The carnivore diet with a little bit of honey and some specific fruit seemed to cure it.
Germinated Barley (Mai Ya)
There have been studies done on GBF that show it reduces clinical activity and mucosal inflammation in Ulcerative Colitis. I know that every time I have gone into remission, I've started taking this supplement. I recently had another flare, which was getting progressively worse, but as soon as I started taking Mai Ya, the urgency decreased, and is decreasing day by day. Just for clarification, Mai Ya is the Chinese herb that, I think, corresponds directly to Germinated Barley Foodstuff, on which the studies were done. I've been taking two grams twice daily (one gram of the supplement equals 10 grams of the bulk herbs.)
EC: Here is one study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15067363/
Humic Acid
Aloe and Slippery Elm
This is VERY IMPORTANT ... Because Synthetic vitamin E is known to be either less or non-effective ... and there are more than one type of natural Vitamin E ... "[Studies] examining the role of vitamin E in the immune system have typically focused on α-tocopherol; however, emerging evidence suggests that *other* *forms* of vitamin E, including other tocopherols as well as tocotrienols, may also have potent immunomodulatory functions.
"Future research should continue to identify and confirm the optimal doses for individuals at different life stage, health condition, nutritional status, and genetic heterogeneity. Future research should also characterize the effects of non-α-alpha-tocopherol vitamin E on immune cell function as well as their potential clinical application...."
Regulatory Role of Vitamin E in the Immune System
Humic Acid
Coconut Oil Enema
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Avoid EDTA

Look for organic non irradiated turmeric if possible but any turmeric powder will be good.
Humic Acid
Take 1oz in fruit juice or non chlorinated water (very important).
If that doesn't work, you can up the doze. I started at 1oz and was up to 2ox twice a day at the beginning. With time, I was able to reduce that. I now only take it occassionally.
Hope this helps
Aloe and Slippery Elm
Aloe and Slippery Elm
Vitamin E supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses ability to replicate and should be avoided for that reason.
Fecal Microbiota Transplant
This woman claims to have been completely cured of UC using a fecal transplant from her husband:
Link: https://www.cnn.com/audio/podcasts/chasing-life/episodes/7fb9ba3d-609f-430d-a21c-ae9e012b2a7e
Alternate audio:
Humic Acid
Aloe and Slippery Elm
Aloe Vera
Pelargonium Sidoides
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Coconut Oil Enema

I saw your post and would like to receive your log. I have started mms few months ago on and off after I completed 21 days 1000 protocol. Recently I was feeling that some infection starts so I took 6 drops and after an hour 6 drops again. The next day I took 6 activated drops once and then continued with an hourly 3 drops for 7 doses. Now my legs hurt so much I can barely lie down. Please tell me what I can do to feel good again? Thank you.
Aloe Vera, Turmeric
Sweet Whey
Aloe Vera Juice, Boswellia
Rectal Ozone
Apple Juice
Hi Ted and all on Earth Clinic, So, I thought I found something great when I originally sent through this post on eating green tea.
I ended up having a great month with virtually no symptoms. But, one day I forgot my green tea and went about the day.... only to find a massive amount of blood and diarrhea.
Turns out, the tannins in the green tea as AMAZING for masking the symptoms of UC.... But the caffeine was actually making it worse. (My success with the green tea led me to taking green tea extracts for energy and that put me in a flare.)
Just got out of the hospital a few days back, and what I've learned over the last two months is:
Decaf green tea is great. The organic decaf uses carbon dioxide to decaf the tea without really decreasing the tannin content.
Limit fat intake to less than 30 grams MAX per day.
I'd love to comment more about a bunch of stuff. But, if you're reading this, just know that decaf organic green tea and eliminating fat does some amazing stuff for UC.
Anyway, hope that helps.
Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
385 posts
Well, the cure is possible and I found those that helped. You have to understand there are basically two aspects of ulcerative colitis., the cause is mostly mycobacterium, which gives rise (after they are killed or living) to lipopolysaccharides. The lipopolysaccharides cause the inflammation which causes ulcerative colitis, but the mycobacterium also causes them.
As for the green tea it contains tannic acid, and most of it is on the leaf, some is in the liquid, that is why green tea you have to prepare it yourself, with the green tea leaves. In fact most of my remedies require that any herbs or any tea, you must consume the powder of the leaves and nothing is thrown away. You also get the same results (approximately) if you also consume tannic acid. Basically its the tannic acid that kills the mycobacterium in general, and some of the polysaccharides, but definitely doesn't really speed the healing process in the regeneration of tissues cells at all, but it does reduce the inflammation on the intestinal tract. Any nurse or doctors will tell you that if you have diarrhea, always take the green tea (especially eating leafs) or Coke (it contains caffeine. So it was both the green tea and the caffeine that actually helped, especially the alertness definitely comes from the caffeine. But it may help some people and it may hurt some people on caffeine due to differences in biochemical imbalances that exist in the body. As you go through the "general" green tea with different applications, you get different aspects and therefore some of the conflicting information, even different brands, but if you are dealing with ulcerative colitis then green tea helps in case the person has constipation, though that seems to occur more in Crohn's disease then anything else.
As to the coffee, in Thailand we drink green coffee, it has less or no carcinogens, but once you roast a coffee, then you get hydrocarbons, and you don't want that, because people with this condition are vulnerable to colon cancer.
As to your being helped glutamine is correct, it does help the healing but the bacterium of mycobacterium has to be rid of it or lessened, and you must have normal blood sugar to begin with as glutamine helps the healing. But it will always be the lysine and N acetyl cysteine to help the healing. To kill these mycobacterium is cinnamon, but they caused irritation and this is why lowering the inflammation initially will help. Boswellic acid will kill them too, but without the inflammation. So someone with abnormal blood sugar above 100 mg, /dL might require more, such as gymnema slyvestre. But someone with serious bleeding probably going to need less humic acid, but more vitamin K1 and K2, but also aloe vera oil. And someone who is seriously weakened will need more N acetyl cysteine, selenium, and a shot of B12. You have to really understand that most people who do have ulcerative colitus has a serious deficient vitamin K, this pattern of vitamin K has been deficient in human diets for the last 100 years, and making it worse, with margarine. Under no conditions are these people allowed to eat vegetable oils and margarine, it will lead a person to a hospital just taking plenty of potato chips and french fries!
But you always need DHEA 200 mg and melatonin at night at least 10 mg to help treat the inflammation and also some killing of mycobacterium, DHEA actually increases immune system indirectly, as does Lysine, the white blood cells, but inflammation is absolutely essential.
As to the greens, copper chlorophyllin, chlorella. and perhaps spirulina also help but very differently in ulcerative colitis. Copper chlorophyllin works as copper is toxic to most mycobacterium, but then so do MSM. Chlorella works by getting rid of excess heavy metals as they are required for mycobacterium growth (as do virus! ) so they ultimately performed recycling work, but you can die prematurely if they overtake the body as there is some signs of decaying within the body! Spirulina works similar to chlorella although I think less aggressively then chlorella.
So yes it is a matter of time to cure ulcerative colitis, first the cause (mycobacterium), second the leftovers (lipopolysaccharides), third the healing of ulcerative colitis. The immune system can "see" the mycobacterium, with astralagus, DHEA, melatonin, in different aspects of the immune systems too long to discuss. The lipopolysaccharides can be broke to pieces to neutralize, such as bromelain, digestive enzymes. The mycobacterium may be destroyed with cinnamon. cinnamic aldehyde (less extent), ellagic acid, tannic acid, green tea, humic acid also. The aloe helps accelerated healing of the intestinal tract, but also glutamine, but mostly the lysine, glycine and vitamin C (major components of collagen). The glutamine also helps, but some BCAA (branched chain amino acid also). My simple method is basically humic acid, aloe vera oil and lysine as the major elements, but depending upon my clients I can have hundreds of variations, but it rest on the understanding, and then developing the strategies to cure ulcerative colitis.
