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  Re: Ted's Borax and Peroxide Treatment for Blepharitis

29 days ago
Posted by Devon (VT) on 06/27/2024

Well from my memory I always closed my eyes and sprayed with Eyes Closed! Then tried not to open my eyes until necessary or Solution dried!

Update after many years I moved through Zinc Pyrithione as an adjunct realizing that my Rosacea was also Dermatisis of sorts.

However now I have discovered the ultimate maintenence Treatment: Zinc Oxide applied at night as a Face Cream. I get the most 'natural' without any addition ingredients that you can find highest SPF Sun Screen. I discovered this accidentally during tha pandemic when the Mask would cover my face so I left a layer of Beach Clown Zinc Oxide on my Face all day. I find this so amazingly soothing for my Skin. I haven't used Cortisone even as an emergency in years. I do try to get it out of my eyes though. IT does tend to migrate while sleeping!

  Colloidal Silver for Infections

29 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/27/2024

Hi Dvan34,

As always, consider the source! Imo, if you want critical scientific evidence, you may want to try other sources.


 Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

29 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/27/2024

Hi T.N.,

Magnesium Chloride Oil (mag oil) can act as a natural topically applied muscle relaxant in spray form. It can also act as a topical pain reliever and relives muscle cramps very quickly. Here is a typical product :,aps,128&sr=8-5

Just spray it on lightly and rub it in. When it starts to wear off, apply a little water on top of it and it will start working again as the water helps activate the remaining magnesium that has dried on the skin.

If you don't like the feel of mag oil on the skin, just apply a minimal amount of your favorite hand and body lotion on top of it.


Baking Soda for Scalp Infections

30 days ago
Posted by Dr Howard (Torrance ) on 06/26/2024

This is to anyone relative to an internal external fungal issue. Dr Gilio Simoncini a former Rome oncologist who wrote a book on his research.He says the Candida fungus is the ultimate cause of cancer.

He's a world authority on fungus. He says his choice after years of diligent research is sodium bicarbonate SB (or baking soda) USP. Please Not Arm and Hammer get USP the highest in purity. Amazon.

You can apply SB to a negative scalp can be fungus related.
Get some spring water 1 cup warm it to body temp so as to dissolve 1 tablespoon of SB.Shake it in a plastic squeeze bottle with a needle nozzle used to apply hair dye, ketchup, honey, etc.

Shampoo first with pine tar an antifungal as pine tar also loosens tight scalp so improves circulation. Loosens the galia a membrane just under the scalp. One expert says this membrane becomes too thick in some people and impedes blood flow so hair follicles are starved of valuable micronutrients. The hair eventually falls out.

A mother brought her teen daughter to my office years ago. She was bald! I gave her two steam treatments. Never saw them again. Years l got a call from the mother talking me her daughter grew all her hair back! She “knew” it was the treatments.

Most told me their hair stopped falling out but that their scalp would perspire after a run. They never experienced this before showing it does loosen the scalp.
I use a table top steamer around 60$ online with ozone and l use spring water in the cup that goes on the steamer;and l put a formula on my scalp and steam it in. It causes the galia to become soft and elastic once again and improves hair growth, etc.

Some use an organic egg and mix in organic mayonnaise 1/3 cup and massage in the hair and scalp. Some add organic honey. One tablespoon. Good formula. Takes 20 minutes. Has an extension to mist the face.

ln the shower: Massage into scalp. Keep pouring over scalp until the cup is empty. Keep massaging it in. Place a shower cap on the head. Leave in for an hour rinse with warm water. Do as often as you can.

Note:If you have a table top steamer you can do this and steam scalp in this way. I like this method. Works great. Really helps hair too. It draws small debris out of the scalp and other micro elements impacted in the scalp. The liquified baking soda gets in deep to kill fungus, etc.

Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

30 days ago
Posted by T.N. (U.S.) on 06/27/2024

Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

I need help. Does anyone know of quick-acting and strong natural/herbal muscle relaxants that can be applied topically and that do not include alcohol?

Also, does anyone know of quick-acting and effective natural/herbal remedies for bladder pain?

Thank you very much.

  Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Detox Baths

30 days ago
Posted by Ahlam (UAE) on 06/27/2024

Can I replace the Epsom Salt with Magnesium Chloride flakes?

