I tried bloodroot bought off ebay last autum (2007) I do like herbal alternate remedies and was quite excited when reading about bloodroot. Looking at my moles for years (and being vain) I rejoiced at the possibility of having them vanish in an easy and scarless fashion (as proclaimed) Got a bit carried away though and decided to eradicate all about 30-40 off them on front and back of torso at once. Thought if they do take a few weeks to heal and might be unseemly in the mean time (plus I won't be able to use the sunbed to avoid pigment scarring) it would be better to do them all at once, rather than one after the other (which would have taken month and month...) The result was major discomfort - after 2-3 applications my body seemed to turn into a sea of skin irritation and itching!!! It really did drive me up the wall and since there was no position in which I could lie painless and itchfree (forget Paracetamol - won't help a bit), I did not realy sleep for 2 weeks.
Now for the benefit of the procedure. Some moles fell off pretty soon (especially the more raised ones) and have vanished hence. Mostly though - especially the smaller ones were still there when the scabs came off and I still have slight reddening around them. For the bigger flat ones - one fell off (with about 5mm of underneath skin tissue leaving a 8mm itching crater in the skin - took about another 10 days to close up and the result is a reddish smoth round scar as big as the mole there used to be. Several other bigger moles did prevail as well and are now suspiciouse looking, i.e. they are now multicoloured and less regular shaped. It does also seem a bit as if I have a few more tiny moles in vicinity to where treated mole on my abdomen. (cannot swear on that though). The post-bloodroot look of the multicolored moles did get me worried and my GP had two biopsised. Fortunately the biopsies were benign. They will still cut them both out completly to make sure though(ergo in the end the bloodroot did help me get rid of two more big moles, by causing the NHS to pay for their excision). If someone were to ask me - don't use bloodroot for the heck of it. Make sure that the moles you treat are really draining your self worth and not just little beauty spots. Consider the options - when I had the biopsis done the process was much more 'comfortable' that the bloodroot procedure, it did not hurt, did not itch and left less scarring yet.
Is cancema and blood root the same thing? I put some cancema on a tiny mole I had on my shoulder - a tiny bit three days in a row. The area around the mole went quite red about 1cm immediately around the mole it was raised up a bit and creamish colour. I covered it with a bandaid each day as it took weeks to heal, but when the scab finally came off the mole had gone. It has slowly healed and now I'm putting a little lavender essential oil on it each day and the scar is disappearing quite noticeably. I am a real fan of this website....thank you. Maily
re: Bloodroot Paste. Used it to test it on a small mole that I have had all of my life before my wife used it on a suspicious looking mole on her back. Her "suspicious" mole fell off and healed considerably faster than my mole! Cansema worked very well. It was painful for me, not overly so, just noticeable. Her experience was mild. If you understand the process Cansema is an outstanding remedy. But to use it ignorantly would be unadvisable. Just one of many natural remedies that big pharma cannot profit from. It is impossible to patent natural cures. Therefore, a mainstream cure to cancer has become a money-making machine for the "gods" of this world. Who else would you take your clothes off for just because you are told to do so? Sheeple are to be sheared so become informed and share with your friends, family and neighbors.
My experience hasnt been so good with bloodroot. I put it on a small mole on my arm to test it, and one on my thigh. It did what everyone else has said - scabbed, turned black, got a white ring, fell out. but now, ive got 2 hideous hypertrophic scars (red and raised) which my surgeon says will take years to fade. the one on my arm is about 1cm diameter while the mole was originally only about 2mm. There are complications with revising hypertrophic scars so for the mean time im stuck with them. Im not usually prone to hypertrophic scarring either. The freaky part is that beneath the scar there is a dark patch where the mole appears to be growing back. Now I feel like there are bigger things to worry about than permanent scars - like has the Bloodroot made a way for mole cells to access beneath the skin? If so am I at risk of melanoma? Someone please help me out.
(Corpus Christi, Tx)
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Oregon, US)
I applied blood root to a large mole that had suddenly begun to "change". This not being our first rodeo with BR, I was not surprised by the extreme reaction that occurred. After the eschar fell out of what seemed like a well hole, I too had large hypertrophic scarring. This scarring itched terribly. I read on earth clinic about applying Vit. E oil to scars to cause them to soften and heal. The itching immediately stopped after the first application of Vit. E. After 4-6 weeks of nightly application, the scar flattened and is now nearly skin colored. I am happy with the remaining scar and I'm especially relieved the mole is completely gone.
I used bloodroot paste on a large mole on the back of my neck. It took several weeks because of the size, but it worked wonderfully. I got the idea from my brother in-law who has used it repeatedly on several facial moles. He has had no problems.
