Lugol's Iodine
Health Benefits

Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 02/13/2018

I wanted to update my success from use of Lugol's Iodine Protocol and other healthy ideas I have found on E.C.

I began using Lugol's and companion nutrients 7 month's ago. Starting with 1 drop of 2 percent until I reached 20 drops.(please read protocol here on E.C.) I tried to change my diet, but was injured and now at the mercy of my husband and children for purchasing and preparing most of my food. Anyway, I have been indulging a little in sweets, fried foods, and breads. I did eliminate diet soda. I only use the water purifier from the fridge. Hopefully, because we have city water, I will be able to get a good one for the entire house, soon.

I also use 1 tblsp. ACV (for weight control and kidney stones, which I have passed 3 pain free), lemon/lime in each glass of water, baking soda, and Borax (had a terrible anxiety attack 2 days ago from it and my face broke out, badly! ?). I take a borax/Epsom salt bath each day. I stopped taking P*x*l for anxiety and OCD, 4 months ago, after slowly tapering (1/2 dosage of 1 pill weekly, until completely eliminated), began using a non-fluoridated tooth paste, and switched to sea salt.


I am never tired during the day. I used to come home from work and take a nap, and sometimes sleep right through to the next morning!!!

My face is clear of acne. (except, that one day)

My seasonal allergies do not bother me, anymore.

Food allergies are not as aggressive. (Dairy)

No more breast fibrosis.

Goiter gone.

Toe nail fungus gone...fingernails not completely cured, but nails not afflicted, are long, strong, and healthy.

Frequent headaches gone.

Hand blisters gone (I believe a fungus).

Energy restored.

Gray hair (light amount) turned back to original color and thinning hair grew back healthier. It turned very dark/reddish for the first 3 months after beginning protocol(?) I was born blonde.

Eyebrows grew back to outer edges of eyes.

Several moles have disappeared. (external use of Lugol's)

Brain fog lifted most days. (I still suffer with bad weather)

OCD tendencies are reduced.

No need for reading glasses. Dr. said my vision actually improved!
Emotions in check, for the most part. (situational)

Avoided all colds/flu/viruses that my family suffered.

So as you can see...E.C. posters (THANK YOU)...I am restoring my health without the use of Modern Medical Doctors! Did I say thank you?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Queen (Cabañas, El Salvador) on 12/11/2017

Editor's Choice

Iodine for Fibrocystic Breast Disease, uterine fibroid, ovarian cysts and hypothyroidism

Hello wonderful people, I was officially diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) about 2 years ago. I also was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid the size of a grape and one cyst on each ovary and hypothyroidism. I have had FBD since I was 19 years old. My breasts were so lumpy I was afraid to touch them. My breasts would become so painful before my period that I was forced to sleep wearing a bra. I have been on the iodine protocol for about 14 months now. I am a 42 year old woman who exercises like crazy (I am a triathlete). I eat very healthy now. I have eliminated dairy products, soy, caffeine, preservatives and processed sugar. I eat 95% organic and grass fed beef.

I started taking 100 mg of lugol's iodine for the first 3 months, then I was taking 150 mg for 4 months. After that, I went back to 100 mg. Now I am back to 150 mg. I believe my ovarian cysts have dissolved because I don't feel nauseous anymore and I don't have pain in my ovaries like I used to. And at some point I bled and it wasn't time for my period so I am assuming the cysts burst. Regarding the uterine fibroid, I am not sure if it has dissolved completely, but I know for sure it has shrunk because my period isn't painful anymore and I don't get lower back pain either like I used to. In terms of my breasts, they are almost free of lumps. I haven't done an ultra sound yet, but I can feel the difference in texture and pain. I can say pain is 95% gone during pms. My thyroid is working well now. I have energy and I don't feel tired anymore.

I have added castor oil packs on breasts and put an ice pack afterward. I alternate the castor oil pack on each breast every day and I am also taking a homeopathic tincture my naturopath recommended.

I read on this site how people have felt a difference with small amounts of iodine in a short period of time, but it has taken a while for me to see great results. I have read Dr. David Brownstein's book and I was surprised at how his patients improved with smaller amounts. It took 3 months (100 mg per day) after starting the iodine protocol to notice my hair wasn't falling out so much. I thought it was normal to lose so much hair. I read somewhere on the internet that people used to take between 300 mg to 1,000 mg of iodine to treat diseases before drugs.

In the nutshell:

Lugol's iodine (5%) 150 mg a day

Magnesium taurate 500 mg a day

Selenium 500 mcg a day

Sodium ascorbate 2.5 to 5 grams a day

B complex

Himalayan sea salt about 1 tsp a day

I take St. John's Wort, apple cider vinegar and baking soda in small amounts most days of the week. I am in the road to being completely healed and I am grateful for this site and the people who post their experiences. Thank you all and remember BE PATIENT.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 08/22/2017

I began taking Lugol's iodine 2 percent last week (5 days ago) under the tongue 2 drops a day. I began using this this because I have a load of skin issues and other ailments I will address. This is what changes I have experienced so far...

