Chanca Piedra
Health Benefits

Chanca Piedra Herbal Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Kidney Stones
Posted by Jc (Florida ) on 11/07/2021

I had my first stone about 5 years ago. The ER doctor told me to take potassium citrate 3x day to keep urine alkaline. Then I was told about Chandra piedra. It's a Godsend to me. When I first feel that ache in the kidney before it get to pain, I take 2capsules 3 times a day. If severe I do it 5 times a day. It takes about 30 minutes to work. They are alway with me. As I get older I don't tolerate oxalates well which can cause stones. If I want a handful of nuts, or a spoon of peanut butter I'll take 1 capsule of Chanda piedra. It wards off the ache or pain.

I now use Whole World Botanical. Their capsules work up to thirty minutes. Usually twenty. They are pharmaceutical grade, been tested and without any fillers. They are wonderful to work with. They also carry the liquid. I use that in emergencies. Takes ten minutes or less.

find the number of oxalates in the foods you like. You'll save yourself in pain knowing them. I still eat things with oxalates in them but not as many and I took a capsule or capsules to counteract. I first discovered them drinking Bai drink with stevia. Had the backache then pain and discovered stevia has 92% oxalates.

Kidney Stones, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 08/13/2021

Yes, this would be helpful if it included the weight of the person, their history, their fitness level and age, the family they grew up in and how the dynamics worked, the town they lived in, the water supply and air quality, and then the person's medical history. example would be downwind of a power plant. Thyroid issues ect. What type of education did they get, Who programmed their thoughts? What religion did they ingest? Is healing free or do they have to get it by works or has it been done away with and sickness is for training purposes? What is their regular diet like and how much do they exercise daily /weekly and what type of spouse/co workers do they have? How many kids are they trying to manage and raise into upscale citizens? Believe me, one challenging kid can cause all your health problems. I watch supernanny and AML on drug addicts.

As far as grouches go, I could say I have topped the list over the years with a constant stomach ache, pain in the spine, pelvic pain and dental pain and emotional trauma and split personality with migraines. So please spell out the above so we can help you to the best of our knowledge. I have overcome the above. Sometimes the problem is the thing keeping us from the real hurt, as a lovely distraction.The more the pain, the better the distraction. If your back hurts get some pliers and squeeze your finger and your back will be hardly noticeable. : ) . Not trying to step on your toes but everyone is trying to post insights, not cures. We are all putting out fires. It still far exceeds the doctor who is treating symptoms so you will keep coming back to pay his light bill. By the way. Love your post, charity

P.s. I figured out how placebos you believe you receive

Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 03/03/2021

Greetings Lonette of Florida,

I am sure a few of us has had this experience and me too. I would just stop and give the herb or supplement a vacation, sometimes a long vacation depending on what reaction I had. Then, I would start back at a lower dosage.

Also, I would make myself a baking soda and lemon water drink: 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to about two teaspoons of lemon juice in about a half cup of water. Then I would chase that down with a glass of water. Throughout the day I would drink several glasses of water. But actually, after the baking soda and lemon juice water, my kidneys would feel very happy.


Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 03/03/2021

Two More Things Lonnette,

I do remember having some stubborn pain in the kidneys a time or two. I used Castor oil, or the Castor oil and DMSO mix to rub on the area. Both worked well. I also continued the baking soda and lemon juice and water drink in the morning before breakfast, plus several glasses of water throughout the day.

Here's a third remedy,

I keep remembering as I remember. Once I had a time shaking the kidney pain, I used the Baking Soda and Molasses cure for that one. I drank it once each morning until the kidney pain left.

Have a wonder filled day!



Uterine Polyps
Posted by HisJewel (United States) on 02/17/2020

RE Chanca Piedra and DHEA,

Just checking in with my DHEA experience and further info on my Chanca piedra experience also. I have been taking 25mgs DHEA. I would simply love it if some of the older women would chime in with what they experienced with DHEA.

As I mentioned last year in April of 2019 my menstruation returned and lasted all of one day. I initially cut down to taking DHEA 2 to 3 days a week, but I found I felt better when taking it at least 5 days a week. I also take Pregnenlone 50mgs on the days when I do not take DHEA, however I have taken both in one day. I just wanted to share that one day monthly may have been the beginning of something unconnected to the DHEA, a Polyp. I thought I was getting a re-visitation because of a poster, an elder lady said that's what happened to her while on DHEA. I did not believe her, but began to wonder that day when I noted my monthly seemed to have returned in April 2019. Anyway, I did go through some trauma and drama at the end of 2019. For 3 months I once again had what I thought was the return of my monthly. I finally went to the doctor because the bleeding was excessive. The verdict was it was a Polyp, The doctor said, it had already began to break apart on its own, she wanted to make an appointment to have it removed or simply watch it. I decided to let the Lord finish the work. I believe it was the Lord that gave me a mind to give the Chanca Piedra a second try before I had even gone to the doctor.

