14 Natural Remedies to Soothe Tinnitus

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Grace (La, US) on 11/16/2014

I began to notice sounds seemed louder that usual. This is called hyperacusis. I knew there must be a natural cure for this. I saw 5 ENT doctors no signs of ear infection, or sinus problems. I was tested for everything imaginable everything was negative. One doctor thought maybe it was migraine, but my head did not hurt. I took matters into my own hand I started taking 15 drops of Grapefruit seed extract three times a day and 1 tsp colloidal silver 3 times a day. Stop all gluten, sugar and dairy. Also took high quality probiotics

I kept hearing sounds louder than usual then I decided to clean my ears our with few drops of of food grade hydrogen peroxide . I laid down on the bed with a towel I would turn my head and put in the hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble then let the hydrogen peroxide drain out by turning my head on side . I was CAREFUL to keep the towel over my face and keep my eyes closed I did the other ear and that seemed to have solved the problem. First time, I did this I was scared and felt a little dizzy afterwards so I used a hair dryer turned it on low and pointed toward my ear to dry the remaining hydrogen peroxide and this was the FIRST day that hearing things louder than usual stopped I was cured I kept doing this for few more days, to be on the safe side

Pulsatile Tinnitus
Posted by Eva (California, US) on 11/11/2014 7 posts

Ben, if it is still a problem take homeopathic Pulsatilla C30. One dose helped me with hearing my heartbeat though it heard it only when I was in bed. You might need to take it more times. Good luck!

Posted by Craig (Corvallis, Or) on 11/02/2014

I'd like to share my experience with ear pain in the hope that others might benefit from it.

About every seven years, I'd come down with fluid in the middle ear. This resulted in tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, and painful middle ear pressure. Sometimes it was so painful that it was all I could do to make it through the day. Other times, I couldn't even do that.

Doctors always told me that it was caused by either a virus or an allergy, and that I would just have to ride it out.

The only thing I ever found that helped was taking magnesium supplements, which greatly reduced the middle ear pressure.

Eventually I figured out the root cause of my problem: electrolyte imbalance. Middle ear fluid is all about electrolytes, and whenever mine got severely out of balance (usually as a result of eating mega-doses of potassium rich foods) my "ear infection" would begin. In an attempt to make myself healthier, I was actually making myself sick.

Sodium and potassium work in concert, so it's important to find some semblance of balance between the two. The same holds true for magnesium and calcium. And while these balances probably vary from person to person (depending upon their underlying health issues), I encourage anyone suffering from tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, or middle ear pressure to explore the possibility that it might be the result of an electrolyte imbalance.

It's only taken me fifteen years to figure this out, and I hope it helps someone.....

Rain Sounds
Posted by Clare (Arizona) on 10/13/2014

I just tried the youtube rain sounds. It actually made my ear ringing sound worse.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Drbrown (Ohio, US) on 09/30/2014

I developed some left ear ringing, though mine was a very low pitched hum. It sounded like a large truck was running inside my head. Really annoying when it was quiet. This was going on for about 2 weeks.

I mixed around a tea spoon of braggs organic ACV with a tiny bit of orange juice (can't stand the taste of ACV alone). Did this an hour before breakfast, then an hour after dinner. Woke up today and it was 95% better. If it's completely silent I still barely get the low humming. I did one more dose today. I will stop taking ACV now and see if it comes back. I definitely do not think it was coincidence that the humming stopped though. I've used ACV for other ailments as recommended by this site and had good success. I think everyone should implement this stuff into their diet in some small way.

Magnesium and Citric Acid
Posted by Healthynuts (Illinois, US) on 08/02/2014

Have recently been dealing with bouts of tinnitus that seem to stem from citric acid and I am unsure as to why this has sprung up now??.. I'm assuming I have a deficiency. I felt that it was coming from my left ear, which I had read was a deficiency in manganese but at times I had felt it was my right eat so I took magnesium in the form of Calm, and I noticed the ringing started instantaneous upon consumption. So that would mean an intolerance to citric acid. But I am wondering if that is the issue and if there is a different underlying cause, possibly a mineral deficiency? I have read that it could be vitamin b-12 and zinc??

