Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant

Posted by Margierunner (Austin, Texas) on 03/20/2010


I had similar results on a mole on my back. I put bloodroot paste on the mole for about 1 week. It got really infected and my lymph nodes hurt and I felt really sick. I put honey on the mole and within a few days the infection was gone and the mole dropped out this morning. There is a serious hole in my back right now but it is clean and I expect it to fill in as others have reported. I had a smaller mole (pencil eraser size) on my neck that fell out much quicker with less pain. The hole is filled in now after a week. I really appreciate all the advice on this website as I was not surprised at the process I went through. I would certainly do it again but also warn others not to do this if you are faint at heart. It can be very scary.