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Best Remedy for Blister Burn

1 month ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 03/19/2024

Burnt my finger last night in just below boiling point water. Raised a blister across the tip of my finger and across the entire width and about 1/4 inch up under my fingernail. And I couldn't tend to it right away so...anyway, I used various things, for very short of periods but not to actually remedy the situation - just to to see what would work best and THE best solution was urine. I suspected it would work so I used it last and, poof, no more pain. Not even while typing. I applied DMSO first, as I'd been wondering if it would increase effectiveness but I can't be sure if it did or not and now it's too late.

Strangely, the second best was LABS (lactic acid bacteria serum), as I had just made a batch and thought I'd give it a try. Obviously, it's not ONLY probiotics so...not sure what that's about.

Did not get to try mustard as I didn't have any and mustard seed is a remarkable herb so I'm sorry to have missed that.

I tried cold water, which felt good but only as long as I had my finger(s) in it (this is when I got enough relief to realize I'd also burnt both adjacent fingers).

Alcohol - not good but if that was all I had, I would not hesitate to use it.

Castor oil - no - not for the kind of speed one needs if one is working. No doubt, a castor oil wrap left on overnight would have done the trick but that wasn't the purpose of my experiment.

Aloe vera - no - not for speed.

iodine - that did pretty good, pretty fast - good enough for 3rd place and may have been even better if I'd actually immersed it in some Lugol's but I merely applied it.

ozonated olive oil - actually, that would be tied for 3rd place. A little quicker than the iodine but I was actually judging speed so we're talking seconds here.

I have some comfrey salve but it's not very "strong" and it's old, so I didn't try it.

Also didn't try oregano oil - wish I had because I just got some oregano seeds in the mail...oh well...

The blister is down and appears to be disappearing from the bottom up, getting narrower and narrower. Initially, It was my entire finger tip but now it's less than half that broad, with normal skin appearing to spread upward, reintegrating it...very interesting....might try the dmso/urine thing again and see what happens. In fact, I'm going to do that right now...I've been wondering if DMSO would actually extend the life of the stem cells...that's why I've been using them together, due to the stem cells in urine and the use of DMSO in tissue preservation.

  Gallbladder Pain and Frankincense Essential Oil

1 month ago
Posted by Aubrey (Long Beach, CA) on 03/19/2024

Hi how are you, I wanted to know more about what oil exactly of frankincense did you use and did you do directly or use a carrier oil and out it in front and back of gallbladder did it help with the pain only or to dissolve them as well? Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.

 Boric Acid Solution Question for Art

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 03/19/2024

Hello Art!

I made some more boric acid solution to keep on hand for skin applications. I put about 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid powder in 8 ounces of water. It might have been less water due to evaporation during boiling / cool down. I was wondering what you thought was a good concentration of boric acid to use on the skin. Thanks!

  Cayenne and Vodka Scalp Treatment for Hair Loss

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/19/2024

Baldness cures have been around as long as bald men. From ancient Egypt to the present, bald men have always been able to buy sure-fire, guaranteed, grow-your-hair-back potions. And now there's even impressive "before and after" photographs. Yet after all the "cures" and all the promises, bald heads are everywhere.

Let it be said at the outset that there are many things capable of producing hair on a balding head. If you rub your head with a mixture of vodka and cayenne peppers you may see some hair growth. Ethyl alcohol and propylene glycol can stimulate some growth (for this reason they are common ingredients in many baldness treatments). Italian barbers have passed a scalp massage technique down through the generations that seems to grow hair. Irritating the scalp in any number of ways can cause hair growth. The point of a baldness treatment is not just to grow hair. A treatment is of interest to a balding man only if it grows enough hair to improve his appearance and if he is able to keep that hair.

From the book: The Bald Book by Klenhard 1986 page 46.

Cayenne Pepper Hair Tonic:

The ability of this herb to irritate the skin, increase blood flow and stimulate cell division is well known.


– Mix four ounces of cayenne pepper with one pint of 80 proof vodka.

– Let it stand for two weeks, shaking the mixture once each day.

– Strain through several layers of fine cloth until the mixture is free of pepper.

– Once or twice a day, rub a small amount onto the thinning areas of the scalp.

Note: Alcohol is list as a remedy for Alopecia in the Mereck Manual 1899, page 86. If you do not like the idea of alcohol, substitute with apple cider vinegar.

Rub your scalp every morning with a mixture of cayenne pepper and vodka. Rub a small amount of this mixture into your scalp in the morning. This will help to stimulate your hair follicles and promote blood flow to your scalp, according to stylist and hair expert Riquette Hofstein, owner of Riquette International Salon in Beverly Hills, in her book "Grow Hair Fast: 7 Steps to a New Head of Hair in 90 Days."