When I took the Chanca Piedra in April last year I got a reaction from it, "the ithes". I did Not have my eye glass on when I read directs before, so the two capsules I was taking equaled 1800mg a day, so what I did this time was only take One capsule instead 900mg a day. This time there was No itching as before. When I looked at the date that I started to take the Chanca Piedra, I wondered if that polyp was already there in April and it started breaking down the Polyp then and that's what caused the bleeding, but I stopped taking it, but it had not fully flushed out yet.

Interesting enough I would fall in and out of love with lemons a lot between those months which probably also help to break it up, and then I topped it off by trying the Chanca Piedra again. Whatever happened, they say the Lord works in mysterious ways bringing about miracles.


Kidney Stones
Posted by Judy (Michigan) on 09/06/2019

I started having very painful kidney stones about 10 years ago. I'd have at least one a year and then nothing for awhile, then more stones. I have always been able to pass them, but not without several days of excruciating pain.

After having the last one 3 years ago, I searched the internet for a cure and chanca piedra popped up. I purchased a tincture of chanca and after taking for several days, I passed a large stone without having pain.

Several days later I passed a number of very small ones. I have been using this tincture daily for the last 3 years without having any more kidney stones.

P.S. I do take magnesium and potassium along with other vitamins because of the diuretic effect of Chanca piedra.

Where to Buy
Posted by Stacy (Ghana) on 09/26/2017

Chanca piedra grows naturally in Ghana, is a common weed and known locally as stone breaker or "at the back" in English & in Twi it's called Awo ba agu nakyi. You can check with Bill of Philippines posting as he has detailed pictures of Chanca piedra

Kidney Stones
Posted by Andrei (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 05/16/2015

A family friend recommended Chanca Piedra to my brother as a natural way of removing kidney stones about four years ago. He took it in capsule form as it is more convenient than brewing the plant. Very effective indeed!

Posted by Kathleen (Virginia) on 01/20/2017

I would prefer Myrrh capsules. I see where people take 2-3 caps 3 times per day. That is too many for me to take. Is it possible to take less? Also is it hard on the stomach?

Calcium Buildup
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 02/15/2013

Thank you so much, Bill. While I rarely consume vegetable oil (I use coconut oil) and am already taking many of the supplements you mention (kelp tablets, Iodoral, magnesium, fish oil, vitamin D, K2 and minerals including boron and silica have been part of my regimen for years), obviously it's not working. What you say about calcium/magnesium proportions makes a lot of sense, as well as the chemical forms. I will try the things you suggest, and I really appreciate your time and thoughts! -- Sue

Kidney Stones
Posted by leole (valentine, ne) on 01/26/2024

I have used chanca piedra in capsule form for 5 years and have not had a stone since. They used to occur about one time per year.

Posted by Ong3 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 10/02/2021

Chanca piedra is a better remedy for gout. I have tried ACV, tart cherry juice and some others but I find chanca piedra most effective. I mixed a teaspoon of chanca piedra powder in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture. You should feel the pain lessen in a few hours. Twice a day if you are already suffering from gout. The mixture is quite bitter or take chanca piedra in capsule form, without the bitterness.

Posted by Art (California) on 11/15/2022


If the chanca piedra does not work out for you, I can offer another suggestion with at least one study to support its effective use for gout.


Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by HisJewel (United States) on 04/17/2019

Hi again Jill D. I decided to go ahead and look up sided effects of Chanca Piedra. I found out there are two types of Chanca Piedra: Phyllanthus niruri and Phyllanthus amarus.

The first mention Phyilanthus niruri is said to be safe non toxic with few side effects. The second mentioned Phyilanthus and in High doses could be toxic and may be harmful to kidneys.. I tried it out Chanca Piedra about February 2019, the company I ordered from does not say what type of Chanca Piedra it is, it just says organic and says to take 1000mg once a day. Which proved too strong for me.


Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Sheilaann (Long Beach, Ca) on 06/17/2018

Just signed up for the site after reading some great information. My question is what brand name of chanca piedra is best? I have been reading about so many benefits. People are talking about dosage all day long, but no brand names. And when there is anything, the links are so old they are non-existent. The only one I found was Swanson. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! If we can't list brand names, then please state as such😄

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/18/2018 233 posts

Sheilaann, chanca piedra is a herb, search for the organic dried herb, this is best. Mine I bought as a tea but the only ingredient is chanca piedra in loose, dried form. 5 cups a day to break stones. Best to you

Posted by Janie (Magnolia, Texas) on 09/16/2017

Bill, I also have osteoporosis in my right hip and I have been put on Calcium and vitamin D but my blood test show my calcium is normal. My Vitamin D and magnesium were also within normal range. My Dhea, Estradiol, Progesterone and Protein were low. I am taking a supplement which has calcium algae, Boron, Magnesium and Vitamin D along with vitamin k2 and another supplement of 7 Keto DHEA. But I do have calcium deposits noted on my aortic valve which causes a mild stenosis. Would I be able to take the chanca piedra and expect to see this clear up?

Where to Buy: Africa
Posted by Leshan Sakaya (Kenya) on 01/30/2017

How can I access this product in Kenya. chanca Piedra

Where to Buy - Kenya
Posted by Jane (Nairobi) on 11/02/2016

Re: Chanca Piedra - Where can I get this plant in Kenya?

Where to Buy - Kenya
Posted by Rose (Mombasa) on 11/07/2016

Where to buy chanca piedra in mombasa?

Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by Linda (Dallas, Texas) on 05/01/2015

Chanca Piedra for removing calciums deposits and lowering high blood pressure.

I had ordered some and after taking a dropper full, I became light headed, and had a headache. I also read an article that said after 10 days, blood pressure was not lowered after using chanca Piedra.

Can you give me a location of studies of chanca piedra and testimonies of lowering blood pressure and removing calcium deposits? thanks. Linda

Chanca Piedra Side Effects
Posted by Bee (New York) on 05/01/2015

Linda.. I am not sure why that happened to you but for me I have been drinking three cups of chanca piedra tea every few days and I am expelling painful gallstones and a bunch of things..I am feeling this is amazing and I am going to keep doing it until my pain is gone.....

The only thing I can think of is maybe you are getting rid of toxins and you had this reaction. I don't know but for me its working well... and I do have high blood pressure but I wasn't using it for that.. maybe an extra bonus..

Kidney Stones
Posted by Bernadine (Gloucester, Ma) on 03/31/2015


Hi, I find chandra piedra works very well for my phosphorus stone problem, but it interferes with my sleep so I have to take a very low dose for short spurts, then after being off try again. It has calmed my renal system totally doing that. Does anyone know if chandra piedra helps get your parathyroids to start producing hormone again?

I have both hyperthyroid and hyperparathyroid issues and then at times I fluctuate to hypo. I also have Hashimotos. With this autoimmunity going on it appears that it and much more get past the brain barrier for me and cause the insonmia. Have tried everything and am working on healing my leaky gut, but I am a thin, fit, woman already with alkaline urine ph, and I don't have the associated gut symptoms. I suspect chemical and or heavy metal toxicity. I take lots of magnesium chloride and don't think it effects my sleep.

Any advice?

Where to Buy - India
Posted by Rintu (Bangalore, India) on 12/17/2014

Please let me know the store location in Bangalore , I am looking for Stone breaker or chanca piedra powder or tablet. Please let me know or suggest to me where can I get this.

Where to Buy Seeds: Australia
Posted by Debram (Australia) on 10/12/2014 63 posts

I have searched high and low to find seeds for the Chanca Piedra, otherwise known as Phyllanthus Niruri and the 2 places I did find online, were sold out. Can anyone tell me where I can buy the seeds of this plant. I live in Australia. Thank you.


Where to Buy - South Africa
Posted by Tebogo (South Africa) on 07/30/2014

Hi, please advise if you have a store in south arica. please provide the address if you have a store in gauteng.

Where to Buy - South Africa
Posted by Lebohang (Johannesburg ) on 09/02/2016

Hi..where can I buy chanca piedra in South Africa?

Where to Buy - South Africa
Posted by Maureen (Free State) on 10/01/2016

Can someone please let me know where to purchase Chanca Piedra online in South Africa. Thank you.

Where to Buy - South Africa
Posted by Bee (New York) on 10/01/2016

I am not sure if you can get this shipped to where you are? Im in the U.S... I order it from a company called sunfoods online.......... maybe you can check with them..

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