Chanca Piedra
Health Benefits

Chanca Piedra Herbal Benefits

| Modified on Jun 30, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hepatitis B
Posted by Frank (Kenya) on 08/17/2013

Was Hep B+, took chanca piedra (boiled- which grows as a weed locally) for about 6months, the virus fully cleared!

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/14/2013

Editor's Choice

Hi Jo... I also had calcium deposits in the tendons in my shoulder joint that caused me great pain problems -- especially in the morning. In the early 1990s I also went to see a tissue specialist in UK about this problem because it had become such a painful problem. I spent two hours waiting to see the tissue specialist only for him to tell me that he could do nothing to help me. He also told me that his own wife had the same problem as me --for over 15 years!! This from aso-called specialist!! This did not engender much confidence on my part. He did offer to operate on my tendon and individually remove calcium particles but I thought this was a ridiculous solution that would never gaurantee an actual cure to the problem -- so I said no to the op. In the end I cured myself by deliberately and physically damaging my calcified shoulder(I did aikido at the time) -- figuring that if I deliberatey damaged this shoulder area then this would attract the immune system to the area and the calcium particles would be removed. It worked but I wouldn't recommend it!!

Your problem is essentially caused by a high calcium low magnesium diet as well as by lack of other nutrients in the diet.

A better way to deal with the calcified tendon problem would be to supplement the following:

Chanca Piedra - This is a wonderful herb which has a diuretic action that specifically helps to remove excess calcium from tissue and bone sites as well as from the blood. CP is also hypoglycemic (lowers excess blood sugar), and hypolipidemic (lowers excess blood fats). It has many beneficial characteristics:

Dose: Capsules -- 1000 mgs at every meal or drink the tea form 3 times a day. Avoid the the alcoholic extract form - not as good as the aqueous form.

Magnesium -- In the form of magnesium chloride (best form to take), magnesium citrate or mag gluconate. Essentially magnesium helps to regulate calcium in the body. Dose: 250 mgs twice a day.

Vitamin K2, Vitamin A and Vitamin D. This combination also helps to regulate calcium in bone and teeth. Weston Price determined through his own research that in all healthy primitive cultures which had perfect bone and teeth -- this particular combination of healthy vitamins was perhaps the main characteristic reason. These primitive cultures used fats like palm oil(high in vitamin A), coconut oil, butter oil(as clarified butter or ghee) and real grass fed butter -- which all contained healthy amounts of vitamin K2. The Japanese eat natto(acquired taste!! ) which also contains large amounts of Vitamin K2. The human gut flora also produces small amounts of vitamin k2. Weston Price, in his research, also noticed that these healthy primitive cultures had perfect teeth and bone structure right up to and beyong the age of 70 y o. No cavities in the teeth and no bone thinning or bone wasting at old age.

The dosages for these vitamins should be in the proper orthomolecular dosages(not RDA -- way too low) :

Vitamin K2: 1000 mcg per day. You can also get adequate amounts of K2 buy just eating grass fed butter everyday and not margarine.

Vitamin D3: 5,000 iu per day. If you live in a sunny tropical climate -- you wont need to take Vitamin D because your skin plus sun is abe to manufacture up to 20, 000 iu of vitamin D in your skin per day.

Vitamin A: 2,000 iu per day

Perhaps an easier way to take the Vitamin D and Vitamin A together is just to supplement good quality fish oil -- which contains both vitamins in the correct proprotions.

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Lisa (England) on 12/20/2015

Editor's Choice

My gallbladder is packed with stones -- and despite many liver flushes - it just wasn't moving the stones out quickly enough (and my health was failing as a result).

Long story short - yesterday I received 100ml of Chanca Piedra in tincture form (suspended in glycerin; 1:1, glycerin). I started taking 2ml per dose (a couple of drops), followed by filtered water. Am also taking a swig of apple cider vinegar (it enhances and helps! ) daily.

It's been 24 hours since I started taking Chanca Piedra and tonight I passed two large stones. One the size of a walnut. The other was flattish but thick - like the shape of the side of the gallbladder - very large (I couldn't stop staring at it - in wonder, how it came out!! ). Minimal discomfort! In fact, once I started taking the Chanca Piedra - the pain was quite diminished and I could feel something different going on in my gut.

