One of my teenage boys had terrible ACNE. A Mexican missionary told us about this. We used zinc powder (patting it lightly on the face after washing it). This can really dry out the face too much, so we eventually began to get it under control and then keep it back by washing face and a little tea tree oil rubbed on his face before bed.
At age 24, he still has a tendency to bad acne BUT ONLY IF he doesn't keep up this regime. It isn't as bad as when he was 16 but still there. Especially on his back. We have the best healthy diet of anyone I know, so it is not junk food either. Maybe gluten, but haven't noticed a big difference when he gets off it. Anyway, just saying to you all... if you are taking the Acutane for acne..Why? There are natural ways to deal with this that don't involve such an aggressive dangerous drug.