Dog Mange (Less Popular)
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Dogs with Mange


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Jean (Franklin, WI) on 07/06/2008

A number of years ago, we acquired a German Shepherd with a severe case of mange, covering about 1/3 of his body. The vet's expensive prescription products hardly touched it. After a lot of study, I found a product generally used for horses to heal wounds and rashes. It's called Nu-Stock. It cleared the mange up after only 2 applications and it has never returned. His hair grew back very quickly, and although he wasn't too thrilled with the first application, he WANTED the second one very much. The itching stopped immediately.

A couple years later, my daughter had a rash that no doctor seemed able to get rid of. We tried the Nu-Stock and it cleared right up and hasn't returned.

I've had a problem with athlete's foot for years. I tried all the other remedies and it got rid of "most" of it, but there was a spot on the ball of one foot, including two toes where it just wouldn't go away. One day it occurred to me to try Nu-Stock. After just a couple of applications, the skin was back to normal, all itching gone, and it appears to be healing permanently. I think this is going to finally kill it!!!

Doing a little studying, I've found that Nu-Stock is 73% sulphur, 25% mineral oil, and 2% pine oil.

I've also discovered that there are other health products made for pets that aren't available for people. For instance, in the local Farm & Fleet, you can buy a cheap package of electrolytes for your pet's water. 16 oz. of DMSO was only $5. And there were other things as well, most of them in the section for horses! Isn't it amazing that you can buy products for your pets, cheaply, and you can't get prescription products that work for yourself???

EC: Yes, agreed! Years ago we bought a 5 lb container of glucosamine at a tack shop in Burbank, CA for about $45 to give to our dog for his arthritis. The tack shop also sold chondroitin in large containers too.

Replied by Julia
(Butler, AL)

Mange/Hair Loss/Cuts: I have tried Teds method, but I have found something that is wonderful - it's not organic, but it sure does work. Jack loves to wonder off and play w/other dogs, he kept getting the mange. My sister had tried this on her dog and no more's not expensive and your dogs skin will get color within days and hair within a's called nu-stock. Just get some gloves and smear it on. You can order this off the internet or your local co-op. Jack has no complaints and is itch free these days!!!

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

Jean and Julia ...NU-STOCK Sounds interesting. I ordered some and I am going to try it on my husband. He has a rash that is spreading on his forehead, face and neck. We have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at it and nothing seems to help. We have tried a mixture of coconut oil with some GSE, oregano oil and black walnut tincture. He even tried the prescription cream that the Dr. gave him for it last year. It did not help. The Nu-Stock should arrive Monday or Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.

Replied by Dog Lover
(Cleburne, Tx)

NU- Stock is a wonderful product . I had six dogs with mange, I had tried EVERYTHING one DOG GOT SO WEEK AND SKINNY WE HAD TO HAVE HER PUT DOWN. Then i found this page on nu stock My 13 yr old Aussie was almost bald. After only two treatments, they all started growing new hair. They are all playing and eating again. If i had found this earlier i feel my 10 yr old malamute would still be alive

Replied by Ashleigh
(Houston, Tx)

Do you know what kind of mange your dogs had? My 1.2 lb Chihuahua Puppy has demodectic (sp?) mange over most of her body. She's missing a lot of hair and has scaly scabs all over. We've been using Ted's remedy, but she's so small and it's so cold here right now that she's caught a cold (kennel cough, we think). I really don't want to keep her cold and wet to wait for the Borax treatment to work and am hoping that Nu-Stock will work for her so she can be mite-and-cold-free! Thanks!

Replied by Mandy
(Tulsa, Oklahoma)

wwwwwtsod hi my name is mandy. My puppy's mange is 90 percent healed. I went to the feed store bought ivermectin pour on. Went home bathed dog really good. Poured 1 tsp between shoulder blades. After dog was dry from bath. Left on two days. Chained dog outside. Cleaned house from top to bottom. Day _3 bought daily dog vitamins and benadryl. Which from ther on gave him one a day. Day 3 I also started bathing him daily. After which I would pour a lil ivermectin on the corner of a wet rag and dab on to affected areas. Rewashed any towel he was sleeping on outside everyday. Squeeze lemons on the wounds every couple days. and somedays I would cake vaseline over affected aread because mites cant breathe thru vaseline and cant stick to greasy skin.

