Dog Mange (Less Popular)
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Dogs with Mange

Ivermectin Warning!

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Posted by Scot (Terre Haute, IN)


I have found this on the internet. So I feel like I need to let your readers know about using Ivermectin.


Sensitivity to ivermectin may not be predictably limited to "collie breeds" and thus it is often prudent to use a lower test dose before initiating the relatively high doses of ivermectin needed to treat demodicosis. Not all individuals of collie heritage are sensitive to ivermectin and a test is in development to determine whether an individual should be able to safely take ivermectin or not. There is a range of ivermectin doses used in the treatment of demodicosis and it seems that higher doses do clear infection faster than lower doses. This means that if a lower dose has been ineffective, a higher dose may still work. This does not mean that a pet owner should experiment with ivermectin doses on their own as there is some potential for lethal toxicity if this drug is not used appropriately.

Replied by Sam
(Qld, Australia)


just letting every one know that I started using ivermectin on my aged dog who developed Demodectic Mange, results were not good, it done more bad then good I would say.

first of all I was told by my vet to give him 1. 2ml of ivermectin daily... The result of it was that I ended up with a very sick dog, he could not stand up and keep falling over... Conserned for my dog I took him to a different vet. They told me that it was the ivermectin causing the problem. We took him off it for four days. He became is happy self again. The vet recommended to lower the dosage to less then half the first recommended dosage, and give him, . 5ml (POINT FIVE ) , slowly but surly even the low dosage started to knock him around and he begain falling over once again. I have now taken my dog off it, and he has his full strength back. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone. Ivermectin is used as a cattle drench.

thought I would share my feedback with everyone so you dont have to go through what I went through. I am on this site to try find a better way and I believe there is a better way to get rid of this mite, I just need to find it... at the end of the day our dogs life is more important.

hope this helps for some people. I would like to hear more stories on how the ivermectin worked for you.

Replied by Julie
(Coventry, England)

Hi, Ivermectin, Avermectin should not be given to Collie or Shepherd dogs or their crosses it can KILL them. I have written an article on the reason for this and have submitted it twice to earthclinic but as yet it has not appeared. Look up MDR1 gene.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Janice (Cleveland, TX) on 07/22/2006

The only thing that has worked for me through many years with dogs, is Lytar. It has sulfer and tar in it and it kills the mites. It only takes two or three washings. I wash them every other day for a week then one more for good measure about two weeks later. The tar kills the mites and the sulfer stops the scabbing and flaking. In really bad cases, it may take longer.

Mange and EMF

Posted by Derek (Toms River, N.J.) on 03/12/2009

Hello, I have quite a problem, my dog about 6 weeks ago was starting to bite a lot at his paw and had slight itching on his hind leg not bad but slight i was taking him in for his regular check up and mentioned it to the vet , she said he had try skin and some skin irritation and put him on predisone and a anti-biotic, it seemed right after that it got much worse, funny thing i started itching myself a bit especially under my arms and stomach,.

Well my dog really got bad to the point he been bleeding a bit very badly itching has bald spots on his paws and hind legs and his stomach is really raw .I took him back to the vet today first thing she thought of was fleas, i thought this might very well be due to the fact im now itching a real lot and have a rash under both armpits. She combed him and said no he don't have fleas and just said he has bed allergic reaction or dematitis gave him predisone and a different anti biotic.

Now after reading on here I came across scabies and mites and it is exactly what i believe is going on, the other thing I noticed with my dog which never had before if i scratch him on the back his hind leg goes like crazy in an itching motion which i never noticed before until the last few weeks , well it said on the site that is a sure way to tell if he has mites.

Now I also read that the dogs immune is probably weak if he gets mange, now this may sound weird but i developed electrical sensitivities a few yrs ago after moving into this new place i wa much worse put on alot of weight shortly after that my dog put on alot of weight too i think the EMF here is bad I feel that may have weakened his immune system I thought i read awhile ago on this site about products for EMF is there anything you could recommend for that?

