Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by H (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/09/2008

After 4 months of discomfort I realized I had a massive planter wart on my left foot. After one week of applying ACV-ing band aids, it fell off. YAY!

Posted by Dana (Houston, TX) on 11/05/2008

Someone said they had a stubborn wart...use DMSO..put it on every day and it WILL leave you! It might take a couple of weeks...also good for herpes cold sores and the best anti-inflammatory available today.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by A (A, VA) on 11/03/2008

I wrote in previously that the ACV killed my wart now, after trying all different remedies (pine tar, banana peel, sulfur, aspirin, etc, my daughter is AMAZED that her small wart on her finger is turning black. We started the ACV on her finger after my wart started disappearing. It took only 3 days of bandaide use on her finger with the ACV and her wart started turning black, she was so excited. We are going to continue to use the ACV bandaide until the wart and every piece or root or black dot is gone. Strange thing, she got this wart after getting a slight burn on the toaster, after the burn left, it left a bump which turned into a wart. She got this last year, we killed it with sulfur then, it did go away, then reappeared this year.

If I only knew about the ACV years ago, I would not have suffered so when I had a wart on my thumb that was the dread of my life-it always came back, even came back when surgically removed. AND HALF OF IT WAS UNDER MY THUMB NAIL. I used to file off my thumb nail, and apply over-the-counter medicines that BURNED FOR HOURS AND DAYS ON END and did absolutely nothing.

There is no pleasure like pulling off dead wart tissue after using ACV. CHEAP ACV, COSTS PRACTICALLY NOTHING. I really would like to know what are those black dots. Nothing like seeing the ACV KILLING THOSE HORRIBLE BLACK DOTS.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paul (Redditch, Worcs, England) on 04/20/2012

A lot of people have been wondering what the black dots are that appear in warts. They are actually dead capillaries (tiny blood vessels) destroyed by the infection.

Contrary to popular misconception warts are not a fungal infection and there is no "seed" to be removed. It's an opportunist viral infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Being a viral infection is what makes it so difficult to treat and the increased risk of it returning.

It's not advisable to pick warts as you can spread the virus to other sites as the virus will be active in particles of skin tissue. The virus can spread to under your finger nails, which can be a difficult (and painful) place to treat them. Plus if you get warts on your finger tips this increases the risk of the virus spreading to the face.

Take extra special care when treating the virus not to spread it.

It may be advisable to consider undergoing an immune boosting supplement regime while recovering from the virus to help the body fully heal.

Remember the virus can lay dormant even after successfully treated and if the immune system is compromised or low, the warts may return. There are a lot of ways you can boost the immune system, eating fresh fruit and vegetables, and taking a high dose of vitamin C supplement daily (1,000-3,000mg) is a good start.

Those experiencing discomfort from ACD treatment and filing may find a prescription pain treatment beneficial for a week or two until the treatment is finished.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by D (Virginia) on 10/30/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my stubborn wart on my leg. For about a year I was trying to 'kill' this half-dollar size wart below my knee with: sulfur, aspirin, pine tar, aloe, and Itchameol (sp?). I kept it taped up all summer long, those above mentioned never worked. I read on Earthclinic about the vinegar, I was willing to try EVERYTHING and I did try EVERYTHING!!! Forget the over-the-counter medicines-they are expensive, AND THEY BURN AND THEY DON'T WORK.

I kept searching and searching the internet and came across Earthclinic and I really wanted to try the vinegar but was afraid of the burn. WELL, I tried it just a couple of days ago and THE WART IS MELTING AWAY!!!! I just kept a small piece of cotton and duct tape over it 24/7. Yes, it did burn, but it also itched. The burn, (I did over-kill, I really soaked that cotton) was not as bad as the silicic acid in the stores. And the burn went away after an hour or so, depends on how much you soak that cotton.