Hi, I have been using bloodroot to remove moles for a few months now and have found it to be a miracle! I am worried that the FDA may try to crackdown on this and other herbal remedies and would like to suggest to you and all readers that this upcoming elections year we have a chance to vote for someone who would stop this from happening. His name is Ron Paul and is a doctor but has publicly stated and written columns about how the FDA has no right to stop us from using these herbs. That's all thanks!
I use bloodroot paste on moles and skin tags. As everyone says, it does cause moderate pain and redness. I apply it for 3 days with a bandaid over it and then I apply neosporn or bag balm for 3 days with a bandaid and the mole or tag falls off by itself at the root level. The area then heals and within a few weeks there is no sign of damage.
Hey, I said I'd write back after I finished using the bloodroot paste on a mole on my arm, so here I am! I am mostly pleased with the results. The reason I say mostly is because I seem to have missed a tiny bit of the mole when I was applying the paste, and am left with a tiny speck of mole, about the size of a pen-tip. But the part of the mole that did get covered is completely gone. I had applied a fresh bit of paste to the mole after every daily shower (because the medical tape got wet and uncomfortable, mostly) for a week. A white ring developed around the mole (the part that I had missed didn't get the ring). The surrounding skin was red and felt itchy, rather uncomfortable. At the end of the week, I left the bandage off while in the shower, and when the water hit it the scab that had formed in the center of the ring, it just fell off. I was left with a hole in the skin, not very deep, and it didn't hurt at all. After that, I applied Neosporin and a bandage, kept it changed every day for another week, and after that I stopped applying anything to it at all, not even a bandage. Now it's all healed up,the skin is smooth and there's only a pink mark, and the little speck of mole that I missed. I plan to use the paste again to get rid of the speck.
I tried the Bloodroot Paste - I have many moles and I am very anti-doctor. I have been cursed with these moles since I was young. I read about Bloodroot & decided to give it a try. Well I started on one (to get a feel for the length of time & what to expect) I began at the beginning of Jan 2007 and on Jan 31,2007 that first mole just fell off!No bleeding -- nothing- it just simply fell off-WOW!! It is Feb 1ST &I am starting on #2 mole.. I did experience a small about of discomfort on the last day.. before it fell off- so I opted to do one at a time (some of mine are quite large) I am VERY pleased with the results!! And by the way-- this morning the spot where that first mole was.. is barely noticeable..
My husband had a large mole on his back that has increased in size over the years. He's very anti-doctor. After some extensive research he decided to try the bloodroot paste. It has worked perfectly, just as described. Be prepared, it can be VERY painful, especially with a bigger lesion, but he is very satisfied with the results. I am an RN, and I am amazed by the results and complete and total removal of the mole. He now has a nice pink, granulated wound that I'm certain will heal quickly without infection. Had he had conventional surgery, I'm certain he would have had a much larger wound with the probable need for a skin graft. We are very satisfied with the results.
Moles, Tumors, Cirrhosis
My family has used homemade black salve since 1986. Of course there's been research on bloodroot's effectiveness for cancer and abnormal cells. If one wants salve treatment done by a medical doctor, the Philippines medical professionals saw it's efficacy and it's now part of mainstream medicine there. Here--a doctor could lose his license and go to prison for even writing a prescription for pain meds to someone choosing to do this treatment at home behind closed doors, in spite of the fact that early in the 1900's you could buy black salve at the corner drugstore and the head of the FDA tried to purchase the Hoxsey formula, and failing that, waged all-out war to destroy it. Of course because Big Pharma can't profit from it, they want it gone.
The uses for it stagger the mind. My husband, a recovering alcoholic used to to cure cirrhosis of the liver before he even stopped drinking--it triggered a detox with black tarry material exiting through the bowels and he was very sick for a few days, besides developing a normal eschar and going through that process at the same time. I've removed dangerous looking moles on him and soon he'll do a general treatment because after 60 years of smoking he suspects lung cancer. The records for his cirrhosis and it's absence are at the Vet's hospital in Walla, Walla WA. (Two separate alcohol rehab stays.)
I've removed a lump from my thigh --full photo record on my website, a small lump on my chin that apparently drained some bad teeth I thought I was going to need root canals on, I used it to treat bad looking patches on my skin, removed an embedded shard of glass in my foot that came out with the eschar, and I'm about to treat another bad tooth where there's a chronic recurring abcess (the other time was several years ago). I treated my granddaughter who had a massive antibiotic treatment followed by a horrendous fungal infection of the scalp that could have left her bald and the medical treatment including potential side effects of "death". It completely destroyed the fungal infection. The only lasting sign was two small spots where the eschar came out prematurely and left little bald spots. Where it finished it's course naturally, the infection was gone and the hair grew back--there weren't even any scars left.