Thanks Very Much
Sincerely Derek

Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Ma.usa)

Derek; If you go through all these pages & many messages you might come across what you are looking for via someone elses posts where some thing will work for one & maybe not the other, why not give it a try, I did I found eveything I needed and then some and every bit has helped.

Other than that I do not do conventional meds. So why would I want my pets submitted to these new experiments? ;o) good luck

Replied by Dianna
(Toronto, Canada)

Derek, Sounds like you need a new vet! Hope all is well now.

Mange Remedies

4 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by Yasmina7 (Weeki Wachee, Fl.) on 11/04/2014

Hi, I read all your cures of mange with much interest. I took in a rescue 4 month old pit bull puppy with mange. I've been doing this only a week and it is clearing up. Someone on here suggested Selsun Blue so I've been bathing her every other day with that and then do a dip of diluted iodine after the bath. When I worked in Microbiolgy , we used diluted iodine to kill aids virus and any other virus or bacteria. Then I took part of Ted's mange cure, hydrogen peroxide. I spray her everywhere with 3% three times a day. Then at night I massage in Goodwinol ointment (Amazon) on all affected area's. It's working. If you spray the feet make sure you pull the skin up off the nails so you get to the root of the problem.

Mange Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/30/2013

Robert Henry from Ten Mile, Tn -

I would like to use your method of curing dogs from mites, etc. I would be most appreciative of the dosage, such as how much sulfur, which kind of sulfur, perhaps flowers of sulfur? The duration of keeping kerosene on the skin. Finally I would like to use it on myself, too.

Since I look after rescue pets, it would be a boon to know the precise procedure.

I am enjoying your posts. Have a blessed and prosperous New Year. Om

Replied by Lilacsanddoves
(Toronto, Ontario)

To Om from Hope BC regarding mites for pets. Bathe them in borax laundry detergent and water and rinse well. Borax is the mineral boron and a natural kerosene! Buy it at walmart in laundry section. BORAX.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Lilacsandoves: Thanks. In the cold winter to do Ted's mange remedy is not advisable. I use Borax on my self but I am trying to find the right kerosene/terpentine for treatment of skin diseases for my dogs. Ted's remedy is ideal for warm summer months. In Canada, putting on the heat high in the house can become very expensive these days .

Treatment with Kerosene/Turpentine is highly to be recommended. See: Walter Last. I do not use petroleum jelly, instead VCO. Also, as Johnston's baby oil often recommended, the truth is, that product leaves much to be desired. It is plain hype. The kerosene/terpentine treatment for various uses is well documented on youtube. Regards, Om

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Om!

I make a point to follow your posts because of the animal rescue work you do. As you well know, rescuers and breeders alike must become medical specialists in order to avoid completely draining our pocket books and making our veterinarians rich as Croesus, yes?

In my own dealings with treatment of mites, despite the temporary elevation in my heating bill [we've had -35 below in our neck of the woods] Ted's remedy is superior because it easily allows you to treat the entire body of the animal, as opposed to spot treating only the obviously affected areas, thereby removing any haven which would allow the mites to hide and continue to reproduce; the downside for some is that it must be repeated weekly for up to 8 weeks.

In relation to kerosene and turpentine, do you spot treat for mites topically or do you dose orally? If this cure is superior to Teds, how often do you apply it and is there any special way you mix it up? [I read in the turpentine and kerosene section and most recommended either mixing it up considerably or orally 2-3 drops.] If you use coconut oil in the mix, doesn't the area treated with the coconut oil also remain damp and allow heat to escape from the animal as it never will dry? Do you use it in conjunction with MMS?

I admit to never having used either MMS or kerosene or turpentine but after reading the EC pages am quite intrigued!

Thanks for sharing your experience :)

Replied by Kirk
(Sun City Ca.)

When my dogs ever get mites I pulled them off with tweezers squeeze them with the tweezers and drown them in water. I then spray the affected area (bites) with alcohol. This usually works. A friend of mine that raises Search and Rescue dogs told me to do this. Her dogs are very healthy.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hi Theresa from Mpls., Mn. from Om:

Thanks for your interest. You have no idea how much research I have done for hours till my eyes ached. I came up with treasures. One of which is Walter Last. I knew his name already many years ago when I read his booklet on the wonders of BSM, as well his support for ACV , in conjunction with BSM.

