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  Re: Chlorine Dioxide for SIBO

27 days ago
Posted by Sherri (Hawaii) on 06/28/2024

Hello Bethany,

I'm not sure how Rob took his CD dose though, according to experienced CD/MMS practitioners and "experts", you need to avoid food when taking CD or MMS (which turns into CD in the body).

In Jim Humbles latest book, "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook", he notes good results when spacing meals a minimum 30 minutes away from a dose. Other practitioners recommend an hour and 2-4 hours if you suspect your meal contained high antioxidant foods (e.g., Moringa) or Vitamin C.

In addition, Humble recommends that meals during the 8 hour dosing period should be light and small, more like snacks. After this period, one can have larger meals. He notes following a mono diet or a partial mono diet during the protocol allows the body to dump wastes more efficiently.

Any food, supplement or beverage containing Vitamin C or is high in antioxidants will cancel/neutralize the effectiveness of CD and MMS. So, a separation of 2 hours, minimum, away from meals is necessary. Other physicians utilizing CD/MMS recommend a full 4 hour separation (e.g., Anje Oswald, MD - The MMS Handbook: Your Health in Your Hands; Andreas Kalcker, PhD - many books; R. May, etc...).

You can test if something you consume cancels CD/MMS by using test strips to determine compatibility. Humble uses the LaMotte High Range Chlorine Dioxide Test Strips. Dr. Kalcker uses more technical methods.

Other foods and beverages known to cancel CD/MMS: coffee, teas, alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks, milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice, any juice containing Vitamin C, pesticides, GMOs, overly processed foods, etc...

Humble notes that many individuals do not have successful results using CD/MMS because they are taking something that "neutralizes" CD/MMS. When they simplify their diet, space CD doses properly and eliminate/alter their supplements or medications the problem is often solved. Many people have better results avoiding all or most supplements during treatment. If one must take supplements, spacing them 3-4 hours away from CD/MMS is important.

An example of how Vitamin C can neutralize CD/MMS: some people experience a "herxheimer reaction" after taking a dose and if the die-off symptoms are severe (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, pain) you can neutralize the symptoms by taking 2 grams of Vitamin C which acts as an antidote. If symptoms persist, take another gram of Vitamin C the next hour and if necessary a third dose the following hour. There are other methods to eliminate "herx" reactions.

Specifically with regards to SIBO - many GI specialists now use high dose BENFOTIAMINE (BF) supplementation (200 - 500 mg, 3X/day) and are seeing great results in SIBO patients that have not responded to other therapies since they have learned that MANY GI DISEASES are actually unrecognized chronic/severe Thiamine deficiency .... of all things.

BF is a fat soluble form of thiamine that is highly bioavailable (5X higher serum levels compared to regular B1) and crosses the blood brain barrier (BBB). BF can penetrate into the fat layers (by a factor of 360%) surrounding every cell in the body. Some people have "genetics" in which they can not absorb/make B1 properly and they take an even more potent form of B1 called TTFD (Thiamine Tetrahydrofurfuryl Disulfide).

If using regular B1, one needs to take 1600 - 2400 mg/day. Always start with low doses and taper up weekly. Always give Magnesium with B1 since Mg activates thiamine.

CHRONIC THIAMINE DEFICIENCY (TD) IS COMMON IN THE U.S. because MANY "anti-thiamine" lifestyle practices are ubiquitous in the U.S.. Also, TD is one of the main causes for Diabetes II, gastroparesis, IBS, and other diseases - hundreds of studies on the subject.

Two other critical factors to consider when trying to resolve SIBO: eliminate GLYPHOSATE & GLUTEN sources. Research. These "toxins" cause many severe nutritional deficiencies, damage the gut lining and microbiota, and block many critical enzymatic and cellular pathways.

See Dr Peter Osborne regarding gluten and its effects on SIBO. See Dr Seneff regarding Glyphosate science.

Wishing you success in your health treatments,


P.S. I have researched this subject for a long time and am finally starting a CD/MMS protocol and look forward to sharing my results.

