Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat

Posted by Monique (Middletown, Ct) on 06/24/2010

Cayenne Pepper eradicated my sore throat!!

Hi, Okay-I went home to try this remedy yesterday. Within 5 minutes my sore throat was gone and hasn't returned!!

Thank you Earth Clinic for doing what you do

Posted by Kathrine (The Colony, Texas) on 04/29/2010

Nobody will believe me BUT yesterday I read all these comments and decided to try the cayenne pepper. I have had a seriously congested nose & head for a week with a sore throat. Last night I made a big dish of spaghetti with sauce. I sprinkled a load of cayenne peper on it. This morning I was so much better. Honestly!! I feel better! I now have a bit of a cough but it's productive. I had more spaghettie with cayenne for lunch, coughed a lot but am doing much better overall! I had tried all sorts of meds and nothing was touching this.

Posted by Sarah (Palmdale, Ca) on 04/16/2010

I had the worst sore throat I'd ever experienced for six days. After trying throat sprays, lozenges of many kinds, tea, hot water, gargling with salt, etc. I had given up and was wondering if I would ever get relief (and some sleep!)

I mixed 1 teaspoon of cayenne with 8 oz. of hot water, put some chapstick on my lips (as others said it would help...and it did) and gargled with the concoction. Like many others I swallowed a bit, because I couldn't get it deep into my throat by gargling. I tried this twice for about 30 seconds each gargle, then waited 15 minutes and gargled again.

I'm not cured, but I feel 90% better. At a minimum, I know I will get some sleep tonight. I will keep gargling and hopefully be better soon!

Posted by Can (Mill Valley, Ca) on 04/10/2010

I had tried the gargling with hot water and cayenne and it didn't work as immediate as I needed.. haha but I did try sprinkling DRY cayenne on the back of my tongue and it worked!!!

Posted by Jerry (Harpster, Oh) on 04/06/2010

Yes it really works I had a sore throat for a couple days and did the gargled with it a couple times and within an hour i felt alot better got to love the home remedies this is a great site everyone should try it for there great remedies

Posted by Ynos420 (Lakewood, Ca, Usa) on 04/03/2010

Hello...I just wanted to let you all know that Cayenne Pepper works great! I had a really bad sore throat. It was so bad that it hurt even to swallow my own saliva! I went to the doctor thinking that I would get some relief! I saw the doctor and she told me that it was a viral sore throat and prescribed me a pain killer that I could gargle with. I tried it and it worked, but not well enough to where I was at least able to drink water.

After becoming increasingly irritated that not only was the trip to the doctor a waste of time, but so was the perscription. I started getting desperate for some sort of relief. So I did a google search for "best cure for a viral sore throat", and this site came up as the first result. There were an overwhelming 325 positive responses to this treatment. I figured I am willing to do ANYTHING to get some sort of relief. I went down to the local store and purchased Cayenne pepper for $.79. Got home got a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of the pepper, gargled twice, it was really spicy, but not unbearable (but it still no worse than having the sore throat). Afterward I immediatley felt better!

It still hurts a little, but it is 90% better than before.

This is a great site and I will use it from now on before I make a trip to the doctors! Keep up the good work!!! You guys ROCK!!!

Posted by Soph (Pdx, Oregon) on 04/01/2010

I had the worst sore throat of my life I was sure it was strep, but tested negative. I put vaseline on my lips to coat them to avoid the burn then I mixed lemon juice in maple syrup( master cleanse) with as much cayenne pepper as I could stand and started drinking it throughout the day. Wow I felt so much better I could sleep in peace

Posted by Alexandra (Apple Valley, California, Usa) on 01/26/2010

After a week of an excruciating sore throat, debilitating earaches, and two visits to Urgent Care I stumbled upon a miracle. Cayenne Pepper is the best! I haven't been able to swallow without almost crying for a week, and now, an hour after drinking a cup of water with 1/4 tsp of cayenne, and a glass of orange juice with a little over a tsp of cayenne, I am practically pain free. A suggestion to those spicy-tolerant folks out there, up your ante. I love cayenne on food and knew 1/8 of a tsp wouldnt be enough. The tsp is perfect.

Posted by Kimberly (San Diego, Ca) on 01/26/2010

I used cayenne pepper to cure my sore throat. I am 30 yrs old & have had various sore throats throughout my life. Recently, I ended my job of 10 years & therefor lost my medical insurance meaning I couldn't just go get some antibiotics or something. I had an annoying but not completely horrible sore throat for several days which seemed to hurt the most during the night & when I woke up in the morning, but the pain would subside throughout the day. This afternoon however, after about 4 days of it lingering, it turned for the worse & I would wince from merely swallowing my own saliva. I searched the internet for various cures & this site was better than any I found. After seeing all the yeahs for cayenne pepper, I gargled 1/4 teaspoon with 4 ounces of hot water. At first it didn't seem to help because the soreness was so far back that the gargling didn't really reach it. I then gargled while trying to open my throat to the point of gagging & boy did that make a difference! It reached my sinuses & very back of my throat & was soooo painful, but in a good way if that makes sense. It was like the pain was being burnt away. My throat still hurts, but it's definitely A LOT better. I'm going to go do it some more.