Tonight, I decided to do a coffee enema because I was developing a nasty headache; a sign of toxins leaking into my system. (it's not good if gallstones sit in the bowel, or the toxins are taken back into the system via the bowel walls). Anyway, that's when the stones came out. Headache immediately gone!

This stuff is nothing short of amazing!!

P.S. I took 5 doses yesterday - and 5 doses today. Will continue, until I feel the gallbladder is cleared out. My tummy is way less distended than it was yesterday, as well!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/06/2011

I've been living in the Philippines for over five years now. As an uprooted Englishman, my own adjustment to the tropical climate was necessarily swift. For some years I've had a fascination for and have used herbs, but I was astounded at the proliferation and variety of fresh tropical herbs that I am now able to grow in my garden so easily. These range from simple well known herbs like Thyme and Oregano to more oblique herbs like Chanca Piedra, Heart Vine, Aloe Vera, Tumeric root and Neem. So, over a period of time, I experimented and used many of these herbs very successfully for my own systemic candida and other problems, which are now all gone. I have also used both Heart Vine and Chanca Piedra over the years to successfully help people with diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, arthritis and candida problems.

There was one old Filipino who was quite badly constipated -- in a serious condition -- he hadn't been able to go to the toilet for over a month!! His family had tried all the usual laxatives with no success at all. I figured it must have been a blockage caused by a lack of liver bile, so I gave him the Chanca Piedra and Heart Vine remedy. He had a rather large evacuation after about 3 days of taking this decoction and he is now fine.
But I have had more recent success with my old and favourite Chanca Piedra and Heart Vine decoction remedy. I live behind a large but poor Filipino shanty where I have a friendly relationship with the community. They are lovely, happy people. Recently, an uncle of a Filipino friend said he went to the doctor complaining of abdominal shooting pains and bloating. The doctors diagnosed gallstones and insisted that they would have to operate to remove the gallbladder (gallbladder removal rarely, if ever, cures gallstones in the long run).

But the uncle was far too poor and couldn't afford the operation anyway. So a family member mentioned this problem to me and I taught him how to recognize and find the herbs, which all grow in the area, and I showed him how to make the standard decoction -- which consists of just two herbs -- Heart Vine (Tinospora cordifolia) and Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) with daily dosages. In the Philippines, both these plants are regarded as useless weeds believe it or not. But in Indian Ayurvedic medicine these two herbs are revered for their rejuvenating and tonic properties.
Anyway, two months went by and word was eventually passed to me that the uncle with the gallbladder problem had successfully passed out all his gallstones naturally while taking the decoction and he was healthy once again. I really love it when I get feedback like this. To me it is simply the best sort of confirmation whether a remedy works or not.

EC: Bill's above feedback on Chanca Piedra and Heart Vine was originally published in our recent 02/28/2011 newsletter. Read the newsletter in entirety here.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nicole (Chantilly, Va) on 01/19/2017

Editor's Choice

My daughter was having an extremely painful gallbladder attack and I gave her the herb Chanca Piedra and it quickly subsided. I always have it on hand as I use it for myself for general detoxing of the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys of sludge and stones. I presumed this was the cause of her pain based on the location.

I continued to give her 1 pill a day for another week (after the first day of 2 pills) and she has had no signs of gallbladder issues like she used to get. Now I give her just 1-2 pills a week for safe measure. She would occasionally also get twinges and sharp pains in the past that were temporary...but those have completely stopped as well. It's an amazing herb that aids in all digestion issues, softens stones and sludge in your gallbladder and kidneys so your body and excrete them, detoxes and cleanses the liver/kidney/gallbladder, and is also anti-parasitic. The first time I took it my urine became cloudy one time, for the first time in my life. I became concerned and looked it up and discovered that it's actually a sign that your kidneys are cleansing/detoxing. It made sense and I was pretty amazed.

It does lower blood sugar slightly so if you're hypoglycemic I don't recommend it. I take 1 pill a day for occasional time I went to 2 pills and started feeling symptoms of low blood sugar so had eat. One pill I'm fine though. Incidentally I do give it to my dad and my son who have high blood sugar issues and it helps them. It's also known as an herb for diabetics.