Good Articles:

"SIBO, IBS and Constipation: Unrecognized Thiamine Deficiency?" By Elliot Overton, DIPCNM, CFMP. July 12,2023.

"Dry Beriberi Due to Thiamine Deficiency Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy and Wernicke's Encephalopathy Mimicking Guillain-Barre syndrome: A Case Repoert and Review of the Literature." Shible AA, Ramadurai D, Gergen D, Reynolds PM. Am J Case Rep. 2019 Mar 13;20:330-334. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.914051. PMID: 30862772
"Hiding in Plain Sight: Modern Thiamine Deficiency." Marrs C, Lonsdale D. Cells. 2021 Sep 29;10(10):2595. doi: 10.3390/cells10102595. PMID: 34685573
Prakash S. Gastrointestinal beriberi: A form of Wernicke's encephalopathy? Case Rep. 2018 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-224841.

Donnino M. Gastrointestinal beriberi: A previously unrecognized syndrome. Ann. Intern. Med. 2004;141:898–899. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-141-11-200412070-00035.

Whitfield K.C., Bourassa M.W., Adamolekun B., Bergeron G., Bettendorff L., Brown K.H., Cox L., Fattal-Valevski A., Fischer P.R., Frank E.L., et al. Thiamine deficiency disorders: Diagnosis, prevalence, and a roadmap for global control programs. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 2018;1430:3. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13919

  High-Dose Nattokinase Question

28 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/28/2024

Hi Jake and thank you for your feedback!

I'm very happy to hear that the high dose nattokinase is helping you significantly. In my case nattokinase had no apparent effect on my blood pressure, but it worked quite well for lowering total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing my HDL cholesterol. I still maintain my blood pressure in a desirable range with Carditone.


Chopped Onion Remedy for Upper Respiratory Issues

29 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/28/2024

Sinus, Phelgm, Mucous, And Upper Respiratory Issues After The Bug

I'll submit this in a different way because I can't imagine that anyone here having an issue with onions or Barbara O'Neill.

The thing is, a LOT of people are having upper respiratory and sinus issues after the bug and need some better help than chemicals and toxins. And who doesn't have onions in the pantry?

If you have upper respiratory issues, have had the bug or just want to ward off colds and flu, HYDRATE and do any or all of the following:

Chop a bunch of onion and let the tears flow.

Put a good amount of chopped onion in a jar or a glass or ceramic bowl and pour honey over it. Cover and let that set for a day. Next day, strain, discard the onion and bottle the syrup that has developed. Use as you would any upper resp/cough syrup. It will keep for nobody knows how long. Some fraidy cats say a month, some have used the same bottle of syrup, as needed, for years so pull up your grownup panties, take a couple spoons of the syrup and put the rest in a jar or glass bottle in the fridge. If you get scared later, toss it and make some fresh. And don't let your chopped onion sit around uncovered, soaking up germs, while you're doing any of these onion things if you're sick.

Put some chopped onion on plates and set them around the house, out of the reach of kids and pets so they don't put the onion with its germ load in their mouths.

Put some Vaseline on the bottom of your feet, some chopped onion in a clean sock, put the sock on so the onion is on the bottom of your foot, put a bread or grocery bag or some sort of plastic over it and another sock over everything to keep it in place, grab a box of tissues and a plate of chopped onion, put the plate on the night stand next to the bed and go to be, take a nap or otherwise relax for a while. If THAT frightens you, put on a thin pair of socks, put the chopped onion in the bag, the bag over those socks with the onion at the bottom of the foot and the second pair of socks over the whole shebang.

Put the rest of the raw chopped onion on plates and set them around the house, someplace kids and pets can't get at it, before you lay down.

If you like raw onion, munch some with a little sea salt while you're chopping. When all is said and done, do NOT eat the onion you've used or that has been setting around in the open soaking up the "germs" from its surroundings if you or anyone are or have been sick.

When it comes to health, fear is poison SO, put on your superhero cape and giddyup. And it wouldn't hurt to do some of these onion things once a month. Skip the sock thing if you're not infected but pretend you're fending off vampires or werewolves or something malevolent, buy or dig up a bunch of onions and give the house a good onion fumigation once in a while. Couldn't hurt!

