Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

| Modified on Sep 18, 2024
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Castor Oil for Tumors

As a pet owner, facing the challenge of a tumor diagnosis in your beloved dog or cat can be distressing. This guide delves into natural remedies that have shown promise in supporting pets through this difficult time. While these treatments can offer hope, consulting with your veterinarian before starting any new regimen is essential, ensuring it aligns with your pet's specific health needs.

Popular Home Remedies for Tumors in Pets

A number of Earth Clinic readers have reported success with natural treatments for pet tumors. These include:

  1. Sea Buckthorn Oil: Known for its healing properties.
  2. Turmeric: A versatile remedy, beneficial for various ailments, including tumors.
  3. Castor Oil: Applied topically, known for its tumor-reducing abilities.
  4. Essiac Tea: A blend of potent herbs effective against tumors.
  5. Dietary Changes: Switching to a diet, free from fillers and chemicals to improve overall pet health.

Enhancing Pet Health Through Diet

Diet plays a crucial role in pet health, and making thoughtful changes can support your pet’s well-being. A grain-free diet, rich in whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, and healthy fats, can reduce the risk of tumors. Avoiding processed pet foods laden with fillers and artificial additives is equally important. Consulting with a veterinary nutritionist can help tailor a diet specific to your pet's health needs and conditions.

Preventing Pet Tumors

Prevention is key to pet health. Regular veterinary check-ups, maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise, and minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals can reduce the risk of tumor development. Be mindful of your pet’s environment, avoiding overuse of pesticides and other chemicals, especially in areas where your pet spends time.

Feedback From Earth Clinic Readers: Success Stories

Castor Oil

Posted by Betty (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 01/18/2010 - Rated: ★★★★★

Betty from Ottawa shared a compelling account of using castor oil to successfully shrink her 17-year-old Shih Tzu's tumor. Despite the dog's advanced age and a history of tumor recurrence, Betty found hope and results through a dedicated castor oil treatment.

Her Shih Tzu had a benign melanoma tumor on the paw, which had been surgically removed multiple times, leading to the amputation of a toe. However, the tumor returned and could not be removed again due to insufficient skin. As the tumor grew, reaching the size of three pencil erasers, and developed infections, Betty turned to Earth Clinic for solutions.

She began applying castor oil to the tumors six times a day, initially just with her finger and later using cotton soaked in castor oil, covered with pet bandages and a homemade mitten. Although the tumor initially grew, a process she understood as part of the healing, it eventually started breaking down. After five weeks of consistent application:

  • The largest tumor completely disappeared and healed.
  • The smaller tumor began shrinking.
  • The third tumor in the wrist area became softer and smaller.


Posted by Deanne (South Australia) on 07/13/2016 - Rated: ★★★★★

Deanne from South Australia shared a compelling success story about her dog, who was diagnosed with a recurring mast cell tumor. Despite surgical removal, the tumor returned aggressively. Facing a grim prognosis of just 8 weeks to live, Deanne turned to a combination of turmeric and a cancer-specific diet, along with various herbs and supplements. She administered turmeric powder and curcumin capsules (a concentrated extract of turmeric) twice daily.

Remarkably, within four weeks, there was a significant turnaround. Her dog, initially lethargic and disinterested in food, regained normal behavior. The dog started eating enthusiastically and regained lost weight. In addition to turmeric, Deanne applied castor oil topically to the tumor, which began to weep and bleed. She used colloidal silver to prevent infection and continued with the oil treatment.

Deanne emphasized that while they are not completely out of danger, her dog has shown no signs of pain and appears to be happy. She credits turmeric with playing a crucial role in her dog's remarkable improvement.

Seabuckthorn Oil

Posted by Beanie (Newhall, CA) on 07/14/2012 and Jss (London, England) on 03/05/2015 - Rated: ★★★★★

Two separate testimonials from Earth Clinic readers highlight the remarkable effects of Seabuckthorn Berry oil in treating tumors in dogs.

  1. Beanie's Experience (Newhall, CA): Beanie shared her journey in treating a large tumor on her 13-year-old Bichon's head. Despite trying castor oil multiple times daily for weeks without success, the tumor continued to grow larger and harder. Beanie then discovered Seabuckthorn Berry oil and started administering half a dropper daily to her dog. In just over a month, the tumor, which had been present for about nine months, flattened completely. Beanie emphasized the ease of administration and additional benefits like increased energy and improved oral health for her dog.
  2. Jss's Story (London, England): Inspired by Beanie's post, Jss from London, facing a challenging situation with their 14-year-old American Spaniel, Boppo, who developed a rapidly growing mouth tumor, started giving Boppo a whole dropper of Seabuckthorn Berry oil daily. Within five weeks, the tumor vanished, leading Jss to reduce the dosage to half a dropper. Jss expressed profound gratitude for the shared knowledge on Earth Clinic and the specific guidance from Beanie's post.

Both stories underscore the potential of Seabuckthorn Berry oil as a natural remedy for pet tumors, with pet owners observing significant reductions in tumor size and overall health improvements in their dogs.

Understanding Tumor Risk Factors in Pets

Vaccinations and chemical exposure are two critical factors linked to tumor development in dogs and cats. Tumors often occur at vaccination sites, underscoring the need to carefully consider your pet’s vaccination schedule. Additionally, regular exposure to yard chemicals increases the risk of tumors.