Posted by Tee (Conway, Sc, Usa) on 01/20/2010

Cayenne Pepper cured sore throat and found a sack.

I read some of the other statements about the results of the cayenne pepper for sore throat before I decided to use it. I wasn't exactly how much cayenne and water to use, but I did read a Tbsp was too much so I opted for a generous heaping 1/4 tsp in approx. 3/4 cp of warm water. I shook up the mixture in a small jar with the top on. I gargled three times, then 20 mins. later I gargled thee more times. I could start to feel the pain subside a little. But like others, I too had a lot of pain further down my throat. This is why I gargled the second time. This was about midnight and I could not sleep due to the pain in my throat. After about a half hour after the second gargle it loosened up mucus in my sinus cavity to the point that (Warning: this next part is pretty gross) when I closed off the back of my throat with my tongue then released my tongue quickly pushing the air forward though my nostrils only (not my mouth) a huge deflated sack the size of a oversize grape came flying though my nose onto my tissue. It was filled with junk and mucus and blood (yulk). I instantly felt a difference even though some soreness in my throat still existed. Little by little the deep pain in my throat dissipated and the next morning the pain in my throat was gone. I have never seen anything like that sack. If anyone every had this happen to them, did they loose a sack?

Posted by Phil (Belfast, Uk) on 01/19/2010

Hi - I was on a skiing holiday recently and one night I had a very sore throat and my head was congested

I gargled with Cayenne pepper - one tea spoonfull in a small drop of water - after gargling I swallowed it

About one hour later I has a large 'sniff' and cough and the congestion disappeared and when I woke up the following morning the sore throat had gone

I had previously saw this cure on this site - so thank you for that. Great site Keep up the good work everyone

Posted by Jan (Vancouver, Bc) on 12/19/2009

Based on your reading about Cyan Pepper as a cure for soar throat I put it on today morning and now just hours later I can see indubitable a befit of do ing so ...

Posted by Aimcdaniel (Phoenix, Az) on 12/12/2009

I am a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who has not practiced for the last four years since giving birth to 2 sons. Before this, I was practicing anti-anging medicine and not doing a lot with home remedies. Needless to say, I was very rusty in the home remedy department. Two weeks ago, everyone in the family developed a cold; my 2 yr old, 9 mo old, husband and then myself. Mine started with an excruciatingly painful sore throat. I sat on the couch thinking there was no way I was going to sleep that night because it felt like someone was sand-papering the inside of my throat while holding a hot blow dryer on it. My husband made a late night run to the store to get a humidifier for my oldest son and I got on the computer to find this site of home remedies. I had my husband pick up some cayenne pepper while he was at the store. When he got home, I immediately made up the remedy. I used 1/8th tsp of Cayenne in 8 oz (a regular sized coffee cup) of warm water. I took the advice of one of the previous posters and smeared vaseline all over my lips so they would not burn from the pepper. Then I began gargling. I gargled each time for 10 seconds until the entire cup was empty. My sore throat instantly vanished. However, I didn't know if it was because the remedy actually worked, or because the cayenne kind of numbed the area. So, I repeated the gargle again. Just like magic my sore throat completely disappeared for good. This is one of the best remedies ever!!! I can't believe I forgot about this one. I definitely give it 2 thumbs up!!!!

Posted by Debnick3045 (Stuart, Florida) on 12/03/2009

I had such a horrible sore throat for two days. last night the soreness was soo bad that I got out of bed and typed "sore throat" into a google search, hoping to find some releif. This site was the first one on the list. After reading everyones testimonials on the Cayenne Pepper remedy, I decided to try it. I HATE spicy food and cannot stand the burn in my mouth at all so I was skeptical but I was desperate for some relief. To my complete amazement, it worked. I gargled warm water and 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper in a small glass of warm water until it was gone. I went to sleep for about 2 hours. (It took a little while for the burn to subside but it wasn't nearly as bad as the pain of the sore throat.) When I woke up, my sore throat was more than 50% better. I just gargled it again to reinforce. What an amazing surprise! I will be telling everybody about this remedy...Thank you! :-)

Posted by Ken (Jupiter, Fl) on 10/25/2009

Visited grandchildren, one of whom came home from school with very sore throat. Flew home and woke up with very, very sore throat. Gargled twice with salt water until store opened; bought some cayenne pepper and gargled (1/4 tsp in 8 oz warm water) every two hours for 8 hours. Immediate relief after the first time. No problems with lip or tongue tingling from the pepper .... less severe than eating spicy wings.