Oatmeal, Salmon, Garlic, Supplements

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Janette (Oceanside, California) on 12/04/2007

I have been fostering a yorkie terrirer he is about a yr old and when I picked him up they said he had dermodex. I had no clue what it was, but the poor little guy was a mess! he was completely bald and scabby.... I took him home with meds from vet and thought what the heck am I getting myself into. Well 4 months later.... I researched it and its a immune desease more then anything....I started bathing him regularly in oatmeal shampoo, giving hime lots of salmon and garlic and then I statrted giving him atratylodes rhizome 5gms daily also asian ginseng root, licorice root, and ginger root.... I took him for a check-up a month after I started all this with him and the vet couldn't believe the difference!He has hair again ....he has gained 12oz's and is doing much better I have also heard acne meds work it's a long road with this stuff but definitely working to boost the immune system is the key.

Oregano Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bliss (Brooklyn, Ny) on 10/27/2009

Cat mange cure:

I rescued a cat with mange and struggled with it all summer. It seemed cured but kept on scratching, then my other cats began to catch it. I tried everything, advantage, hydrogen peroxide, Scratchex, ACV, essential oils.

Then last week I heard a doctor on the radio talking about Oregano oil to cure upper respiratory symptoms. I bought some tiny oil caplets, and in desperation, gave one to my cat with mange. In two days it's totally on the wane, no more scratching.

The vet only med, Revolution, is a heartworm med, Intervectin that acts from within to kill the mites. That's what gave me the idea to give them Oregano Oil, and it's been immediately effective. When they have mites on their face you cannot treat with other things, and bathing is definitely something they hate. This seems to be an immediate cure.

Hope it works for you.

Petroleum Jelly

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Liatris (Grand Rapids, Michegan) on 04/02/2007

I have always wondered if petroleum jelly (Vaseline) alone could eventuallykill the mites that burrow under the skin - I know it smothers the ones that come to the top but RITA from ROLLA, MO said in a post that it cured her dog with, I think, the type of mite that is below the skin ??? WHERE ARE YOU RITA ? Earth Clinic ::: Is there some way that You can contact her and ask if I can contact her ??? I am in really bad shape and could really benefit by this. Thank you.

EC: Sorry, Liatris. Undated emails on Earth Clinic are from 2001- 2007! We also didn't add the option of people leaving their email addresses until February, 2007.

Petroleum Jelly
Posted by Rita (Rolla, MO)

I've found a cure for the sarcoptic (red) mange in dogs.

First, shave your dog. Then bathe it thoroughly in any good dog shampoo (medicated is best). Then apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly (vaseline) to the entire dog's body paying particular attention to the edges of the ears and the tail. Re-shampoo and re-apply petroleum jelly every other day for 2 weeks. Don't worry about the dog licking off the petroleum jelly, it's non-toxic.

The mites should be gone in the 2 weeks and within a month it's hair should be re-growing. It's absolutely essential to shave the dog completely to the skin, regardless of a short or long-hair dog. I tried many home remedies and vet's prescriptions and this worked the best.

Replied by Mangey Doglover
(South Africa)

Mix some flower of sulfur in the petroleum jelly until it has a light yellow tinge. Then apply to your dog. This works very well. You can also add a teaspoon of sulfur to a small dog's food/a tablespoon to a big dog. Mites hate sulfur as it kills them.

Raw Meat and Bone Diet, MSM

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Peter (Sydeny, Australia) on 01/25/2008

I tried many times the borax and hydrogen peroxide on my very large german shephard. I found it helped but never cured and also was very difficult to apply to a large dog. Also i believe if I heal him from within it would be a long term solution. From what i read mange is due to w eakened system allowing the mites that are there anyway, but in very small numbers, to multiply into an infectious state.

By giving him all raw meat and bones and occasionally putting in shredded carrot and egg in his food, it helped. But what has finally done it is putting MSM powder in his food an drinking water. It is such a relief after struggling with this problem for around a year. i had seen two vets and got products sent from overseas. But the diet and the MSM is definitely the answer. It overall creates a healthier dog anyway. It is to me the only way, as washes and chemicals dont change the enviroment internally that let it happen initially

Replied by Terrie
(San Jose, CA)

What is MSM? I've been dealing with dermodectic mange on my jack russell, Buster, for 2 months. my primary vet didn't detect the mange in the skin scrapings. We did 3 rounds of antiobotics & prednisolone, which only created 2 additional secondary infections. We then went to a dermo vet. Buster is on Invermictin and is slowly responding. So far he doesn't have any of the side effects. Ted's peroxide/borax rinse seems to be helping too. He appears to feel immediate relief and the red areas don't appear so bad. And he smells much better. Anything I apply topically he licks off and then throws up...even the very bitter tasting stuff. I have him wearing a "shirt" which keeps him from licking that area. All the infected areas are places he can lick! Any ideas?

