Over the past year, I've been eating poorly and gaining weight rapidly. Along with the uncomfortableness of excess weight, I noticed three warts on my feet: two on my left and one on my right foot. Thankfully they aren't painful. However, I've noticed that they are getting bigger and bigger. Not waiting until they got painful to do something about them, I started researching.
I had bought some OTC products which didn't really work. At the same time, I started changing my diet to include a ton of mixed greens and salads. A read a book about adding mixed greens to the diet. The author had some warts on her body and after she started drinking green smoothies daily, they fell right off.
Well, I can happily say that two of my three warts have fallen off! The third one is in an area on my foot where I can feel it, but can't bend properly to see it. It's flatter than it was and may fall off on it's own soon, too!
For the past two weeks, I've been eating a big salad for lunch every day with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, pecans or almonds, peppers, and beans of some type - with fat free dressing. I haven't lost weight because I'm still eating junkfood at night and heavy meals for dinner. But I will change that soon.
Another popular author I was reading talked about the importance of nutrition and health. He has similar diet recommendations - eating at least one pound of raw vegetables and one pound of raw fruits (who cooks fruits.. Maybe applesauce?). As I continue eating 1lb of veggies (i.e. my salad) and 1lb of fruit daily (for breakfast), I will comment about other ailments that should hopefully go away. I have really bad skin - sometimes called chicken skin - on my arms. I'm hoping diet will help that, too.