I am using Ted's mange remedy on myself. Borax is incredibly nice for hair and skin but after some usage the skin/hair need a good oil pack to make up for the resulting dryness. I intend to use Borax for myself in future as well internally. The animals get borax in their drinking water at the present time.

But first to MMS. It is so affordable and so effective. As the healing begins with the wet to dry it is also necessary to moisturize the skin after the treatment. People I know personally have cured their dog of parvo just with a few drops and within three days he was fine. What a boon to pet lovers. The effect MMS has had on the mites in my eyes and face and somewhat on my scalp was quite dramatic. I have, even at my age, skin that draws compliments from people. Nothing could be seen of mites except the missing eye brows. I am still working on them. The rosea has disappeared but I have not had any stress lately and when it comes I will adjust myself so that it is not stress. My skin around the eyes became like dry thin paper but is now back to normal. I still have to irrigate my eyes with MMS.

Kerosene/terebinth is an old folk remedy and you can google Kerosene Experiences. These are people mainly in Europe and an eye opener (when you read Walter Last) of what Merk Corp. has done to prevent people to cure themselves and pets of cancer, diabetes and many other ills by using kerosene or turpentine.

On the body, kerosene, turpentine can be used in conjunction with sulphur powder. I am still trying to find sulphur powder. Entire body if necessary, add VCO, leave on for half an hour and then off with it. The latest I found is that these two remedies also strip the body of radiation and are a superior cure . These two have been used for over two thousand years and more. There are also kerosene baths.

However, look and see why "benzene" is sold in pink or blue, thanks to Merck and Co.

Once I have been able to obtain sulphur powder, I will treat my dogs from tail to nose with e-collar on. Internally it must be taken with honey or sugar. Bill writes about this. It is a super dewormer. MMS is hard to use for multi pet deworming as it has to be done hourly for a few days and with many animals it is not an option.

If I have to answer more of your questions I will do so. Namaste, Om

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Thanks, Kirk!

I wonder if what you are calling a mite is what I might call a tick; the mites I have had to eradicate are microscopic. The ticks I have encountered I first put a drop of essential oil of some kind on them - lavender, lemon, tea tree is very good - and wait just a few minutes; the strong essential oil kills the ticks very quickly and I can pull them out with bare fingers [which I do wash well afterwards with soap and water]. One caution; don't wait more than a few minutes to remove the tick after applying the essential oil; the oils tend to dry the tick out very quickly, so if you wait too long, ie 10 minutes, the jaws of the tick are frozen shut and it makes removal a bit more difficult.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Namaste, Om!

I do agree MMS could be the 1 thing any high volume rescue should have on hand.

After reading up, for *me*, Ted's remedy is still the ideal choice and I have found it effective.

Am very intrigued by kerosene, particularly after reading up on candida.

So much to learn by reading EC :)

Thanks again, OM!

Replied by Kirk
(Sun City Ca.)

I would like to apologize for my mite solution as I got mites mixed up with ticks. It's the ticks I take out with tweezers and squash them and drown them. I have rescued stray dogs with quite a load of ticks on them. My friend told me to spray alcohol on the tick bites. Sorry about the mix up.

Replied by Ruralgirl
(Heart Of Tx, US)

Hello Om,

Sulfur is available in garden supply stores.

Mange Remedies
Posted by Ashley (Pasadena, Ca) on 02/10/2013

My 2 year old rescue (approximately 50 lbs, very lean and muscular) started showing sign of sarcoptic mange. He is generally a very itchy guy (lots of seasonal allergy issues) but this was different. He was itching specifically on paws, fleshy underside, and most of all his neck. He began to rapidly lose hair, about a 5 inch wide by 3 inch all patch of his neck was now bare, red and irritated. He is a very wild and anxious rescue dog, despite a lot of training and work with me, and he does NOT do well at the vet. In addition I prefer natural remedies and I hate the idea of using anything harsh or caustic on his already sensitive skin. I decided to try a mixture of natural approaches i'd read about online before resorting to a vet visit.