Replied by Ann
(Poplarville, Ms)

I was reading that you can help with the mange with MSM-that comes in milk -can you give a dog milk -my vet said no

Sarcoptic Mange Remedies

Posted by Tsheba2 (St. Petersburg, Florida Usa) on 06/22/2011

Dear Ted

I have a 9 1/2 yr old Female Chihuahua and she weighs between 12 and 14 pounds in which I love her very much and about 3 month ago I noticed a round crusty area on top at the end of her back where her tail start going up in which it look like a bruise but there was a hole in her skin and blood around the area and on her hair and on the pillow she lays on... She yelp when I was examing it and touching it and the only thing I thought to do was put a Neosporin on it, like I do when I get a cut or scrape so it wouldn't get infected. It seem to clear up than it came back and I was lost and when I saw tears come out of eyes and one time one of her tears fell on my arm when I was holding her and I just broke down and cried because I am below poor and I do have a job but I don't get only 9 to 16 hrs a week and only make $7.91 and hour. I was searching on the computer and come across your site and it has been now a month and I and she is getting worst it has spread on her back and her her neck and she is unable to sleep at night but it seems not to bother her as much during the day as I noticed at night when we go to bed.

But, I have read your solution for Sacroptic Mange and what to try and I believe I am reading it right, but, will you please email me back to make sure I am doing it correctly... I will be starting the solution on her tonight... I believe you said to wash and than rinse and I thought ot my self do I dry off my dog with a towel before I apply the Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax Powder and leave that on her her don't rinse... Is that correct I am new at this she hasn't been around other dogs but, where I live is other dogs and the old people here feed the Squrriels and there is 2 cats that hang around here and I was wondering if possibly my dog could got this just from walking in the sand or grass where opther dogs or cats have and squrriels have beeen and gotten this on her that way. I just don't know and my heart is braking because I just don't know what to do. PLease help me in anyway you can... I have no money to take her to a Vet. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old and she is 9 1/2 yrs old now.

PLease Help a Lady in Florida... PLease email me ASAP



Replied by Tsheba2
(St. Petersburg, Florida, United States)

Dear Ted I have never recieved nothing from you since I written you on 06/22/2011,

It was about my Little Chihuahua (Female) 9 1/2 yrs old I believe she has Scarpotic Mange,

If you would just please read my POST again it is emergency because it has been over a month now and she seems to keep getting them back on her back and stomach now and under her head on neck.... Please help me what I can do, I love her so much I don't want to her to die on me... I have been doing this and please tell me if I am doing wrong... In a bowl.... I mix 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 cups of hot water, and 3 heaping tbps of Borax Powder and using my hand to make sure that the Borax is dissolved before I put the solution on her... But before I do that I bath her first with Dawn and rinse her will good to get rid of the fleas..... Before I notice that she had this I had put the PetArmor Plus on her for Fleas, but I notice after I started this solution on her the PetArmor is not working and she has gotten more fleas again on her... I have another question I would like to ask you, does this interfer with the PetArmor PLus for Fleas?? If so, what would you recommend. PLease help a Lady In Florida

Thanks, Rebecca


Replied by Rosemary
(Victoria, Texas)

Save uourself a lot of work and worry and get some Happy Jack II Dip ... I tried everything for my Maltese... also get your dog on Heartworm meds.. That helps to keep them off of your dog.. Good luck and blessings for you and your dog..

Replied by Kristian
(North Carolina)

I wouldn't recommend happy jack if you have an inside dog. My pit is dealing with demo mange and my first resort was happy jack. THE SMELL IS TERRIBLE AND WILL GET ON AND BE IN LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Ivomec worked best for my fur baby the first time. This time I'm taking the more natural route with homemade pastes, eo's And regular bathing. I'm also going to try the raw meat diet mentioned above. I hope everyone has found relief or isn't far from finding the relief these fur babies need.