 Re: Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

29 days ago
Posted by Alexa (Sarasota) on 06/27/2024

Blood work consistently showe hypermelatoninemia. Symptoms are non-specific - fatigue, small joints inflammation, a general feeling of illness, low energy.

 Re: Excess Phlegm Affecting My Breathing

29 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/27/2024

Hi Paula!

I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner but your post sparked a memory and I've been exploring your issue, looking for the safest, most effective way to treat it and believe your best and safest bet is Barbara O'Neill's chopped onion on the bottom of your feet.

I say safest because it won't matter what else you've been doing, taking or trying, it's reported to have immediate respiratory effect and you don't need to know the cause.

Here is one of her videos about it.

Don't leave the chopped onion laying about for long as, apparently, it will collect surrounding germs. Whatever you don't use, put in a jar or glass and cover with honey. Cover the jar/glass and let set for a day, strain out the onion and you'll have an excellent respiratory/cough syrup that will keep for a very long time.

I'm going to go chop some onion of my own now so, tata! Let us know how it goes!

 Re: Loss of Cartilage in Hips

29 days ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/27/2024

I never bothered to water it down myself. But please note that you must protect the skin from straight DMSO, as it can be rough on it. Castor Oil is my personal favorite, but I've also used argan oil, almond oil, coconut oil, and even olive oil on occasion. I still think it's a minor miracle that I didn't have to suffer that toothache-like pain in my lower back for very long and never since then either.

Keep us updated on how it works for you!

Enzymes + NAC for Blood Clot

29 days ago
Posted by Susy (ny) on 06/27/2024

First of all I would like to thank all the wonderful open minded people that are here to find natural ways of coping with health problems.

I have to admit that I have never been very trusting of the medical industry for most of my life, and have dodged them along the way. The last years have only confirmed my gut feelings of distrust.

I recently was sent to the ER and diagnosed with a blood clot. Followed by a barrage of ill medical advice along with ill bedside manners which added to my mistrusting situation. Was prescribed Eliquis with lots of fear porn added and threatened that if I do not take it, I'll be doomed.

It's all a bit strange, since my health ... does not fit the clot profile. I am very healthy, work out, not obese, no smoking. Am 68 and am on no prescriptions whatsoever. Zero... Only vitamins. I am also a pureblood... No MRNA vaccines have entered my system. Shedding anyone???

So I decided to take the chances on my own terms. Took the prescription for Eliquis for a week (due to pressures I cannot begin to explain and educated myself very quickly) and then said NO to Pfizer's 600 dollar for 2 weeks medication. BTW look into the the Eliquis ingredients.. They might make your hair stand up. So.... Went to the Nattokinease, Serrapeptase, and Lumbrokinease protocol. This is not an easy thing for anyone to do with all the medical pressures around trying to squash you down. But I do recommend that you question all that is going on.. Not being a doctor you always seem to be questioning your decisions, that's the way they set it up... but I am one to tell you.. do what is right in your gut.. Not what people are screaming at you to do. There are a lot of lies going on. More than you can imagine.

Well... so my situation went down 4 months ago... and I guess I am still here to tell the story. My journey has been a painful one, because of the medical industry. I can't go to my regular doctor because she has no clue about anything except freaking out if I don't take the Eliquis. Very hard to find people out there Naturopaths etc. to connect with. Guess that's the time we are living in. Suppression of heath.

On the recovery note? Things went better after the enzymes, but I was still having concerning moments about the lingering pain of the clot. I have added the NAC supplement in the past 3 days and????

I have to say... 6 hours after I took the NAC my pain went away. now only three days later.. Maybe I'm being too optimistic? All the pain is gone.

It has not come back after the initial 6 hours of taking NAC.

Will keep on going with this plan until the medical industry kills me or I prevail.

To me that's the way to go.

Again thank you for all of your inputs on this site. True warriors.

Any comments or suggestions are much appreciated from you.

And TED?? Thank you. Big shout out to you. A great soul.


