Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Turmeric, Manjistha Powder, Moong Dal
Posted by MokiMom (San Francisco, CA) on 09/24/2021

This poultice is helping with a large sarcoma on my cat's back. I found it at:


I didn't see a specific recipe or how long or frequently to use it. I am mixing about 1/4 cup of warm soft-cooked moong dal with 1/2 tsp each of turmeric and manjistha. I put a thick coat of paste on the tumor and cover it with a square of unbleached muslin. Then I protect the area with a 'hospital gown' made from paper towels held in place with an elastic bandage. I leave the paste on overnight and clean it off in the morning using kleenex and a spray bottle of tea made with the same two herbs. After three nights the lesions were softened and opened up and I could gently wipe away a quantity of cheesy whitish stuff, bits of cartilage-like tumor, and hunks of dead skin. (Yes, absolute gross-out.) After the initial treatments the cat's appetite and energy were dramatically improved. I have been doing this for eight days. I am not scrubbing or forcing, just wiping away what has come loose. She seems to like the sensation of the warm paste and has been patient with the treatment. I don't know if the entire tumor will eventually fall off or what, but she feels better and the area is cleaned out, so I am calling it a win.

Here is the paragraph from the above source where I learned about this:

"One simple suggested paste is that of turmeric, manjistha, and mung dal. The area is then fomentated and squeezed gently as the tumor ripens. This procedure is repeated over and over. The goal is to draw the tumor out. This treatment is true for tumors of all three doshas, but most especially those of vata nature. Due to the application of heat and paste, the tumor should ripen and allow itself to be squeezed. If this does not occur, the tumor should be removed by surgical means. It was well known that if the entire tumor was not removed, it would surely grow back again. In the case of pitta granthi, it is recommended to apply leeches to the tumor and heat is avoided or minimized. The open wound should be washed with cool infusions of herbs and allowed to heal."

If anyone thoroughly trained in Ayurveda reads this, please comment with any further details I should know about this method.

Seabuckthorn Oil
Posted by Stephen (United Kingdom) on 09/22/2021

Hi, how did you give the sea buckthorn berry oil? Can you put it the dog's food as I have a dog with lung cancer .oO do you have to drop it directly into the dog's mouth?

Castor Oil
Posted by Maryland (Ca) on 09/08/2021

Hi Flower's Mom, I just put your username between quotation marks on google and found your post from last year about colloidal silver. It is on the second page of "7 Natural Remedies for Cancer in Dogs and Cats" Https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/cancer2.html

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by Maryland (Ca) on 09/08/2021

is there a brand you can recommend?

DMSO and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Maryland (Los Angeles, Ca, USA) on 09/04/2021

Melinda, which brand of dmso? I wonder if the mixture killed the cancerous cells and that's why the biopsy didn't detect cancer.

Posted by Maryland (Ca) on 08/30/2021

Rose, how did you use it to remove melanoma? The website you mentioned doesn't exist anymore.

Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 08/28/2021 529 posts

Hey Kitty Junkie! It's so good to hear good news!! It's one of the things I love about this place!!

Since she's already wearing a onesie, you could put a waterproof patch in it and soak some cotton in colloidal silver and lay it across it. And you can leave that on for several days, as the silver will kill any "yuckiness" before it can even get started.

Colloidal silver is amazing. If you put it on a bandaid and cover just part of a bad cat scratch, where the puncture is, that part will heal practically overnight and leave you with two smaller scratches on either side of the bandage which - if you're an experimenter - is way more cool than it sounds. You could also put some in her water - which I think people might want to do for all of their pets, anyway - personally. Not only will it attack infection from inside, but the water stays fresh and kills any mosquito eggs that might get laid in it.

It's the silver they would normally get from live, natural, running water sources and that most people and pets probably aren't getting at all. It doesn't take much to stop fungal, viral or bacterial growth and will slowly resolve them and any damage they may have done. Plus, if you just use small amounts, you probably won't even notice the herx effects. There might be a sniffle, a little rash or some loose stools from something the body's keeping locked up to prevent it from doing serious damage, but nothing really uncomfortable.

It can be used as a remedy but it's actually a vital nutrient. In fact, it's been discovered that with at least 30 previous days of supplementation, it greatly increases its effectiveness when one uses it against a viral load that exceeds the capacity of the smaller amounts one is taking. And that's just the more virulent pathogens that can survive it well enough to breed and become an issue - which most can't. As one researcher remarked, there was nothing in the 650+ pathogens they threw at it that could survive it.

In nature, without all of the jackboot damage, nearly all ground water sources would provide minute amounts of it for all man-friendly life on earth.

Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by KittyJunkie (New Mexico) on 08/25/2021 6 posts

Castor Oil & Turmeric ---Update!

So, on the advice of someone, I switched to applying just straight castor oil to the belly tumor. I tried to give the turmeric in the food, but she wasn't having any of that! Apparently, she can tell if there is even the slightest amount in her food...refusal!! The tumor is disintegrating (rotting?) into small, thin, gray pieces of flesh that come off when I clean it. There is still a smell, but considering what is happening, I'm not surprised.

I've started giving her shark cartilage and 2-3 ml of aloe vera juice (inner filet) in her food as well. My poor kitty is also experiencing muscle wasting in her back legs, but I don't know how to stop or reverse that if possible. She can still walk and has strength but is just very skinny. I'm hoping that once the castor oil has done its job, that there will be some healthy flesh appearing soon on her belly.

Any advice as to what to do once the ragged edges of the tumor are healing? Do I keep it covered? I want to deter her from chewing at that area, that's why I have to keep her in a onesie, she will tear at the wound.

Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 08/13/2021

You could buy Conforming Bandages for your cat if they are cheaper.

I would ditch the turmeric topically and start giving it to her internally instead, via sneaking it into her food, turmeric milk or eye-dropper to the back of her mouth. It could do more there and it wouldn't stain a thing!

Castor Oil Packs are amazingly healing )instructions on this site). They have never failed me or family.

After I pull the pack off, I would leave the oil in the area, then sprinkle baking soda on top, cover with gauze and then a conforming bandage or vet strips. I would do this 2x/day, morning and night.

Pure White Vinegar is another go-to! Been trying to heal a cut for 3 days, was about to use the C.O.P. on it, but first tried soaking it for 10 mins in the vinegar, undiluted (this did not sting my infected cut). After that it healed quickly. Sometimes simple is the best.

You could also use that eye-dropper I mentioned earlier to get some water/juice of 1 lime or lemon, 1/4tsp baking soda mixture in her, too. Mix in water glass and see how much she will drink. Bad things cannot live in an alkaline environment so I would help this along.

Please do update us on your fur baby.

Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Art (California) on 08/11/2021 2361 posts

Kitty Junkie,

When you apply hydrogen peroxide and blot it to remove excess moisture and then apply true colloidal silver, the residual hydrogen peroxide will cause the silver to fall out of suspension and render it ineffective. Applying colloidal silver with castor oil, the castor oil may coat the silver particles again rendering the ineffective.

