usa) on 03/07/2014 34 posts

I was sick with a bad cold last week. This was very surprising, as I have not been sick in four years, ever since I started eating a nutrient dense, WAPF diet based on Nourishing Traditions (by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig).

The only recent contributory change I made in my lifestyle was that I started finishing off with icy cold showers. These have been amazing for my skin, digestion, lipomas, stamina, muscles, hormones, libido and overall energy, but a few deleterious things happened along the way - I lost some weight I did not want to lose, I developed throbby wrists, I suddenly menopaused (or thought I did), and my sleep became disturbed. I would wake up at 3:00 am, and during the day felt tired as a result. If I cold showered in the evening, it had the effect of two cups of coffee on me. I'd be wired. I think cold showers affect you in strange ways. And finally, I got this cold. Probably after going out into the cold after one of my cold showers in the am.

Anyway, I started with a dropperful of 7% Lugols' in the middle of my cold. The effect has been nothing short of incredible. For the first time in several months, I've been sleeping like a baby. I un-menopaused. Was it really iodine my body needed to fix sleep problems I've never had in my life? When I sleep well, everything else sort of fixes itself. My skin has become wonderful. My cold melted away. Chest phlegm disappeared. Insomnia I suspect is at the root of many mental and physical ailments. Sleep repairs, restores. Iodine is now going to be a regular part of my life. Now, if I could get my partner to try some, the thyroid issues I suspect in his body might resolve themselves.

I should also add my sense of smell (which had gradually eroded over the last decade) is coming back.

Replied by David
(Springfield, Mo)

Following up on the cold shower thing. Wim Hof has over 20 world records for cold weather achievements, like running a marathon distance below zero in shorts and shoes alone. He uses cold therapy as significant factor in health restoration and recommends cold showers as restorative. He has a program out now, but you can read a lot about it without paying.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bladey56 (Brisbane, Australia) on 09/23/2011

Editor's Choice

For the last 4 months I have been on iodine worked up to 50mg daily (lugols) blood test awaiting for complete thyroid check. Along with companion nutrients (selenium, vit c) along with mag/cal/boron/, lysine, b complex and naicin, omega 3/6 ratio correction in my diet and removed as much fluoride and bromide as possible (reverse osmosis) less processed food. My transformation has been amazing. I was 105, and now down to 85, my skin is repairing from the sun damage, face sunspots are peeling from lips, cheeks, arms. I now sleep without waking during the night, my body temp now regulates correctly.

I started my father on the same diet, he's got a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol, now after 1 months his blood pressure is normal and cholesterol is now within normal range. I have achieved this with no extra exercise, other than my daily job. The last time I lost weight with the gym and just eating "well" made me tired and I just gained the weight again, I am 25 years old and I feel the benefit everyday from this very powerful supplement, being tired at the end of the day is a thing from the past, no brain fog, just clean thinking.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dean (Collinsville, Il) on 08/17/2011

I have been supplementing with iodine for almost a month. I started at 25mg and now I am at 100mg. Iodine has helped me lose my problem with cold legs in an 80 deg F. room when I was in bed. No more cold legs. Also a long time problem with postnasal drip is gone. My brain seems to be working in a clearer fashion and my vision is much better. It really seems that every facet of my health has been improved. I use Iodoral, Iosol, and potassium iodide now but will eventually use Lugol's (liquid iodine) at home and Iodoral (tablet version of Lugol's) when travelling.

BTW, I don't think I will go higher than 100mg as I am getting very good results now. I don't worry about ODing at all. Please Google "Dr.Brownstein and iodine" for more info. You do need to take companion supplements like magnesium, zinc, lipoic acid, vitamins B C D E K, selenium, fish oil, zeolite, chlorella, to help with the detox that high levels of iodine will force to happen. You will excrete lots of bromine, chlorine, and fluorine, that your body has been storing/accumulating for decades. I can smell the stuff when I pee. Join the Yahoo iodine group.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 12/20/2010

A pharmacy prepared a bottle of Lugols for me no problem for 2.60 euro but another pharmacie were very unlightened and cautious and another pharmacist assured me that I couldn't take it internally! I told my doctor who seemed completely uninterested but results were quick; my severly chapped lips have healed, skin gradually less itchy, hair even seems to be changing (sebaceous glands) and eyes less sensitive. As far as female gland activity well lets say that its high tide!