  Re: Bill's Turpentine Protocol for Autism

29 days ago
Posted by Kristen (Byron bay, NSW) on 06/28/2024

Hi Bill,

Can you please elaborate on the quantities of the cinnamon, turmeric, clove, raw garlic & ghee for the child? Can you use Doterra essential oils of cinnamon, clove & turmeric or is it the raw spices used? I'm looking to do the turps protocol with my 2 year old & 10 year old. Thank you, Kristen

  Re: Colloidal Silver for Infections

29 days ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/27/2024

Also - look up Dragon's Blood. My neighbours here tell me it can heal skin issues in a day or two!! I have an order on mercado libre (our amazon down here) ready to go for tomorrow. They swear by it!

Turmeric for Menstrual Cramps

29 days ago
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/27/2024

My daughter was taking a lot 4 turmeric capsules three times a day for sinusitis. She was pleasantly surprised to realize that it completely eliminated her severe menstrual cramps, which she usually has for a couple of days. Her period simply arrived with no misery at all.

This is much safer than ibuprofen for menstrual cramps and for my daughter, worked even better than ibuprofen!

~Mama to Many~

  Re: Colloidal Silver for Infections

29 days ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/27/2024

Hello Dvavn. Please always remember, there is NO MONEY to be made from healthy people! Look up the Flexner Report. Holistic medicine (natural healing) was replaced with petro-chemical based drugs. You should also note that these new drugs treat only symptoms, but NOT the condition. Again, there's no profit in curing, but treating a "condition" for years, heck yeah!! Cha-ching cha-ching!!

  High-Dose Nattokinase Question

29 days ago
Posted by Jake (Chicago) on 06/27/2024

Art and Sharon,

I have been taking 12,000 NK now for the last 6 to 8 weeks. my blood pressure used to spike continually. I started Carditone and that brought it down quite substantially most of the time. I have now stopped Carditone as my blood pressure is now consistently -all the time- normal and lower - 110 to 120 over 70 or so just with the NK. No waiting anymore for the BP to normalize. Seems the Nk may be curing or at least improving the heart disease that runs in my family. (my father and his two younger brothers and the grandfather I am named after.) I am currently 80 years old.

  Question for Bill Thompson

29 days ago
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 06/28/2024

Hi Lu Blu,

Candida is a very clever fungal organism that can certainly infect the blood, tissues and organs of your body including the brain. Unfortunately, many people use an anti-candida strategy that is way too simplistic, which might get rid of your candida for a month or two and then -- guess what? -- the candida comes roaring back into your body more ferociously than before, such that the last drug or the last protocol that you used against candida doesn't work anymore. In medicine, that's called the "Rebound Effect".

Aloe Vera is certainly useful against intestinal issues and other problems but it's really not enough to completely cure systemic candida.

To show you how clever candida is at surviving, hiding and spreading discreetly inside your body, read this:

A Useful Anti-Candida Strategy

If you want to use a successful protocol then you could try the anti-candida protocol that is based on the protocol that I used on a daily basis(for a year) to cure my own systemic candida problem on 2008, never to return. See below:

Bill's Anti-Candida Protocol

 Re: Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

29 days ago
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/27/2024

Do you know why you are having bladder pain? The solution may depend upon the cause. Bladder pain can be complex. Are you post-menopausal? Do you have trouble with UTI's? If you would like to give some more information I can try to help you.

~Mama to Many~

 Re: Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

29 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/27/2024

Hi Natasha,

That was an interesting article on melatonin!

He mentions that eye exposure to UV light from the sun, ultimately increases melatonin production, but he did not mention that near infrared light (NIR) from the sun, of which the majority of sunlight reaching the earth is in the red range, also increases melatonin to the whole body and not only penetrates clothing, but is thought to penetrate deeply into the body and this can generate even more melatonin in the mitochondria. NIR is highest earlier in the morning and later in the afternoon compared to the UV light range. These two times are when sunlight is traveling through a greater distance of the earth's atmosphere.