Thoughtful Consideration Before Ordering a Pet Biopsy: Understanding the Risks

While biopsies are a standard procedure for diagnosing pet tumors, pet owners must make informed decisions before proceeding. Recent research has indicated a potential risk associated with biopsies: the spread of cancer cells during the process. This phenomenon, known as "tumor seeding," could potentially exacerbate the condition.

Critical Points for Pet Owners to Consider:

  1. Nature of the Tumor: Understand whether the tumor is likely benign or malignant. Benign tumors might not require immediate biopsy, depending on their location and impact on the pet's quality of life.
  2. Biopsy Procedure Risks: Discuss with your veterinarian the specific risks associated with the biopsy procedure for your pet, including the potential for spreading cancer cells.
  3. Alternative Diagnostic Methods: Explore non-invasive diagnostic alternatives that might be available. Advanced imaging techniques, like MRI or CT scans, can sometimes provide sufficient information without needing a biopsy.
  4. Overall Health and Age of Your Pet: Consider your pet's overall health, age, and how they might handle the procedure and its aftermath. In some cases, the risks of a biopsy might outweigh the potential benefits.
  5. Expert Opinions and Second Consultations: Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion or consult a veterinary oncologist. These experts can offer additional insights into your pet's best course of action.

The decision to proceed with a biopsy should be made carefully considering all these factors. It's essential to weigh the potential benefits of obtaining a definitive diagnosis against the risks associated with the procedure. Your veterinarian can guide your pet's situation, helping you make the most informed and compassionate decision.

Share Your Experience

We invite you to share your experiences with natural remedies for pet tumors. Your stories could provide valuable insights to fellow pet owners navigating similar challenges.

Learn More

Continue reading to discover which remedies have been effective for Earth Clinic readers in treating pet tumors.

Related Links:

Castor Oil for Dogs and Cats: Benefits and Uses
Cyst Remedies for Pets

Aloe Arborescens Formula

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Patricia (Downsville) on 11/29/2016 42 posts

My cat has had a cyst for over 3 years and nothing has helped. I don't know if it is a cyst or a breast cancer. 25 days ago I started with father romano zagos aloe formula. 1/2 jar mountain wild raw honey. One leaf plus a little more with a good deal of the skin removed because it is not organic leaf. 4 tsp vodka.

As you can see it is not the true formula but I couldn't find the arborense aloe. I had been applying the aloe topically but nothing much had happened. The cyst started bleeding. Saw blood on counters and figured out it had to be the tumor. It was. I applied cayenne immediately and the blood did stop. Used alternately compresses of plantain and dthen aloe vera while taking the zago formula. The cyst/tumor has begun to shrivel up. from a grape to a raising. It seems never plump since. This is day 25 into the on 10 days and off 10 days. She receives absolutely no processed food.

Obviously until that tumor is completely gone, which I have no way of knowing it will be gone I can't say it is a cure. I wanted to post this to show others aloe vera, raw honey and vodka could help. This tumor at present has not plumped up for 25 days. From the poor results I have had with so many failed products in three years, keeping it in a shriveled state for so long, is in itself is a miracle. Right now I think I could cut the cord (it is attached through the skin not the rest of the body) and it would not come back. Will not try that.

Father Romano zago's formula found on cancer tutor reads:

1) Half a kilo (1.1 pounds) of pure honey. Synthetic or refined honey should never be used.

2) 350 grams (.77 lbs) of Aloe arborescens leaves (generally 3 or 4 leaves, depending on their size),

3) A distillate to preserve the product and open the path for the main treatment to get all over the body (by dilating the blood vessels). The distillate is a small (about 1% of the formula), but very important, medicinal part of this protocol. Only 40 to 50 ml (6-8 teaspoons) is used. It is generally whisky, cognac or some other pure alcohol.

Note: I have also been treating her for kidney problems like not urinating for 12 hours. I am dealing with two problems. So you can understand that I was thrilled when she suddenly started to love me again.


Two nights ago she bounded into my room pleading for food. She has been shying away from contact with me and I had missed her. I think she doesn't like to be around the computer because this didn't occur until I shut down. Two nights in a row. I wonder what damage the computer is doing to us. Found her at 6:45 am t his morning asleep on my left shoulder.


Replied by Patricia
42 posts

If I have calculated correctly it is December 23, 2016 and I am now on day 50 minus 10 days that I was off the aloe at first and her tumor/cyst hanging from her body like a plump grape has disappeared. What is left is a dried pea scab that is left to disappear. You can see my post on my cat in the pet section. I found the dried up skin was bleeding and was very concerned and then realized that I was giving her cod liver oil and it is a blood thinner so stopped for a few days and then instead of 3 gel caps I gave her only one. It seems that the bleeding has stopped. Dr. R. McDaniel has provided much needed information about the plant. Here is a link to one of h is interviews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpywvzRfIL0 There is a company that makes the juice that has left all preservatives out and ships frozen to customers. I watched an interview and he makes sense when he says that preservatives are killers. They kill bacteria so we don't put it into our aloe vera juice. Aloe1 is the brand.

Replied by Cynthia

Patricia, how did you deliver the mixture? Is this topical or given orally?