Any way this is my latest information so far on ulcerative colitis, as time will permit. So what I have found is basically the same as what you found, both coffee and tea.
Apple Juice
Dietary Changes
I have found cutting out citrus and lactose has helped me. Either it works or I'm just in a natural remission for about 2 years. No yoghurt milk ice cream but do have hard cheeses in small doses. No lemons or oranges😣
Dietary Changes
But this was not acceptable to me at all. I could not be like that. So I started researching around. This site was the first place that I came to looking for answers. I read through a multiple remedies. I tried Aloe vera and multiple other supplements including cur-cumin. I believe these did help me to some extent. Then finally I came across that worked great for me. This was Dr. David Klein's method of curing disease with diet and all. His diet plan works 110%. The idea is very simple, just eat natural plant based foods. If you can eat raw food thats even better. I got on that diet for about a year I would say. I could not follow the diet completely. But just with what I did my disease is almost gone. In addition to what you are to ear, the BIGGEST FACTOR IS QUIT EATING MEAT DAIRY COMPLETELY AND PROCESSED FOODS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. This is the key to getting rid of these diseases. Last time when I had my colonoscopy my doctor was amazed and happy to see how well my colon was. I do not have any symptoms. My bowl movement is almost perfect which is once in the morning. I am so thankful to this site and Dr. Klein's advise. My doctor said that he needs to see me once a year only. My strong belief is if some one can take about 6 to 8 weeks off and stick to the natural and raw food diet, they will be cured. Also watch a documentry on netflix named "What the health". You will get lot more answers. People I am telling you it can be cured. You do not have to suffer.
I may come back here again to share more of my thoughts.
Dietary Changes
I'm about to give this a try and hoping it works
Ted's Remedies
Tried everything. Really could not leave my house. I finally found relief. It was in Teds remedies here on E.C.
DHEA and Melatonin. The high dose DHEA and Melatonin reset everything. I had been so exhausted from it all. A real miracle.
50mg DHEA in the am 5mg Melatonin at bedtime. I was better the first day. Normal by the second. This is based on 130lb person for the Dhea. I think the melatonin is fine at 5 mg, my husband is much larger than I and we only upped his DHEA.
I stayed on it for 5 days. I honestly thought it was some fluke, for $15 and a little faith the horrible could be overcome.
I now take DHEA 2 or 3 x a month and melatonin a few days a week. Janet
Ted's Remedies
May I suggest a non-toxic, no side effects (except possible sleep disturbances for a week or so), inexpensive, FDA approved at 50 mg/day but used at low doses of 1.5-4.5 mg/day drug to help with your UC? It is LDN or low dose naltrexone. Here is an article on it that may interest you:
The official site is www.ldninfo.org
At the top of this site is a reference to a Yahoo LDN Group with over 13,000 people who use LDN for a variety of diseases. You can join and ask any questions you may have. They are very willing to share experiences and answer your questions. It is often used in conjunction with a gluten and sugar-free diet for UC or Crohn's, but not always. At about $45/month for compounded LDN capsules, or even less if you get it elsewhere, it may really be something worth trying to improve your health and give you some relief.
Best wishes.
Ted's Remedies
Gelatin and collagen and such seem to be what is needed for gut health.
If no on the bone broth, have you tried slippery elm?
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
I know this is long but never vented on any site like this before.
Potassium Iodide
Boswellia Serrata
Baking Soda and Magnesium Citrate
Aloe Vera, Turmeric
Boswellia Serrata
For hemorrhoids, easy remedy. Take a cup of cold milk to this squeeze enough lemon juice, and drink this immediately. This has to be taken early morning. Avoid fried, processed food, sugars, milk, butter. This has to be done 40 days continuously. You will begin to see the difference in a day, but stilll continue for 40 days to pull the problem out of its root.
