Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Posted by Judy (Denver, CO) on 06/13/2009

Seed warts on hands...

Just read about banana peels getting rid of warts. I have a cleaner remedy for seed warts on the hands. I started getting these seed (tiny) warts when I was 15. I tried a few OTC remedies that didn't work. By the time I was 45 all the first three (largest)knuckles on both hands were covered by one big wart. One bled sometimes. I finallly talked to my doctor about them and he said to wait until he got his lazer because they were too deep. In the meantime, I attended a seminar put on by a master herbalist and someone in the audience asked what to do about seed warts. She said to take the inside of a lemon rind and rub them each night and in less than a week they'd be gone. I tried it on my left hand first and to my amazement, they started to fade with the first application. After five nights they were gone and and skin was as normal as if I'd never hand them. Then, because I've read that sometimes they go away on their own, I tried the right hand, one finger at a time and the same thing happened. One by one, the warts went away as I did each finger, and they've never returned. And I lived with those ugly things for 30 years and lemon rind got rid of them in no time. I don't know if it works on any other type of wart.

Posted by Juanita (massena, USA) on 07/29/2008

Lemon oil worked wonders for plantar warts!
