Baldness cures have been around as long as bald men. From ancient Egypt to the present, bald men have always been able to buy sure-fire, guaranteed, grow-your-hair-back potions. And now there's even impressive "before and after" photographs. Yet after all the "cures" and all the promises, bald heads are everywhere.
Let it be said at the outset that there are many things capable of producing hair on a balding head. If you rub your head with a mixture of vodka and cayenne peppers you may see some hair growth. Ethyl alcohol and propylene glycol can stimulate some growth (for this reason they are common ingredients in many baldness treatments). Italian barbers have passed a scalp massage technique down through the generations that seems to grow hair. Irritating the scalp in any number of ways can cause hair growth. The point of a baldness treatment is not just to grow hair. A treatment is of interest to a balding man only if it grows enough hair to improve his appearance and if he is able to keep that hair.
From the book: The Bald Book by Klenhard 1986 page 46.
Cayenne Pepper Hair Tonic:
The ability of this herb to irritate the skin, increase blood flow and stimulate cell division is well known.
– Mix four ounces of cayenne pepper with one pint of 80 proof vodka.
– Let it stand for two weeks, shaking the mixture once each day.
– Strain through several layers of fine cloth until the mixture is free of pepper.
– Once or twice a day, rub a small amount onto the thinning areas of the scalp.
Note: Alcohol is list as a remedy for Alopecia in the Mereck Manual 1899, page 86. If you do not like the idea of alcohol, substitute with apple cider vinegar.
Rub your scalp every morning with a mixture of cayenne pepper and vodka. Rub a small amount of this mixture into your scalp in the morning. This will help to stimulate your hair follicles and promote blood flow to your scalp, according to stylist and hair expert Riquette Hofstein, owner of Riquette International Salon in Beverly Hills, in her book "Grow Hair Fast: 7 Steps to a New Head of Hair in 90 Days."
Capsaicin in Cayenne can trigger the vallanoid receptors in hair follicles and may boost hair growth (3). The spice may also stimulate hair growth by inhibiting substance P (a peptide). In a study, participants with alopecia showed hair growth in a 5-month period when they ingested capsaicin and isoflavone (4), (5). Most peppers in the same family as cayenne pepper are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and folate (7). These vitamins are known to play a role in hair loss (8).
A Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics Including Pharmacy, Dispensing By Rakhal Das Ghosh 1922. page 542 states:
Externally. – The action of Capsaicin is like that of volitile oils and to some extent that of cantharidin. In other words, it is a powerful irritant, rubefacient and therefore counter-irritant. Like cantharidate, capsaicin may be used to promote the growth of hair.
Cayenne and Vodka Scalp Treatment
re: female hair loss: Hi all i have been suffering hair loss for quite some time and in some parts you could see my scalp, for 3wks now i have been mixing cayenne pepper and vodka together in a jar and massage in to my scalp it is very messy and don't get it in your eyes as it stings, i cannot get over in the short time i have been using it that i have new hair growing i am so excitied over it and shall keep use up to date on how its goin but so far its great. I use cayenne from supermarket mix it up the way you like it i put half cayenne in and half cup vodka then mix it up massage it in then i usually massage more cayenne just by its self your scalp should be tingling and quiet hot after that i put bit glad wrap over hair and put a woolen cap on take it of before you go to bed and put a towel around your pillow as it is messy in the mornin before i wash my hair i rub alot of it out then wash it do keep eyes closed. I do believe this as it is workin on me just to see new hair growin is amazing i am so happy give it a try and would love to hear if it works for others. goodluck. cheers.