Apple Cider Vinegar for Fever in Children

30 days ago
Posted by Christy B (Turbotville, Pennsylvania, United States ) on 06/27/2024

I have been a fan of Earth Clinic for 12 years now, ever since I discovered how to beat pink eye with colloidal silver when my oldest daughter was 4 years old. Since that first visit, I have checked EC whenever the kids or I get sick and have found loads of natural ways to heal us. However, I've never felt compelled to write a review until tonight.

My youngest daughter is 3 years old and came down with what I assume is a summer bug. It's upper respiratory, so she's pretty stuffy, but otherwise she was acting fairly normal today. Her appetite was a bit light, but not alarmingly so, and she played just as happily as ever.

Unfortunately, just before bedtime she started to get a fever. Getting her to take medicine is a total nightmare, so I usually just let fevers run their course. She fell asleep quickly but was resting fitfully. We co-sleep, and around 2:30 a.m., I woke up because I could feel she was burning up. I took her temp and it was 104.3.

I was trying to decide what to do, whether to risk attempting to give her medicine or put her in a like warm bath, but she was still asleep and I wanted to let her continue to rest if possible. Once again, I came to Earth Clinic hoping someone would have a good remedy for me to try.

Apple cider vinegar was at the top of the list and I knew I had some on hand because I had recently used it to help my dog with a yeast infection in his ears. I quietly slipped out to the kitchen, grabbed a small basin and a few paper towels, and filled the basin with 3 parts water to 1 part apple cider vinegar (with the mother).

I returned to my bedroom and tried placing a damp paper towel on my daughter's forehead, but she kept swiping at it in her sleep. I then wiped as much of her body as I could reach with the towels, starting at her feet and working my way up to her tummy, pausing for as long as she would let me on each door, leg, and then her torso.

When I was satisfied that I had covered as much of her body as I could, I took two of the paper towels, rung them out as much as possible, and tried to wrap them around her feet. She of course kicked them off immediately, so I folded one towel and held it against the bottom of one of her feet. Somehow she accepted that and let me hold it there for about 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes was up, the paper towel was nearly dry, so I put it back in the basin and checked her temp again. 99.8! I couldn't believe it. That was about 15 minutes ago and it's holding steady at that temp. She's sleeping peacefully now and her breathing even seems a bit better.

I decided to write the review so that other people would know that even if you can't follow someone else's protocol exactly, it might still work for you. I was so worried that it wouldn't work when I couldn't keep it on her forehead or wrapped around her feet, but thankfully it did! This will forever be my go-to remedy for fevers from now on.

Colloidal Silver for Infections

30 days ago
Posted by Dvan34 (Calexico, CA) on 06/26/2024

My. wife is in Yuma region Medical Center a huge, beautiful hospital due to an injury on her foot and a serious infection. Today they cleaned the wound and applied a a patch which contained colloidal silver directly to the wound. Now that amazes me for around 30-40 years I used colloidal silver. Recently I went online to WEBMD and read a review where they said that there is no substantial evident that colloidal silver works. Ain't that interesting?

ViveCare Silver Calcium Alginate Wound Dressing - Sterile 4x4 Medical Gauze Pad - Wound Care for Burns, Cysts and Ulcer Treatment - Highly Absorbent Individual Patch - Non-Stick Padding

by Vive Care

Available from AMAZON

  Question for Bill Thompson

30 days ago
Posted by Lu Blu (Phoenix ) on 06/26/2024

hi Bill,

I read that Aloe Vera is a miracle multi cure remedy and can cure Systemic Candida.
any thoughts on AV?

  Re: Borax Dosage

30 days ago
Posted by Athena (Colorado) on 06/26/2024

I know of several now that put the powder in capsules, and seem to be working. Have you tried this? I guess we should take it with food or right after eating so it is less caustic?? I cannot stand drinking the fishy tasting Borax water all day long anymore! I need at least 1/2 tsp to keep my night sweats and hot flashes in check (I am also doing special Maca, and other dietary stuff that I have been fined tuned for years).

  Re: Lemon Peel and Olive Oil for Joint Pain

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/26/2024

Lemon Juice for Rheumatism.

Take the juice of several lemons every day and in a short time all signs of rheumatism will disappear. From the book; Health Knowledge; a Thorough and Concise Knowledge of the Prevention, Causes page 1390, by John Leader Corish, 1919.