Capsaicin in Cayenne can trigger the vallanoid receptors in hair follicles and may boost hair growth (3). The spice may also stimulate hair growth by inhibiting substance P (a peptide). In a study, participants with alopecia showed hair growth in a 5-month period when they ingested capsaicin and isoflavone (4), (5). Most peppers in the same family as cayenne pepper are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and folate (7). These vitamins are known to play a role in hair loss (8).

A Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics Including Pharmacy, Dispensing By Rakhal Das Ghosh 1922. page 542 states:

Externally. – The action of Capsaicin is like that of volitile oils and to some extent that of cantharidin. In other words, it is a powerful irritant, rubefacient and therefore counter-irritant. Like cantharidate, capsaicin may be used to promote the growth of hair.

Taurine Side Effects

1 month ago
Posted by Kim Lowe (Kansas City, MO) on 03/18/2024

To anyone experiencing side effects from could be a negative reaction if you haven't had enough protein.

In order for sulfur (Taurine is a sulfur amino acid) to work you need to make sure you're ingesting enough protein. When I was under a physician's care and receiving DMPS Chelation which is a sulfur form of chelation, the instructions were to have a high protein meal of 25 mg or more before DMPS chelation, because sulfur's action is dependent on protein.

Also, mucous can be a sign of a fat allergy. Sulfur is the antidote to a fat allergy per Donald Lepore N.D. Author of, "The Ultimate Healing System".

He says, the M.R.T. Muscle Response Technique acupuncture point for Sulfur is on both sides of the throat of the Adam's apple and that, "The tonsils are the sulfur sacks of the body through which blood is purified. When you wake up in the morning with a throat full of phlegm, this is a tell-tale sign that your sulfur is low and that you should not be eating any fats as an allergic reaction could set in." Fats include fatty parts of meat, cream, butter, chocolate and ALL oils. He also says too much Copper and B5 Pantothenic Acid will burn up sulfur. Note: Chocolate is extremely high in Copper as well as in birth control.

Look at reviews for TUDCA. Ox Bile is high in Taurine. Both Taurine and Ox bile can help with intestinal malfunction and malnutrition per many peoples testimonies on various online forums.

Medical Disclaimer: I am not claiming that this can cure or prevent any disease or medical condition and as always talk to you doctor before incorporating any new supplement into your diet.

Bleach Remedy for Poison Ivy

1 month ago
Posted by MF (NJ) on 03/18/2024

I just caught some poison ivy from yard work and the rashes matted my entire arms and neck. It was miserable. Steroids were barely helping and the rash kept spreading, even after scrubbing the oils away. Someone on Quora posted their bleach remedy, which I tried. The results were unbelievable. It basically stopped the itch for the whole day and I did it once again before bedtime so I could sleep. It also quickly started the healing/drying process, where previously it seemed like there was no end in sight. Here is the remedy: -get a bowl or cup and fill with 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Bring it in your shower with you. I used a bowl to make a large mixture because my rash was so widespread. -Get in the shower with the hottest water you can stand, and let it hit all of the rash for a minute (feels good) -take a washcloth and scrub all your rashes HARD. Get them as raw as possible. -turn the water off. Pour the bleach mix all over your rashes and let it sting/burn for a couple minutes. -turn the shower back on and rinse off quickly.

  Re: Bleach Compress for Folliculitis

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/18/2024


Dakin's solution is diluted bleach used to kill germs without hurting a healing wound. Dakin's solution can be made at home.

Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) is one of the oldest known remedies for various skin issues. It was first used during the early 18th century to treat wounds, gangrene, burns, and ulcers. It was used due to its antiseptic and healing properties.


  • Bleach, such as Clorox (unscented at regular concentration)—NOT concentrated bleach
  • Baking Soda
  • Water
  • Clean pan with lid
  • Sterile measuring cup, spoons, and glass jars for storing Dakin's solution

Sterilizing options

Choose one of the following options to sterilize your tools.

  1. Sterilize tools by running the dishwasher at the highest settings for hot water and heat.
  2. Wash/boil equipment by hand and air dry; do not use a towel.

How to make Dakin's Solution ¼ Strength (.125%)

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Measure out 32 ounces (4 cups) of tap water and pour into a clean pan.
  3. Boil water for 15 minutes with lid on the pan, remove from heat.
  4. Add ½ teaspoonful of baking soda to the boiled water.
  5. Measure one tablespoon and two teaspoons (24ml) of bleach and add it to the water.
  6. Place the solution in a sterile jar. Close the sterile lid tightly.
  7. Cover the entire jar with aluminum foil to protect it from light
  8. Label the jar with the date and time you made the solution
  9. Dakin's solution can be stored for one month at room temperature (sealed and covered)
  10. Throw away unused Dakin's solution 48 hours after opening jar.

