Posted by Dave (Dillsburg, Pennsylvania) on 11/30/2010
I have 13 yr old Akita, that had a tumor on his tail and was the size of a half of a golf ball. Kimo is absolutley been the greatest dog I could ask for and was worried about the tumor, he's to old to get the tumor removed and my vet Dr Dave is the best vet in the area. Kimo is like a 1 yr old health wise, but I did what earthclinic said to do to cure Kimo's tumor and I gave Kimo blackstrap molasses and tumeric and the tumor got bigger and pinkish and then it started to bleed and started breaking open about 2 weeks ago, Kimo is taking cephlaxine and is still taking blackstrap molasses and tumeric and his tumor is is now shrunk about half the size and is clearing up, I wouldn't believed it if I didn't see it and it was nasty to look at and thank god for your website.