I had a big wart on my left leg. I had it removed at the doctors office. But couple of years later it came back. So I read an article in a magazine about using duck tape to remove warts. So I tried it!
Cut a small piece of Duct tape and taped it on my warts, I even took showers with it on my wart. I had the duck tape on day & night. And only replaced the tape when it starts to get loose. After couple of days the wart softened and eventually disappeared after a week. And its been a few years and it hasn't come back.
When my daughter was very little, she had a big wart on her thumb. So I wrapped it with tape & couple of days later, it was gone! And it hasn't been back & she's 16 yrs. old now.
Duct Tape
I had a wart on my finger which I had tried to remove by using vinegar, but this just burned my skin. Then I tried wrapping duct tape around my finger (over the wart) which I changed every few days. After about 3 weeks it was gone and has still not come back in a year!
Duct Tape
My five year old son had a nasty wart on the knuckle of his right thumb. Duct tape, recommended to us by our doctor, got rid of it completely in about a week. Hasn't worked for me yet though!
My doctor froze the four I showed him, now I have around a dozen! Commercial solvents don't work either.
I'm off to try Apple Cider Vinegar (I have lots, I make it from my own apples), banana skin and voodoo potato treatment (which my family used, decades ago - it can also be done with a slug, if I remember correctly!). Maybe tea-tree oil and vitamin E if I can find them.
I had lots of warts, for years, in my teens but they just went away eventually, so maybe it is about an immune response.
Duct Tape
My 12 year old son had a huge planters wart on the sole of his foot. His Dr. recommended duct tape. Every night I put new tape on. Just on the wart. Every night when I took off the tape he would dig out the dead skin. one week later the huge wart was gone. He had a big hole which healed up nicely. ONE WEEK! PRETTY COOL! I guess the tape cuts off the air supply to the wart and it dies.
Duct Tape
my gp doctor told me of this -- IT WORKS!! -- plantar warts (the warts most common on the bottom of the feet) cover them with duct tape and keep them covered with the tape for several days (mine took about three weeks) there is no pain or discomfort. i think the tape keeps the wart from getting air and thus it dies. at any rate, this works every time.
Duct Tape
Duct Tape
Duct tape on wart to suffocate it for a week and it will be gone. William Beacon was on David Letterman Christmas Day Eve telling people different uses for duck or duct tape. He told David Letterman if you put Duct Tape on a wart it will be gone in a week.
Duct Tape
Vaseline and duct tape cured a wart on my daughter's finger. I smothered the wart in vaseline and wrapped her finger in duct tape and left it on for a week.
Duct Tape
I'm not sure if this is a 100% natural remedy, but I figured since it worked for me I thought you guys might be able to post something like it on your website, so that others may benefit from it healing properties. It's called Duct Tape, LOL Yes that's right... it's the stuff used when you need to fix a seal or to keep cords in place from others tripping over. May not sound like it's of much use, but I have found it to work wonders! One of which is Warts! Ever since I was little I somehow seemed to pick up warts very easily, especially when I'm going barefoot in the locker rooms or at the swimming pool. I was getting fed up with the expensive over-the-counter topical remedies to so to say "Kill Off" or "Burn Out" the wart(s). And after going to the doctor's over and over, with the freezing methods that may require a second or third visit depending on the severity of the fungus, I began my search for something that would both be effective and inexpensive. I looked no further than the kitchen cupboard. By placing a piece of duct tape over the affected area(s) it from what I've gathered "Irritates the wart", which in turn causes your immune system to respond. I have as well as my younger sister have both tried this with outstanding results. I can honestly say that if you keep it covered with duct tape the wart(s) will be gone in as little as a couple of weeks. I figured since I've had such dramatic results from this, others may benefit from it as well. I hope that by my experience you will be able to share this among the other readers of this website. Thanks!
Duct Tape
After months of treatment, with over the counter medicines, including the freezing method which upset my daughter terribly, a simple piece of duct tape on the wart for 4 days took it completely away! How I wish I tried it first! The best part is that my kid didn't mind putting the tape on... she thought it was fun!