– Keep out of reach of children

– Do not use Dakin's solution longer than one week unless directed by your doctor

– Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients

– Stop using the solution if the condition worsens, or a rash or any other reaction develops

Call your Doctor
Call your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Increased pain or burning sensation
  • Rash or itching
  • Redness of skin
  • Swelling, hives or blisters
  • Signs or symptoms of wound infection


 Re: Sister With Copper Toxicity

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 03/18/2024

Hi Laura,

You said :

' Her biggest problem is she feels like she has trouble breathing after eating carbs and things like carrots, oatmeal - even the broth from a carrot/celery/onion soup. It's hard to explain because she does not feel like her lungs are actually affected as she can take deep breaths without an issue.'

These food items can all cause bloating in a person who has not taken them for awhile, partially due to the fiber content. Bloating puts pressure on the diaphragm and the diaphragm assists in breathing, but the pressure from bloating in this case can cause shortness of breath or the feeling of shortness of breath. Since she has been eating very little, many foods that may not have bothered her before, may bother her until her digestive system adjusts to them again. You said that the problem comes when she ate the foods you listed.

She could ask her doctor if it would be okay to take a digestive enzyme supplement to assist in the digestive process when she does eat. Here is a link to a typical digestive enzyme product that she can ask her doctor about :,aps,132&sr=8-9&th=1

Poor digestion or a dysbiotic gut microbiome can cause anxiety. It may be a practical approach to see if stabilizing the gut microbiome also eliminates her anxiety issues. Here is an article discussing the gut microbiome and anxiety : troubled intestine can send, GI) system are intimately connected.

Here is a relevant article quote :

' A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person's stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That's because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected. '


 Re: Sister With Copper Toxicity

1 month ago
Posted by Laura AUTHOR (Waukesha, WI) on 03/18/2024


Improvements: In addition to the foods mentioned she can now eat apples, chicken & beef (in small ammounts), kale, broccoli, and avocado & healthy oils (in small ammounts.) Her brain fog is mostly gone.

Her biggest problem is she feels like she has trouble breathing after eating carbs and things like carrots, oatmeal - even the broth from a carrot/celery/onion soup. It's hard to explain because she does not feel like her lungs are actually affected as she can take deep breaths without an issue. She thinks it has something to do with her blood (possibly CO2 buildup from carbs) or her liver not properly filtering the carbs. For reference: last night she had an egg, some lettuce and one tiny carrot and she spent almost the entire night feeling like she couldn't get enough oxygen.

Her second biggest problem is the anxiety attacks. She does NOT believe this is psychological as it feels very uncontrollable and, in her words "the worst most depressing feeling in the world." Very intense doom and she feels like it's coming from her stomach. It tends to come out of nowhere. My sister has always been a "suck it up" kind of person and has never experienced anxiety or panic attacks.

She is also still is having symptoms of low blood sugar, which likely has to do with not being able to eat as much as her body needs.

She has seen 6 doctors/naturopaths now and although some have been mildly helpful no one seems to quite be able to solve her problems. She has been offered harsh detox supplements, anti-axiety meds, allergy meds, asthmas meds and much more. The most recent one is the first willing to do a hair test, but told her based on blood work she is anemic. My sister believes this also has to do with her liver not properly filtering iron. When she takes iron supplements it makes her heart palpitations and brain fog much worse. Magnesium seems to help with them. She is considering making an appointment with an endoscopy center to take a closer look at her organs.

That lawsuit is for IUDs that broke, so we are not eligible, but we will continue searching for someone who can help (until our money runs out! )

Any information, tips, etc. anyone can offer help so much!

  Re: Coconut Oil Drink Concoction for Hypothyroidism

1 month ago
Posted by El (Washington, DC) on 03/18/2024

In her drink recipe, she didn't list ACV, but wrote in the body of her post that ACV has helped. Was this a mistake or was she taking the ACV separate from the drink?

 Daughter With High Blood Sugar

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 03/18/2024


- berberine

- chromium

- vanadium

- vitamin K and D

Peptide Therapy:

A combination of semaglutide (short term use) and BPC-157 can really help to modulate the insulin response. Semaglutide works by helping the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin at the right time.

MOTS-C: this is a potent metabolic regulator. It enhances autophagy, mitochondrial function, and improves insulin sensitivity as well.

  Re: Bleach Compress for Folliculitis

1 month ago
Posted by Roy (TX) on 03/17/2024

Does anyone know the ratio of bleach to water in the warm bleach/water compresses?