We first used just bloodroot paste before getting the formula on a dog with a tumor near her anus. It turned grey and was rotting off, but she kept chewing at it so we took her to the vet who removed the remains surgically, but he also followed the root to the end and removed it too. It went clear to the end of her tail. That's the thing--medically they remove tumors and cancer masses, but these things have roots. The salve kills it all. Sometimes you have to treat an area more than once, particularly if any of the roots attached to the eschar break instead of rotting and releasing the eschar naturally (I've got cool photos of the roots attached to the scab), and sometimes just because it needs to dig deeper. If it doesn't heal normally, that's a sign that you need to go back in, but wait until the skin heals over because the last thing you want to do is put the salve on raw tissue, although sometimes it can't be avoided.
We've done it all without pain meds other than aspirin (and alcohol). One thing I like about the formula we have is it is a two-part treatment. The light salve is used in between two black salve treatments a week apart and until the tissue heals. It's a drawing/ healing salve that helps draw out pus and debris as well as making certain that no infection can ever take hold. It came from a book about 150 years old now and was actually printed in our county newspaper. Supposedly it was an expose, but the fact that they printed the simple formula and instructions made our area a pocket of closet black salve users. It's very easy to make, but one ingredient is expensive-- zinc chloride. They hit you with mailing charges because it's a hazardous chemical or something like that. It's much less expensive to buy a small amount ready made of the black salve. Cancema is still available. In fact, Greg Caton, whose life was threatened if he ever made the formula available to others put it on YouTube, and there are other sources where you can buy good stuff. I made mine on the kitchen stove and keep a jar of it in the fridge, although I don't think it even needs to be refrigerated, just kept in a cool, dark place. By the way, all that quackwatch nonsense is a joke. If you apply it to normal skin it just sits there and does nothing. I've tried to remove benign moles on myself and nothing happened. Put it on a friend's belly who had benign tumors and nothing happened. It will react to abnormal cells like fungus and cancer, but this ridiculous claim that it's "caustic" and will burn right though healthy tissue--good lord!! These guys are idiots. Now if there happens to be cancer below that healthy skin, that's a different matter.
There's a lot more but it's nearly 2am and I'm exhausted. If anyone wants to talk, email me from my website which is "information only", I don't allow any advertising and don't sell anything. It's just about natural healing, junk science and bad medicine.
(Northern Idaho United States)
Hi thank you for your insight.
I have several moles on my back and just applied the black salve to one that was raised.
My husband roughed it up with a nail file, then applied the salve.
It itched alot two days ago. Day 1.
Yesterday I applied the drawing salve. And put a bandaid back onto it. It is painful and stinging and itching. The skin around it was red and tender.
Today after a shower I will apply more pulling salve.
I didn't think it would hurt like this.
I'm kinda wishing I had left it alone. But maybe it's cancerous and needs to come out.
Do you have the instructions? And what if it destroys my skin down into the flesh?
Just need some help.
(Kitchener On)
Hi Vanessa W.
I read on this site that if you put ACV apple cider vinegar on a bandage, it will kill any skin problems. It will sting a little. Give it a try.. I use Baeggs ACV
God Bless
I have a salve that has helped people with boils and outbreaks caused by MRSA. It certainly is no cure for MRSA or boils, but it does help topically to remove them quite rapidly. It draws out the infection and pus and promotes faster healing. It is all natural. Please see my website at and read the testimonials page for more information and before and after pictures.
IMPORTANT: We are not healthcare professionals. We are amazed by the personal results we have experienced with this product. We are required to add: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, nor are these statements or mentioned products intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements are for informational purposes only and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner.
Odd Skin Growth
I used bloodroot paste years ago on my forehead that had an area the size of a dime that just wouldn't heal. Wasn't a mole, but some odd looking skin growth, somewhat like a rash. I bought black salve paste and applied a very small amount... pinhead, very little, to the center of the area. Then I covered it with a bandaid and applied vitamin e oil to the surrounding skin. (Now I have read here that castor oil would be better so I will try that next time.) I did not apply more bloodroot in the days that followed. I took off the bandaid two days later and the area was black. 1 week later it had healed perfectly. Never had another growth in that area. Can't remember where I bought the paste but I am sure you can still find it sold online somewhere.
Papaloma Wart
I'had papaloma wart across my lower eyelid the doctor wanted 900.00 to cut a v' out of it and sew it together he said its the only way to get rid of it it was ugly i was in shock that wood give me a permenant wink . so i took a pen and put a little bit of bloodroot and put it on my eyelid and kept ointment on it till it was healed and moved to another spot over and over untill it was all gone there is no sign of it and its all gone its been 2 years be sure to wash it off after each time dont let it touch your eyeball hold your eyelid out untill its done its thing then wash it off it burns like hell if it touches your eyeball
Plantar Wart
Bloodroot Paste cured a Planters wart (had for 10 years and tried everything) and a wart on my left arm. Use as directed and be patient results take at least a week. Also don't be too frightened by the hole it leaves in your skin -- it will heal nicely.