Diet: I already feed him a natural high protein locally produced kibble, but I began adding 1 tbsp of kelp powder to each feeding. I also added 3 pumps of salmon oil, and half a capsule of zinc (emptied the powder onto his kibble). Lastly I ground up 1 tbsp of flax seed (also known as flax meal but I prefer to grind my own). I mixed all of this together in his meals (I feed him twice per day). He loved the taste and ate it all... I also supplemented in 1/2 can of pure pumpkin about 2x per week for a natural source of zinc (and unrelated digestive aid).

Topical: I mixed 2 drops lavender oil with about 1 tbsp of vitamin E oil. I applied usually 2x per day. This worked well on his neck to soothe the inflamed skin and itching, but I couldn't use it on other parts of his body due to incessant licking.

His mange did not seem to improve in the first week, in fact it seemed to worsen at only a slightly less rapid rate. As I started to despair and think about bringing him into the vet, around day 10 he started to get better. We continued this regimen for about 10 more days (nearly 3 weeks in total). His itching stopped and he began to slowly grow the hair back. It actually has taken him almost 4 months to grow all the hair back and even still, it is thinner than the other unaffected hair.

We had one other small bout maybe 6 months later, he was itchier than usual and losing hair on his neck again. I started adding zinc for maybe one week, and the itching stopped and hair grew back! It really is a wonderful natural way to help your pet, but may not work in extreme cases.

Hope this is helpful for those who are leery of treatments that seem potentially harsh like boric acid or conventional dips and sprays.

Mange Remedies
Posted by Monica (Zapallar, Chile) on 04/09/2010

Chronic Mange

I have been reading Ted's remedy for mange and I would like to contribute with some more information.
I have been treating an abandoned dog for over 6 years now due to demodesic mange. He didn't have a permanent home, so I had trouble in keeping the medical routines. Now I brought it to my house decided to finish with his disease. I've been shooting him with Ivermectin and bathing with Amitraz for long time, though I have stopped in some periods when he got better or when he was too infested to take the baths.
Finally, I decided to try with homeopathy and wrote to some vets and got some directions.
- I started giving him Sulphur & Psorinum everyday (20 little globules of each diluted in milk, yougurt or water) on empty stomach. Can feed him after 20 minutes.
- Daily massages with Almond Oil mixed with drops of Lavender Oil. 5 drops of Pure Lavender Oil in 30 cc of Almond oil. He loves the massages.
- A weekly bath with a shampoo of peroxide that my vet says it can be prepared by the pharmacy, and it's cheaper than buying it ready with a brand name. Basically, the shampoo has to have an ingredient able to get rid of the excess of serum of the hair follicles which is the main food of the demodex mite. (In the dictionary is called follicle mite: any of several minute mites of the genus Demodex that are parasitic in the hair follicles).

- I give him Omega3 in capsules every day or two, I gave him Echinacea (1/2 capsule) for 7 days, to reinforce his inmune system.
- I apply Omega3 Pet oil (two puffs) in his daily food.

He had big and smelly pimples that made awful bleeding after he scratched them. Researching about mange, I discovered that Mange itself it is not smelly. Bad smell is not because of Mange, but definitelly because some oportunistic bacteria has started living in the wounds produced by so much scratching. Those pimples are infections that produce the bad smell and have to be treated with ANTIBIOTICS. I found out this now, and I was so surprised that none of the vets that saw this dog ever told me of this. Finally, one vet mention this important fact so she prescribed an antibiotic that had to be taken for at least 7 days,every 8 hours. CEFADROXILO is the name of this antibiotic in this country. It contains every 5ml, 250 mg of Cefadroxilo Anhidro (as a monohidrate). It comes in powder and has to be mixed with water. One bottle of preparation lasted only 5 days, so I gave him 2 bottles =10 days. The smell dissapeared 99% and also the pimples and now he looks much healthier, doesn't scratch and his hair is growing little by little. He still has some black spots and some red areas but no open wounds, no pimples, no smell, besides the normal dog smell.Finally, researching on the properties of the Aloe Vera plant, I discovered that one of the properties of the aloe gel is that it can help tremendously in the serum control of the hair, so I started to rub the black spot areas of his skin with this, and it seems to be working fine, cause besides hydrating the area, it is a powerful antiseptic.