Replied by Vanessa

Do not cut any roots. Keep bandaged and let fall off naturally

Replied by Melissa

Hello, did the tumor come back? Just curious for an update if possible.
thank you

Blackstrap Molasses

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Glen (St. Mary's Newfoundland)

Editor's Choice

A friend of mine who's dog was riddled with cancerous tumors gave him black strap molasses each day for a month. she took him back to the Veterinarian and the cancer and tumor were gone! Her mother, who was a medicine woman in the hills of West Virginia suggested she do this as the ancient egyptians used the remedy for consumption (cancer).

Replied by katie
(oak view, ca, usa)

i'm going to start my 11 yr old dog (a weimeraner) on molassas. she's got fatty tumors all over. i've had her on goldenseal, but 3 weeks into it, i'm not seeing any improvement. will try the caster oil on the tumors too, at this point what can either of these treatments do to hurt?

Replied by Donna

I didn't think it is safe to give goldenseal for 3 weeks; it supposed to be very hard on the liver.

Blackstrap Molasses, Turmeric

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Dave (Dillsburg, Pennsylvania) on 11/30/2010

I have 13 yr old Akita, that had a tumor on his tail and was the size of a half of a golf ball. Kimo is absolutley been the greatest dog I could ask for and was worried about the tumor, he's to old to get the tumor removed and my vet Dr Dave is the best vet in the area. Kimo is like a 1 yr old health wise, but I did what earthclinic said to do to cure Kimo's tumor and I gave Kimo blackstrap molasses and tumeric and the tumor got bigger and pinkish and then it started to bleed and started breaking open about 2 weeks ago, Kimo is taking cephlaxine and is still taking blackstrap molasses and tumeric and his tumor is is now shrunk about half the size and is clearing up, I wouldn't believed it if I didn't see it and it was nasty to look at and thank god for your website.

Replied by Barb
(Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050)

Help Needed.

14 year old Shetland Sheepdog has/had a large growth above Left Front Elbow. (Hard to tape it shut)

Vet said she would need to take blood sample to determine what it was. We didn't have the $ to pay her. We left the vet.

Got on Earth Clinic.

Poured Castor oil on it and taped packed it the best I could and taped shut - 1 1/2 day gone buy with that on it. Went for more supplies today, , , Sat. 11/9/13 to remove bandage.

put in tub to wash and remove more hair and the dried blood on the Tumer.

Then the tumor or what ever it was just started squirting out all this chunky debre that was inside of it...it completely emptied out the cavity is empty.

I poured provadine iodine in it, on it and waited till it somewhat stopped dripping blood, lots of blood.

We have it with gauge pack and tapped shut.

I need help.. Don't know what I should do with it. The cavity is loose hanging empty .. Has 2 small holes in it where the chunky cottage cheese debre squirted out of it.

Help, help

Thank you in advance

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Barb!

Despite the yucky experience, it would seem healing has been taking place and the body is working to expel this tumour.

Keep a closer eye on this thing. And keep doing what you are doing.

Is the bleeding stopped? Change dressing daily if not oftener to ensure the bleeding is in check.

Scroll down below/latest pet posts for "Jack Russell with Cancer" - Dennis from Mississippi posted his "Magic Milk "Tonic" that will fight the tumour from the inside via nutrition.

Consider adding turmeric to your castor oil - mix them 50/50.

Please keep us posted!

Replied by Dominique
(Athens, Ga)

For any bleeding- you can use cayenne pepper. I would try sprinkling it around the area and gently add more. Cayenne stops bleeding. It is wonderful. Do some research online- you'll see. I hope your baby is better.

Replied by Kiley
(Lawton Ok)

The tumor is closed and there is no bleeding or anything. Would castor oil cure him?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Kiley!

To know if the castor oil will work onyour dog's tumor, you have to try it - no knowing unless you try it.

Some posts on the page indicate castor oil is contra indicated for malignant tumors; its hard to know what type of tumor your dog has with out further testing, however chances are its a fatty tumor/non-malignant.


Ted has also posted an excellent plan of action for treating tumors:


Replied by Sonia

This sounds like what is happening with my rat terrier. I've started giving him turmeric for the mass on his front wrist. It's getting larger and larger, more pink under the fur. Do you think it will soon 'break open'? He's been chewing on it a lot lately, too.

Replied by Sarah
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

Cottage cheese looking stuff blowing out? Not a tumor at all, in all likelihood. It's probably a sebaceous cyst. Dense coated and double coated dogs especially are very prone to them, but they form when a sebaceous gland impacts and the sebum (the oil that lubricates the hair shaft) builds up. My dog gets them all the time.

Replied by Rio Moon Fox

hi interested in the cottage cheese gunk coming out . My beautiful Rio moon fox. (She fox size). Has what I believe to be a tumour, had lump removed for lots of money. Couldn't afford it to be analysed. She is a fit dog of Aprox 13yrs.old. She recovered well the lumps were on her left rib cage, then started to grow back, I was told that I should have it removed again, but one cell left it would grow so chose holistic remedies. I have been through lots of herbs her lumps grew size of tennis balls! She has been having turmeric in her diet until she refused and since last oct2016 the lump burst she has been having honey raw organic. And a few months of comfrey root compresses. The wound was very angry.

