Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Cayenne Pepper, Olive Oil
Posted by Bulbultuk (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 09/09/2010

Today at 58 years of age I am very happy to say that after many years I have succeeded to grow hair on bald areas of my scalp. I have Male Pattern baldness from at least 10 years. I tried all treaments including Minoxidil etc. But to no avail. Finally desparately I started searching the NET for natural cures. I came across The Cayenne Pepper E V Olive oil and started using it on 15th August. Today its 24 days and I can see new hair sprouting. Maybe I have to wait for a longer period, say 3 months to see a noticeable growth. The new hair is thin and looks almost transparent or colourless you may say. I want to know how this new hair can be nourished to thicken and grow longer. I request readers to suggest a remedy for this. I shall update about future progress as things change. Also I will guide anyone on this cure. Please email me your queries. Thanks. Bbtk.