Now that he doesn't have any wounds, I will start with the Sodium Perborate & Hydrogen Peroxide treatment.
I will also try the tip of putting 1/8 teaspoon of Sodium Perborate/Borax in the drinking water.

With all the years I have been treating dogs with mange, I came to realize that in order to definitely finish with it, you have to give the dog all the time necessary for the cure of this disease, cause the almost full time treatment requires all the patience you can have. It is needed a big amount of love for animals in the main place.

Hope my experience is of some help to any of you. Thanks for the space to share this.

Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Ma.usa)

Monica; When animals have mange weather it be mild or severe, their immune system is already at risk, it is detrimental to give any animal milk, it thickens their saliva preventing them from breathing properly, another it's very bad to give a weakened animal conventional antibiotics and antibiotics are only temp. for a possible perm. problem. I use herbal probiotics and they work wonders. Please do your foot work first, try reading all these messages in here before doing anything to your animal(s)I just did a search on sodium preborate it says it's for bleaching things such as clothing and teeth why would you want to put in drinking water? I could be wrong but it don't sound like it's something I would just want to throw down to my pet, I would wait awhile until I get more info. Good luck

Mange Remedies
Posted by Lynn W (San Antonio, Texas) on 10/18/2009

Our dog Coco who had this when we got her home. She was still a pup. She got this from the mother dog. Coco has a very delicate system. We first tried the vet's way with a dip that stunk like rotten eggs. We brought her home and tried that until the dips irritated her skin and she ran a tempature. We put Coco on local antibiotics one for her face and an oral one. The doctor put her on Ivermectin and it worked for a while until she started to throw up the meds. This is what is used in heart worm medication. Also the vet told us not to give her Ivermectin at the same time as we gave her heart worm meds. When we had stopped the Ivermectin within 3 months the buggers came back in full force. So, we did some research holitically that landed us here on this website. We went to a local pet feed store. They have a lot of holistic foods etc. At the store, I found a local over the counter medicine for sarcoptic mange for dogs and horses. It has linseed oil, pine tree oil and sulfur. It has a smell to it but not as bad as the other stuff from the vet. Asked if it worked and one customer tried it and it worked. I cleaned her with a well known flea and tick shampoo which had Pyrethrin in it. This one product had the highest Pyrethrin in it out of all the others. Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide. We wet her down scrubbed & washed her in our tub with warm water with the flea and tick shampoo and left it on her for about 7 minutes. Her scabs came off. We dried her off. I took a face sponge for make-up put the mange medicine on her. Around her face we used vegetable oil. It took a bottle of that mange medicine. After, I put the mange medicine we rubbed her with vegetable oil. I also used the spray vegetable oil which works well for "Hot Spots". We did this for about 3 weeks. Then we changed our regime and first washed her with some of our vet's shampoo for dogs for delicate skin. It is is a Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo. Then we still used the flea and tick shampoo. Then we stopped the mange lotion and put a biological natural flea and dog spray on her. It has avocado and other natural stuff for their skin as well as something for fleas & ticks. This worked well on her. She's an indoor dog. So far so good. Her hair is growing back and she's happy and playing. We also placed her on a dog food that has Salmon in it for her skin. We also put an insecticide for the yard to kill bugs, fleas, ticks. etc. We washed her bedding and cleaned our carpet with a carpet shampoo. I would suggest covering your furniture and pillows because of the mange medicine. This process takes about three weeks to a month. Ths skin will dry and flake off and the new skin comes in. I hope this helps.

Mange Remedies
Posted by Cara (Syracuse, NY) on 02/07/2009

Great site!
I did the dip regimen then vet wanted to do Ivermectin, which i thought tooo toxic & only 50% chance cure (plus $500+). Plus hair mostly grown back, but still scrappings showed the little buggers.

I went to Dr. Kerry Brown, homeopathic vet. Lucky closeby. He's trying "Kool Kan", Chinese herb tabs to build immune system, an a high strength flea collar, as the couple bare spots were around neck. Seems to have stabilized and checking monthly.