Then a friend who had cancer healed with bicarbonate and bentonite clay. So I have been giving her bicarbonate and turmeric honey in syringe internally and on the now 3 open wounds! Cottage cheese like lumps coming out and discharge. Lots of. Lump at back going down two open lumps crater like ongoing battle compresses and. Daily bicarbonate/ lavener/ROSMary baths as the wound is sore, and DIEING. infused herbs not essentials. Getting greens blended with good dog food. Also nettle porridge with chicken, now using chamomile tea bags soaked aloe and caster oil. She is now on antibiotics when I can get them in her. She's foxy clever!!! As I was concerned about the discharge / infection.

The bicarbonate seems to of had the most affect at dissolving the lumps she's had 3 weeks of it, turning them to snotty cottage cheese like bits!! They grow in bubble like formation the lumps cluster together and as I can see them they die slowly and the stopping them growing is a headbanger!? Any other suggestions?!!

Also giving her vit c. So much more could write weeks of nursing till early hours. I am tired!! But she is an angel dog and she is fighting not ready to go, the one vet would of put her to sleep last October!! Lazy vet!! Not into holistic luckily I have found a herbalist vet X she is great. But expensive, big love to all of you nursing your poorly babies I know what an emotional roller coaster it is. We are special and so are our beloved friends.



you said you give your dog bicarbonate, honey and raw honey internally as well as topically on the wound?

Thank you!!

Replied by Jackie
(Monroe Mi)

I cannot find Dennis' post about "Jack Russell with cancer"

Replied by Jess Burges

Hi I have a 14yr old dog who has a tennis ball sized tumour lump on his front leg. I have been doing the turmeric and castor oil pack treatment for a week and tonight it has started bleeding profusely. I have doused in cayenne pepper and rewrapped with a bandage. It seems to have settled a little but is this normal. And how much is too much blood before it become life threatening? Has any one in here experienced this?

Replied by Maggie

My dog had what I'm assuming was a sebaceous cyst about the size of a golf ball on his back. It burst but it keeps filling up over and over again. Clear fluid with a little blood is what is coming out of the cyst. I've tried castor oil, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, apple cider vinegar and a healing salve. It heals nicely but then fills up again and I drain it so it's never really healed completely. Any ideas on what to do?

Replied by Phyllis
(Tuscumbia, Alabama)

Try colloidal silver, it doesn't sound like there's infection but I've seen some crazy things dealing with animals and silver is just about the best thing I've ever come across. I don't know how long this issue has been going on but I'm not against at least consulting your vet, who most likely knows a lot, we don't.

Replied by Didi

Have just seen your post for the 1st time. Research moringa powder and franicense essential oil. good luck and God speed

Replied by Maggie
36 posts

Thought I should post an update on my dog with a cyst that would not stop draining since it finally healed. I did try silver sol but that didn't work. I had tried manuka honey for a couple of days but that didn't work so went on to try something else. After trying different remedies I went back to manuka honey. I used it for 4 days and gave him 2 separate doses of Cell Forte. It hadn't drained for a couple of days but the cyst was squishy so I knew I had to drain it. This time what came out was dark red blood and it wouldn't stop draining which worried me because it had never done that and the fluid coming out had always been clear with a little blood. After that, it healed and never filled up again. Don't know if it was the manuka honey or the Cell Forte. The first time I used the manuka honey I only used it for a couple of days so maybe I didn't use it long enough. I love Cell Forte because I'm treating a cat with it and I think it's helping her so maybe that helped my dog heal too.

What I did was to use a "cotton round", the kind you use to remove makeup, put a good amount of manuka honey on it and then pressed it against the cyst. Next, I put a piece of flannel fabric over that to help keep the honey from spreading and then put a long piece of duct tape across it and then a couple more pieces in different directions so it would stay in place. The whole ordeal lasted 4 months. My dog is so good, I had a hard time keeping the bandage on because of the location... the rump, on the side, so had to use the duct tape and it worked great but he did look kind of funny.

Replied by Evelyn

Can you explain what is Bicarbonate and how you used it? My dog has soft tissue mass on front elbow and I am trying different things. Essential oils not really helping. Can you share the name of herbalist? THanks.

Replied by Mary
(St Louis Mo)

Sounds like a mass on elbow could be a hygroma. Can get as large as softball & from trauma- dog on hard surface hitting elbow bone (or sometime pelvis on hip w hard surface) Fills w fluid from trauma. See a lot in large breed dogs that plop down on concrete or hardwood floors Most vets will suggest NOT draining the fluid Possibility infection Make dog lie on dog bed or soft surface Warm compresses to reduce fluid buildup Massage Could take weeks for body to reabsorb fluids once trauma to elbow stops It is not a cyst or tumor Think they sell elbow pads online?? But just need to stop lying & plopping on a hard surface.

Check out hygroma online. See it a lot in Irish Wolfhounds.


Posted by Jordan's Mom (Lansing, Mi) on 01/09/2011

I never could get any answer for my beautiful cat, Jordan, and the horrible tumor in his mouth, but am now dealing with a kitty with a large nodular mass on his neck & have been giving him bloodroot pills tho unclear about dosage & don't think I have seen any change. In ordering another product for one of my cats on the site Plant Cures, I notice there is what I believe is more common sense use & application of bloodroot.

