News on The Calabash, Sea Water & Lime treatment. It worked so fast! Ocho has no mange now and her hair is growing back thick and fast. As she missed out on so much stroking since she was so sore she is wearing us all out getting loved up. I will keep posting the local Dominican remedies as we use & prove them. The population here is one of the healthiest in the world. It's famous for it's centenarians.
Sea Water, Calabash, Lime
I live on the Caribbean island of Dominica in the West Indies and have a local dog. She came to us with a low immune system and gets recurring mange. We have tried the chemical treatment but it was very harsh on her. We also tried neem oil without very good results. I took her to see the vet who works with PAWS the rescue dog charity and was recommended a local treatment. 2 liters of Seawater (or salt water) and ½ a Calabash. (Or bottle gourd or opo squash not to be confused with the calabaza) Scoop out the fleshy insides of the calabash and squeeze into seawater. Then add 3 fresh limes squeezed and mixed with the seawater & calabash.
Strain and coat the dog in the liquid. Do not rinse for 2 days and rinse and repeat the process twice. Fantastic results! No more mange and she started to grow her shiny new hair back as soon as the treatment finished. Very happy Ocho Dog.
EC: For those interested in learning more about Calabash: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calabash