Health Benefits

Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant

| Modified on Jul 24, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Human Papillomavirus
Posted by Mcalzada (Encino, Ca, Usa ) on 09/01/2010

Hello Ted. Can you tell me what your suggestion is for using bloodroot to clear HPV from ones' system? Appreciate any advice on dosage, frequency, etc.

Posted by Jacky (Canada) on 03/31/2015

I am inquiring for a friend if black salve bloodroot capsules can be taken internally as she is going through chemotherapy for lung cancer. Thanks for the help, Jacky

Moles, Tumors, Cirrhosis
Posted by Djt10 (Sunnyside, Wa, Usa) on 07/19/2012

Editor's Choice

My family has used homemade black salve since 1986. Of course there's been research on bloodroot's effectiveness for cancer and abnormal cells. If one wants salve treatment done by a medical doctor, the Philippines medical professionals saw it's efficacy and it's now part of mainstream medicine there. Here--a doctor could lose his license and go to prison for even writing a prescription for pain meds to someone choosing to do this treatment at home behind closed doors, in spite of the fact that early in the 1900's you could buy black salve at the corner drugstore and the head of the FDA tried to purchase the Hoxsey formula, and failing that, waged all-out war to destroy it. Of course because Big Pharma can't profit from it, they want it gone.

The uses for it stagger the mind. My husband, a recovering alcoholic used to to cure cirrhosis of the liver before he even stopped drinking--it triggered a detox with black tarry material exiting through the bowels and he was very sick for a few days, besides developing a normal eschar and going through that process at the same time. I've removed dangerous looking moles on him and soon he'll do a general treatment because after 60 years of smoking he suspects lung cancer. The records for his cirrhosis and it's absence are at the Vet's hospital in Walla, Walla WA. (Two separate alcohol rehab stays.)

I've removed a lump from my thigh --full photo record on my website, a small lump on my chin that apparently drained some bad teeth I thought I was going to need root canals on, I used it to treat bad looking patches on my skin, removed an embedded shard of glass in my foot that came out with the eschar, and I'm about to treat another bad tooth where there's a chronic recurring abcess (the other time was several years ago). I treated my granddaughter who had a massive antibiotic treatment followed by a horrendous fungal infection of the scalp that could have left her bald and the medical treatment including potential side effects of "death". It completely destroyed the fungal infection. The only lasting sign was two small spots where the eschar came out prematurely and left little bald spots. Where it finished it's course naturally, the infection was gone and the hair grew back--there weren't even any scars left.

We first used just bloodroot paste before getting the formula on a dog with a tumor near her anus. It turned grey and was rotting off, but she kept chewing at it so we took her to the vet who removed the remains surgically, but he also followed the root to the end and removed it too. It went clear to the end of her tail. That's the thing--medically they remove tumors and cancer masses, but these things have roots. The salve kills it all. Sometimes you have to treat an area more than once, particularly if any of the roots attached to the eschar break instead of rotting and releasing the eschar naturally (I've got cool photos of the roots attached to the scab), and sometimes just because it needs to dig deeper. If it doesn't heal normally, that's a sign that you need to go back in, but wait until the skin heals over because the last thing you want to do is put the salve on raw tissue, although sometimes it can't be avoided.

We've done it all without pain meds other than aspirin (and alcohol). One thing I like about the formula we have is it is a two-part treatment. The light salve is used in between two black salve treatments a week apart and until the tissue heals. It's a drawing/ healing salve that helps draw out pus and debris as well as making certain that no infection can ever take hold. It came from a book about 150 years old now and was actually printed in our county newspaper. Supposedly it was an expose, but the fact that they printed the simple formula and instructions made our area a pocket of closet black salve users. It's very easy to make, but one ingredient is expensive-- zinc chloride. They hit you with mailing charges because it's a hazardous chemical or something like that. It's much less expensive to buy a small amount ready made of the black salve. Cancema is still available. In fact, Greg Caton, whose life was threatened if he ever made the formula available to others put it on YouTube, and there are other sources where you can buy good stuff. I made mine on the kitchen stove and keep a jar of it in the fridge, although I don't think it even needs to be refrigerated, just kept in a cool, dark place. By the way, all that quackwatch nonsense is a joke. If you apply it to normal skin it just sits there and does nothing. I've tried to remove benign moles on myself and nothing happened. Put it on a friend's belly who had benign tumors and nothing happened. It will react to abnormal cells like fungus and cancer, but this ridiculous claim that it's "caustic" and will burn right though healthy tissue--good lord!! These guys are idiots. Now if there happens to be cancer below that healthy skin, that's a different matter.