Bone Spurs
Posted by Katherine (Las Vegas, Nv) on 09/03/2015

A friend told me that she tried chanca piedra for a foot bone spur and, within 2 months, the bone spur completely dissolved. Is this herb the answer to quickly dissolving a foot bone spur I have, which is painless but unsightly and makes it very difficult to wear a left shoe properly because of this bone spur?

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on this subject. Thank you.

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/15/2013

Hi Sue... I don't think that your low blood pressure is related or caused by just calcium problems. Osteoporosis is partly caused by a combination of high calcium in the diet and low magnesium intake. Magnesium is what helps to regulate calcium in the blood and cells. This lack of magnesium causes high amounts of calcium to be present in the blood while, because of poor blood calcium and bone regulation, there is constant bone loss and deterioration of the body's bone structure. This loss of bone also occurs for reasons of lack of nutrients needed to help properly regulate bone formation in the body.

Bone formation and bone removal are two separate ongoing processes in the body. The calcitonin hormone from the thyroid is involved in bone formation and the parathyroid governs bone removal. If your body lacks iodine then bone formation will be affected and boron or borax is very important to the parathyroid for normal bone removal. Other nutritional factors -- such as Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin K2 are also essential for bone formation.

It is quite apparent to me that because you have kidney stone problems, this must mean that you have excess calcium in your blood -- so your excess blood calcium needs to be reduced so you can avoid kidney stone problems in the future. The other half of this problem is caused by eating to much vegetable oils in your diet.

The following protocol will help your osteoporosis problems:

Magnesium Chloride (or Magnesium Oil) -- Ten drops twice a day. You can also use mag citrate -- 250 mgs twice a day.

Borax Water -- 1/8 tspn borax in a litre of water. Drink this mixture throughout the day. Take this remedy for 5 consecutive days then take 2 days off.

Kelp tablets - regular dosages to help thyroid support (calcitonin support).

Vitamin K -- 1000 mcgs once a day.

A Good quality fish oil (Vit A & D).

I also think that it would be safe enough for you to take the Chanca Piedra -- 1000 mgs three times a day with meals -- or drink the tea form three times a day. This will help to gently dissolve and remove the stones in your kidney.

To help with your low blood pressure -- magnesium chloride and sea salt supplementation will help you here. Chlorides (not sodium) are well known to help safely raise blood pressure to normal levels. Dosage for sea salt is 1/2 tspn with water outside mealtimes once a day.

Supplementing both magnesium and iodine from the kelp will also help to resolve your tachycardia heart problems. I also had racing heart problems when I had candida and the iodine plus magnesium resolved this problem quite quickly.

Alot of your problems seem to be linked to lack of magnesium and lack of iodine in your diet.

Kidney Stones, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/12/2021

Fascinating report out of Malaysia but once again, an essential bit is missing!!??

I must be becoming an irritable, old grouch but would people PLEASE, PLEASE let us know what many, many, posters are oh so eager to hear- namely, "How long was the interval between commencing the treatment and actual relief occurring?". Hours, days, weeks, years??

This sort of info. gives hope and encouragement to those contemplating similar treatment on either themselves, family or their friends faced with a similar predicament.

There, not too hard was it?

Cheers from Down Under

P.S. I DID gave this posting a thumbs up - it WAS good. (I'm currently enrolled in a support group for old grouches & learning to be positive and kind to the afflicted).

Kidney Stones
Posted by Big Pygmy (New York City, New York) on 10/07/2011

Editor's Choice

Chanca Piedra is a MIRACLE! I recently had my fourth kidney stone (I'm 53, vegetarian, very healthy). I toughed it out but after HOURS of agonizing pain and realizing I had two at once, which might mean hours more pain I finally went to the emergency room at 3 a.m. They gave me some strong painkiller (tylenol w/codeine previously was worthless). They do an MRI and find three more stones in my left kidney, just sitting there waiting to torture me. I go home, scour the web, scour my herb books. I discover Chanca Piedra here at Earth Clinic. Local herb shop has it (Herb Pharm product called Stone Breaker, it also contains hydrangea root, celery seed and Burdock seed). Herbalist recommends I also take marshmallow for good mucous membrane health. I take them for two weeks.

I feel three stones pass PAINLESSLY. I find last two of them in toilet, they look ENORMOUS. I bow down to the Chanca Piedra. Get some and keep it on hand- it is also an analgesic, you can take it during an attack.