After scouring Ted's recommendations, I tried a number of different things including melatonin (5 mg 3x/day plus 20mg before bed), DHEA (200 mg before bed), boswellia (500mg 2x/day), artemisinin (200mg 3x/day), and copper chlorophyllin, among other things. Nothing was working, and then I started vomiting once per day almost a week ago.
After several days of that with no relief, I decided to try a liquids only approach (eating only homemade chicken broth) plus boswellia and copper chlorophyllin per Ted's recommendations that they will kill the mycobacterium as the necessary first step to healing. So yesterday I ramped up the boswellia (standardized 65% boswellic acids) to start with 1000mg first thing in the morning and then 250mg every hour or so for about 10 hours, and then another 1000mg right before bed. On top of that, I used 18 drops of copper chlorophyllin in 8 ounces of water 4x yesterday, plus 5000 IU Vitamin D in the morning, and 20mg melatonin and 200mg DHEA right before bed.
Within 12 hours or so of starting the modified dosage of boswellia and copper chlorophyllin I noticed a significant decrease in bleeding, plus no vomiting (I started to include a small amount of chicken with the broth later in the day) for the first time in days. This morning, 24 hours after starting the revised protocol, there was no bleeding for the first time in weeks! I also haven't had to run to the bathroom within an hour of eating, which is a nice change :)
I'm going to continue with the boswellia, copper chlorophyllin, Vitamin D, melatonin, and DHEA (same dosage pattern as yesterday) for another day or two to make sure as much of the mycobacterium are cleared as possible before layering in Ted's recommendations for healing (lysine, glutamine, NAC). I'll provide another update in the next few days.
From digging around, it doesn't seem like boswellia is toxic at higher levels. "Toxicity studies of Boswellia in rats and primates showed no pathological changes in hematological, biochemical, or histological parameters at does up to 1,000mg/kg." (http://www.chiro.org//nutrition//FULL//Boswellia_serrata_Monograph.pdf)
So if you're experiencing UC bleeding and boswellia doesn't seem to be working, try playing around with the dosage to see if that helps.
Thanks Ted for your insights! Sending prayers for your own healing :)
I saw your post from 2013 that Turmeric has helped you with UC. Can you please let know if there is any specific brand of turmeric you take?
Multiple Remedies
To give a full picture of what is working for me and what is not working, especially for the new person just trying to figure out how to handle uc, I wanted to add that I also am on a specific diet of no dairy, no gluten, no fats, & no sugar.
Basically I eat boiled egg whites and a few berries for breakfast, for lunch I eat low nitrate and low salt white turkey breast with some mustard, some pineapple and some strawberries and baked sweet potatoes and I drink only boiled water with some organic lemon juice and dinner is a baked sweet potato and a few sugar free popsicles. For right now, that's all that I can eat and not have the bloating and instant "d" and severe cramping. But that alone will not work without the other things I'm doing.
Also, due to foggy thinking I accidently took Lialda 1 more day, (even though my Dr. told me not to....goes to show people need to have someone else over the control of your drugs or you need to tape notes to the med bottle & write things down in a notebook as you do them). So sadly, that makes 3 dosages of Liada in 3 days. That's a low amount for what others take, but it was a lot for me. That 3d dosage of Liada brought more sheer misery with severe abdominal cramping, severe pain in my shoulder and neck joints and took away any energy I had to the point I could barely walk from my bed to the bathroom and to honest just felt like I was going to die during the cramping. For 3 days, since the 1st day I took Lialda, the pain, cramping, & mental fog & loss of energy had progressively gotten worse, so I had no question that all that was caused by the Lialda. So late on day 3, I made the decision to quit taking Lialda as I felt it was poisoning my body or at very least my body was reacting severely against Lialda.