There's a lot more but it's nearly 2am and I'm exhausted. If anyone wants to talk, email me from my website which is "information only", I don't allow any advertising and don't sell anything. It's just about natural healing, junk science and bad medicine.

Actinic Keratosis
Posted by Greg (Ozark) on 09/23/2017

I bought a small bottle of it 8 years ago when I discovered a sore on my arm that wouldn't go away, I applied some to it, my arm swelled a bit in the area, I only applied it once, overnight as the instructions indicated, it acted as a poultice, it drew the cancer out as it killed it, I still have a small scar, it never came back, since then that little 50 dollar bottle is still working, I use it on brown patches that have shown up on my skin over the years, it's still working, it burns a little, then it itches, which is a sign of healing, the company I bought it from said it had a 5 year shelf life, 8 years later I'm still using it, you only need a very small amount, keep it in a dark cool place, I keep it in my dresser drawer, I love the stuff, I tried turning my sister on to it before she had a doctor remove some dark spots that were growing from her hands, she sent me a picture of the scar the surgery left on her hands, the doctor cut it out, I showed her a picture of where my brown spot on my hand was, no cutting no digging the cancer out, no scar, oh, and the money I saved was awesome, I highly recommend the salve.

Posted by Nycole (White City, Oregon) on 10/29/2009

My Grandmother discovered this remedy shortly before her son (my uncle) passed away from pancreatic cancer. She had tried all kinds of different things mainstream health care and herbal care but nothing seemed to stop the progression. As you may know pancreatic cancer is one of the most progressive types of cancer which made it even more difficult. She discovered "black Salve" (blood root and zinc paste) only a month or two before he passed away by that time the cancer had spread all over his body. She began applying it to a large area with the most cancer and wrapping him with gauze. It began working immediately the cancer was beginning to come through the skin in clumps. Though she continued the process for a long time it did not work quick enough at the stage that he was in and he passed away shortly. Since then my grandmother has made it a mission to let people know about this alternative cancer remedy. This has been used by Indians for hundreds of years. It remove warts, virus's, moles and cancers. When Chemo fails and makes you sick and weak and you hair falls out there is a better method. I will warn you this is neither a painless or pretty process, but it is effective. My grandma has taken on many "patients" and supplied them with this black salve and healing salve and showed them how to do it. She has had over 20 successful cases where any cancer from lung to breast to skin have literally disappeared and saved death row people from death. She has them keep going to the doctors for regular check-ups and x-rays by the time they are done with the regimen the are healthy and the doctors are baffled. This is something that needs to be known about and something doctors need to stop denying. I will warn you again it is painful and it is not pretty and it might leave a little scaring buy between life and death could you deal with that right? What you do is go to the doctor get you x-ray apply it over the area that is most infected with cancer you begin to see it come out day by day. You want to rotate every other day with heal salve to heal a little too. but if you can take the pain for a month or so you should be able to get rid of he cancer and live many more happy years. Beats years of chemo huh :)

The Fda and Bloodroot
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 09/06/2007

This comment is in response to the individual [Edit. Note: See Ally's email below] who mentioned Yes, the FDA has not spent any money researching bloodroot because it is a natural substance and is not patentable. Most folks aren't going to spend money researching something if there's not profit to gain, especially organization like the FDA and Big Pharma whose only interests ARE profit, not people. Also, you should go back and notice who operates Lo and behold, a medical doctor...someone who probably won't make too much money if he tells his cancer patients to take bloodroot and avoid costly surgery and chemo. He also has the following listed on his site as 'signs' of a 'quacky' website: General Characteristics: Any site used to market herbs or dietary supplements. Although some are useful, I do not believe it is possible to sell them profitably without deception, which typically includes:

(a) lack of full disclosure of relevant facts,
(b) promotion or sale of products that lack a rational use, and/or
(c) failure to provide advice indicating who should not use the products.