I found out that a lot of studies have been done on this herb. They all agree- Chanca Piedra is the rill dilly-o even from a western perspective. Also clears gallstones and heals your liver. Just an AMAZING herb! It should be much better known.

Kidney Stones, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Hackerszzz (Malaysia) on 08/11/2021

Editor's Choice

5 years ago, I had a kidney stone.

During the night, I felt very painful area around the liver area, and I thought I was having appendicitis. Went to the emergency ward, and they said it was something else. After doing MRI, it was a kidney stone stuck in the urinary tract between the kidney and bladder. But to proceed with the procedure they said I need to wait another 3 months, because of many others are waiting in line. I could only afford the government funded hospitals.

Tried to research the internet, and I found something about Chanca Piedra. Fortunately, this herbs grows wildly in my garden. I took a bunch of it and simmer it in water and drank it half a cup daily.

To my astonishment, the pain diminished. Previously I couldn't eat too much since if I eat too much it presses on the affected area and it became painful. I couldn't sleep well at night because of back pain and just tossing around the bed became painful. There is something in Chance Piedra that acts as analgesics. After drinking it, I can sleep better since the pain reduces to tolerable threshold.

One day, I have the urge to urinate, and it felt a bit difficult since I need to push harder in order for the urine to flow out. Suddenly, I hear a loud sound from the toilet bowl like a big pebble clashing down the toilet. It was the kidney stone, coming out without any notice. After that I felt a great relief, I can eat more food, since the pain was already gone.

Another thing that I notice is, my blood pressure reduced to a normal level. I've been taking blood pressure medication without any success, it only capable of reducing my reading in a small numbers. I'm not sure what Chanca Piedra has done to my blood pressure, but the normal value persists for a month. But it came back to abnormal level, perhaps because I was not taking Chance Piedra anymore.

Gonna try again if it could fix my blood pressure since changing several bp medications couldn't fix my bp level.

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Ruth (Harlingen, Texas) on 02/14/2013

You might want to look into vitamin K2. There's a book called Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox. The way I remember it, K2 moves calcium to the places it needs to go and away from the places it shouldn't be.

Kidney Stones
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/01/2016

Hi Diane...Take either the tea or the capsule form of Chanca piedra for best effect. Make absolutely sure there has been no high heat, additives or chemicals applied to the herb. Make sure to buy organic or wild-crafted CP for the best outcome. The CP will gently remove the stone -- but sometimes its quite quick. There was a gent who emailed me four years ago who had a seriously large kidney stone problem. He said in his email that he had just taken the first dose of CP that day and was wondering whether the dose was OK. Next day a joyous email arrived where the man stated that the large Kidney stone (he called it a 'boulder') was successfuly expelled without any problems the next morning.

The Chinese understand well the the importance of the synergistic behaviour of herbs in TCM -- the main beneficial action of most herbs is because of the unique combination of hundreds of natural chemicals in the plant. Allopathic research tends to do the exactly opposite -- just find a singular plant chemical nutrient that has some beneficial action against a certain disease, isolate that one chemical, and then invent a patented chemical equivalent that hasn't got a chance of being recognized by the human body thus causing a hundred side effects. That's also why the drugs companies and doctors won't or can't use herbs -- because allopathic research always demands "standardization of ingredients". That means only one or two ingredients in the herb are [chemically] emphasized and, along the way, you completely destroy the natural, combined beneficial synergistic chemical healing effects of all the chemicals that these herbs contain in the first place. Stupidity itself.

I also agree with Ben, gallium nitrate is extremely effective for hypercalcemic problems and is very effective against many pathogen species. Both Gallium Nitrate and Chanca piedra are effective against kidney stones, but the real difference between them is the price.

From George Eby's website a 14% half liter bottle of gallium nitrate solution will cost you $90. And a 42% half liter will cost you $250. This is a fair price for gallium nitrate. But its a Rare Earth metal -- so that means its rare and therefore unavoidably expensive.

A thirty day supply of wild-crafted Chanca piedra will probably cost you about $15. Up to you. If you take the capsules then I would take at least 500 mgs twice a day for best effect.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 02/08/2017

You should make sure you are getting Vitamin K2 MK-4 also which is the Wesson Price active X ingredient. In Japan and Netherland they use a high dose K2 MK-4 (15g 3Xday) for curing osteoporosis. They add MCT oil to capsule so it can absorb the fat soluble K2. I take high dose K2 MK-4 along with some MK-7. You want to take fat soluble Vitamin A and D3. I take these with a tiny bit of coconut oil so the K2 will absorb.

