Hi, I used to swear by unfiltered, organic acv....
Today with all the geo-engineering if our skys, admitted to by our government, there is no longer organic food, unless it's a green house product, then the leached chemicals in the soul still spoil that.
Doing research, the best, and safest Apple Cider Vinegar today is filtered, the floaties are simply the apple skin, which is toxic today!
True mother is a clear ovalish disk you can find living near the bottom of the bottle. Mother will grow in distilled acv, as my grandmother's always had it there ..
The effects for everything I've used Apple Cider Vinegar for have not diminished as I first thought they would by changing from the organic with the skins floating in them, to the distilled ..
I'm nearly 70 yrs old, and my grandmother and mother used Apple Cider Vinegar for everything...
God's richest blessings on everyone persuing natural health in this toxic world.
Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
...a tip about acv: if you buy the expensive mother vinegar, save a couple of tablespoons and pour it into a gallon of the cheap store brand. Soon, the cheap stuff will be growing the mother, and you will have a re-usable, active culture very much like a sponge for making bread.
EC: Organic and unpastuerized ACV with the mother seems to be popular with people in the United States, but there are many, many more to try. We suggest you try them all and see which one your body responds best to. We do not suggest drinking acv bought at the grocery store EXCEPT in the event of food poisoning. We have no validating studies to back this up, but we think grocery brands like Heinz are far more acidic and as such can kill off the bacteria causing the poisoning more quickly. Well, that's our experience at any rate. Read more about food poisoning and acv here.