This is a quote from the web doc, who I personally have had wonderful help for cats with bladder issues re bloodroot- "Everyone now thinks that Bloodroot is caustic and can "burn off healthy skin" just because of the association of bloodroot with the highly caustic chloride of zinc that is in these salves! Chloride of zinc is, in fact, what is in dry cell batteries and it is simply hydrochloric acid soaked zinc powder. Please wake up people!"

I believe the man has something there! I am thinking of trying his drops on my baby's tumor and still giving him bloodroot capsules.

Replied by Rose
(Chiang Mai, Thailand)

The scary stuff about zinc chloride is quite unfounded. It is a caustic but the safest one to use, and has pH 5.5 - not so far from neutral. Medically, it's injected directly into the bloodstream for zinc deficiency and for parenteral feeding. It's in baby food, cosmetics, livestock feed. Dr Mohs stated it was the best caustic for bloodroot salves because it does not effect normal tissue. Without its use, he would have achieved no fame. Dermatologists still use his paste today for skin cancers. (Though they still cut the tumor out before the immune system can push it out). It's basically the same stuff that Weldon Fells and Harry Hoxsey used. And it's what I used, too, to remove a melanoma. Pictures at natural black salve dot com


Rose, how did you use it to remove melanoma? The website you mentioned doesn't exist anymore.

Replied by Phyllis
(Tuscumbia, Alabama)

Hi Jordan's Mom. There is a supplement from Nature's Sunshine Products called BPX. I don't know of any pet owners who have tried it but I do have customers who've used it with really good results. I'm not sure what dose to recommend without knowing your cats weight. I also suggest not feeding commercial food but if you do make sure it is completely grain, corn, wheat and soy free. Also milk thistle extract should be added. I get it for my dogs who have seizure conditions that can only be managed with Phenobarbital and Kepra. I put them on milk thistle as soon as I had to start the medications. Phenobarbital is a drug that doesn't just cause liver damage it will cause damage. My little George and Tina have been on this over three years and their every blood work they've had even as recent as two months ago show perfect liver function. Milk thistle not only protects the liver it also promotes new cell growth in the liver and kidneys. I've often seen conditions like this in humans and one thing in almost all shown in blood work is abnormal liver function. Worth a shot at any rate.

Bloodroot Cured Equine Sarcoid

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Charity (Emmaus, Pennsylvania) on 09/10/2007

My horse was diagnosed with a Sarcoid on his front right leg and I called the vet out. She immediately handed me a bottle of xxterra ( one of the basic ingredients is bloodroot ) and I began to apply it. Within 24 hrs the Sarcoid tumor on his leg was 1/4 the size and not ooooozy like it was... It has scabbed over and according to other who have used it the tumor falls off on its own! what an amazing product.

Replied by Ruth

Turmeric with black pepper helps the turmeric work faster, also that is like black salve if it bloodroot and you have to be careful of infection after it cures you or your animal bless u all

Replied by Lawanda
(Bloomingdale, Ga)

Where can you buy bloodroot? How much would I give my small 15 pound 13 year old dog? Thanks.

Replied by Maria
(Englewood Cliffs, Nj.)

Can this product be used in a cancerous tumor? My 17 year old rat terrier has a hard mass in front right limb could be cancerous. Vet does not specify.

Replied by Patricia
42 posts

I don't know if bloodroot works alone. Two products I used will only work if the tissue is cancerous. One is Cansema found at altcancer.com and the other is indian herb http://www.lifelinewater.com/herb.html

They are each applied only one time unless you didn't put enough on the first time then apply it a second time.

Budwig Formula

2 User Reviews
4 star (2) 

Posted by Adrienne (Deary, Id) on 04/15/2015


It's been six months since our kitty Penelope was diagnosed with adeno carcinoma in her nasal passage, above her nose and under her eye. I have used a variety of alternative remedies, no chemo or radiation or surgery and Penelope is still in pretty good shape. She still cleans herself, comes over for petting and enjoys playing with a string...and eats very well.

I started with something from a vet clinic, lipids and green powder etc., that didn't seem to amount to much so I started giving her HP. That may have slowed the progression somewhat, but she hated it, even though it was only a drop or two in water given by syringe twice a day. She would hide all day after I gave it to her so eventually I switched to putting DMSO, HP and baking soda directly over the tumor (the tumor is under the skin). This seemed to cause the tumor to grow and there was more bleeding from her eye and nose. Eventually, I added Essiac Tea and then backed away from putting things on the tumor. When I stopped the DMSO, etc., the tumor shrank like crazy but is still there. I am giving her some antibiotic because of likely infection and am now starting the Budwig protocol. The bleeding has almost stopped altogether. So, it's been quite a journey, and, of course, I can't say where she would be if I'd done nothing. I can say that when I checked with the vet school about what to expect with this cancer I was told that the average life span of a cat given radiation for it is one year.

As for the Budwig formula, there is much information on line as to how to prepare it, but nothing concrete about how much to give a ten pound cat and how many times per day. If anyone can help with that I'd be grateful.

I've read that one should not do any oxygen therapies if they are doing Budwig, so I guess I can't do the DMSO and baking soda, but will continue with mushrooms, green powder and beta glucan, transfer factor, Essiac and turmeric and report back as soon as I see a change for the worse or for the better. Please let me know what amount I should be giving and how often if you happen to know.