I have blisters all over my palms and fingers and finger nail fungus. My hands exploded with tons more painful blisters and sensitivities/ fungus went rampant (getting worse before better for 3 days)... then all of them dried up. Now my hands look really dry like I used bleach to clean without gloves. I keep finding little spots all over my body like I dropped Elmer's white glue and they flake off. Not sure what was there to begin with that needed to go away.

I also have had many ailments described as what iodine deficiency does to some people and this is a small list of issues I have had: Fatigue, weight gain, sugar cravings, enlarged thyroid (no prescription meds), cysts, yeast, pimples, irregular women's cycles heavy or none, to mention some. Through research on Earth Clinic, Iodine should fix this, hopefully.

I did notice some improvement in energy, my skin seems to be clearing. I have also used it topically on a row of 5 moles on my neck, no bandaid just putting it on each morning. They are shriveled up a little so I know it is working. I am just going to keep applying. I will update soon.

Broad Benefits
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, US) on 02/27/2015

If dose is relative to weight, the equivalent dose to 20mg for a 200lb man, would be 0.3mg for a 3lb dog [20/200 = x/3 ] and [ (20*3)/200 = 0.3 ]

To measure out 0.3mg iodine in terms of oz. of water:

Since one drop of Lugols 5% is about 6.3mg total iodine, put one drop in about 10oz of water and dispense only 1/2 oz for the dog for about 0.315mg total iodine.

If using Lugols 2%, one drop is about 2.5mg total iodine. One drop in 10oz of water, dispense about 1.5 oz for about 0.37mg total iodine

For higher doses, multiply the amounts of dilute Lugols in water above.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gokhals (Ca, Usa) on 03/07/2014 34 posts

I was sick with a bad cold last week. This was very surprising, as I have not been sick in four years, ever since I started eating a nutrient dense, WAPF diet based on Nourishing Traditions (by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig).

The only recent contributory change I made in my lifestyle was that I started finishing off with icy cold showers. These have been amazing for my skin, digestion, lipomas, stamina, muscles, hormones, libido and overall energy, but a few deleterious things happened along the way - I lost some weight I did not want to lose, I developed throbby wrists, I suddenly menopaused (or thought I did), and my sleep became disturbed. I would wake up at 3:00 am, and during the day felt tired as a result. If I cold showered in the evening, it had the effect of two cups of coffee on me. I'd be wired. I think cold showers affect you in strange ways. And finally, I got this cold. Probably after going out into the cold after one of my cold showers in the am.

Anyway, I started with a dropperful of 7% Lugols' in the middle of my cold. The effect has been nothing short of incredible. For the first time in several months, I've been sleeping like a baby. I un-menopaused. Was it really iodine my body needed to fix sleep problems I've never had in my life? When I sleep well, everything else sort of fixes itself. My skin has become wonderful. My cold melted away. Chest phlegm disappeared. Insomnia I suspect is at the root of many mental and physical ailments. Sleep repairs, restores. Iodine is now going to be a regular part of my life. Now, if I could get my partner to try some, the thyroid issues I suspect in his body might resolve themselves.

I should also add my sense of smell (which had gradually eroded over the last decade) is coming back.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dean (Collinsville, Il) on 08/17/2011

I have been supplementing with iodine for almost a month. I started at 25mg and now I am at 100mg. Iodine has helped me lose my problem with cold legs in an 80 deg F. room when I was in bed. No more cold legs. Also a long time problem with postnasal drip is gone. My brain seems to be working in a clearer fashion and my vision is much better. It really seems that every facet of my health has been improved. I use Iodoral, Iosol, and potassium iodide now but will eventually use Lugol's (liquid iodine) at home and Iodoral (tablet version of Lugol's) when travelling.

BTW, I don't think I will go higher than 100mg as I am getting very good results now. I don't worry about ODing at all. Please Google "Dr.Brownstein and iodine" for more info. You do need to take companion supplements like magnesium, zinc, lipoic acid, vitamins B C D E K, selenium, fish oil, zeolite, chlorella, to help with the detox that high levels of iodine will force to happen. You will excrete lots of bromine, chlorine, and fluorine, that your body has been storing/accumulating for decades. I can smell the stuff when I pee. Join the Yahoo iodine group.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 12/20/2010

A pharmacy prepared a bottle of Lugols for me no problem for 2.60 euro but another pharmacie were very unlightened and cautious and another pharmacist assured me that I couldn't take it internally! I told my doctor who seemed completely uninterested but results were quick; my severly chapped lips have healed, skin gradually less itchy, hair even seems to be changing (sebaceous glands) and eyes less sensitive. As far as female gland activity well lets say that its high tide!