Also be aware that the best calcium is MCHA calcium. It is the exact form the body uses. Calcium Citrate is second best.

Also be aware that a bioavailable Silica like JarrowSil or BioSil is what makes bones resilient and fracture proof. This is critical because increasing bone mass alone doesn't give you quality bones. This also provides critical ingredient to collagen and collagen production. It will help you look younger too.

Borax which is highly absorb-able form of boron is also important because it addresses the parathyroid gland issues which stores the most boron. If your parathyroid gland is broken, it will cause calcium metabolic dysfunction like stenosis / bone spurs. It also cures 70% of RA.

Look at Ultra Bone Up supplement ingredient label to see other cofactor support.

I am trying to rid my body of calcium deposits.

Posted by Beamer (Brisbane, Australia) on 01/09/2017

D-Limonene will scrape build-ups out of the body. Sweet orange oil is something like 95% D-Limonene. Research it :).

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tiffany (Tx) on 07/11/2017

Chanca Piedra lowers blood sugar and my guess it that it creates a more alkaline PH so the mineral balance of the body remains intact. I had a rash of ringworm on my neck which didn't budge for weeks with the topical... Well I started drinking chanca piedra tea for my painful kidneys and guess what? The ringworm died! Rash totally cleared up!!

Once again, something to do with the blood sugar levels? Also, my TMJ doesn't bother me when I drink it. My blood pressure dropped to very low 96/69 or something like that.... SUPER low. Obviously...this makes one very drowsy so I don't drink it as often as I should.

Kidney Stones
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/10/2012

Hi Sanjay... Chanca piedra is well known in India. It is known and used widely in Ayurvedic medicines and is called bhumyamalaki. There are also many Indian herbal formulations such as Chayawanprash that contain Chanca piedra and these are fairly cheap. So you might be able to actually buy the Chanca piedra or bhumyamalaki from an Ayurvedic herbal vendor where you live.

You might also be able to buy the Chanca piedra at the malls where you live. But this, I think might be expensive.

What you really need to get rid of kidney stones is to take the tea form of Chanca piedra. You can buy one pound bags organic Chanca piedra powder at this internet site reasonably cheaply:

Failing this, Chanca piedra grows all over the lowlands of India, so you might be able to find it locally and even grow your own CP and make the tea or decoction for no cost. The plant grows about one meter high and looks like this:

Kidney Stones
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/29/2017 2372 posts

In reply to Diane (Pompton Lakes, Nj Usa),

I've only used the 500mg capsules taken two at breakfast, 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner for a total of 3 grams per day. This generally works for me within two weeks or less. My friends that have tried it have had pretty much the same experience as me.

Bill Thompson has stated previously that the tea works well also, but I don't remember how much tea he recommended per day. Chanca Piedra can sometimes have a rather strong taste so I avoid the tea in order to avoid the taste.

This is what I and my friends have used to good effect:


Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/18/2015

I do not know about Chanca piedra, but take Myrrh in powder (make a tea) or in capsules. It scrapes cholesterol out of the body.

Kidney Stones, High Blood Pressure
Posted by ivybridge (TN) on 08/13/2021

Obstinate attitude for sure!

Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 09/16/2017

Hi Janie...There can be several causes for osteoporosis. You should continue taking the supplements you are taking, including the chanca piedra, but I would add the following supplements as well:

* Take 5% lugol's iodine -- 6 drops a day in a glass of water(work up to this dose slowly). Or you can take 50mgs to 120mgs of potassium iodide per day if you prefer. The iodine/iodide will ensure proper production of the calcitonin thyroid hormone which is the regulating hormone for the bone-forming iconoblasts cells in your bones. So increasing your iodine intake should also help to properly regulate and increase bone formation in your hips and bones.