Thank you, Adrienne

Replied by Lee
(Jacksonville, Nc, Usa)

Hi, Adrienne,

I hope your kitty is still doing ok. I am also using the Budwig protocol for my scottish terrier who was diagnosed with cancer and has a tumor on and all around his eye. It grew within 2 days. The vet really can't do anything and told me to keep him comfortable and he is taking Tramadol for pain.

I searched several Budwig sites, some relating to dogs and cats. My Scottie weighs about 23 pounds. Your kitty should be getting half of my Scottie's dosage.

Dosage for your cat:

1/4 TBSP flaxseed oil equals 1 scant teaspoon

1/2 TBSP cottage cheese equals 2 "" teaspoons

1/4 TBSP freshly ground flaxseeds

Also can add, if using:

1/4 tsp organic Turmeric powder (to make sure the Curcumin is still in it is the reason for organic)

2 short grindings from a small peppermill (freshly ground pepper is needed for the Turmeric to be absorbed and activated into the cells.

Make sure you only mix the oil and cottage cheese with a blender until it becomes one. I bought the immersion blender with the stick blender and the whisk 2 in 1. The amounts I am making are so small that the stick blender is not blending it so I use the whisk attachment.

Then I stir in the flaxseeds, turmeric and pepper with a spoon. At the moment I am not using the turmeric and pepper because turmeric is also a blood thinner, and the tumor is making my Scottie bleed pretty bad from his eye and also the oozing lesions from the tumor. I wash it and put triple ointment on it.

During the first week I fed him this 3x a day, now only once, because my boy sometimes does not feel like eating. I also mix a little liverwurst in it or some good canned dog food to entice him to eat.

I hope this helps you. Wishing you and your kitty all the best.


Budwig Formula
Posted by Jilbert57 (Brinnon, Wa) on 04/20/2010

After two weeks on Budwig Flax oil and cottage cheese... I can feel that the lump that was the largest and hardest over the left rib of my jack russell has gotten flatter, still hard. My husband, who didn't know I was doing anything special, was playing with him and said, Hey, I think Micks lump is smaller. I have been mixing 1T flax oil with 3T 1% fat cottage cheese with an immersion blender and feeding half in am and half in pm. He is on a special diet for urate stones. I will continue to give updates.

Castor Oil

17 User Reviews
5 star (14) 

Posted by Yowza (Chicago, IL) on 12/26/2022

My 7 yo Cavapoo developed a histiocytoma-looking growth on her leg. It began irritating her after a month, because she gnawed it to the point I took her to the vet. Vet gave an antibiotic, did two separate wait-and-sees. I began applying castor oil at night, covering with thin gauze. Another drop during the day leaving it uncovered. Growth greatly reduced after 1 week. Gone by 3.5 weeks. I'm very pleased with the results and wished I'd done it from the start.

Replied by Rebecca

my 9 year old Saint Bernard has 2 tumors above his tail, close to the anus. All the treatments from vet has not worked and they are pushing for surgery. I don't want to go that route unless absolutely necessary. I clean it daily and started Castor oil today . I'm praying this oil will reduce the growth

(Kitchener On)

Hi Rebecca

I found that the best tumor remover is Frankincense Oil. Many people have cured themselves of lumps, tumors and even hemorrhoids. You can take internal or rub the area. When I used it I used 2-3 drops twice a day. The brand I used is NoW.

It works

God Bless



Hello, my dog has the same issue. Can you please write some feedback?

In previous reviews I can see that some growths have shrunk, and others have opened. I am afraid if it opens, my vet said if it starts bleeding the dog will need a surgery. Thank you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Connie (Erial, NJ) on 12/26/2020


I have a 16 year old Maine coon cat that I acquired for my sister which now has a cancerous tumor on his front leg. After visiting with the vet, he said it was too big to remove there wasn't enough skin to put it back together so he told me to take them home and let him live his life out.

So now I'm looking for remedies holistically I came across castor oil so I've been rubbing that on his leg for two days now and it seems to be shrinking. But what am I to expect to happen? Will the tumor burst, or will the tumor shrink, or are there any other remedies I should use? Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Replied by Flower's Mom
(Pueblo of Acoma, NM)

Hi Connie,

I used colloidal silver to treat a cancerous growth on my dog Flower's leg. I gave it to her both orally and topically as often as she would let me. It took several days, possibly even a few weeks (I can't remember) but the silver shrank the tumor until finally it was just attached by a small piece of tissue and fell off. I will tell you that it got worse before it got better, turning different colors and even developed some tentacle-like growths out of the top. I wrote about it on another post but I can't find where it is. Perhaps the moderators for Earth Clinic can help with that. In any case, I wish you and your baby well. I hope that is helpful.


Hi Flower's Mom, I just put your username between quotation marks on google and found your post from last year about colloidal silver. It is on the second page of "7 Natural Remedies for Cancer in Dogs and Cats" Https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/cancer2.html

Replied by Vee

Hi, did the castor oil completely get rid of the tumor?

Castor Oil
Posted by Cindy K. (EC - Facebook) on 07/27/2018

My dog Shylo was diagnosed with a tumor on his hind leg that the vet suggested we have removed before it got any bigger to the tune of $700.00. I applied warm compresses first then the Castor Oil. Held it on him for a couple minutes. Twice a day for a couple weeks and it is gone.