I will try the ACV or the benzoil peroxide this weekend--as see vet again Monday---and will see if this helps.

Replied by Cb
(Calgary, Ab, Canada)

I have 2 large dogs - a 100 lb Golden Retriver and a Newfoundland puppy. Both have long hair. I cannot lift the retriever into a bath. The puppy came with small "bumps" @ age 7 weeks. I thought they were bites from playing with other puppies. Then I noticed scratching - My vet said "dry skin" 4 weeks later I took him to another vet for a 2nd opionion. He said probably lice under all that fur. He was given Revolution. 3 1/2 weeks later - my Golden is biting himself until he bleeds. Another vet at my Vet's office did a scraping on the puppy and found nothing. He put both dogs on Antibiotics for 10 days and stopped the benedryl. Within a week I had to put them back on the benedryl. Still both biting and scratching. Golden now has a clean but on one side and a rash. I have gien them both 2 doses of Ivermectin, scrubbed my home with bleach, removed all rubs, washed all bedding and they are both still scratching and biting. Given the size of these dogs, what can I do??? The Golden will be 11 in October and is not in perfect health. The puppy is now 4 1/2 months old.


1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Om (Hope Bc, Canada, Bc) on 07/08/2013

My little dog just came back from a grooming session. He had a terrible itch all over several weeks ago but I thought I had eliminated what I thought might have been mites as for a good two weeks he seemed to be free of itch. The second day after grooming I noticed he had lesions around his neck face and armpits which became worse by the day. Also, I noticed, for the first time, black spots. He also was crying pitiously off and on as if someone was hurting him.

I did research and found out that dog scabies is different from human scabies and also very contageous. Rather than relying on the borax method, I used MMS topically as a spray. Topical treatment with MMS uses stronger dosage. I sprayed him and myself hourly for a day and he slept well and did not cry at all. The lesions seem to clear up but it will take perhaps a few more days.

Second day, I sat at my pc and looked out of the window to notice an unusual clarity of vision and brilliance of colour. I did research and read one comment from one other user of MMS about the same thing - better vision.

I am beginning to trust this remedy and hope to start internal doses soon, starting very low. My cats will start with half a drop for their individual needs. On reading many posts on this, I feel it is vital to follow the protocol and stay low to avoid unpleasant effects as this remedy cleans up and removes lots of pathogens. If MMS can cure malaria in a couple of days, it sounds extremely promising...

Thanks to Jim Humble for his humanitrian service. Om

Replied by Crystal
(Hazel Green, Alabama)

This may be a silly question, but what is MMS?

EC: MMS stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement, a solution of sodium chlorite in distilled water.

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Diamond (Ma., Essex) on 01/11/2016

I had a very hard time & a sad one at that, I found a cat where later on I was not aware of what she had, I checked with our Vet. he was very vague as to what it was but he stated that what is out side also is inside. So I continued doing many web searches as well as EarthClinic this cat was tiny where I thought she was a kitten the Vet.said she was an old lady, I used the information from EarthClinic I treated her as often as possible, what I found was very strange, she had these very sharp prong like things sticking out around the tail/lower back only in the winter then summer time I could no longer feel them.

Needless to say she slept close to my small older dog, when summer came I checked my dog & saw what I thought were either fleas or ants she was infested with them, I took her to the groomers & had her shaved completely, whatever they were was gone but in the mean-time these fleas(?) Mange had laid eggs in-side of my dogs skin, she was digging her fur right off & deep into her skin was raw & bleeding. I did the mange treatments every three to four days, I also found that these mites attach themselves to animals with very weak immunity, I say this because I have a younger dog that he only needed to be bathed with Teds solution once then I applied ACV & he was good to go, how-ever I give my pets probiotics every day, my Cock-A-Poo is hanging in there but still itches but not quite as bad.