* For the osteoporosis, I would also take Ted's lemon alkalizing remedy(See Ted's alkalizing remedies on EC). I would also change Ted's lemon alkalizing remedy in the following way. Just add the zest of the lemon(about 1/5 of lemon's surface area) to the alkalizing remedy. Then drink it and make sure you also chew and swallow the lemon zest as well. Take it once a day. Following this simple protocol once a day helps to protect the body's bone density. Lemon peel also contain high concentrations of hesperidin(as well as quercitin, limonene, gallic acid etc), which is a bioflavinoid that helps prevent bone loss in the human body. See this research article:

* To help remove the dangerous LDL LipoA build-up on your heart valve, Linus Pauling's Vitamin C + Lysine protocol is probably the best and cheapest remedy for you. For serious problems ie arteriosclerosis in the heart, I would take 1/4 tspn Ascorbic acid(1000mgs) powder and 1/4 tspn lysine powder(1000mgs) in a half glass of water, at hourly intervals, at least 4 times a day. If you can do it, taking the vitamin C + lysine in a half glass of water 6 or 8 times a day would be much better. The short explanation for this remedy is that the vitamin C actively removes the dangerous build-up of LipoA on the arterial walls whereas the lysine actively deactivates the dangerous LDL(LipoA) in the blood so that it cannot be used to cause artery build-up. Here is an explanation of Linus Pauling's research with some testimonials:

Heart Disease Vitamin C and Linus Pauling

Where to Buy
Posted by Joseph (Accra, Ghana) on 07/08/2015

dear all,

my name is joseph a Ghanaian, I must admit you guys are doing amazing job, . please , I got tested for the HBV and appeared positive and chronic. please the medicines you are recommending I have not heard of them before don't know where I will get them in ghana. please I need your help. thanks.

Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 12/11/2021 62 posts

Thank you - Lots of good info in your post.

If I may add... The large Rotterdamn Study of nearly 5K men/women showed that for Arterial Cardiovascular Calcification, interestingly, MK7 (to MK9) forms of K2 proved most effective, while MK-4 did not impact outcomes.

Kidney Stones
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 04/03/2015

Look what I found about Tulsi leaves (Holy Basil):

"Dissolves kidney stones: The holy basil being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys. Tulsi helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood (one of the main reasons for kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in the blood), helps cleanse the kidneys, the presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils helps in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps dull down the pain of kidney stones. To relieve kidney stones one must have the juice of tulsi leaves with honey, every day for six months to help wash out the stone from the kidney.

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/14/2013

Chanca Piedra is a stone breaker. It can help. In addition you need to take foods rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K makes sure that your body's calcium is evenly distributed. It prevents deposit of calcium in one particular area.

First you can opt for food rich in Vitamin K. Natto, (japanese fermented soy) is the ideal food to supply Vitamin K. It is rich in vitamin K than any other food. But the taste of Natto is quite different. you have to acquire it. You can have a cup of natto with bread or rice daily.

Also do at least 20 mins of full body exercise daily.

Good health

Kidney Stones
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/15/2022

A friend of ours related a story to us that I thought I would share.

Her elderly mother was in the hospital. Her mother has many health problems including dementia and heart problems. (I am not even sure why she was in the hospital.)

While in the hospital, her mother was having severe pain but couldn't tell them why (due to the dementia) and our friend and the staff were mystified.

Then our friend remembered that her mother had a history of kidney stones. She asked the doctor if they could check. Sure enough she had kidney stones, according to a scan. They wanted to do surgery, but it would be a few days out and of course, surgery had its own risks with her age and health problems.

Our friend asked if they could try Stone Breaker herb, that her mother had used it before. The hospital was not willing. They said they didn't know how it might interact with her medications, and she had a feeding tube so that complicated giving it to her.

Well, surgery was taking a while to schedule and our friend was very kind and but persistent. She finally found a doctor to agree to try it, even though, he said, it wouldn't help.

They gave her stone breaker 4 times a day. After a couple of days, it was clear that the pain was gone. Surgery seemed to have been forgotten and they were going to send her home.

Our friend asked if they could check about the kidney stones. The doctor was reluctant but did another scan, and what do you know, the stones were gone!

There are several morals to the story - one is that hospital patients benefit greatly by having an advocate, family who knows them, especially. Second is that kindness goes a long way, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as the old saying says. And third, stone breaker works!

~Mama to Many~

Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by Lonnette (Florida ) on 03/02/2021

Is there a way to Flush Herbal toxicity?