Castor Oil
Posted by Carin (Nv) on 05/13/2017

I read this page and used castor oil on a tumor on the neck of one of my cats. This tumor had been on his neck for years but it had recently started to grow. I could not afford surgery so I tried the castor oil on his tumor twice a day. After ten days the thing disappeared within two days. Fascinating. It has not returned. It was not an abscess. It has been on his neck, on the underside of it, for years... Miracle.

Replied by Sigmund
(Warwick, RI)

Our 4 year old doberman was diagnosed with a nasal tumor today. They have not done a full biopsy yet to determine what type of tumor because during the exam they noticed a heart arrhythmia. Now we need to bring him to a cardiologist to be sure he can withstand sedation for the biopsy. The specialist recommended radiation as treatment. Most of the articles I have read today concur with this treatment since surgery does not prolong the life of the animal and radiation seems to be really the most common treatment. However the life expentancy is 3 to 12 months with this conventional treatment. We are looking for alternative medicine that could help. If the cardiologist says his heart cant withstand sedation than we would not have the option of radiation since they need to specifically know the type and location of the tumor for that treatment. So, alternative is medicine is what we need. He is just a sweet and beautiful young baby and this news is devastating to us. I have read about the castor oil therapy. I wondered if anyone has used this with success for a malignant nasal tumor? Any advice would be welcome.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Sigmund,

I am sorry to hear about your dobie's nasal tumor. It is astonishing what we are seeing now in such young animals :( . Certainly consider the castor oil therapy, but what comes immediately to my mind is the Budwig protocol which can be used in conjunction with other therapies. Please check out EC's page:


In addition Google "budwig diet for dogs" and explore the hits that come up. Also consider turmeric: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/turmeric-for-cancer.html

Please report back!

Replied by Mamaleep
(Salt Lake City, Utah)

Can castor oil help mast cell tumors? I have an 8 year old boxer with a quarter sized thick mast cell tumor on her chest. I've been applying it for 5 days 2-3 times a day with a heat pack at least once per day. Looking for any results or other things that have good success rates.

Replied by Didi

You might want to look into frankicense and manuka honey and molasses and so many other things.

Replied by M

Response to post on cat neck tumor: Our 17 year old black and white tabby 'buttons' has had a hard tumor that is growing on the right side of her neck right below her ear for months now. Our vet told us she had an ear infection (which was treated with antibiotics prescribed by the vet), an ear polyp and the hard tumor. Because of her age, any kind of surgery is out of the question. So we wait and watch. I would like to try the castor oil....but am skeptical. Do you think this would really help her? I would love to get her back to good health and have her around for many more years as we love all of our cats to pieces!!!

Replied by Rockel

I have been reading threads on here about castor oil packs for tumors on pets but have read miscellaneous comments about people reading that they were not good for malignant tumors, of which my cat has. I haven`t seen anything conclusive or documented on this subject. Only heresay of the commenters having read it somewhere. Can anyone point me to more research on the subject? I really want to try this soon if it is an option for my poor baby girl. Thank you!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Rockel,

I can't point to any research. I don't know that there will be much to be found since castor oil as a cancer treatment won't be profitable enough to have studies funded. From reading of others' experiences it seems that sometimes the castor oil can make the tumor grow (swell, perhaps?) at first and even open up. This can be a problem for some cancers if further growth would affect a nearby nerve or something else. Opening up can cause blood loss.

But that said, I think some might choose it as the best option under certain circumstances.

Essiac tea would be another option to consider.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Martha

HI Sigmund or Anyone who could comment on effective treatments against Intra-Nasal tumors I am very sorry about your doberman's condition. I am in a similar situation with my chihuahua, Despite the medical report and aware of the regular outcomes, I am hopeful for a positive turn around. I am wondering if you tried the castor oil compresses and/or the Budwig protocol? If so, I would really appreciate if you could comment if you tried any of these alternative therapies, or may be you tried other treatments? What did you experience during the process of the treatment/s? What worked, what didn't? Anything that worked well that you might recommend? Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, as I understand this may be sensitive topic to share. Thus far, God has sustained my little dog, he was in critical condition a week ago, his main problem is obstruction of the airway, miraculously he is surviving thanks be to God. In addition I am using food as medicine. I feed him a vegetarian/ketogenic diet using extra virgin raw coconut oil, I make organic green juice and supplementing with organic wheat grass juice powder, cat's claw extract, probiotics, turmeric, vit D, and a multivitamin. He has shown improvement, nasal mucus discharge has greatly decreased and is breathing better. I am wondering if the castor oil compress would help or not? or if the Budwig protocol worked for you or not? Thank you again. --Martha

Castor Oil
Posted by Karen (Georgia) on 07/07/2016

My pit terrier mix has a soft pliable, black tumor on leg. Was told I could use castor oil . I got grocery sore brand. Used it along with warm water compresses. The next morning it was bleeding some. I put tumeric in food and cleaned it with Apple Cider Vinegar and then put coconut oil.on it. Should I continue with this? Trying to shrink before removal.Thank you.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Karen,

I have no direct experience with treating tumors, however it sounds like cause and effect - ie your treatment is working. You might consider dosing the coconut oil orally along with the turmeric regime. I would keep it clean as you are doing, and discuss with your vet about the progress in shrinking, how small you want it to get, and steps for removal. Your vet may also have ideas on treating the open wound as well.