During more than 35 years of watching the health marketplace, I have never encountered a seller who did not do at least one of these three things. Any site used to market or promote homeopathic products. No such products have been proven effective.

Any site that generally promotes "alternative," "complementary," and/or "integrative" methods. There are more than a thousand such methods. The vast majority are worthless.

Any site that promotes "nontoxic," "natural," "holistic," or "miraculous" treatments.

So is now a 'quacky' website?? I think not! No disrespect to nay-sayers or doctors...but I can tell you for several years I have dealt with chronic constipation, severe acid reflux and heartburn, depression, insomnia, acne, and the list goes on....I went to several doctors, had several cameras inserted through just about every hole in my body and was constantly sent home with a prescription or the threat of a future surgery. I had mentioned on more than one occasion to my doctor about possibly getting colonics done, after reading about how insanely importantly it is to keep your intestines and colon clean as they are a major govern in your immune system. I was told that colonics are dangerous. I have been getting them done for over a year now and my health has never been better. No acid reflux, skin is remarkably better, no depression, and so on. Oh, and for the record...those of you who go to WebMD for advice as well, that site is a marketing tool for BigPharma.

Posted by Steeve (Montreal, Quebec) on 10/14/2006

Hi, I just wanted to tell people about taking Blood root. I am HIV and I am not taking any treatment for the moment. My state was stable although I was feeling tired all the time and had swollen glands in the back of my neck and behind the ears. I had tried a few natural remedies to try and cope with the virus, but they all seemed so inefficient. Then a friend told me about Bloodroot and how it is used to locally treat some kind of cancers... I said why not... and I ordered the pills, which were hard to find! Every website said that internal use of bloodroot is toxic and dangerous... But I tried anyway, and I took 450mg 3 times a day (and I'm still taking it), it's been 3 weeks since I started and i don't regret it!!! The lymph nodes have almost disappeared, I gained some weight on my body and face. The bags under my eyes are gone! And i have so much energy now! It's crazy...! I told my doctor about it and he said he'll do a blood test to see if I have a toxicity level in my blood. I'll post you the results.

Ted's Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok)

I have recently decided to add two more things that are extremely important to Emergency Medicine kit. It is:

  1. Bloodroot tincture
  2. Clove oil
  3. B complex.

The bloodroot tincture have cured many parasites inside the body - including the brain, as well as Morgellons and many parasites identified in Hulda Clark. The bloodroot tincture also eliminate hepatitis C, hepatitis B, colon polyps and a host of many other major diseases due to parasites, tough HPV virus, and has an anti-cancer properties. The key to successfully using it is to also use vitamin B complex as well as getting a low dose dissolved in a glass of water and baking soda to help healing of damaged tissues.

The clove oil is needed to handle diabetes attack, sudden circulator problems or numbness, as well as unexplained dizziness, food poisoning and cholera. That's why it'is added to the emergency aid kit.

It is also important that bloodroot page is added from the results in treatment of Morgellon's disease, internal parasites, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Colon polyps and cancer tumor. It's fairly effective in a handling of these that it deserves attention. From now on the bloodroot will be added to many remedies because of its effectiveness in dealing with a range of conditions.


Bloodroot Usage
Posted by Lynn (Richland, Wa) on 09/28/2015

I used Bloodroot successfully following the instructions of a Master Herbalist (who grows and creates her own product on her S. Oregon farm) and a horrible experience following a famous Doctor who writes of using herbs, but I realized after he had no training as this woman did (life long).

I used her product and teeny dab on a mole I'd had under my right armpit. It had started changing color and shape. Her instructions were one dab ONCE and only ONCE. I was instructed to put a bandage on top of it and leave it that way for one day only. Each day, after the first day, I was to wash it many times a day (and with the reactions one would see why) with H2O2.

The BR was obviously breaking down the mole's tissue and pulling out pus and dead stuff. It was a mess. In the end when all the "reaction" was done, I was left with a huge "pit" scar, like a smooth round crater. My mother an RN told me it would fill in with new tissue (not scar tissue) and it did. All during this time I kept using H2O2.