The wart is about 90% gone. When I change the bandage I wash the wart under hot soapy water with a brush to get rid of the excess DEAD WART TISSUE!! I try to pick the dead tissue along with the black dead holes with a tweezer, but, time limited, I decided to just scrub it with a gentle brush under hot soapy water.

I am a clean person, they only way I can think of how I got this EVIL WART is the following:

--washing the floor on my hand and knees because I like a clean floor and cannot to this day find a mop that gets in corners

--since the vinegar is working FAST I figured my body is not getting enough acid, I just might take a teaspoon of vinegar daily

Thank you Earthclinic for BEING THERE!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bashar (Amman, Jordan) on 10/17/2008

I have had several warts on my face (more than 20). I went to many physicans In Ammman,Jordan .they used to say all the time that the Nytrogyn remedy is the only proper one .I applied it 5-6 times .the warts used to reappear and produce another ones. I paid the phyisicans more than US$300 .I also used Solycic acid .it was useless because the warts reappeared again .

I was quite frustrated ,did know where to go until I started using the internet searching for sheep home remedies .

Found out in the web that Banana peel,garlic oil and tee tree oil are the most appropriate home remedies .I ordered 100% oraganic tee tree oil from desert essence .
I used it 2 times daily .I used the garlic oil as well as 2 time aday. the banana peel was used once before sleeping.I just rubbed it on the wart.

on the same time i started to treat myself internally by taking Omega 369.
1.2 grams contains borage oil,flax seed oil and fish oil .that was essential for enhancing the Immune system .

the warts have been gone and have never returned back .Thanks 2 Allah

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrea (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA) on 10/13/2008

I have always had warts on my hands since I was very young. Most of them would come and eventually disappear. I had one on my finger on my right hand for atleast 3 years. I never really cared about it because I thought it would eventually go away like the others, but obviouslly it didn't. I was googling home remedies for back pain and found this AMAZING site. I decided to check out the wart ailments, and I read every single feedback. They were so helpful in deciding to use the apple cider vinegar. The first night I was going to do the ACV I was very nervous. But I went ahead and poured enough ACV on a cottonball to cover the wart and some surrounding skin. I then put a bandaid over the cotton ball to keep it in place. I did this at night and kept the bandaid on at school. I took the bandaid off when I got home from school. The next day the wart was white and so was the surrounding skin. I did that same procedure for about a week and a half. I was so anxious for the wart to compeletly turn black and to peel it out. I finally did, and there was a hole in finger with raw skin. **warning: do not put ACV on the raw skin!** I tried that because I read it in a user feedback, and my finger felt like it was going to fall off. After that miserable time, the raw skin finally scabbed up, which itched very badly. About a week after the wart finally came out, the scab peeled off and now you can not tell that I ever had a wart there. Towards the end of the first week and a half, my finger throbbed only one night. The ACV is not painful at all, on the wart. I recommend anyone who has warts to try this. ACV is worth the time for getting rid of nasty warts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tone (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/10/2008

I have had warts on my right hand for years. I tried treating them with commercial products, and they would work for a while, but the warts would always come back (and invite a few more to join them!). I stumbled upon ACV as a natural way to treat warts and decided to try it. The first attempt on my thumb was a learning experience...I put too much on and it lifted all of the skin off and made it raw and sore. After that, I kept the cotton and ACV only on the wart area with a bandaid, and it has worked incredibly well. After a couple of days the wart will turn black, then die away. It's a miracle considering how many years and the amount of money that I spent trying to rid myself of them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tami (Chicago, Illinois, USA) on 10/05/2008

Well, I was the biggest cynic, but ACV worked for me too. I didn't realize it, but I had plantars warts on my feet and then one spread to my finger. I tried the ACV after reading all the good stories on this site, and guess what? Same good outcome! I used the Qtip cotton with a bandaid and changed it several times during the day to re-wet the cotton. I think the vinegar only hurts alot if you have sensitive skin, because i didn't reeally experience any pain. After about 4 days of this, the wart turned black and i picked it off with a tweezer - this did not hurt. It left a little hole which i covered with neosporin and a bandaid and voila, no more wart.