In order for colloidal silver to be effective at wound healing, it must remain wet for maximal healing in the shortest amount of time. So creating an appropriate sized pad for the wound that is thick enough to hold enough CS and then placed on the wound and then wrap the pad multiple times in place with an Ace flexible bandage would be a way to get the most benefit from the colloidal silver. Try to use a long enough Ace wrap to completely cover the pad and hold it in place. Replace the pad every 12 hours and rewet as needed to keep the pad wet to speed the healing process of the wound. Keeping the pad wet also helps minimize bacterial resistance to the CS.

You can sprinkle the pad with curcumin before applying the pad to the wound, but topical curcumin stains anything it comes in contact with and can be messy.


Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 08/11/2021 233 posts

My son had an open fleshy wound normally I would just put raw honey over it but infection was visible. So I put turmeric and castor oil, it was paste consistency. Until the wound was clear of pus (two days) then I did turmeric, castor oil and honey. It was healing well with just the turmeric and castor oil and that's what I would be using since she will lick it and that's good for the turmeric but because of the tumor I'd avoid the sugar. I'd try and give other supplements (colloidal silver) orally, rather than topically, especially the turmeric will be beneficial. I'd also be trying to get comfrey into her because it's so good to quickly heal open wounds such as you describe. And I'd incorporate raw eggs into her diet for easy nutrient absorption and lysine. I'd drop the Dawn and only wash with warm water.

Castor Oil, Turmeric
Posted by KittyJunkie (New Mexico) on 08/11/2021 6 posts


So I posted a while back about my cat that has an open, ulcerated tumor on her belly that I have been treating now for over a month. I don't appear to be having good success with my treatments, as the tumor isn't healing as it should. I learned here that I can use castor oil on an open wound and its benefits. I also learned about turmeric and its benefits.

So here is what I've been doing, hopefully, someone can help me figure out why this is not working!

  • Daily, I clean the wound using some warm water with one drop of dawn blue dish soap and a clean cloth to gently press up onto the wound to try to clean up the previous day's castor oil solution.
  • I then spray some peroxide on the wound and let it bubble for a minute or two.
  • I blot it with a clean paper towel and then spray it liberally with my homemade colloidal silver.
  • I then mix about a tablespoon of castor oil with approximately 1/16th of a teaspoon of organic turmeric root powder.
  • I apply the castor/turmeric mixture to a clean sterile wound pad that I've sprayed down with colloidal silver.
  • I slip the pad over the wound on her belly and secure it with strips of vet wrap (Not tightly! ) around her body just enough to hold it in place and put her in a baby onesie.

It's been a month now, and there is still an infection that I can see on the surface of the tumor that is grayish/green/white in color. The tumor has a crevasse in the middle that I try to get the castor oil into. The surrounding edges of the tumor itself have small red sores that don't seem to be healing at all. I will say, that the tumor has grown a little bit in circumference since it burst open and since I've been treating it this way.

Can someone help me with this, or give me some advice on my treatment or how I SHOULD be treating this? I feel like there should be more clear evidence of healing by now. Thank you!

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by L (HI) on 08/07/2021

Try chlorine dioxide for your dog, it works on tumors but takes time, you will see benefits immediately, also topically several times a day using 10 drops (activated) in 1 oz water, spray as often as you can. Orally start with one drop diluted, increase according to weight.

Posted by Deirdre (Connecticut) on 08/03/2021

Thank you so much for your reply, Rob! I got the Diamond G turp today and started applying it to the mass where the vet had shaved the area to do a biopsy. Would applying the turpentine with DMSO be better?

I can tell you that the turpentine is causing the muscles around her shoulder blades to twitch A LOT starting about 10 minutes after each application, so something is going on. Will keep you updated. Thanks again!

Turmeric and Castor Oil
Posted by Sweet Karma (Idaho) on 08/01/2021

It is important to note that black pepper when used often is not good for cats. I'm not sure about dogs. Great for humans.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/01/2021

Yes, Turpentine is safe for all animals that I know of. It's the liquid blood of the pine tree. I remember hearing a story of a hunter in eastern KY and his dog got bitten by a copperhead or rattlesnake to the face. Poor dog head was swollen to the size of a basketball. Some people told him to put the dog down. But, he decided to rub turpentine with a cottonball all over the dog's head. He repeated this several times during the day. The swelling came down and the dog lived into his old years.

If the dog has a large mass, I would also give them turmeric powder in their food. Adjust dosage to weight.

Turpentine and Kerosene are universal healers.

My grandmother was my babysitter til I was 10 years old. Anytime one of us kids got a cut, sting or scrap, she would put kerosene on a nasty rag and wipe the area. It was the only medicine I knew of til I got older. lol

Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 08/01/2021

Hi Rob,

Thank you so much for your always interesting and detailed remedies and amazing stories on Earth Clinic!

I just finished reading your suggestion to a reader about pure gum spirits turpentine for a tumor in a cat's ear. Would you also suggest topical turpentine for a large tumor on a dog too? My 15 1/2 year old golden retriever has a mass pushing into her right shoulder blade that the vet thinks may be going into the bone based on xrays. The biopsy results came back inconclusive. I'm doing a few hydrogen peroxide 12% food grade drops in her food twice a day for the past 3 days and there's a significant increase in her energy, but not sure if it's shrinking this mass.

Appreciate any suggestions. Thank you so much!

Posted by Sarah (Encinitas) on 05/04/2021

Hi! Can you tell me what cancer diet and herbs you have your dog on? Thank you so much

Hydrogen Peroxide, DMSO
Posted by Eric (Alexandria) on 03/23/2021

Robytea did not use 35% HP with DMSO in a 50:50 ratio. On another website, they said they used 6% HP:

"I used a mixture of 6% hydrogen peroxide with DMSO. I reduced 35% HP with distilled water. I then applied the mixture with a Q-tip directly on the tumor. Don't be afraid to apply it at a couple of spots. The DMSO will penetrate the tumor carrying the HP with it. This worked for my cat so I don't see why it will not work for you. Apply this mixture as many times as you can. I did my cat 2-3 times a day. I saw results within 24 hours. Don't give up this will work. My results may be different than yours. You can email me directly at [email protected]"

Castor Oil
Posted by Flower's Mom (Pueblo of Acoma, NM) on 02/05/2021

Hi Connie,

I used colloidal silver to treat a cancerous growth on my dog Flower's leg. I gave it to her both orally and topically as often as she would let me. It took several days, possibly even a few weeks (I can't remember) but the silver shrank the tumor until finally it was just attached by a small piece of tissue and fell off. I will tell you that it got worse before it got better, turning different colors and even developed some tentacle-like growths out of the top. I wrote about it on another post but I can't find where it is. Perhaps the moderators for Earth Clinic can help with that. In any case, I wish you and your baby well. I hope that is helpful.