I was and am thinking that I can still keeping the UC under control by taking probiotics (2x a day) and Quercetin (herbal inflammatory)(2 500mg caps every 6hrs at the same time I take an OTC allergy meds, "Equate") and the anti diarrheal Rx Cholestyramine (2 every 12 hrs). I am also taking 1x a day, Chaga mushroom caps, as I think that is killing off any infection. Note I do take all of these alone (at different times of the day) when I've eaten nothing for the previous hour. I don't know if this will be important for anyone, but since I'm very blood sugar sensitive, I eat something every hour. As long as this regiment keeps working I'll continue on it without Lialda, until I see my Gastro. Dr. and then we'll see what he has to say.
I'll post again as changes occur.
Multiple Remedies
As for the cause of UC, at this point after a good deal of reading on the net and watching a PBS program, I'm inclined to think that UC might just be a case of various severe food allergies as it's basis. I found doing/taking 4 things helped with the cramping, 1)& most important to stop all gluten & dairy & reduces other foods that cause "d" within 30 min of eating them, 2) a(1) hi potency probiotic; 3)30 min later "2" 500 mg of Quercetin & 4) 2 hr later a packet of the Rx Cholestyramine (it's an old Rx for stopping "d", that works for me. So for right now, that regiment stops my cramping and "d"for the rest of the day.
Also today, 2nd day of taking Lialda, my Dr.told me to cut back to 1 Lialda every other day, that they might be too strong for me (Important....I read, do not cut them to take 1/2 half a tablet or half a dosage, that will not work) Also, today, I talked with my health food store, (Sprouts, in east county of San Diego) told me about their client who had used the herbal mushroom Chaga who had very good and dramatic results with this UC. Since I'd researched, read, & taken Chaga in the past I was not worried about taking it and decided it give it a try to see if it would help me with my UC. Today I took 1 Chaga at about 3pm and it had dramatic results within in 30 min, on the physical, energy and cognitive level(fog lifted). I'm not recommending this, I'm just saying that it worked (so far) for me. Hopefully this helps some others.
Open up a capsule of 600 mg of sodium butyrate and mix with warm water, add 1 tsp of l glutamine. Use as an enema and retain over night. Twice if possible once in am and once pm. Read up on butyrate, a probiotic for the human gut. Can taken orally at the same time when eating a meal (600 mg). More effective as an enema. Take Activated charcoal when going to bed. Watch diet. Avoid sugar, include fruits that are sweet. Incorporate kimchi, raw fermented food.
Zinc Enema
My thoughts, I would take those herbs by mouth as they may interfere with the Zinc directly, but do try them oral or anal and compare the results. These herbs may only be little necessary if one has proper Vit-A levels. I have many times overdone and experienced toxicity w/ Vit-A which is one reason I tried the Zinc enemas, the other reason is the Ulcerative Colitis. Anyway, the Zinc enema literally pulled most of the excess Vit-A out of my Liver and into my Colon where I experienced big & lasting healing.
Guess I have been reluctant reporting this cure until your post, so I don't seem so strange.
Zinc Enema
I wait until the mixture is luke warm, (or I can use half the amount of hot water then add remaining in cold water after mixing it) pour into an enema container. I use the Ready-to-Use Saline Laxative Enema bottle found in most grocery stores pharmacy area for this zinc mixture enema. I pour out the saline solution contained within these bottles and rinsed the bottle out for my zinc enema. I tried to use this saline solution on a active flared up colitis condition a couple of times, it burned like hell and caused colon spasms. Now I just dump the saline out to use this bottle. I reuse this bottle by rinsing it out each time. (There is a round paper cover on the inside top. I remove that so it doesn't restrict flow.)
I do this zinc enema before bed after I evacuated most of the bowels and attempt to retain this over night. Often, more fecal matter will get excreted in the process. I just make more of the mixture until I'm able to retain it. A bit of Preparation H at the tip helps lubricate the process. I also keep a paper clip on hand to undo the tip should the enema bottle gets plugged up by the herbal content. I sometimes use a strainer to help prevent that as well.