Replied by Mesem
(Toulon, France)

Lugol's has a shelf life of 1 month after being prepared. I keep mine in the fridge door too to slow oxidation. It has also stopped my huge allergy type reactions to every change in the weather - wind, rain.

Replied by Isabelle

hello to all! I like to point out a link on curezone concerning the shelf life of lugol because I really think that some pharmacists want you to discard the product early so you can buy more often. lugol made with distilled water can last for years! Peace, take good care of yourself www.curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=846547

Broad Benefits
Posted by 14ana (Toogoolawah, Queensland Australia) on 06/13/2010

I have used lugols Iodine for many years, for different ailments such as skin tags, detox for all unwanted chemicals in my body, keloids removal, cuts, grazes, and other wounds. I also use it if I feel a bit out of sorts, down, lacking in energy. I use non-ingestable Iodine for all other ailments and have done sine I was a child and learnt from my mother. I am 66 yrs old and am still working. If I find I may have eaten or drunk stuff with nasties in it I detox and use 6 drops of lugols in a glass of water daily for a couple of days. That does the trick for me, other wise I have a glass of water with 2 drops daily for good health.

Replied by Tee
(Chicago, Il)

I would like to know how did you use the iodine for keloid scars??

Replied by Hersche Chocolatte
(South Africa)

Interested to know how it worked on the skin tags, keloids

Replied by Darlene

I applied Lugol's 5% to a skin tag twice daily for a month and it was gone, never to return. Caution, don't apply it on a cotton ball or anything like that and tape it to the skin, it will blister.

Replied by Chey
(Zachary, la.)

When you says drops, do you mean a dropper full or literal drops?

EC: 6 drops, not 6 dropperfuls!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Truerae (Moberly, Mo) on 02/04/2010

Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Flu, Shigella

Lugol's Iodine (not a brand but a type, not readily available anymore) for Food Poisoning, Salmonella, and/or Shigella & baby parasites & FUNGUS, plus arthritis etc. based on actual experiences & research. See Hulda Clark's "A Cure for All Disease" and "A Cure for All Cancer" and the website about Cancer is a fungus and you can see why this is an ingredient every home should have.

For food poisoning/S/Sh take 6 drops in a 1/2 glass of water to repeat 20 min later and again if needed.

This was used on a health food employee that became acutely ill after eating a (tainted) salad, probabally the sprouts. It worked like a charm. Also, I became very sick (nausea/vomiting) after eating out and went home and did this and had no more problems. I later found out that a friend that had eaten what I had ended up in the hospital for 4 days on IVs and came out of it with lingering effects!!! Conventional medicine does not have all or even most of the answers and I am a nurse.

There was also a research paper done on a three month/nine drops a day therapy to reverse arthritis among other health maladies. This is an antifungal so you can see why it would be good for those who are NOT allergic to iodine. Check out the research on this before you do it of course!

My dentist told me that it is the best for any kind of infection in the mouth. Iodine adheres to tissue (seen with how it stains) and therefore stays in the designated area (stomach for oral or mouth for topical).

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robert (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 08/19/2009

Iodine ( lugol's solution 2%) : i have been drinking 16 drops of lugol's solution in distilled water daily for over 2 months. my blood pressure has dropped from 145/90 to 120/70 and lower. i also had acid reflux but that is gone also. my allergies have improved greatly (non-existent ). i also have better energy as well.

i gave it to my dogs when they had the parvo virus and they regained their health. i also gargled with provodine iodine when i had strep throat, 3 times a day and that was cured.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Cold, Flu, and food poisoning, 6 drops Lugol's solution (iodine) in a cup of water twice a day. Do not take if allergic to Iodine. Lugol's will cure salmonella, purify water ( in case of emergency or traveling overseas), and stop diaherra. Use lugul's not iodine tincture or providone iodine.