Posted by Cliff (South Carolina, US) on 06/30/2014

Humming..relieves my tinnitus temporarily, reducing the high pitched noise. I put my index fingers in my ears and hum, the lower pitched hums helps me the most, very benefical at bedtime.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cheekio (Ca) on 05/22/2014

A couple months ago I had a bout with tinnitus. All I heard was beeping sounds upon waking up in the morning. It was bothersome and scary. I did some research and tried taking herbs from the health food store, nothing worked. My ears started ringing longer than usual and going deaf for a couple seconds in one ear. It was scaring me and beeps. I was so afraid I would wake up deaf one morning. During my research I read on Dr. Mercola's site that just putting 3% hydrogen peroxide in each ear for 10 minutes each will clear ears of colds and flu. I decided to try it. I put 1/4 capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide into one ear and kept it in there for 10 minutes and then the other ear. In the morning, the beeps were gone. I did it again for another 2 nights. Since then my tinnitus has completely disappeared. You might need 1/2 a capful if your ear canal is bigger haha. Just make sure your ears are full of the peroxide for 10 minutes each. Good luck!

General Feedback
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 05/13/2014

Hi Valium/ Diazapam, all Benzodiazepines are well documented for causing tinnitus, or any sort of noises in the ''head'' or ringing etc in the ears. This will also be true of Benzodiazepines withdrawal as well. If you're on any Medications, chances are the Meds are the actual cause. as it's a common side effect of many Pharmaceutical's and even natural ones. If it turns out to be the Medicines, and you want to stop them due to any other side effects, then please be careful as certain one's GOT to be tapered down as too fast can cause its own problems.

And never ever stop Benzodiazepines or Z Drugs abruptly, it's highly dangerous and can cause seizures leading to a broken neck, death.

Also natural remedies that raise serotonin should be tapered as these have the same effect as pharmaceuticals like Prozac, Trazadone, Amyltrptyline , etc. And you will get withdrawal symptoms.

Love Andrea C xxxxx

Posted by Ko (Louisiana) on 03/02/2014

Re Tinnitus, it could be caused from circulation going to inner ear. It can be caused from stress, raising blood pressure, as well as other causes.

I had a stressful job that I believe contributed to "ringing in the ear", I wound up leaving the job but also taking a lecithin capsule either after lunch or after supper-the 1200mg dosage. This worked for me, I'm talking a couple of days! I find that Vit E (400) added can also help, my ear canals feel cleared out instead of perhaps stopped up.

My blood pressure is on the low side right under average, my cholesterol runs at 200 (last time had that checked). If lecithin helps break down cholesterol, this should help circulation.

I showed a coworker some lecithin capsules-I believe they were 800mg/per liquid-cap at the big blue retailer, for right at $8 a bottle. He is very young-18 or so, was mentioning ringing in the ears. We live in a humid area where many people have sinus problems, ear clogs, kids need tubes in their ears, etc.

I showed him the bottle of lecithin, told him to try two at night after supper or one after lunch, one after supper the first few days. Two days later I'd seen him, he was surprised yet told me "hey that stuff works! " I told him you can back off to one tab a day, explained to him if he eats fatty foods, cheeses, meats, etc, that his diet might have something to do with this, get more fruit, greens etc. on his menu. So he was surprised but happy.

I've read that earwax is a byproduct/contains cholesterol, so if it is 'dry, like small dry tiny blocks' instead of 'waxy or oily', it can stop up the ear canal instead of naturally pushing through to the outside of your ear. Makes sense to me.

The Lipoflavanoid tabs that have a red package run $22+, in my opinion the effective ingredient is lecithin.

On another note, I just did my first oil pull earlier, did with sesame oil, added a little oregano to my bottle, shook it up will let it settle. It is allot more palatable than I thought it would be, did this for right at 18 minutes. I did brush before with a little dissolved salt/baking soda in warm water, rinsing after. I repeated the same rinse after the OP, but then brushed with the dissolved salt & baking soda/warm water after, rinsing again. So far, so good!

Interesting website, thank you! ko57

Tilting Your Head Back
Posted by Vj (Bc, Canada) on 01/19/2014

RE: Tilting your head back. Well that's interesting. I didn't drink any water while tilting my head back, but the tilting my head back worked immediately! It did not work if I tilted my head forward and into my chest, in fact it made it worse. Must be a neck issue with me.