To insert the enema, I lay on a towel or a disposable pad and on my left side.
Note: I learned it is recommended that one takes some copper mineral with zinc. I buy mine in capsules and take it orally.
My brother in-law (40 yrs old) has UC & as a truck driver has to carry an extra set of clothes for when he is unable to make it to the bathroom in time. I have the opposite problem & have issues going & can only stay regular by taking Magnesium every morning on an empty stomach. That is until I learned about Vitamin C ascorbate acid form (Not ascorbic acid) of C.
Ascorbate Vitamin C is made from Calcium & will not cause bloating, gas or upset stomach when taken on an empty stomach within an hour or so of eating. Nothing has helped myself or my brother in-law more than Ester C formula found in any vitamin shop. I stumbled across this through a site that talked about gutsense explaining ALL the benefits of Vitamin C made from minerals. Not sure if they talk about arthritis, but is absolutely instrumental in reducing inflammation in those suffering from it. I recommend beginning w/1,000 mg of Ester C & working your way up from there to a level that works for you.
Note: I also have IC Interstitial Cystitis (thinning of the bladder lining) & Vitamin C (ascorbic acid form) always made my symptoms worse & caused terrible pain. All IC sites recommended staying away from Vitamin C. The Vitamin C (ascorbate from Calcium) has never caused pain or an IC flare up & has made my symptoms associated with IC better overall.
Multiple Remedies
Activated Charcoal
Activated Charcoal
I have Colitis. Would you be able to share what brand charcoal that worked for your son, and how many mg? and was it a tablet or capsule? and on a full or empty stomach?
Activated Charcoal
My son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when he was just 6 years old, when he was 12 he developed toxic mega colon which resulted in a subtotal colectomy appointmentssy, around this time he also developed a more severe allergic reaction to penicillin called acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, where in fact penicillin was not the only cause betalactums, contrast dyes etc also contributed where they never used to before. in 2014 he had a J pouch reconstruction and we was back to stage 1 ( we was informed originally that removing my sons Colon will also remove the disease) but this sadly was not the case.
From March 2014 he could not leave the house for urgency (as soon as he stood up) he also developed fistulas and chronic inflammation where the small intestine was sown to the bowel, his recovery was made difficult by this multiple drug allergies, the hospital did not no what to do with him , the doctor wouldn't even look at him and just classed him as a complex case, I decided to do a bit of research as my son was struggling and I kept coming across this activated charcoal so I decided to try him on 1 per night just to see how he would react to the capsule, at this point his fistulas was continuously opening , and he had an reaction to the contrast dye from his CT scan, nothing was working to relieve the fistulas and the gas problems and the now reaction, this now is the Gods honest truth after 1 night the rash had started easing and was completely gone within 5 days after using activated charcoal 1 capsule per night and for the first 2 days 1 capsule in the morning, his frequent visits to the bathroom became less and less, his fistulas was actually responding to the treatment of the charcoal, 2 weeks later he can now walk up the road on his own without the urgently of needing the bathroom ( bear in mind his been unable to even leave the house since 2014) apart from taxis to his appointments, this is just by taking 1 capsule per night, no other medicine has been successful even infliximab had to be stopped because it caused a reaction, so we are extremely pleased with the results so far, I would 100% recommend activated charcoal capsules for any illnesses its still early days yet but I'm actually looking forward to his next hospital appointment to show them how well he has done.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I am on my 4th day of rice fasting and the situation improoved noticeably.
Did you drink the Kefir while you were on the fast or did you drink it before and after the fast? Could you tell me which amout you took each day?
I could imagine that the Kefir has big influence in restoring the gut flora...
Hope you're still doing well and best wishes to you,
Baking Soda, Milk of Magnesia