  High-Dose Nattokinase Question

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/26/2024

Hi Sharon,

Regarding which statin for your husband to take, his doctor will make that decision for him as a prescription is required. Nattokinase, in more recent studies, have shown that 2000 mg of nattokinase is an ineffective dose for fighting atherosclerosis. The study I highlighted with over 1000 participants suggested that 10, 800 FU was useful for reducing atherosclerosis after 12 months. Here is a link to that article :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

As shown in Table 5, no differences in NK efficacy were found between male and female participants, although changes in female participants were marginally greater, but were not statistically significant. We found that NK at 3, 600 FU dose was not effective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis. Lipid levels and CCA-IMT and plaque size did not change after 12 months of NK consumption at that dose (Table 6).


  Re: Lemon Peel and Olive Oil for Joint Pain

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/26/2024

Lemon Juice for Rheumatism.

Take the juice of several lemons every day and in a short time all signs of rheumatism will disappear. From the book; Health Knowledge; a Thorough and Concise Knowledge of the Prevention, Causes page 1390, by John Leader Corish, 1919.

  Re: Question Regarding Art's Melatonin Lotion

1 month ago
Posted by Helen B (British Columbia, Canada) on 06/26/2024

Thanks for the link Art! And all your help :o)

  Re: Ted's Borax and Peroxide Treatment for Blepharitis

1 month ago
Posted by Maureen (CT) on 06/26/2024

Borax & Peroxide spray is working really well for me. Thank you Devon!

I added borax to peroxide until saturated and added to a spray bottle.

I kept my eyes closed when misting and, after waiting a minute or two, blinked to just let the tiniest amount into my eyes. It stung a lot! Even more than diluted tea tree oil or ACV. I repeated the misting several times on the first day.

By the second day the red, rough eczema I had around my eyes was healing. It was lighter in color and no longer scaly. My eyes didn't itch, so I used the Borax & Peroxide spray 2 or 3 times but avoided getting any in my eyes.

Today is the third day since I started the Borax & Peroxide spray and I haven't felt the need to use it at all today. There is no itching and my skin is continuing to heal. I'm using a salve (cocoa butter & beeswax) to help heal my skin and wiping my lash line with micellar water with a few drops of tea tree oil added.

So, I would say this is very effective but if your blepharitis is severe like mine was, it is also very intense! It stung my skin where I had eczema and it stung my eyes so much that I made sure I was sitting down and had a towel handy in case I couldn't handle it.

I wonder if it would work just as well if you could keep your eye closed tight or add a lesser amount of borax to peroxide. I would recommend being gentle and taking it slow, especially if your blepharitis is severe.

  Re: Ron's Tetanus Recovery Remedies Updated

1 month ago
Posted by Monica (Yorkville, IL) on 06/26/2024

Hello feel free to give Ron my email. I want to know how he is doing today.

  Re: Herbal Tonic That Reverses Arthritis, Joint Issues

1 month ago
Posted by Jackie (Melbourne FL) on 06/26/2024

I see the ratio you used for the herbs but how it a teaspoon or less and how much the mixture applied to the skin or do they drink it internally..ty very much

  Re: Anyone Ever Used Wormwood for Parasites?

1 month ago
Posted by Sheila (St Pete FL) on 06/26/2024

Hi Suzy, I'm actually doing a parasite cleanse right now with bulk walnut haul, in a tincture form, wormwood and cloves, both capsule. This is my 5th cleanse since my 40's, I'm now 66. After I do a gallbladder cleanse, which also cleanses the pancreas and liver somewhat. Both my dad and sister had their gallbladder removed. That, I'm trying to avoid. After my first cleanse I felt 10 yrs younger and passed hundreds of gull stones.I had so much energy as well.

You can find the info in a book on Amazon called What's Killing You and What To Do About It by Dr Monus and D Hamilton. I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Monus, which changed my life. He set me on a path of good health to this day. I love this man! The book has complete instructions for parasitic cleanse. You won't regret it!

  High-Dose Nattokinase Question

1 month ago
Posted by Sharon (MD) on 06/26/2024

Would like an answer on this topic/question. My Husband (69) has been taking 2,000 once daily of nanokinase but have since developed multiple strokes due to plaque in the brain. Really want to know this question and what natural statin he take. Thank you.

Virgin Coconut Oil for Stomach Issues

1 month ago
Posted by Blanche (Cebu, Philippines) on 06/26/2024

I used VCO to cure an unknown stomach ailment doctors couldn't diagnose. I was basically having bloody stools and felt food moving through my intestines. Was also very tired I was absent for a week I could barely get out of bed and only weighed 45kg at one point. I was doing a vegan diet for about a year which I believe caused it. Took me about 6 years of daily intake but the mysterious illness has been fully cured.