Sarcoptic Mange Remedies
Posted by Elke (Lilongwe, Malawi) on 03/01/2010

Sarcoptic Mange & Allergy, Lime-Sulphur Dip

One of my two dogs (Rex) has got Sarcoptic Mange and has probably infected the other one by now. Unfortunately Rex is allergic to both Ivermectin and Amitraz. We live in Malawi and those are the only drugs available. I have now been able to get a lime-sulphur dip but it is for plants. The active ingredient is polysulphide sulphur 320g/l. Can I use that? If so, how should I dilute it? If not: what can I do?

The other dog, (Pumpkin) apart from having been infected with the mange, is allergic to I don't know what. We suspect it is something in the garden. (The dogs stay outside.) She has wounds on her paws from chewing and red spots, like pimples on the soft part of her belly. The vet here recommended cortisone in low dosage given daily and ongoing. The other vet here suggested anti-histamines. On top of that we have been washing the paws regularly and applied antiseptic cream but none of this really works. I am not happy about that as I think she can't be on pills forever. I have now heard about homeopathic drops that might help but don't have a name. Do you know about these? Or do you have any other suggestions? Please help, my dogs are in really bad shape! Thanks a lot


EC: Hi Elke,

A few people may have reported sarcoptic mange cures using Ted's borax and hydrogen peroxide remedy on this page:

Sea Water, Calabash, Lime

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Manicou River Resort (Tanetane, Portsmouth, Dominica) on 08/17/2010

I live on the Caribbean island of Dominica in the West Indies and have a local dog. She came to us with a low immune system and gets recurring mange. We have tried the chemical treatment but it was very harsh on her. We also tried neem oil without very good results. I took her to see the vet who works with PAWS the rescue dog charity and was recommended a local treatment. 2 liters of Seawater (or salt water) and ½ a Calabash. (Or bottle gourd or opo squash not to be confused with the calabaza) Scoop out the fleshy insides of the calabash and squeeze into seawater. Then add 3 fresh limes squeezed and mixed with the seawater & calabash.

Strain and coat the dog in the liquid. Do not rinse for 2 days and rinse and repeat the process twice. Fantastic results! No more mange and she started to grow her shiny new hair back as soon as the treatment finished. Very happy Ocho Dog.

EC: For those interested in learning more about Calabash:

Replied by Manicou River Resort
(Tanetane, Portsmouth, Dominica)

News on The Calabash, Sea Water & Lime treatment. It worked so fast! Ocho has no mange now and her hair is growing back thick and fast. As she missed out on so much stroking since she was so sore she is wearing us all out getting loved up. I will keep posting the local Dominican remedies as we use & prove them. The population here is one of the healthiest in the world. It's famous for it's centenarians.

Sodium Perborate

Posted by Buddhamom (St. Louis, Mo, Usa) on 01/07/2012

How do I use sodium perborate for mange. I read how to use the H202 borax, but there are no instructions for sodium perborate.

Thank you, Pat

St. Louis MO

Special Meat Diet and Remedies for Mange

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sue-Ann (Roatan, Honduras) on 08/06/2008

Aug 07 I had a boxer born here in roatan with her 3rd time with demodec mange. she is one of 5 in her litter and at 8 months old she was the only one alive. She would go to a vet for 3 weeks, come back with no hair. the hair grew back 6weeks later and then the mange came back. after 2 times I was desperate. I researched out a holistic vet I found in N Miami beach (Dr. Bernstein). he and worked very closely with remedies and baths of coconut oil. he now tells me that she was hours from death. I thought of putting her down but I just could not give up on her. I got my remedy kit from him and fed her one kind of meat and nothing else. her ears were so swollen they didn't bend, her eyes were so swollen she could not see out of them and the puss oozing was terrible. her skin was bleeding and scabby and she was all bones. We used hepar, sulphur, other remedies. A year later she is happy playing, her hair has grown back, she looks great and I am so happy i didnt have to put her down. DONT GIVE UP ON YOUR DOG WITH MANGE. PLEASE.

EC: Hmmm.... the name of your vet sounds very familiar. In fact, it may have been 10 years ago that I called Dr. Bernstein for a consultation about my malamute, who was having terrible neck problems. (I lost the name and # years ago unfortunately.) He also recommended a raw food diet and some homeopathic remedies, which did wonders for Rajah. If you still have a contact phone # for him, would you please send it in to EC? Thanks!

Sugar Syrup, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Oldaxe (Thonotosassa, Florida, Usa) on 04/06/2010

Red Mange

OldAxe: [email protected]

I have discovered a treatment for red mange that works miracles! After only three hours the large strawberry like splotches turned dark brown. The red rash (about 60% of the dogs skin)turned light brown. The bloody places on her tail stopped bleeding and began drying up. Best of all she stopped scratching.