Castor Oil
Posted by Connie (Erial, NJ) on 12/26/2020


I have a 16 year old Maine coon cat that I acquired for my sister which now has a cancerous tumor on his front leg. After visiting with the vet, he said it was too big to remove there wasn't enough skin to put it back together so he told me to take them home and let him live his life out.

So now I'm looking for remedies holistically I came across castor oil so I've been rubbing that on his leg for two days now and it seems to be shrinking. But what am I to expect to happen? Will the tumor burst, or will the tumor shrink, or are there any other remedies I should use? Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Posted by Carol (Texas ) on 06/07/2019

I was a little skeptical about using turmeric at first. I was rubbing my cats belly and noticed a cyst the size of an egg -it felt like it was attached to the sternum - and did not move around-and it was not hard or soft. I checked those things as I have had cysts on cats before and these are all the things vets check.

Any of my pets that had cysts removed in the past did not recover- even when they were diagnosed as benign. So there was no way I would have this removed and no way I would put my baby through chemo or radiation (if it were cancer).

So I researched and found an article on Earth Clinic for turmeric- and read the reviews as well. My baby didn't have anything to lose (except a cyst)...so we had to give it a try. I researched the best turmeric brands as well. One reviewer had mentioned Thorne research group products, and I actually had that on hand. I had bought it for another cat that had ruptured 2 discs in his back for the inflammation.....it had worked great! Now I would try it for this cyst. It is in capsule form and is a special formula so that it is well absorbed by your pet.

After only 4 days the cyst shrank from the size of an egg to size of a marble, and now it felt mobile under the skin. It has now been 12 days (at one capsule daily) and it appears to be COMPLETELY GONE . I will dose him for another 3 days to make sure ... my cat did not seem to have any side effects at all- I pilled him and It has been a stress free experience for us all.

Thanks to “Earth Clinic “for the wonderful article!!!

Posted by Suki (Oxnard) on 03/05/2019

My dog has skin tumors, diagnosed with dermal hemangiosarcoma (and I'm pretty sure it's from his bad start in life, being emaciated and abused, then put in the pound, where he was fully vaccinated and subjected to neuter surgery while still in an emaciated state.) I've tried cannabis oil and applying turmeric paste (also have tried the Budwig diet on him, but he is exceedingly picky about what he will eat or take in his mouth, which is why I shoot liquid vitamins into his mouth directly. He has eaten some raw, but then changes his mind and wants something else. He never eats dog food - and mostly eats organic. He has not been vaccinated since he left the pound. The small red hemangiosarcoma tumors do tend to dry up and go away with application of the turmeric golden paste, but now he has a larger pink (not red) tumor on his sheath, and I'm concerned about that.

I'm wondering what is the BEST solution for that tumor. Surgery frightens me, as I had a bad experience with a dog getting surgery in the past.

Essiac Tea, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sherri M. (Florida) on 03/24/2020

I have a 7 year old mixed breed dog that has a tumor on her mouth. She also had a large fatty type tumor on her chest. I have changed her diet and have included turmeric, Essiac tea, and food grade hydrogen peroxide. She's been on the diet for 2 weeks with the tea and hydrogen peroxide for a week. The fatty tumor on her chest is almost gone, but the mouth tumor has increased in size. How long does the tea and peroxide take to work? I don't want to end up having to take her in for emergency surgery.

Posted by RSW (OH) on 12/19/2019


Maybe try the Panacur C fenbendazole for cancer. My cat has had two swollen red areas on her ear for ten months. When we took her to the vet last February, she took some samples and looked at them under her microscope and said they did not appear to be cancer, (the samples were not sent to a lab) but they will not heal. I have been giving her the fenbendazole for about four weeks now, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then four days off as Joe Tippens recommends for humans, about 1/5 of a one gram packet. I mix it with her food. (Joe took 1 gram at 115 lbs. when he had cancer everywhere in his body, and continues with that today for maintenance, so I think 1/5 gram would be OK for my 15 lb. cat). They have become a dark color and almost seem to be going away, but come back again. Joe's site says it takes about ten weeks to work, and then continue for maintenance, in humans, so I will continue with this. I think this is the best choice, with at least 40 humans reporting their various cancers have disappeared. It can't hurt your pet, in any cast, because the recommended amount to worm a ten pound animal is 1 full gram for three days in a row. His liver and kidneys must be OK to clear it.

Best wishes.

Posted by Susan (United States) on 12/17/2019

I just found out my dog, Jesse, a pug/manchester terrier mix, most likely has a brain tumor after two seizures 8 days apart....he has never had any before and he is 14. Pugs are very susceptible the vet said and his age. We are doing all the blood work, but she says it still is most likely he has a brain tumor. I have an medical grade ozone machine so I will put it in his ears and rectally every day.

I had a girl friend who dissolved her brain tumor mostly taking DMSO and applying it on her head. I need to know other things I can be doing and what the dosage of DMSO should be.. He is on a grassfed/organic mostly meat diet, no grains. Thanks for any help you can give. I love my dog awful!

Posted by Saykiatric (Central Florida) on 05/01/2020

Kelp helped reduce tumors in my boxer years ago.

DMSO and Colloidal Silver
Posted by Melinda (Seattle) on 02/19/2020

I discovered a lump about the size of a walnut shell on the lower front part of my Wheaten Terrier Bonnie's hind leg. I thought it was cancer and my vet agreed. We scheduled a surgery date. The vet showed me how it was easy to move the lump from side to side and said that indicated it hadn't metastasized.

That night I applied 50/50 DMSO and colloidal silver to the lump. The next morning it had shrunk and no longer looked inflamed. I called the vet and she said keep it up. I continued to apply this mix morning and evening for a few weeks and it continued to shrink into a smaller hard lump under the skin. I cancelled the surgery. When it got about the size of a marble it wasn't shrinking anymore, so I stopped the application. That was over two years ago, and the shriveled up lump is now about the size of a pea. A vet who recently saw Bonnie for another matter noticed the lump and she said she wouldn't worry about it. I honestly think we beat cancer. Bonnie also had a harmless fatty tumor (diagnosed by two vets) near her shoulder for years. When I applied the same mix to it, overnight it also shrunk up into a small condensed lump.

February 26, 2021 Update:

I took a little eye dropper bottle and filled it half with silver and half with DMSO. I took an empty bottle and filled it half with silver and half with DMSO, then shook it.

the silver was Source Naturals. I used a medicine dropper, then smoothed it gently with my finger to make sure it was covered. I suggest you try it on a small lump and see if you like the outcome, then take it from there. Please post and let us know.

May 20, 2021 Update

Recently the vet did a needle biopsy and it turned out to NOT be cancerous. I don't want to mislead anyone about anything so serious.

