Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Posted by Alena (Praha, Czech Republic) on 11/01/2012

Yes nettles work very well.

Posted by Zuzana (Montreal, Canada) on 12/08/2010

Yes, nettle tea is a well known tonic against hair loss in eastern europe. It is great for everything hair-wise, and drinking a cup a day is a great prevention against hair loss, as is rinsing the hair with nettle, after shampooing. The herb also ads shine to your hair. However, you need patience, chronic hair loss doesn't stop overnight, a couple of months is usually needed to see results.

Posted by Viorel (Bucharest, Romania) on 11/24/2009

Yes, this is a well-known remedy for hair-loss in Romania - boil a handful of nettles for a few minutes and use that water (while still warm) to wash your hair. You may want to keep the mixture in your hair for a few minutes, then wash it out. Do this at least twice a week.

Posted by Tima (JHB, S. Africa) on 12/16/2007

Hi! Thank you for this informative and wonderful site. I have tried Ted's recommendations, used the vitamins as directed as well as the oils. my Hair seems stronger, however when I put ACV on hair seems to fall more rapidly. What I have been told really works, is a Stinging Nettle hair wash. Boil some fresh or dried Nettle leaves for a short time, and use as a hair rinse. You will like the results. Does anyone know about the Samson's secret treatment?