Broad Benefits
Posted by 14ana (Toogoolawah, Queensland Australia) on 06/13/2010

I have used lugols Iodine for many years, for different ailments such as skin tags, detox for all unwanted chemicals in my body, keloids removal, cuts, grazes, and other wounds. I also use it if I feel a bit out of sorts, down, lacking in energy. I use non-ingestable Iodine for all other ailments and have done sine I was a child and learnt from my mother. I am 66 yrs old and am still working. If I find I may have eaten or drunk stuff with nasties in it I detox and use 6 drops of lugols in a glass of water daily for a couple of days. That does the trick for me, other wise I have a glass of water with 2 drops daily for good health.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Truerae (Moberly, Mo) on 02/04/2010

Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Flu, Shigella

Lugol's Iodine (not a brand but a type, not readily available anymore) for Food Poisoning, Salmonella, and/or Shigella & baby parasites & FUNGUS, plus arthritis etc. based on actual experiences & research. See Hulda Clark's "A Cure for All Disease" and "A Cure for All Cancer" and the website about Cancer is a fungus and you can see why this is an ingredient every home should have.

For food poisoning/S/Sh take 6 drops in a 1/2 glass of water to repeat 20 min later and again if needed.

This was used on a health food employee that became acutely ill after eating a (tainted) salad, probabally the sprouts. It worked like a charm. Also, I became very sick (nausea/vomiting) after eating out and went home and did this and had no more problems. I later found out that a friend that had eaten what I had ended up in the hospital for 4 days on IVs and came out of it with lingering effects!!! Conventional medicine does not have all or even most of the answers and I am a nurse.

There was also a research paper done on a three month/nine drops a day therapy to reverse arthritis among other health maladies. This is an antifungal so you can see why it would be good for those who are NOT allergic to iodine. Check out the research on this before you do it of course!

My dentist told me that it is the best for any kind of infection in the mouth. Iodine adheres to tissue (seen with how it stains) and therefore stays in the designated area (stomach for oral or mouth for topical).

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robert (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 08/19/2009

Iodine ( lugol's solution 2%) : i have been drinking 16 drops of lugol's solution in distilled water daily for over 2 months. my blood pressure has dropped from 145/90 to 120/70 and lower. i also had acid reflux but that is gone also. my allergies have improved greatly (non-existent ). i also have better energy as well.

i gave it to my dogs when they had the parvo virus and they regained their health. i also gargled with provodine iodine when i had strep throat, 3 times a day and that was cured.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Cold, Flu, and food poisoning, 6 drops Lugol's solution (iodine) in a cup of water twice a day. Do not take if allergic to Iodine. Lugol's will cure salmonella, purify water ( in case of emergency or traveling overseas), and stop diaherra. Use lugul's not iodine tincture or providone iodine.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Betty (Cascade, MT) on 01/03/2008

I have been on Lugols iodine since June, 2007. It has helped my chronic sinus congestion, hypothyroid and hot flashes. However, my Holistic Nutritionist is unable to get it now that the FDA has gotten their way again!!! Where can I get it now? Betty

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tel (Dewey, AZ) on 10/07/2006

Lugol's iodine cured food poisoning in less than an hour: 6 drops in a cup of water. Also cures, Cold, Flu, and the blase feeling, same dose 6 drops in a cup of water... do not take if allergic to Iodine. Dr Clark in all of her books, recomends Lugol's for many things including thyroid problems. It now sells under a prescription in most states. They know we are being healed with 6 drops and it is taking away from their huge profits.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pamela (Pueblo West, CO) on 02/15/2006

Iodine cured Fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, fatigue, depression, over all poor health. Painted my stomach with iodine, and had a similar reaction as Candace. So now I paint my inside forearms, alternating each time... no problem now. Started taking Lugols at 2 drops daily increasing to 5 drops at this time. Within days I noticed a vast improvement in my breast tissue, my energy level etc. Within 10 days my breasts were normal. Energy still good, depression gone, better immune response. I always tested within the normal range on thyroid tests, however, I had all the symptoms, that is why I started taking the iodine. I was desperate to be normal again. I started Weight Watchers in October and lost 5 pounds in 4 months! It was almost impossible to lose weight even though I lifted weights and walked 6 days a week. Once I started the Lugols drops, the first week I lost 3.5 pounds. The second week I lost 2.8 pounds. It must be the iodine. I feel great. I am telling my family about Lugols because, my mother, grandmother, and both aunts have thyroid problems as well as other health issues I think the iodine could help. I'll lower my dose eventually to 2-4 drops but kick it back up if needed. This stuff is great!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michael (Peoria AZ)

I have used Lugol's internally for years. My wife had a major bladder infection and had 2 bio's performed and all kinds of drugs prescribed including a Dr. stating we were passing a virus thru sex back and forth. I refused to take the chemicals. Finally she wanted to try the Lugol's and within 2 weeks began to walk with no pain. I placed it in the water containers of my 2 dogs. My 3 pound 10 old dog came alive once again. I feel it killed all the worms in her that were bleeding her of energy. I believe in Lugols for everything. I purchase it by the 500ml's and give it away to people who are real ill or sick.