  Brand of Vitamin C Mentioned in Post

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 03/17/2024

Hi Bridget,

My impression is that the writer is referring to sodium ascorbate which has a higher pH that is closer to the blood pH than ascorbic acid. It is considered a more alkaline type of vitamin C and is sometimes referred to as buffered vitamin C.


  Brand of Vitamin C Mentioned in Post

1 month ago
Posted by Bridget (Gilbert AZ) on 03/17/2024

I'm battling multiple health issues. Does anyone know what vitamin c she is talking about. It shows a blank space every time she says what it is.

 Re: Long QT Syndrome - Requesting Remedies

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 03/17/2024

Hi Priya,

One thing your niece can do is have her doctor check her vitamin D level and then have her supplement to bring it well into the reference range which is 30 ~ 100 ng/ml. Also check for hypocalcemia.

A low vitamin D level can be a contributing factor to hypocalcemia which can cause prolonged QT interval. Adding calcium with the vitamin D can correct the hypocalcemia if found and possibly the the prolonged QT interval.

Beta blockers are often used to treat this condition and while some supplements have shown the ability to act as beta blockers, the effects are weak compared to prescription beta blockers in which case it might require multiple supplements to get a stronger beta blocker effect and this would be hard to know what equivalent dose you are getting from supplements compared to a prescription beta blocker. This makes the prescription route the most likely choice. Beta blockers come with many potential side effects which can have a negative impact on quality of life which is a major downside to them.

Surprisingly, one of the known side effects of beta blockers is arrythmias, which is also seen in LQTS.

In animals, melatonin has shown the ability to reduce QT prolongation.

The serious nature of LQTS means that any natural remedy your niece may consider has to be approved and supervised by here doctor.

Previously it was thought that potassium may have a beneficial effect for LQTS in terms of decreasing the QT prolongation, but this 2021 study suggests it doesn't:

Here is a relevant study quote :

' In patients with LQTS, high dose+ treatment increased plasma potassium by 0.4 mmol/L without cases of hyperkalaemia. However, the potassium increase did not shorten the QT interval and several patients had side effects. Considering the QT interval as a proxy for arrhythmic risk, our data do not support that potassium-elevating treatment has a role as antiarrhythmic prophylaxis in patients with LQTS with normal-range potassium levels. '


  Can Acupuncture Help Crunching in Jaw?

1 month ago
Posted by Gordon (Ohio) on 03/17/2024

I have crepitus in my jaw. It's awful crunching. Will acupuncture work?

  Re: Treatment Information for Scabies

1 month ago
Posted by Just One Seabird (Maryland) on 03/17/2024

Parasites are becoming resistant to insecticides. Lice resist permethrin, and farmers are finding that ivermectin no longer works on mange mites.

Physicians don't actually know everything. Search "medical gaslighting", "Morgellons, a filamentous borrelial dermatitis", and "Host switching" and you will discover just how much they don't know.

  Re: Clove Oil for Scabies

1 month ago
Posted by Just One Seabird (Maryland) on 03/17/2024

You can see some species of Demodex with the naked eye. There are far more than the two that doctors mention [brevis and folliculorum], and they ARE host switchers, you CAN get them from animals.

You can also see Cheyletiella parasitovorax with the naked eye, and they too can host switch to humans. Doctors tend to disbelieve this, but ask a vet, or a professional pet sitter, or a pet rescuer. THEY know.

So yes, some mites can be seen on towels and clothing. Please don't kick people when they're down, it's unkind and totally unnecessary.

  Blackstrap Molasses for Chronic Shoulder Pain

1 month ago
Posted by Mika (Oregon) on 03/17/2024

Hi Linda, I think many here refer to the backstrap molasses, I get mine from Amazon and it's really helped my elbow & wrist pain. I had a bad carpal tunnel attack about 2 months ago & read on here about the back strap molasses. I take one tablespoon with my morning coffee & occasionally in the evening, after 24 hours of my first dose the carpal tunnel attack has subsided enough where I felt I was back to my normal, so I've continued to take it. Don't know if it makes a difference, but the first couple doses I took straight from the spoon, I like it much better in my coffee, I need NO sugar when I use this.

  Re: Pelvic Organ Prolapse

1 month ago
Posted by Helen (Suffolk) on 03/17/2024

For anyone not wanting to use capsules, an easy way to swallow powder doses is to make a cream-cheese bon-bon.

Use firm cream cheese (or vegan version) scoop with a soup spoon, empty your powder into the middle, then put more cheese on top. Can be swallowed in one gulp. I use garlic and herb as it seems able to mask unpleasant tastes.