Aloe Arborescens Formula
Posted by Vanessa (Texas) on 06/22/2020

Do not cut any roots. Keep bandaged and let fall off naturally

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Patricia (Kentucky) on 06/09/2020

What strength of how are you giving your bird? I have 12% and 35% food grade. My Yorkie Ginger Pop had several tumors on her body but the vet can't operate due to her heart condition. I am on the 35% food grade for my lung cancer.

Castor Oil
Posted by Martha (California) on 09/20/2018

HI Sigmund or Anyone who could comment on effective treatments against Intra-Nasal tumors I am very sorry about your doberman's condition. I am in a similar situation with my chihuahua, Despite the medical report and aware of the regular outcomes, I am hopeful for a positive turn around. I am wondering if you tried the castor oil compresses and/or the Budwig protocol? If so, I would really appreciate if you could comment if you tried any of these alternative therapies, or may be you tried other treatments? What did you experience during the process of the treatment/s? What worked, what didn't? Anything that worked well that you might recommend? Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, as I understand this may be sensitive topic to share. Thus far, God has sustained my little dog, he was in critical condition a week ago, his main problem is obstruction of the airway, miraculously he is surviving thanks be to God. In addition I am using food as medicine. I feed him a vegetarian/ketogenic diet using extra virgin raw coconut oil, I make organic green juice and supplementing with organic wheat grass juice powder, cat's claw extract, probiotics, turmeric, vit D, and a multivitamin. He has shown improvement, nasal mucus discharge has greatly decreased and is breathing better. I am wondering if the castor oil compress would help or not? or if the Budwig protocol worked for you or not? Thank you again. --Martha

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Danemom (Beloit, Wi) on 08/05/2018

@Talei Sparkle from EC's F/B:

This has helped lead us to "neoplasene". I was unable to find any vet assistance for bloodroot or neoplasene from any of our 4 vets, and also dead end leads from me calling around tirelessly around the Midwest to holistic and natural vets. If it wasn't a skin tumor they passed me off, sadly.

I did finally receive an appointment with a natural vet clinic in Kansas and she has been working with neoplasene for cancer treatments for 15+ years. We should be receiving the RX next week. She recommends oral even for OS cancer, as injecting is "very painful".

A few things I've learned so far that seem like good information to share forward to EC.

Per this Vet -- It cannot be used with antioxidants and is not compatible with a raw meat diet. So she has advised waiting at least 6 hours before taking anything such as fish oil, Budwig flax+protein, Vit C (which we include in Lysine/Threonine hourly cocktails in the morning). Due to the time constraints of taking oral neoplasene every 12 hours with food(! ), it may mean taking a break from some of these other treatments. It's a leap of faith for sure to change tracks.

I have found zero information on bloodroot or neoplasene specifically for osteosarcoma or bone cancers! This is our focus. Lots of good information for skin and soft tissue cancers though.

Has anyone else had any experience here? I am hoping for a big reduction of tumor size altogether, and desperately hoping for a cure of course.
Please share.

Turmeric and Castor Oil
Posted by Kelly B (Raleigh, Nc) on 07/31/2018

I SO agree; this is one reason why I use fresh ground, high quality pepper on almost everything I serve as food to my family. Pepper/piperine enhances absorption so much and our foods are already so depleted, anything we can do to increase nutrients is a significant benefit.

Castor Oil
Posted by Cindy K. (EC - Facebook) on 07/27/2018

My dog Shylo was diagnosed with a tumor on his hind leg that the vet suggested we have removed before it got any bigger to the tune of $700.00. I applied warm compresses first then the Castor Oil. Held it on him for a couple minutes. Twice a day for a couple weeks and it is gone.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 07/17/2018

Dane Mom,

The Lysine, Ted may not say this? In my case, I would stay with the lysine, throughout this. It is harmless to healthy bodies. It kills the bad stuff. So maybe, if I were on your path, 3 days. 2 off. Then 3 days. Ted usually ups the amount of times a day, when he writes to the most serious questions. Lysine and threonine are our immunity. They build it. If we and our pets were living clean and not vaccinated, chances are we would derive enough from food and digestion. This is no longer the case.

In our case, the devastation vaccination wrought on our dogs was devastating.

My Mom took in every stray, at one time, 12 dogs. Sometimes less. I saw poor little messes turn into healthy good dogs. Just eating and being loved. They lived on pet food but in the 60s and 70s food was an entirely different matter. That and they only got a rabies shot. Were dewormed.

We had passels of guinea pigs when we homeschooled our kids, dogs birds, rabbit, cats. They were not the pets I grew up with. Their challenges were crazy hard. The guinea pigs all got kidney stones, tumors. They all were too fat. My trek for healing our family included those little piggies.

As we healed, appropriate to their diet, vegetarian, we began treating them. Lysine was my first tool. It extended their lives. Improved their lives. The cat lived to be nearly 20. Key to cat health, liver, lysine.

The dogs it was 1 thing after the other. Their 4 year shots brought disaster. Epilepsy, bad thyroids, ACL tears, ear infection, tumors, cataracts, anxiety.

I was overwhelmed, first and foremost was always diet. Off commercial food.

Magnesium, mag phos, chamomilla, rhus tox, liver, liver sausage, no nitrates, our butcher grinds beef hearts and organ meats. Looks like hamburger. I cannot face too many organs, lol. A local farmer cans his pot roast, shoulders, for human consumption, cooked, no additives. It became the dog food. It was hard to convince our doodle to eat raw. So lightly cooked meats and that food.

That was the mainstay, the throat collapse of our retriever was due to nonabsorption of selenium, so as each thing cropped up, if Ted had not addressed it, on to Google and studies.

1 of those 4 dogs is still with us, she is 12 now, but her ear problems and fatty tumors remain/persist. Her cancer is gone. Fatty tumors are different and grow. I am going to start her on azoxystrobin and BHT this weekend. These, Ted talks about in this email below. The cannabutter for them was a godsend.

As far as Tannic, I buy from wine makers supply. Golden in color. There are brown ones, Ted specifically says golden.

The bone broth, bulletproof has been so reliable. I use it as a tool, extra nutrients, cilantro, lecithin. Whatever we are facing it is my absorption tool. In my family, it helped our daughter with narcolepsy get on her feet, the profound exhaustion. Sleep no rest. Our other daughter it was the first thing in her healing. It began digestion where she had none. 25 years of mystery illness. It started her gut. All of our other efforts only got her so far then she would just stop. It was the tool that got her on her feet. I give it, as a go out the door with a lysine remedy if a virus tries to get started around here. Nutrition boost, digestion, intestine, digestive juncture start. So it does not look like Dave Asprys version in my house, here it is a kick start. Bone broth, vegetarian broth, for one daughter. It is a good drink to boost someone in hospital. It is a great carrier and lightens some of the load when you are doing so many things, you need a thing to carry it all in. Liver so rich in enzymes and Amino's is an ideal addition.

