Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Posted by Anonymous (Ga) on 01/12/2017

I concur on the Lugol's Iodine. I have 5% and used it on multiple warts on my daughter's foot. After a couple of treatments (7-10 days apart), they are sloughing off and disappearing. The trick for us was to scrape the skin on the top and hold the foot in a position where the drop could be allowed to "sit" on top of the wart surface to absorb into the skin as much as possible. I used this on my thumb as well. Very happy with this!

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/05/2016

Yay for iodine for warts. The bump I had on my hand that looked like the other one that turned into a wart is nearly gone. Instead of making the mistake of scratching it, which is what caused the other bump to become a wart, I instead put a drop of Lugol's 2% on it and let it soak in. There was a dark spot from the iodine for a few days. After a week or so I put another drop on. The bump scabbed over and is gradually flattening out. It's nearly gone, it's been about two weeks. Thanks, God! And EarthClinic :)

Posted by Myway (Wilmington, DE) on 11/30/2014

I had a wart on my arm that was pretty persistent. It would go away with a couple of months of ACV but would come back in another month. I decided to dab iodine tincture on it 2-3 times a week for about 2 months. That tiny dab did the trick. It's been about 6 months and it hasn't come back. The skin is clear and healed over.

Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 10/21/2014

To get rid of a wart without too much hassle, simply purchase iodine tincture from a pharmacy and dab the wart with a drop of iodine daily. In no time, the wart will be flat and gone permanently. I do feel this is more effective then most other methods because Iodine "kills" the virus so, it does not come back. This method works great on skin tags too.

Posted by Sheila (Cork, Ireland) on 10/05/2011

I suffered from a large plantar wart beneath my heel when I was in Brazil. I dabbed iodine on every night. After a couple of weeks, I pulled out the whole thing, roots too!

Posted by Janice (Red Hook, NY) on 12/13/2007

Just a note after reading send in other cures re iodine. When I was a teenager I developed warts; I never consulted anyone but started putting just a drop of iodine on the warts every day. After about 3 months (maybe less - that was 40 years ago) they turned black and fell off. I've never had another wart. (I've never had a boil either, and hope I never do, but my partner has been bothered by them for several weeks. We're trying several of the remedies on your website. Thanks! It's a great site.