Now I cannot find any trace nor remember exactly where this mole was. (I had no idea they had such deep roots! )

Then I tried on a teeeeeny type of a red "mole" (typical of Finnish people and all over but hard to spot).

Did not care about these but wanted to see how another person's instructions would work (Famous MD with many books out).

He used it on his dog - OUCH, poor dog, DAILY and even said the dog was crying from the pain. I did as well and the pain was unbelievable! But I kept putting it on for almost a week daily.

There was no use of H2O2 and in the end I was left with Keloid scarring almost a rough inch round. Raised, painful, itchy (later calmed down) and very obvious.

When I went back to my hometown I looked up the Master herbalist and told her about this experience. She said NEVER apply bloodroot more then ONCE a week! It is very powerful and will do its job, just needs time (a bandage on top of paste).

She said the H2O2 was to not only cleanse the pus and debris from the breakdown and death of the mole material, but to stop scarring.

I see on this forum there are many other herbs that can be used as well along with the bloodroot but my experience was with that herb and H2O2 only.

(I have a background in holistic healing therapies, studies in herbs, and many things but not all at a Master level). Background in biochemistry and chemistry of arts, health fields as well.

The Fda and Bloodroot
Posted by Kent Estes (Lake Wales, FL) on 05/28/2007

Editor's Choice

I am the Kent who's emails were so astounding that the FEDs used it to help prosecute Mr Caton. ( Unfortunately, for Greg, they (the Feds) determined on their own behalf without contacting or consulting me, that my story was unbelieveable and used it to convict Greg. Mind you he was convicted on all sorts of Bogus charges as used all the correct wording to avert selling as "medicine" by US law. The court dis-allowed me to testify. I am healed of Carcinoma of the tongue grade 3 with US/FDA/AMA doctors and lab results before, and the Texas renowned Cancer Clinic after showing that not even a microscopic remnant of cancer was left at the site or in my blood. It has been 7 years, since that time. I am looking for a good source of bloodroot product for my friends and relatives as I cannot get it from altcancer any more.

The Fda and Bloodroot
Posted by David (Charleroi, PA) on 02/06/2007

Blood Root Salve. You asked why the producer of Bloodroot was thrown in jail. You can NOT claim to cure, treat or diagnose any disease, or you are practicing medicine without a licence. It is the law. You can NOT distribute any such substance, making such a claim either. A doctor can NOT use a remedy that is not approved by the FDA. If you tell your doctor you are using Blood Root, he will not stop you, for fear it may actually work. The FDA will NOT approve a "drug" that is not patentable. No natural substance can be patentable. Bloodroot is a "natural substance". Therefore the FDA will never approve it for anything. There will NEVER be enough 'scientific research' for Blood Root. Because no one will ever pay the millions required for the "approved research". Some say in the USA we live in the land of the Free. This is not so when it comes to medicine or your health. Our only hope is that Sites like this remain open to the public. I pray to God that you remain open. Bless you.

Breast Cancer
Posted by Judy (Australia Qld) on 07/03/2015


I had a group of thin purple spider veins on my breast for about 2yrs and decided to use black salve, as Iv'e used it several times with excellent results on lumps and BCCs. I applied it and within 10 minutes I knew it had found something big (stinging). There were no palpable lumps or obvious cancer signs. But wow did it react, I think it stopped a death sentence. I applied 2 lots, 3 days apart, as my shower took off most of the salve, after another 2 weeks out came the cancer -a 12 cm mushroom consistency brain shaped tumor. I noticed at the base of the cavit a white thread type thing, it could have been a root to the cancer or a nerve or tendon, but I felt the salve hadn't got it all so into the raw clean empty cavity I put another lot of salve and its been 3 days now, and it has been the worst agony I have ever felt, it has been worse than labour. The pain radiates from the armpit to the sternum and the collar bone to the nipple and is unrelenting, continuous, even walking hurts as it reverberates through the breast. There is a 1-2" thick border of skin surrounding the cavity (thats now filled with black salve)is so red, hot and painful. I know this picked up an undiagnosed breast cancer and it's drawing it out from inside the breast.