After three days her skin was smooth with a light rose tint. Ten days later you can still see the white skin through the short hair that is growing fast.

Here's how: Pore a 24 0z. bottle of any sugar base syrup into a large pot and bring it to a boil for three minutes. Add four heaping table spoon fulls of Arm & Hammer baking soda. Be CAREFUL,If your pot is not big enough (about 8 qts.)it will boil over! After a few minutes it will start to thicken. Add enough tap water to thin it to it's original syrup texture. Done properly it will not separate. I used a 2 inch paint brush to coat the affected areas. Next day it didn't look like it was needed but I painted her again. Also gave her a half cup to eat. Those little critters love sugar but the bicarbonate wipes them out. I got the idea when I googled breast cancer.

They said maple syrup but I figured any sugar syrup would do. After cooking the syrup will be dark amber.

My new dog Beulah, no longer abandoned and homeless looks great. I do hope this works as well for others as it has for Beulah and I. It cost almost $4.00

Replied by Angie

Thanks, I hope it works! How long do you leave it on?

Sulphur Powder

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Lisa (Brownwood, Texas) on 06/05/2008

When I was a small child my puppy got mange from a stray cat, My grandmother used a paste of Sulfer powder and bacon greese applyed daily until all signs were gone on puppy. It was plyable and stuck to skin and fur. I dont know exact ammounts sorry. But it worked and we never had problems again.

Replied by Jenn
(Midwest Ohio)

I just thought I would add, I have a one year old lab/bernese mountain dog mix. She is currently recovering from mange. After much research on the home remedies I settled on using a combination method.

FIRST - Claritin, helps with the itching and many sources stated it was safe for animal use as long as it isn't Clartin D. One pill each day, dose varies by wieght of the dog. This has seemed to help her immensly.

SECOND - Sulfa-Lo soap. You can order it OTC at the walmart pharmacy. I used this soap to bathe her everyother day. We rubbed it in generously and let it sit a soak in for about ten minutes before rinsing her off. Then we used a blow dryer to dry her up real good to avoid her licking off any residue.

THIRD - Every single day (on bath day after she was dried from the bath we applied this step) we used a mixture in spray bottle 1/3 olive oil, 1/3 listerine mouth wash, 1/3 water. We sprayed her down generously with this mixture each evening. My understanding is the oil smothers the mites.. But the mouthwashing discourages licking. She does still try to lick at it some but not constantly.

Within one days treatment her itching was greatly reduced.

By day three the redness in the bald patches was reduced as well

within a week or so she wasnt digging at her self anymore and her skin was looking normal.

It has taken about three weeks to notice any significant hair regrowth.. but she is much more comfortable and looks much better.

We are just waiting for the hair to grow and plan to continue the treatment untill her coat is full and healthly looking again. But in the meantime we are happy to have our girl back to her playful self, instead of a irratable scratching machine.

Sulphur Powder
Posted by Sarah (Fort Worth , Texas) on 02/28/2008

We have cured two family dogs with a paste of flowers of sulfur powder (bought at feed store) and vegetable oil. These were separate occurrences, years apart). Each time they had been diagnosed by the vet, and we had used the prescribed medication without results. When we used the sulfer & oil treatment the results were fast and complete.

Sulphur Powder
Posted by Sara (Albertville, Alabama) on 10/16/2007

Sulfur We always used powder sulfur for dog mange. Mix with any oil and apply. Will stop the itching at once and a cure in a few days. Never once did it fail to work. Powder sulfur costs about 2 bucks and will last awhile. Simple and affective.

Replied by Cammy
(Iowa, US)

My dog has got mange bad. His constant licking is driving me crazy! I feel so bad for him, it has got to hurt. Anyway, I keep seeing a lot of posts about sulphur powder. Can someone tell me what kind of sulphur powder? Seems to be quite a few different kinds. My pharmacy has Sulphur Precipit Powder, anyone know if that is safe to use?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Cammy!

Precipitated sulpher powder is safe to use, but it is flammable in the dry form so use carefully.

Most mix it into some type of carrier oil to apply on the skin.

You might start off with Ted's mange remedy - or in the case of super itchy skin Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph remedy - if you are working on a hunch with no confirmed veterinary diagnosis for mange mites.

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