In dogs, they do not produce Bs well and in people and it is C. So the brewers yeast or liver go in the broth. For people, the C goes in the lysine remedy.

The recipes for BHT, an oil preservative, I buy capsules. Give first in am, one capsule, 250 mg some are 325. An hour before food. Then natto. Later.

Azoxystrobin, the recipe, 10% powder in 90% water. Let stand, cap shake. 1 to 2 drops 3x a day.

Bloodroot extract, this is added to stop the growth of the cancer. Part of another remedy. If you search on E.C. for azoxystrobin. There is a remedy there in those emails that puts all 3 of these together for another effective arm to your cancer killing fight. 3 to 4 drops a day. Your drops, for dogs. Water and drops suctioned into a syringe. Separate doses. So bloodroot apart from azoxystrobin.

To buy, Amazon, azoxystrobin, Ted recommends, Amistar 50WG powder. They only sell it a short time each year you may have to really look hard. If not able to find it, I would still include the other 2. You can find on Amazon or E bay.



Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Dane Mom (Beloit, Wi) on 07/15/2018

Hi Janet - thank you, again, I am trying to move everything forward and will surely have ongoing questions. You are a wealth of information and am glad (maybe even envious) of your connection to Ted. I am new to this site but can see his immense influence and knowledge.

I am following through and have a few questions:

1) Lysine - Question: Do I continue doing this pace ongoing indefinitely? I kept seeing reference to "3 days" and then was unsure what happened after that 3 day period. Update on our progress since last post: We took a 2 day break and then have continued the combination of 2000mg Lysine, 500mg Threonine, 1000 mg Vitamin C every hour for 4 hours AM and PM. I have also added the powder from a K2 capsule and also Milk Thistle just because it was convenient to add to the mixture instead of pushing the pills. This is all added to spring water and given by a syringe.

Tannic Acid - Question: Are all tannic acid powders the same? I want to start this immediately. I've not been able to locate it and I want to be accurate. Do you have a link you can share? There is a wine tannic acid powder and a chem lab tannic acid on Amazon.com. Only one of them states its source, as grape stems and skins. The pending patent and study shows the source as "To obtain the active tannic acid and tannin complexes, the trunk of any of the plants of the Musaceae Family" which is a banana tree and does not mention grape.

Tannic Acid - Sharing: read this! I found this patent online and include many very intriguing patient cures on the bottom and a long list of cancers which tannic acid could be effective for - including osteosarcoma. https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1005350A1/en

Doggie Bulletproof (I love this!) - Question 1: Is your recipe to include the carrot juice + bone broth + butter (all other ingredients listed in that paragraph)? Question 2: Can raw or fresh-simmered liver be used instead of powers or is that less appetizing for our doggie snack?

Enzymes - Other than the Natto, and the Lysine/Threonine routine. I do not know what enzymes to be giving Kalli for osteosarcoma. What did Ted recommend?

I am sure I will have more for you soon Janet. Thank you for the tip on self care too. I am living 24/7 for this terrible cancer and trying to save my Kalli-love.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 07/12/2018

Dane Mom

I forgot the vitamin D and Enzymes.

Vitamin D by weight is 40 to 70iu per lb. Body weight. So about 49,000iu a day at the high end. 40,000iu at the low end. Check my math. At least during this challenging time, possibly.

Enzymes, this is a puzzle for me. Ted recommends lots of enzymes during this time to breakup and emulsify out tumors.

The problem I see with that is giving them on an empty tummy. Maybe you have that pill pusher that pushes a pull into throat. A Dane would have an enormous mouth to try to give capsules by hand. Lots of bromelain and protein digesting enzymes on an empty stomach if you can. Aside from the natto.

More stuff, too much stuff. I know. Some will resonate some will not. I feel that you want to know everything. Then can sort what you wish to incorporate as you go along.


Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 07/12/2018

Dane Mom,

Sorry I missed your post, I usually check back. I do not know what I did.

Anyway, first I go with what I know. Something I know nothing about is moringa. But it is a food, a plant, nutrient dense. So in that case, I suspect your good. Ted does often discuss it, and references nutrient dense is not added or fortified with extra stuff. Nutrients, digestion, killing the cancer. Would be the focus and you are doing that.

Seaweed calcium, extracted. I personally would leave that behind. Food with whole nutrients. Dogs do not need much from veggies.

Yet I have been reading about vitamin A. Hard to absorb from supplements. But from carrots. We all sop it right up. It is a vitamin that is not discussed too much. I suspect this might help. It is the only veggies I use now. Pumpkin plain is a great addition for anal glands and any digestion issue that results in constipation or the runs. Quite a little miracle. 1/4 cup as needed.

So let me revise a little.

If I were starting today.

Bone broth warmed can be made or bought, organic, amazon and Co ops carry it. Carrot juice, you can buy it or juice it. MSM, powdered for pain and added sulfur. Coconut oil or MCT oil. Grass fed butter. Liver powder, make this up as a doggie bulletproof snack. You could use this for other supplements too. Selenium yeast, vitamin D, etc. Not the lysine remedy that is separate.

I use an $20 Oster blender. Broth, carrot juice all go in. This would be a snack, juicy yummy bone broth. Make a quart. Give a few oz a few x a day for more nutrients. Dense and rich.

The topical remedy is to penetrate to his bone and kill the cancer directly. So you could buy some fabric. Tear or fold an old clean tee shirt or two. Try to wash it clean of softener residue or store finishes. I wash all of mine in borax. No softener. Very toxic. But I rub it on. I use packs. Whatever I think will work. That Is different with each dog. Often as I can. Which means I am fallible. I had to take a day to breathe. Your dogs are as dependent as babies, look to us to fix the bad. Ted always recommends a break, for the patient, for you too I suspect. I had laser eye. I watched them endlessly. Everything. What I found out was I could rely on Teds advice. Took me a long time to not watch them like a hawk.

They were vaccinated, over vaccinated, I tried to undo that and build immunity.

That is the lysine remedy. You can give it hourly 4 doses, have lunch and restart a round at night for 2 hourly or 4. What I noticed was they felt better. With our Golden he was a very big dog with a bad thyroid. I would give more of the remedy. Particular to labs and Golden's, their skin does not absorb well neither does their fur. So I never thought the topical was enough. My thinking, not a real fact.

So here is where I am a little lost. I cannot remember if I mentioned Teds alkalinity drink. So if I did not. 2 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp baking soda. Let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water. Split into 2 doses syringe in 2 x a day 1/2 hour after food. Baking soda kills cancer. Ted says when you have nothing to lose, this is the winner. Baking soda is anticancer, cancer killer. It emulsifies old fats. It removes what does not belong.

Because bone cancer is so serious, I would be throwing everything effective at it. Topically and internally.