Yes its painful, but it beats a mastectomy. My mother has had both her breasts removed with cancer so it is genetic.

Posted by Josef (Katherine, Australia) on 04/08/2018

My reply to Morganism Southwest on 9/3/2017.

Your post says: "Don't ever apply on thin skin, you need at least a centimeter of flesh underneath, or the "crater" won't work, and the effect can flatten out and liquify large areas. Never on face, ears, nose, back of hands/feet."

My reply:

- I have used Black Salve, Best on Earth, on my scalp on my forehead, it was very painful, I could feel the inflamed dead roots radiating away from the treatment area, there was inflammation and swelling as expected in the area, the diameter hole once scar was ejected was about the size of a cigarette butt. I had no problem with wound getting larger in good tissue, I have treated many lesions or whatever on my face, especially my temple, my most outstanding treatment was not long after I started, I was going deaf in my right ear, the ear canal was closing up over a couple of months, I treated a very small dry mark on my temple with the Salve, just overnight, it reracted very painfully over 5 days or more, I was comfortable with this as I had already built my confidence with the salve, the pain was inside the temple, seemed deep, I also had a noticeable black eye from the treatment, an area about 1/2" was affected by the salve, this took about 2 weeks to come out, the site where the wound was is hardly noticeable, now comes the good part! Within 2 or 3 weeks of the treatment, my closed up ear canal was open, fully, and I could once again hear, I tremble at the thought that there was a massive growth inside my head, I have treated 5 or 6 in the vicinity of my temple, also 3 below my eye, and 3 on my nose, they all worked and healed successfully, my nose however looks like a moonscape, but now not red and swollen like I was a wino! I feel that I would not be here if I went to the doctor, a healthy diet, plenty of restful sleep and exercise, give up the unhealthy hoodlike processed crap!

BTW, I lost a family member to stomach cancer 2 months ago, he put his faith in his practitioner, 10 rounds of chemo over a few months, was diagnosed as clear of cancer just before christmas, went for follow up visit 2 weeks later after being allowed to go home, was then diagnosed as having cancer spread through his body, they wanted to put him on further rounds of chemo, wanted to try new drugs, he passed away riddled with cancer, I feel that Chemo was the main cause of his death as his immune system was destroyed, no coming back from that.

I am on a course of Black Salve Bloodroot caps, have been through 1 bottle, had a break for several days, have now began a final treatment, I suspected to have growths inside at specific spots, had shadows on one of my kidneys, a lump under the right rib cage and something in my throat, these seem to be reacting, throat seems ok now, lump in right side not as noticeable, no idea on kidney but am confident.

Another affect is that I can feel the sides of other areas to treat when I am laying in bed focussing, I feel a tingling sensation, I put it down to the capsules irritating the growths, where I treat are hardly noticeable, I just go by the sensation, and I have not been wrong yet.

I feel that these growths are from using Glyphosate for years since it was released on the market, I am a nurseryman, I took some precautions, wore Nitrile gloves, but living in the tropics, I would perspire, it would run into my face so I would wipe it away from my face with the back of the gloves, these would have had Glyphosate on them....

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ernie (Bouse, Arizona) on 09/25/2011

I have used Bloodroot in and on these areas

1. Rectal cancer as a suppository

2. Skin cancer

3. Brown recluse spider bite.

all successfully.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Brenda (Stuart, Florida) on 09/01/2007

I started to notice that I was getting clear or reddish bumps on my face, in particular on either side of my nose...also that I had a dry patch on the tip of my nose that would come and go. I had some skin cancers removed many years ago and have lived a life in the sun but have no health insurance, was basically not dealing with these new spots until a friend told me about black salve and gave me a small amount to try...I tried it on many places on my face and only one reacted at first but in a terrible, painful burned and swelled' and turned into the ugly mess that so many others have experienced...I kept putting aloe(from a plant, not a bottle) and pure Vitamin E oil on the scab and when it fell off I had no scar.