Breast Milk
Posted by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus, Cyprus) on 01/14/2014

One possible reason why breast milk works against tinnitus is that it is a rich source of lauric acid, a fatty acid which is an immune system booster. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid and can be placed in the ear to soften wax and heal earaches. I don't know whether it is effective for treating tinnitus, though.

The Snapping Method
Posted by Jinxed (California, Usa) on 12/29/2013

I have just read an article about a help for tinnitus.

Place the palms over the ears, fingers pointing to the back of the head. Point middle fingers at each other. The article said to place index fingers over the middle fingers, and then "snap" them down onto the base of the skull. Repeat snapping 40 - 50 times.

LOL, I can't get the "snap" to happen, so I just pointed my middle fingers together, and then drummed my index fingers on the base of the skull rapidly 40 - 50 times. I opened my mouth and tried to relax the jaw and face.

My tinnitus HAD been due to TMJ and was quite manageable and at a low level, but of late it is a LOUD hissing due to medication.

I was happily surprised to find the tapping/drumming really helped! I repeated the drumming a few times over the last few minutes and the noise is reduced nearly to the bearable levels I had before.

I also think acupuncture is just plain awesome, and the scalenes are never massaged as much as they need in many people with head issues.

Good luck with your "special noise"!

Murphy's Submarine Technique
Posted by Murphy (Wpb, Fl) on 12/16/2013

I inadvertently discovered this website earlier today, and as I was looking through the index of ailments, I saw the link to tinnitus and decided to post my experience because I know how scary and depressing this condition can be.Three years ago, in January 2010, I had a very bad cold (headache, coughing, sore throat, body aches), and developed tinnitus. My ears were 90% deaf, but I had RINGING THUNDER inside my head that never quit. Long after my cold symptoms were gone, the symptoms persisted.I spent many hours researching on line and tried quite a few possible remedies - warm oil treatments, hydrogen peroxide, ear candling, holding my nose and gently blowing (like when you scuba dive or fly in an airplane), and other holistic possibilities. But there was absolutely no improvement and I was concerned that I might be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life. Over a period of time, I got about 50-60% of my hearing back, but still had the non-stop RINGING THUNDER. Then one day in early June (easily six months after the onset of my condition), I was in the pool and something incredible happened. I don't normally go under water because if I have somewhere to go, it would take a long time to dry and fix my hair. But this particular day I had no plans and I needed to wash my hair anyway. So I lay back and let myself drift until I started slipping under the water. I went down about a foot or so, and to my complete surprise, I could feel activity in my ears as they slowly and gently begin to clear. I lay there under the surface for as long as I could, and when I came up, there was a definite and significant change in my condition. I repeated this submarine technique several times over the next few days and eventually my ears were totally back to normal after SIX MONTHS of suffering. Three weeks into my “healing” (July 2010), and there were no return of symptoms.I suppose all of this sounds a little wacky and there may be medical reasons why this doesn't make any sense. Even though I had all of the symptoms, maybe I didn't really have tinnitus at all. Maybe it was something else. Well, call it what you will, my ears weren't working properly.

So I'm posting this because maybe there are others with these same symptoms who also don't REALLY have tinnitus either. Or maybe they do, and I've discovered something worth trying.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gian (Milano) on 11/13/2013

For those who have tinnitus associated with bruxism and sleep on your stomach should know that you can solve everything in 4-5 months or a little more simply dormento supine belly up leaving the lower jaw is free to move and declutire.si all in one site Italian doctor Galiffa written in English.

Faucet Test
Posted by Mark (San Francisco) on 09/27/2013

Thanks the running faucet test was brilliant.

My chronic tinninitus flared-up after after recent exposure to noise, combined with a bad cold. I turned on the faucet and found the masking provided instant relief.

Based on that I started looking for water sounds on youtube. Wave sounds did not work but rain sounds did. Lots of people have posted things like 10 hours of Rain on Youtube. I'm running it in stereo in my office now and what a big help.

I'm also trying the vinegar and honey combination. Not sure if this will reduce what I hope is a temporary flareup of tinninitus but the rain/water sounds are big help.