The following research by Dr. Russel Reiter and associates covers some of this information :

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

' The low level of melatonin is associated with a spectrum of disorders since melatonin is a potent endogenous antioxidant; therefore, individuals should avoid visible light exposure at night. However, evidence also shows that near infrared radiation (NIR), which occupies a major portion of the wavelengths of sunlight, promotes melatonin production and the beneficial effects of sun baths or photobiomodulation therapy may be, at least, partially mediated by the increased local melatonin production induced by NIR. Unlike visible light, NIR can penetrate deep into the human body including the muscle, brain, and even the bones, and its effects on human biology remain to be clarified. Thus, the avoidance of light at night and exposure to sun during the day are equally important to improve melatonin production and human well-being.'

Another important consideration about melatonin is that its production level in humans peaks around age 8 to 10 years and declines from that point forward until middle age when it returns to a level seen in infants, which is very low and coincides with the onset of age related diseases. From middle age on the rate of melatonin decline moves into a less steep decline as illustrated in the attached graph :

Age variations of melatonin levels. The hormone secretion increases in early childhood. In adolescent there is a decrease of the hormone concentration. The levels continued to decline gradually during middle age. In old population the levels of melatonin in serum are very low. (Modified from [88]).

It would be very interesting to see how a human's health would evolve if that 8 to 10 year old age level of melatonin was manually maintained for the entire life span?


 Re: Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

29 days ago
Posted by Natasha (Chicago) on 06/27/2024

No-Spa 40mg tablets. This medicine is not natural or herbal, yet it would help you fast. Not to be taken regularly, but on as needed basis. Sold in Europe without a prescription. Safe - its injections help to stop pre-mature labor by relaxing an uterus. I take it for anything that requires small blood vessels relaxation, also stomach pain, bloating, intestinal gases, a headache, blood pressure spikes (I normally have a low BP). Once I was on plane and got a severe panic attack, back then I didn't know what it was. The only medicine that I had was
No-Spa. I started taking 1 every hour and it would give me some relieve. The flight was short, so I only took 2.
I always carry it with me. If someone flies to Europe I ask them to buy it for me.
It is an excellent spasmolytic, anesthetic and vasorelaxant. Indications for Use: Prevention and therapy of functional disorders and pain syndrome, connected with spasms, chronic gastrointestinal disorders, chronic cholecystitis, stomach ulcer, pyelitis, cystitis and other problems of gastrointestinal tract.

You can google the name of this medicine adding "to buy in the US".

This medicine won't cure your problems, you need to see a naturopath, an acupuncturist or a homeopathic practitioner.

 Re: Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

29 days ago
Posted by Natasha (Chicago) on 06/27/2024

I follow a former neurosurgeon, who is brilliant yet unrecognized for not many know, let alone understand biophysics. He does.

Here is his article on melatonin. Hope it helps.

 Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

29 days ago
Posted by Natasha (Chicago) on 06/27/2024

Naturally occurring hypermelatoninemia is rare. The medical conditions associated with it include:

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: Hypogonadism is a condition in which your testes or ovaries produce little or no sex hormones. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is a form of hypogonadism that's due to an issue with your pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

Anorexia nervosa: Anorexia is an eating disorder that involves limiting the number of calories and the types of food you eat due to an intense fear of gaining weight.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal imbalance caused by your ovaries creating excess male hormones.
Spontaneous hypothermia hyperhidrosis: This is a rare condition in which a person suddenly — and for no known reason — develops a low body temperature (hypothermia) without being in a cold environment and sweats excessively (hyperhidrosis).
Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome: This is a rare genetic condition characterized by severe insulin resistance, which causes high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) that can lead to diabetes. Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome can cause pineal gland enlargement (hyperplasia).
Symptoms of hypermelatoninemia include:

Sleepiness during the day.
Low body temperature.
Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia).

 Re: Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

29 days ago
Posted by Alexa (Sarasota) on 06/27/2024

You are not specific in describing your health problem. Check these sites and see if anything applies to you. Work with a practitioner, but you cans start on your own if your condition is acute

This link is to Ho how self prescribe a homeopatic remedy.

 Natural/Herbal Muscle Relaxants and Bladder Pain Relief?

29 days ago
Posted by Vera (Colorado) on 06/27/2024

The best natural relaxant is lobelia.