I keep my notes taped to my daily schedule and refer often. Right on my cabinet door. I make as much as I can ahead. Usually no more than 3 days ahead of use. The Apple Cider Vinegar remedy every day fresh.

So 3 additions I think might help.

Tannic acid, used in wine making in serious illness a real healer drops can be added to food.

Buy a few ounces from Amazon. 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water. Add 5 drops to each meal. Can be constipating. So there is pumpkin if needed.

EDTA this is a soap and a great blood cleaner. Possibly will help prevent cancer from spreading. Removing it harmlessly through elimination. Refrigerate.

Tetrasodium EDTA, not calcium EDTA 30% EDTA in a mason jar. Add 70% spring water. Let dissolve. Cap and shake. 10 drops on food. Excellent circulation clearing. We use it all the time.

I do not know if we discussed borax. 20 Mule Team Borax. To remove existing fluoride toxins from his bones and joints. 1/8 tsp in a liter of water add a few drops when you refill water for him. It will help remove the deadly toxin from his body.

Remember you cannot run yourself down, trying. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Bulletproof is a great boost for anyone. Made with coffee or broth or tea. 1 cup in the blender. Add 1 heap of collagen, 1 tbsp of MCT, 1 tbsp of butter. Blend and drink. Amazing real help.

I will check more carefully for replies if I missed something. Janet

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/09/2018

Dane Mom, google Clay Packs. Basically you simply mix some healing clay with water and make a "mud", and apply it with or without a bandage.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Dane Mom (Beloit, Wi) on 07/08/2018

Re: Janet In 07/06/2018 -

Thank you so much! I am working through this information implementing as quickly and thoroughly as possible. I'll reply in pieces. Progress so far, from this advice...

Calcium - oh shoot!?! I have stopped. Seaweed calcium powder had been advised by her holistic vet to be added to her meals because he felt home cooked meals would be nutrient deficient, and calcium was needed for the bone cancer. Apparently that was not good advice from the vet. I have been sprinkling moringa on her bowl of food too, but I see that it also has calcium in addition to other vitamins and protein. Does the moringa also need to be eliminated? I was depending on that for a bit of greens and bulk of nutrients not in the meat/broth itself.

I have now added the supplements D3 (20,000 iu) after lunch, and strontium 2000mg once a day a few hours before or after a meal.

Lysine remedy - we have just finished day 3. Questions:
1) I am unclear from Ted's protocol posts, and your reply here, what happens next after day 3?
2) Also, for a dog, is this only in the morning or is this also repeated in the evening?

Topical DMSO + castor oil - Question: how often should this topical treatment occur?
We have now completed 2 applications of mixed ratio, roughly, as DMSO 55% /castor-oil15%/iodine15%/aloe-juice15%/clove-oil 5 drops. I do not know the best % measurements though and preservative free aloe juice was the only product I could locate, not aloe vera oil. I did not yet have a wool or towel to do a castor-oil/DMSO pack, but instead just applied this other small mixture to her tumor lump with a natural sponge.

I look forward to replying with you more. How are your two dogs? I can tell you have worked through your own struggle and gained a lot of experience; and my heart goes out to you and all fur-parents trying to self educated and heal their pets.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/08/2018 233 posts

Our boy loves raw fresh or frozen chicken feet. Fresh they are gone in few seconds while frozen is a treat he loves to chew on. Maybe you can try this. I totally understand not wanting to stress further by changing/withholding food too much. But yes raw is best. Even rarely cooked liver will supply lots of vitamins n minerals. LI can be taken internally, but as it is a harsh detoxer maybe not recommended. Just add the kelp to meals. I would consider the topical in two stages, the Li and Dmso clove, possibly castor, then the aloe castor on after treatment to soothe the skin. Aloe oil I couldn't find either and settled for pure gel. I have only used internally on myself but it is great for inflammation. Janet has given great advice in particular to support the liver (toxin excretion) so you want that pathway clear. I am unsure on the sugar, having seen many protocols with and without, maybe reduce the amount of honey. I second the advice of ditching the calcium supps, do more harm than anything, if you want calcium get it from foods. And the Mg and K2 and D3 will direct it. Baking soda is another great suggestion for cancer remedy. The mineral rich baths, sea salt, clay, borax, baking soda Epsom salts will be very beneficial and soothing, getting minerals in and toxins out without going through the mouth (stressing Kalli). Please keep us posted any developments.

Best, Teena

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/08/2018 2043 posts

The diet protocol looks like a good one, with the exception of Hemp/CBD Oil given orally.

It is imperative to treat this condition also locally or topically. Here is a list of topical remedies that will bring very good results. Magnet Therapy (the stronger the magnet the better), For starters, double some refrigerator mags and wrap them around the affected area for an extended period of time. When taken off, apply a mixture of DMSO gel mixed with high ppm Colloidal Silver over the entire area. Hemp/CBD Salve applied liberally will help considerably.

Also is very beneficial for fighting cancer and improving overall condition is applying or rubbing some Vit-E Oil anywhere on the skin surface where it can be absorbed into the body. Lots of otc E Oils but not usually effective enough for serious conditions, so add a few punctured softgels of Tocotreinols into the bottle and shake well. To further the efficacy of the Vit-E, sprinkle CoQ10 from capsules onto his/her food. This will greatly help energy & oxygen levels in all the cells thus starving the cancer cells.

Another good topical remedy is to rub the affected area with Povidone Iodine. Moisten a washcloth with filtered water and then saturate with 10% P.I.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Dane Mom (Beloit, Wi) on 07/07/2018

Re: Teena from Melbourne Australia 07/03/2018:

Yes, emulsified, organic & Barleans brand 100% refrigerated flax oil. The honey + black seed oil does make me concerned because of the sugar. I am uneducated if the honey is really needed for the black seed oil to be effective. This is a good question for this Earth Clinic post.

We stopped kibble immediately and only knew of one way to feed her sugar/carb-free by the next meal; simmered meats (low temp, crock pot with water). I am trying to introduce raw meats to Kalli, but she is strongly resistant to eating it and I worry for her immune system and any stress of doing the "tough love" standoff with her for a few days. The furthest she has eaten for me, with skepticism, is some raw ground turkey mixed with cottage cheese. Is simmered meat worse than dry food, for cancer?

Updating: Hunting down the materials, we have just applied a 100% DMSO, iodine/iodide, castor oil, aloe Juice(?), clove oil mixture to her leg! Things I am unclear about are:

1) I could not locate aloe vera oil, even online. Is aloe oil what should be used?
2) Should any (all) of this be taken orally too, or is it most effective as a topical bone tumor treatment?
3) Am I doing it right.. anything else better/needed to reverse cancel cells?