Now, for those plantars warts...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Baltimore, Maryland) on 09/19/2008

My son had several plantar warts on the bottom of his feet. We tried several other remedies, such as the banana peel, potatoes, etc. and nothing worked. Then every night for about a week or two I applied a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar to the warts and taped it on using gauze tape. Those stubborn warts started to clear up and have not returned, it's been a year so far. I would highly recommend apple cider vinegar to remove warts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (San Jose, U.S.) on 09/18/2008

I used apple cider vinegar to cure several warts on my hand. Previously I tried freezing them at the doctor's, as well as a home freezing treatment. I followed the advice by soaking cotton pads in the ACV and leaving them on overnight. I did it for about a week, and by the end the week they were gone! The smell isn't great and the skin feels irritated the next morning, but it is quite worth it for the results. It has been over a year now since my treatment, and the warts have not returned. I'm grateful to this site for informing me about this great natural remedy.

Orange Peel in White Vinegar
Posted by Nicola (Agassiz, Canada) on 08/27/2008

We tried the banana peel remedy for removing Warts for almost 2 months, but with no effect. Our doctor suggested soaking Orange peel in white vinegar for 1 week (in a sealed jar) and then applying the peel (white side down on the wart) with a bandaid at night (and removing in the morning). We did this for about a week and got dramatic results, within two weeks all the warts (that had been there for months) were gone. We tried everything from freezing, duct tape, banana peel etc. This was the only thing that worked.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alice (Sierra Vista, Az) on 08/26/2008

I tried a bunch of different remedies to rid myself of a wart which decided to appear next to my nose (ugh!) I even bought books online to find out what to do.... that included using the baking soda and castor oil remedy which did not work for me. I tried everything I could find, but nothing worked.

I began using hydrogen peroxide applied once daily. It has taken several months to reduce to almost gone, but it is SO EASY and for me, it actually worked! I kept a bottle of hydrogen peroxide at my computer desk and just dipped my finger in it and applied that to the wart every day when I open my email.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Durham, NC) on 08/16/2008

I went to the dermatologist because I had a very painful wart I had for several years in the palm of my right hand. She prescribed several expensive prescription topical ointments, and nothing worked. I read about ACV and removal of warts on line, so I decided to try it. After 10 days, it was completely gone! I applied the ACV to a cotton ball on the wart every few nights (otherwise, it burns the surrounding skin) with a piece of adhesive tape, and I was very excited about the results. I've not had any recurrance since then and I am a firm believer in ACV!

Posted by Barbara (Oldsmar, Fl) on 07/19/2008

Rubbing the cut edge of a fresh white potatoe onto a planters wart on the sole of my daughter's foot about twice a day eliminated the wart within 2 or 3 days.We stored the potatoe we used in the refrigerator in saran wrap and then just cut off a thin slice from the previously cut edge and threw that slice away before rubbing the freshly cut edge on the potatoe. My stepfather, a country barber had heard about this remedy from some farmers in his shop. No pain whatsoever!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Chris33456 (Hemet, Ca) on 04/22/2011

Thats funny! I've had mine for about two months I started Aloe Vera about 2 days ago and have no pain at all and the wart is flat and doesnt hurt when I walk or move it hopefully it falls off soon!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sandie (Choctaw, Oklahoma) on 07/15/2008

I find that Tea Tree Oil is great for melting away WARTS ! I tried every cure from freezing to duct tape to cut it off with clippers. It always returned. I then tried Tea Tree oil. Would apply with qtip several times a day. I tried to put a bandaid on with the oil, but the oil would just melt the adheshive. In two weeks my wart was gone and never came back. Since then I have tried it on several relatives with the same great result. I am now trying on my sons acne and it seems to be working with no side effects or scaring.