I have now been using it all over my body and in particular all around the nose area, where the root seems concentrated...I have even used it inside my nose, tho all information says not to put it in the mucus membranes. One thing I do that no one has mentioned...when I am healing a spot and the black piece comes out. I immediately clean out the hole with peroxide and put more salve into the hole it left...some holes have continued to discharge as many as 10 applications...the discharged tumors are progressively lighter in color until finally no more comes from the spot..the hole closes beautifully and as I use Vitamin E oil on the scabs and all around the hole and in the hole, I never scar...and I have taken a LOT of this off my face. It seems to grow like a plant throughout the skin once it gets a hold and I have a lot of it but my body is cooperating with me, we are a team in the fight for our life. I also changed my diet to complete alkaline, stopped meat and all alcohol, eat raw foods as much as possibe. I would like a source of the internal tonic if anyone knows one.In general I would say that this is not for the faint hearted but it is an amazing experience to watch your body expel these cancers and heal itself. But you have to help it by doing everything possible for your immune system.

Application Tips
Posted by Gail (Sacramento, California) on 07/05/2010

Sorry to hear some are having bad experiences with bloodroot salve. The best black salve I've used for years contains bloodroot, galangal, sheep sorrel and red clover. It works on surface skin moles and warts as well as tumors beneath the skin because it kills the growth and it's roots underneath the skin. ESSENTIAL to know however, is that the user should leave the paste ONLY 12 hours. Then the paste should be thoroughly washed off removing every particle of the salve, preferably with peroxide. Vitamin E should then be applied to the wound itself, and vaseline to the bandage to prevent sticking. The wound should be redressed the same way, vitamin E on the wound and vaseline on a clean bandage 2-4 times per day. It is ESSENTIAL the user understand that to remove moles with roots or tumors beneath the skin, that the area must be kept very moist and completely covered. The growth will return ONLY if you have not killed the roots. Be prepared to witness the mini "volcano" reaction as your body pushes bits of the growth right through the skin, bit by bit. Resist the temptation to pull or prod anything off. Allow your body to push out the debris on it's own time. Just keep the area clean, moist and covered and your body will do the rest. If you've had the misfortune of harming or burning facial skin, vitamin E will help repair skin damage at the cellular level. Be sure to use natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) liberally on those areas at night. If facial growths or moles are small and appear to be without roots, a good alternative to black salve that isn't as strong is ACV or Logol's iodine. But again, apply vitamin E to surrounding skin as they can also burn skin. Many health experts also recommend taking vitamin A internally to protect the skin from further unwanted skin growths. I hope this helps!

EC: Gail's feedback was originally posted in response to several WARNING posts on the moles page here:

Broad Benefits
Posted by Monica (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) on 02/08/2009

Blood Root Salve which I am buying from someone who will not tell me who she buys from nor will she tell me the exact ingredients. My husband died of cancer which first started as small spots on his penis. He heard about blood root and bought the salve but it was so painful that he could not stand using it and went in the conventional methods.

I noticed some very weird spots all over my face and tried some of his salve. It attacked the spots and took almost half my lip off in the process, which has grown back totally. I found more spots on my back and it is removing them with silver dollar size black scabs, raised about half an inch of the skin. I am convinced that since the skin grows back with no scar, that this salve also stimulates the adult stem cells and gets them to repair the damaged areas. I have terrible arthritis and two hip replacements. I am putting this, diluted with vaseline on and around my knee joints and the pain seems to be going away. I think it might be rebuilding my knee. I also had a head injury which knocked out my short term memory. I am gaining full brain function back. I am also taking a small amount of this internally. A friend of mine started using it to cure headaches and he noticed that his brain was unusually sharp when attempting to do extremely difficult tasks.

My husband and I and our dog set up a machine shop in the cellar of an old cow killing plant, where the hides had been cured. I figure he, I, and also the dog, got cancer after hanging out there for three years and breathing the dust etc. My dog has some kind of cancer in her breathing tubes, I am giving her bloodroot also. I can see small pieces of cancer coming out of my body in my shits. Also from the dog. I am convinced if my husband had been able to withstand the pain and just used the bloodroot salve both externally and internally he would still be alive.

I would like to obtain a recipe to make the salve which can also be ingested and I would like to start growing bloodroot, and all the other plants which go into making it. I would like to make it available at a more reasonable price to whoever needs it. If anyone knows a good way to make it please let me know.