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Dane Mom (Beloit, Wi) on 07/07/2018

I am so happy to see these replies! I had been watching the Recent Post and not seeing my entry (?), but here it is and such great insight. Thank you. Mmsg Somewhere, Europe 06/30/2018 - This is totally new to my ears, can you tell me more about what/how/when. I am interested in ANYTHING that could reverse the osteosarcoma.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Helen Ahne (EC's F/B) on 07/08/2018

CBD oil.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Talei Sparkle (EC's F/B) on 07/08/2018

Maybe google black salve/ bloodroot for pets? Good luck x

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Susan Shephard (EC's F/B) on 07/08/2018

I have been hearing a lot about the healing powers of high doses of vitamin C on people but not on animals. So good to hear.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by John Carver (EC's F/B) on 07/08/2018

Intravenous Vitamin C... described and documented here: ... http://www.doctoryourself.com/ckorea2008.html
further reading here: ... http://www.doctoryourself.com/chemovitC.html

and here: ... whether Doctors or Veterinarians... same advice applies...

and if you still aren't convinced simple Vitamin C cures cancer... in pets...

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 07/06/2018

Danes Mom,

For our dogs cancerous tumors, cannabutter was the fix. Ours were full of tumors. Also look up Rick Simpson oil. If you are in a state that offers medical pot all the better, as it works better. You may be able to travel to obtain it. If nothing else the pain relief would be helpful.

Bone cancer, I would use Teds internal, people remedies. In his bone cancer remedies. Sometimes in the US you can find Sabah snake grass on eBay or Amazon. It sells out fast.

I am not sure why you have added calcium to the regime. It will prevent absorption of all the good things you are doing. Free calcium in blood and organs it counterproductive.

Instead, to drive the good nutrients that he eats, the calcium that's there can be utilized better, you might want to add vitamin d3 and not supp. the calcium. This can be purchased in drops. Added to food. Our 40 lb dog and 70 lb dog get about 10,000 iu a day. The companions of d3 are magnesium, k2, selenium is very low in cancer patients.

So for k2, we use nattokinase which is a rich source, it'd properties are as an enzyme, cleans the blood of fibrin, debris. Easily. Given as a capsule, pushed down the throat or with applicator. Before any food.

Magnesium, this is a sticky wicket, you want to give him enough, a lot, yet he might get the runs. You need 2 avenues here, through the skin, diet.

Through the skin. If he will lay down in a kiddy pool or feet in buckets. Epsom Salts 1 cup, 1/2 cup 20 mule team borax, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide oxygenates the body. Oxygen kills cancer. Borax removes cancer causing fluoride, makes the body rich in boron to displace the offender out. He needs magnesium in every inch of himself, to improve digestion, bone health, correcting bones and joints.

2nd magnesium strategy. Magnesium oil, buy magnesium flakes. In a mason jar, 60% flakes, 40% spring water. Let stand 1 hour. Cap and shake. Buy a 16 oz glass spray bottle. Fill with mag oil. Spray his tummy and legs and rub in, often.

Internal magnesium, 250 mg magnesium malate, it is rich in malate's helping keep stools firm, but digestible amount of mag with it. If his stools seem to hard add a drop or 2 of mag oil to his food, extra, will balance it out.

So now, selenium yeast 100mcg. This mineral gets depleted quick. Is an effective fungus candida fighter. Often part of cancers ability to grow.

Only give him fluoride free water, mineral or spring water, fluoride can undo all your good effort. A pinch in drinking water, of 20 Mule Team Borax, every third day will remove any in his body to promote your efforts.

Essiac, we use as a nutrient and cancer fighter.

1 tbsp of non GMO lecithin, on food. To get his liver clean free of bad fats, liver optimization is so important. 1x a day. The first week. Then every other day. So he does not have a herxmier reaction. Add 1/4 tsp of cilantro in food. Every other day. To remove heavy metals gently. Then after 1 week, 2 x a week.

Liver function must have b vitamins, a scoop of brewers yeast or dried liver to his food. You can add extra niacinamide, not niacin. This can be purchased as a powder. 1/4 tsp every day. Or open a capsule.

Baking soda, cancer killer. Alkalizing the body, circulation protector, brain protector, digestion helper. 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp of baking soda, let fizz, add 1/2 glass of water. Pour 1/2 on breakfast 1/2 on dinner. Keeps alkalinity up to fight cancer.

Lysine remedy. For 3 days I mix this up as a solution. To give hourly doses for 4 hours in am. Through syringe. 1 liter of spring water. Add 8000 mg l lysine powder. 2000 mg l threonine powder. 1000 mg sodium ascorbate. Cap and shake. Mark bottle with 12 lines. 4 doses a day. syringe in, a dose an hour. Lysine only lasts 55 minutes in body. The reason this timing.


Castor oil packs. Topically fighting the cancer. I would get an old threadbare towel. Fold it to fit his leg. 3 to 5 folds. Drop in a gallon ziploc. Add castor oil. To saturate. Use bag as squeegee, pull out towel or flannel. Lay flat. Add some sprays of magnesium oil. Put on his leg. Maybe with an ace bandage. If he will sit with it. Add a heating pad. 20 minutes. Castor oil tells the body, send healing here, now.

When our dogs have had challenges. I rub in some iodine. 5% lugols iodine. Near whatever I am treating. On us on the guinea pigs, cats and dogs. It boosts the body. Every other day then 1 or 2 x a week.

Food. Try to stick to organic non GMO it will help during this challenge.

DMSO. Can be added to castor oil pack. You must wash clean the treatment area as DMSO carries good and bad through the skin. But it is the magic of topical treatment as it penetrates like no other thing. Targeting that cancer head on.

These are my standards for treating our dogs. I might change things for different ailments, but these have worked. Sabah snake grass if available somewhere is worth the pursuit, from everything Ted has said. I had not found it until we were not needing it.

The first week I treat everyday. 2nd week I go to Ted's recommendation of 5 days on 2 days off. Those 2 days are to absorb the good and allow the body to dump garbage. Janet

Here is Ted's info


Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 07/03/2018 233 posts

Hello Danemom,

Good on you for getting rid of the kibble, but wouldn't raw pastured meat be better than cooked (carcinogenic) meat? Particularly the raw organ meats, especially liver. For the Budwig diet, please ensure you emulsify the mix well, and hopefully you are using flax oil that you bought refrigerated and keep it so, as unrefrigerated it is rancid and you are introducing toxins when you do not want to do that. Ted always said to get rid of any sugars when fighting cancers, however I understand you are following a protocol and you have researched this. First thought I had though, was lugol's iodine, and after perusing some old thoughts of Ted, you may further research applying topically Iodine with DMSO and for extra strength, clove oil, if she licked it she is unlikely to do it again, as LI tastes pretty foul, and many have taken li and DMSO internally. Best to you

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Tim (Georgia (Rep.of)) on 07/02/2018 21 posts


According to National Prevention of Cancer (NPC) trial MethylSelenocysteine decreased the incidence of total cancer and death. Gambogic Acid - dried resin of Garcinia morella/ or hanburyi, is tested as RECK (cancer reversing factor) activator. Both are available online.

