Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Blackstrap Molasses, Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Joyce (Virginia, MN) on 06/01/2009

I too have been losing my hair.

I'm 58 years old, have COPD and celiac disease. I have for the most part quit eating gluten foods, but every now and again I binge on them. I just did this. When I did, I noticed my hair falling out much heavier than normal. I stopped and the abnormal hair loss stopped.

I take two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses every morning with hot water. I've also started with a teaspoon of honey mixed with ACV as well, morning and night, and notice right away that the hair loss stops.

I have low energy so I began yesterday by adding cinnamon to the ACV/honey mixture. I'll see how that works for the low energy. Also, with the BSM, I've noticed a change in color in my hair. Where it was once almost all gray, it is turning back to the original dark/almost black, that it was. It's a miracle! Especially in my condition. Check for severe allergies; they might be the culprit to the hair loss and you can eliminate them then.

Also, if you've gone through trauma of any kind and/or are high strung, try the honey, experiment with dosage, as it is a relaxer. It will help you sleep, too. Look for honey that is local to your area as it can also help with outdoor types of allergies.