Hi, I started taking chanca piedra, pau d'arco, and chaparral 5 days ago in the amounts (tablespoons per cup) that I've always taken tea in the past. Yesterday evening, I started feeling stinging pain in my kidneys and a slighter stinging pain in the liver area. It's not very painful, but the fact that it's there is alarming because I've never felt pain in those areas. I stopped taking the tea yesterday. If the pain gets worse I will go see a doctor, but have any of you experienced this? Should the pain pass on its own since I stopped taking the herbs? If the pain stops I would like to start over again but much slower.

Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by HisJewel (United States) on 04/16/2019

Hi Jill, I had the same reaction. All over itchy, especially my ankles, and lower legs. I scratched my lower legs so bad with my nails that I had scabs and had to use iodine to help them heal. I was taking 1000mgs Chanca Piedra. I had read its wonderful benefits and wanted to try it. I only took it for a week or two. I must have been taking way to much. it took about 3 weeks for my skin to completely calm down. All is well now, however i will wait until I learn more about this one again before I try it again. HisJewel

Chanca Piedra Plant Identification
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 08/18/2018 180 posts

Could someone look at this and confirm whether it is Chanca Piedra plant?

Thanks Baldev

Chanca Piedra Plant Identification
Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 08/19/2018

Hi Baldev...I can confirm that your plant photo is definitely not Chanca piedra. The plant in your photo looks like it might be a member of the nightshade family.

Here is a link to some photos of Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) on the stuartxchange website:

In the Philippines, the herb is called sampa-sampalukan. Also note that the seeds form along the underside of the center leaf petioles and are most abundant at the top of the plant. This is unique to chanca piedra -- no other plant form their seeds under the petiole like this. This is how you can identify this plant so easily. CP only grows to a maximum height of about 50 to 60 cms.

Here is some more research on this herb from The Rain-Tree Tropical Plant Database which might also interest you:

Bone Spurs
Posted by David (CA) on 08/23/2021

Hi, it's been some time, can u tell me what u discovered using CP or? thanks David

Posted by Lilykam (Qld) on 05/17/2015

Arteriosclerosis: I have blocked Iliac and femoral arteries and refuse to have Angioplasty/Stents etc.

I know Stonebreaker (chanca Piedra) dissolves kidney and gallstones and wanted to know if it will also dissolve calcium in arteries.

Where to Buy - South Africa
Posted by Caz (South Africa) on 04/21/2014

Hi, please could you advise where a person can buy Chanca Piedro in South Africa

Where to Buy
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/03/2016

Hi Jacqui...You needn't worry about overdosing on Chanca Piedra. On the Raintree Database website it states that there is no known dangerous over-dose limit for chanca piedra. I take it all the time. Today I took the cooled concentrated decoction form. It's very bitter for sure. But I felt better for it. I take it because it puts the brake on excessive calcium and sugar in the blood. It also lowers blood pressure, gets rid of stones, supports the kidneys and liver, lowers cholesterol, antiviral and does a bunch of other things for your body that's all good. Just think of Chanca piedra as a good friend. And the way you are taking it is fine, so please don't worry.

Chanca Piedra Contraindications
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/31/2014

Hi Nina...If you have low calcium issues then you should not be taking chanca piedra because it is a calcium channel blocker.

I would also further advise that calcium carbonate supplements are probably totally useless for absorption of calcium into the body. Two reasons for this. First, the body absorbs all minerals, including calcium, in their ionic(dissolved) forms. Secondly, calcium carbonate dissolves very poorly in water -- it has an absorption of only 0.001 gms per 100 ml, which is very poor indeed. The better forms of calcium to supplement -- the more soluble forms -- are calcium citrate and the chelated forms of calcium which provide much higher absorption of calcium into the body. I would also start including natural calcium sources like dairy into your diet.

Since you also have hypothyroidism -- this can also cause low calcium issues. Calcitonin, a hormone secreted from the thyroid, controls the osteoblasts for bone formation. This hormone removes calcium from the blood and puts it into bone. So I would advise the Iodine Protocol to help properly control bone formation and to improve your hypothyroid problems as well. The thyroid is completely dependent on proper amounts of iodine in the dietfro hormone production. All processed food diets lack iodine.