Castor Oil
Posted by Robbie (Illinois) on 12/22/2014

Since applying castor oil for a week to my cats fatty tumor it has opened and looks painful. It is under her arm and is causing the leg to swell hugely. Is this normal? should I continue applying castor oil since it is open? She has a cluster of smaller ones too. I tried adding turmeric to her food and she refused it. Please help.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Robbie!

You might consider applying the turmeric topically, either mixed in with the castor oil or applied dried onto the tumor area itself.

Replied by Betty
(Texas, US)

I have found that turmeric capsules put in pet food works better - they cannot taste it..available at health stores or herbal internet sale, I use Puritain Pride for quality.


My Yorkie also hates blackstrap, which did not work very well. Got rid of smaller lumps but the big ones are still there. Will eat disguised turmeric though. I am going to try topical organic castor oil. I have found organic is way better than natural. for myself anyway. and going to try topical turmeric. he also had pledora bugs from damp hay. Need a medicine for that.

Replied by Robbie

Betty, I put it in her food and she turned her nose at it and wouldn't touch it. Thanks for trying to help. :) I have added a pinch of baking soda to her water and also a touch of H2O2. The tumor is now only a 1/3 the size it was before and sores are healing.


Hey, I usually take amount needed / half of a ml and half of melted organic coconut oil in a medical syringe, shake ingredients together. Hold your pet by the fur under her chin, don't give her a choice for her own good, don't hurt her but simply put syringe at her back teeth and inject in her throat. This gets it done, its over.

Replied by Robbie
(Illinois, US)

Strange thing happening. I have been putting the castor oil on my cat's tumors and the skin on top became black and hard and fell off. Under this I can see the pink tumors. I applied castor oil and aloe vera to them and am hoping this continues the healing. Anyone else have this happen with the castor oil?

Replied by Janice
(Cleveland Heights, Ohio)

I have a pet rat with a large mammary tumor. She has had surgery for mammary tumors before. They were benign but keep coming back in different areas. I don't know that she could survive another surgery. I am giving her turmeric and molasses orally. Should I try castor oil and turmeric on the tumor itself? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Replied by Char
(Tampa, Florida)

Robbie, I saw your post and have had a similar experience. My dog had a nasty black area on the back of her neck. I started rubbing castor oil into it several times a day, one day went to rub it in and the black area just came off and underneath it was a tumor that was attached to it, the skin had basically healed underneath and forced the tumor out.

Replied by Deanne
(South Australia)

Hi Girls, I have been giving my little dog turmeric powder ( that I buy in 2kg bags for us) but also have been giving her Curcumin in capsules ( the concentrated extract from Turmeric) I bought them form Puritans pride for quality) she has been on the for a while now ans so far she is improving.. she has cancer Grade 3 tumor and was dying... she seems to be coming alive again now.. happy and going for walks and even put on weight.. of course she is on a cancer diet and other supplements as well but the capsules are ok for her

Castor Oil
Posted by Adrienne (Az, US) on 11/05/2014

My dog has a possible sarcoma lump on her armpit. I have mixed castor oil and turmeric and have been applying it topically. Also giving turmeric capsules in food. After a month, the lump is the same size, but oddly the skin around it is red and bloody today. I heard that lumps seem to get worse before getting better, but the lump is the same color, the skin around it is red. I am wondering if the friction of the paste is causing a skin irritation since its in the armpit area. Anybody seen this?

Replied by Debbie
(Portslade, UK)

I would imagine the turmeric is burning the skin. I would stop using it.

Carry on giving it internally. And, some virgin coconut oil.

Castor Oil
Posted by Jackie (Oh - Ohio) on 09/18/2014

My elder Schnauzer/maltese mix has developed a bulbous growth on the edge of his gum right next to his incisor tooth. My friend recommended trying castor oil on it. Would it be safe and could it help since it's in his mouth? Any suggestions?

Replied by Pamela Gilbert

See: http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/holistic_health/data/repalma.html

Castor oil was so well thought of ppl called it the Hand of Christ, Palma Christi, been using Castor Oil on self and animals with good results for years. PS

Do not drink it, use as a pac, however, other than having diarrhea no harm will come to your animal, as always check for allergies

Replied by R.s.c

Don't know how your pet survived when he could have been licking the castor oil on his fur. It is considered one of the most dangerous toxin to pets according to the ASPCA pet toxin list. Anywhere on the internet you search it is considered a toxin to pets requiring vet care immediately if ingested. I would like to use it on my pet's small tumor if you can convince me it is safe if my pet licks the castor oil when it is on the fur.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey RSC! Please review the ASPCA website again as what you have posted is not correct.

From the ASPCA website:

Most castor oil products, unlike the beans of the plant, aren't considered poisonous. However, ingestion of the oil can have a significant cathartic effect, and cause diarrhea and possibly vomiting. [Source: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/poison-control-okay-or-no-way ]

While its true that too much of anything can be toxic - drinking too much pure water in one sitting will kill you, ie 6 liters in 3 hours [source http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-drinking-too-much-water-can-kill/ ] - studies show you can feed rats and mice a diet consisting of 10 percent castor oil with no ill effects whatsoever [source: http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/htdocs/st_rpts/tox012.pdf ]

It certainly appears that the health benefits of using castor oil topically to reduce tumours outweighs the risk of the dog licking some up and having a loose stool. JMHO!