God bless You!

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/30/2018

Dane Mom, clay packs will eventually pull it out or dissolve it. And even before that, it'll get rid of pain, if there is any.

Osteosarcoma Remedies
Posted by Dane Mom (Beloit, Wi) on 06/30/2018

Hello - I have been reading all entries related to bone cancer and osteosarcoma but am reaching out to find out Ted's best and most up to date protocol. My 6.5 year old Dane (94 lbs) was taken to the Vet for a limp, and after misdiagnosing for a month as a fracture turned out to be osteosarcoma. We started seeking and treating with every seemingly effective treatment I could find.

It has been 6 weeks since dx:

1) 2 Tbsp Budwig Flax Oil + 2 Tbps organic cottage cheese + ground walnut/apricot-seed/pumpkin-seed/sunflower-seed. We would do this twice daily

2) diet change - zero kibble now, we simmer meat or foul and add supplements such as seaweed calcium and moringa powder For the past 2 weeks we have added:

3) 1/2 tsp blackseed oil + 1/2 tsp honey

4) Essiac tea twice a day 4 oz each ////

Although she seems healthy, the growth of her leg has not reduced and has slightly enlarged. She limps heavily. I've been told it grows rapidly, typically, so maybe only a small increase is good. BUT, Ted, I need help and know that time is not on my side. Please, I am looking for a protocol - even hope for a cure - and have nothing but negative information from doctors and limited solid information from self research.

Some days she turns her nose at all food except the honey+blackseed. Most days she has a good appetite though.

EC: Dear Dane Mom,

We're so sorry to hear about your Great Dane. Unfortunately our brilliant contributor Ted had a stroke 3 years ago and has been unable to correspond with Earth Clinic readers since then. Hopefully one of our other wonderful contributors will have some ideas for you.

Turmeric and Castor Oil
Posted by Katydid (Texas) on 06/29/2018

Dear Om, I normally agree with your advice, but not in this. This is why you SHOULD add black pepper to your turmeric. The piperine in the black pepper is essential for absorption of the curcumin that turmeric contains. If it doesn't allow the link to post, look up "piperine, study, turmeric, NCBI" in Google. Tumeric alone is not nearly as effective! Black pepper increased human bioavailability by 2000 percent. (That is not a typo. Two THOUSAND percent.) I am not saying that turmeric alone will do nothing. I'm saying that obviously adding the black pepper 1.) isn't going to hurt anything, and 2.) allows for far superior absorption.


Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric
Posted by Mary (St Louis Mo) on 06/14/2018

Sounds like a mass on elbow could be a hygroma. Can get as large as softball & from trauma- dog on hard surface hitting elbow bone (or sometime pelvis on hip w hard surface) Fills w fluid from trauma. See a lot in large breed dogs that plop down on concrete or hardwood floors Most vets will suggest NOT draining the fluid Possibility infection Make dog lie on dog bed or soft surface Warm compresses to reduce fluid buildup Massage Could take weeks for body to reabsorb fluids once trauma to elbow stops It is not a cyst or tumor Think they sell elbow pads online?? But just need to stop lying & plopping on a hard surface.

Check out hygroma online. See it a lot in Irish Wolfhounds.

Ted's Remedies Feedback
Posted by Katydid (Houston, Tx) on 05/31/2018

I've just read Ted's post on giving dogs 20,000iu vitamin D2 every other day here https://ted.earthclinic.com/pets /tumors4.html.

Is this correct?? That is a HUGE dose. Typo maybe meant to be two thousand, not twenty thousand? Thoughts?

Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric
Posted by Evelyn (California) on 05/19/2018

Can you explain what is Bicarbonate and how you used it? My dog has soft tissue mass on front elbow and I am trying different things. Essential oils not really helping. Can you share the name of herbalist? THanks.

Turmeric and Castor Oil
Posted by Kawaihau (Kapaa, Hi) on 04/08/2018

Need help! Have a 15 year old pit/lab mix that has something on top of his toe that looks exactly like this except his is a dark purplish color and the fir is gone. I talked to my vet and he is to old for surgery. I have been giving him turmeric and apply castor oil, but I haven't seen much changes a little improvement. He does not want to put weight on the foot. Because he is older I am trying to look for natural ways to help him. Advise please!!!! .

Posted by Diana (Florida) on 04/03/2018

You can give her some colloidal silver for an antibotic, and infection, put some coconut oil on it even if she licks it won't hurt her.

Posted by Diana (Florida) on 04/03/2018

Put some colloidal silver on the wound, if you can some hydrogen peroxide for the infection the silver is for infection and bacteria, coconut oil is good too. Good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maggie (Idaho) on 03/10/2018 36 posts

My cat has the same thing your Buddy has and was diagnosed last July. She's a happy cat and you would never know anything is wrong. I've tried many remedies but she still has the mass. Just thought I would mention some of the remedies I've tried so you can research them and maybe want to try some.

artemisinin...very bitter so it has to be given in the capsule

Cell Forte

molasses/baking soda protocol

pau d arco

cat's claw



I have her on bitter apricot kernels now and will try Larch Tree Arabinolalactan next if she still has the mass. Good luck.

Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric
Posted by Maggie (Id) on 03/08/2018 36 posts

Thought I should post an update on my dog with a cyst that would not stop draining since it finally healed. I did try silver sol but that didn't work. I had tried manuka honey for a couple of days but that didn't work so went on to try something else. After trying different remedies I went back to manuka honey. I used it for 4 days and gave him 2 separate doses of Cell Forte. It hadn't drained for a couple of days but the cyst was squishy so I knew I had to drain it. This time what came out was dark red blood and it wouldn't stop draining which worried me because it had never done that and the fluid coming out had always been clear with a little blood. After that, it healed and never filled up again. Don't know if it was the manuka honey or the Cell Forte. The first time I used the manuka honey I only used it for a couple of days so maybe I didn't use it long enough. I love Cell Forte because I'm treating a cat with it and I think it's helping her so maybe that helped my dog heal too.

What I did was to use a "cotton round", the kind you use to remove makeup, put a good amount of manuka honey on it and then pressed it against the cyst. Next, I put a piece of flannel fabric over that to help keep the honey from spreading and then put a long piece of duct tape across it and then a couple more pieces in different directions so it would stay in place. The whole ordeal lasted 4 months. My dog is so good, I had a hard time keeping the bandage on because of the location... the rump, on the side, so had to use the duct tape and it worked great but he did look kind of funny.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/16/2018

Dear Cheri,

My personal favorite source of Essiac is Mountain Rose Herbs.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Cheri (Waconia, Mn) on 02/16/2018

Can you tell me what brand to use? Thanks.

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