I also learned of another product called diatomaceous earth food grade product, I applied this after all of her treatments had helped the most but to secure the issue.It's a very messy powder the dogs shake it off every where, so I spend most of my time cleaning, but I love my pets, how-ever my poor little kitty was serving life with this mange I could not see any results with any healing what-so-ever, she kept tapping my leg & I looked into her eyes I knew she was in much pain, her eye was constantly draining tears where it looked like blood stains.I had to have her put to sleep. My other two dogs are doing a little better, I have high hopes of my Cock-A-Poo getting better or at least more comfortable she is eighty years old in peoples age, she is totally blind but does very well other wise. Thank You for allowing me to share.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lee (Singapore) on 03/06/2012

@David from Dublin & @Toni from Las Vegas: I was at my wit's end in finding a cure for my puppy's demodectic mange when I came across your posts.

My puppy had a traumatic demodectic mange experience which included an overdose of Ivermectin such that she went blind for a couple of days from the side-effects, before the vet flushed the insecticide out from her system. That was three weeks ago.

Since then she was placed on the Amitraz spray. That didn't seem to show much effect, and I noticed my puppy was scratching quite a bit, and there were pimples showing on her head and body, plus some shedding of her coat.

After reading your posts today, I decided to experiment with mixing mustard powder into her shampoo. After her bath, I applied some of the mustard mixture into the Aloveen conditioner and massaged them onto her skin.

It's been 12 hours since my puppy's bath and I noticed she had not scratched herself even once. Shall keep the routine for the next few days and hopefully, the results will be good.

Thank you!

Replied by Alizay
(Los Angeles, Ca)

How much mustard powder should be used??? My dog is starting to show signs of demodex again and a lady told me to mix it water in a spray bottle but I didnt ask her how much of it! How much are you using??

Posted by Looneygirl (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 01/28/2012

I know this should be in the Pet section and I can do a copy/paste but I have been reading following Toni's mustard notes about killing mites here and another forum. Reason is I have tried Ted's advice here on mite killing for dogs but it's a problem because my German Shepard has it around her eyes and face. Also the peroxide started bleaching out her coat to an ugly red.

I have not bathed her in the mustard yet and I plan on doing this today or tomorrow. Any ideas on what type of after shampo rinse would be good and not dry out too fast? I plan on doing her brows & face with q tip very carefully. I am working on her immune system with supplements but let me tell you after a year of restricted diets (thinking this was a food allergy) I finally bought a mini microscope and found it is demo mites. The mustard kills them too but I have only treated spots. I am hoping I don't have to bathe her in this stuff every day as she has super thick hair and I am not desparate enough to shave her just yet. Any ideas will be welcome.

I have been giving her the oral IVERMECTIN and upped the dosage for over 2 months now and there is no change at all. I think they are immune to ivermectin and I don't want to further damage her immune system. My other small dog does not have the mite or any itch problems at all. I am set on boosting her immune system and using the mustard washes. Any ideas about dipping this dog with mustard will be welcome. Also I have run the mustard thru coffe pot and used nothing but the juice but not sure if it is a powerful as mixing distilled water with the ground mustard. I hate the grains left from the powder left in her hair as it looks almost like the demo mite eggs.

Replied by Bea

Since the mites are microscopic, I don't think their eggs would be visible in fur.

Neem Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert (Silver City NM) on 04/07/2024
★★★★★ I found this youtube video that talks about using NEEM OIL as a treatment for mange in cats and or dogs. 1 part neem oil to 10 parts carrier oil like apricot oil, coconut oil, olive oil etc. I tried the borax solution and hydrogen peroxide on my cat and his black fur (what he had left) started turning orange from the peroxide so I think the neem oil was ultimately a way better solution. Cheers!

Neem Oil
Posted by Leeniemud (Jessieville, Ar) on 05/04/2015

I've seen neem oil mentioned in posts for mange but what is neem oil used for? I'm a bit confused. Is it for dry skin treatment?

Replied by Leenie
(Jessieville, Ar)

I found the answer on Ted's website.

Replied by Bea

Neem oil is applied topically to kill or repel bugs; google, maybe it is antibacterial, as well. I have found that only a few drops of it mixed into dog conditioner and applied all over totally eradicated a terrible flea infestation (can't use advantage as one dog is allergic).

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