I would also start taking Boron supplements or Borax. Boron is necessary for the parathyroid to help regulate the removal of bone calcium into the blood. You have low blood calcium, so this makes sense. The bone forming and bone removal process is perpetually ongoing in your body to renew old bone. If mis-regulation occurs in this process then its possible to have serious calcium issues. That's why its also important to take Magnesium(as mag citrate or mag chloride -- 250 mgs twice a day) to help properly regulate the amount of calcium in the blood and in the cells.

Chanca Piedra Contraindications
Posted by Roberto Arias Hirata (Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico ) on 12/13/2015

Excelente y deja todos los carbohidratos.

EC: Translation: excellent and cut out all carbohydrates.

Chanca Piedra Contraindications
Posted by Martha (Greensboro, Nc) on 10/24/2016

I have a calcium level at 11.1, blood pressure that's always above 160/75, primary hyper parathyroid, nothing seems to lower my blood pressure but l-arginine and it only lowers it for a couple of hours. Is chanca piedra safe for me to take? I also have high chelosterol levels total in the 400's. What do you recommend for me. Thank you Martha

Chanca Piedra Contraindications
Posted by Laurie (Rochester Hills, Mi) on 01/08/2017


This is not a sales pitch! I had high calcium and pth (parathyroid hormone) docs said we'd "keep an eye on it"...for 15 years. I did some research and found a parathyroid clinic. I asked my endocrinologist if the Norman Parathyroid Clinic was legit, and she told me if my insurance covered any portion, that I should go to Tampa to have the surgery to remove the diseased parathyroid gland/tumor...that the docs at the Norman Parathyroid Clinic (it's located in Tampa General Hospital) were the best...that's all they do, all day, every day...that's why the surgery there is 20 minutes. My scar is less than 1 inch long and is almost invisible. It sounds crazy that I flew from MI to FL for a 20 minute outpatient surgery, but I'm so glad I did. I'm also not one to comment online, but saw your comment and had to reach out. Good luck!!

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Jo (Surrey, England) on 02/14/2013

I was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder 3 years ago. X-ray showed a build-up of calcium around my shoulder joint. Cortisone injection did absolutely nothing, same with painkillers. Eventually got rid of the raw, tearing pain with acupuncture.

However, 3 years later I still have a lot of stiffness in that shoulder. I was wondering if Chanca Piedra might be worth trying to dissolve the calcium. Any views or advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Kidney Stones
Posted by Diane (New Jersey) on 05/01/2016


I have to thank you so much for your help. A site like this can give so much relief, knowing that there are others in the same circumstance and knowledgeable people like you who encourage a natural approach. I will look into both suggestions.

I have to say Bill, you made a very good point about high heat - I had been taking CP liquid tincture in a very hot (to hot to drink right away) cup of water for 3 weeks with a "weak" effect at best - that may have been my mistake.

Bill, if I use the CP capsules, is it safe to use them at this 1000 mg/day dosage for several months? All I've ever gotten is sand. How do I know when to stop? These have been "silent obstructions", so until the x-ray, I don't know if I'm clear.

Thank you again -

Boy, would I love to show the doctors a clean x-ray!

Kidney Stones
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/03/2016

Hi Diane...I would just keep taking the Chanca piedra on a daiy basis until the 'sand' stops coming out. Also, CP has no known toxicity when used in large amounts over a lengthy period of time. So you're pretty safe with CP.

Kidney Stones
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/09/2016

Hi Diane...Chanca piedra is well know to dissolve cysts as well as stones that contain high amounts of calcium and that's because of CP's wonderful and gentle ability to liquify calcium. Since you have such a severe problem I also think that you should at least double the dose of the Chanca piedra that you are currently using since CP is very friendly and has no known overdose limit or side-effects. This should help to work more quickly in dissolving your serious stone problems which are such a priority with you.

If all else fails, you could perhaps try using a 1% solution -- drink one litre per day -- of gallium nitrate which is used currently by modern medicine to reduce calcium in the blood for cancer patients. But this will be much more expensive for you than using Chanca piedra. You can read all of Dr George Eby's research concerning gallium nitrate here. Eby also firmly believes that gallium nitrate is very effective at killing any calcium-loving nanobacteria that are also sometimes involved with kidney problems and kidney stones.

My own opinion is that what you are taking now -- Chanca piedra and magnesium -- should be enough to resolve your stone problems. Just give it a little time. And I also would agree with you about the tea form of CP. I think its more effective than the capsule form.

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