Mullein Tincture
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/21/2013

Dear Pinkrose, We have successfullly used Mullein for a number of things. So, I do think it could be working! Mullein is an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, nervine, and many other good things. I make an oil with mullein and garlic to use in the ears for ear infections and it works. I make a salve with mullein and lobelia herbs, eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils that stops wheezing and coughing in most cases. I use the same salve to treat mastitis in my dairy goats very effectively. It seems to get congestion moved out of the area you are working on.

Please do let us know what the outcome is for you!

~Mama to Many~

Mullein Tincture
Posted by Pinkrose (New York City) on 09/20/2013

Hi Everyone,

So happy to find this new website for me!

Here's my problem.... Quite a few... I have high blood pressure which goes through the roof because I have a phobia when taking blood pressure either in the doctor's office or even if I take it at home... Can't do it.... Also, thyroid issues which are under control and was having extreme anxiety due to circumstances.... Five or six weeks ago I developed a new issue which is Pulsatile Tinnitus as told to me by a Neurologist.... It goes off and on... My cardiologist suggested I try "Mullein Tincture".... 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops at night... I just took it for the first time tonight w/o a little water... Quite bitter... Didn't know I was supposed to add a little water... That being said, after about an hour or so I noticed no "whooshing sound" in my head... It's kind of positional when I get up or sit down, etc..... Now, I don't know if this Mullein tincture was the cause or not... I will wait several days to find out... But, I am praying it is... I have been so upset by this condition you have no idea! I can hardly think straight as it is so unsettling and the worst part is the Neurologist wanted me to get an MRI of the Brain and Neck in one of those claustrophobic machines! I have claustrophobia on top of everything and it is horrific to me... I may have to be sedated to do this test... I'm really frightened of the whole scenario....

So, now my question to everyone is.... Could the Mullein tincture be actually working?.... I have been reading about this tincture for tinnitus... Anyone have anymore information about this product?.... Thanks to all!

Spiral Seashell
Posted by Indira (Netherlands) on 09/20/2013 6 posts

hi, nice to see a comment from someone. Maybe 2 min. Is too short, and you would need to try longer. But I think I have found something much better. I just wrote a short story for the site. Try to stop eating any salt for at least 1week. Incl. Sodium bicrarb, magnesium or whatever salt you might be taking. At least I think, that helped me to clear it after 1 week. read my story under desaltifying.

Eliminate Salt
Posted by Indira (Netherlands) on 09/20/2013 6 posts

I had tinnitus for first time in my life, and went online to look for help. Found a comment under a youtube vid. where someone said her mother healed it by desaltifying. She stopped eating any salt, drank a lot of water and jogged. To me this sounded exactly to what I had, since I was on sodium bicarb for some time and was expecting to get some salt issues.

So I stopped for one week. Every day the intensity was less but I wasn't sure if I was just imagining that or if it was for real.

Well, after 1week of no salt and lot of fluid. (incl. Beer) it was gone. And few days later I started eating salt again, but had no tinnitus any more. So I don't know if this is just a coincidence, or my tinnitus cleared by itself, so more people would need to test this.

I understood (but am not so sure if this is correct) that you hear your brain and not your ear. In this case too much salt would make some logics b/c salty wather lead electricity much better than sweet water. Any way I had to find some logic here for myself, again I really don't know nothing about ear's as well as eletricity. But I know so far 2 people where helped with this. The mother from youtube account and me. I hope to see more people will be helped by stop eating salt for at least a week.

Spiral Seashell
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/08/2013

Hello Indiria,

What an interesting idea... Using the sound of the large sea shell to give "auditory feedback" to address tinnitus. Well, I tried it. Maybe for two minutes each side. I have slight ringing... I think from being around loud machinery when young. Could not tell any difference but will do it again later and for longer time. Do you suggest for ten minutes?

Spiral Seashell
Posted by Indira (Netherlands) on 09/08/2013

So here is a crazy idea. I don't know if it will really work and it would be nice if more people try this. But for my rinnging ear, I have put the spiraly sea shell on the ear, and it seems like it helped. They say sound therapy works well, so I thought of the shell. And also shell has the same spiral like your ear. Maybe it has something to do with it too. Don't know. I wonder how others respond to it

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