Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by PeppaLady (Orlando, FL) on 12/28/2007

I came upon your site due to being congested and having the worse sore throat ever. Tried ACV first, and got some relief, but only about an hour's worth. I read all of the posts on cayenne and decided that one was next, but did not have any of the pepper. I remembered that it is in hot sauce, so i mixed up a tea. I boiled some water, and then added a shake or two of ground ginger, a tablespoon of hot sauce, a tsp of oregano, a tablespoon of honey, tablespoon of lemon juice and a green tea teabag. I let it steep for about 5 minutes. What i had was a concoction... "liquid fire" and about 30 minutes after drinking, no sore throat and nasal passages were draining. The next morning i was surprised to still be clear. Thanks for posting this idea.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by John (Seattle, WA) on 12/19/2007

Cayenne pepper tea. I read all the comments, yays and nays, and decided to try it. Just started getting a horrible sore throat about 3 hours ago and I HATE getting sick, especially right before the holidays. I decided to pull out the heavy guns and made a hot tea of about 1/4 tsp. ground cayenne, three shots of Tabasco, 3 tbspns maple syrup, and 1 tbspn champagne vinegar (I didn't have any ACV). As I sit here typing I am sipping this spicy brew and the left side of my throat is no longer hurting. The right side is still tender but I think it is getting better. I also have clear sinus passages and I am coughing up lots of clear sticky phlegm. I intend to keep drinking this stuff until I am better. I really think it is working. ---NEW CAYENNE FAN

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 12/11/2007

Hi, I wanted to quickly comment on some of the 'nay' responses to the cayenne pepper remedy. For those of you who are burning the living you-know-what out of your mouths, try lessening the amount of pepper taken in one dose and take it more often. A few people have mentioned taking lemon juice, maple syrup, and the pepper with water. This is actually a fasting recipe as well (the fast Beyonce was one to lose weight for 'Dream Girls'). The proper measurements are 10oz. distilled water, 2 tablespoons FRESH lemon juice, 2 T. maple syrup (Grade B, and organic is best if you can afford it), and a PINCH of cayenne pepper(about 1/8 teaspoon or even less). The water should be heated before mixing in the ingredients. Try drinking this mixture throughout the day. It takes time but the soreness in your throat will eventually subside. It you drink it throughout the day and eat nothing, you will also start to detox your body and lose some water weight overnight as well, given you have no major health problems. Also, another trick (if you throat has just started hurting)...try mixing 6 to 8 drops of hydrogen peroxide in a large glass of distilled/purified (not spring) water and drinking several times throughout the day. Usually my sore throats start to feel relief with in 15 minutes to half an hour after the first glass. If it's pesky, keep drinking. If you have something bad already, like strep, you may need to just go to the doctor. It may be too late for the peroxide to relieve pain, but it may lessen the the time you are sick. Try an alternative healer, for those of you not wanting to take drugs (and I don't blame you). Also, someone commented, saying that antibiotics was the only cure. Be careful, if you choose to take antibiotics make sure you take a good round of probiotics, for a month at least, afterward. Otherwise you are just killing off the good guys in your gut and setting yourself up for future problems.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Donna (Cookeville, TN) on 07/31/2007

Hi, just had to write back again and say that I have been gargling the cayenne pepper/water and it has helped tremendously but I have a better thing for you to do! I did this when I drank my coffee this morning and it is a God-Send ! Just sprinkle some cayenne pepper in your coffee and drink it! It makes the flavor of the coffee WONDERFUL and it is fantastic for your throat! This website is a pure blessing from God. Thank you to all who come here and share their experiences!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by AristidSes (San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 05/12/2007

Cayenne (don't use if you have low blood pressure) pepper works wonderfully, it's also great to mix with other remedies cause it helps them work faster. Why? It thins your blood and since your body registers the hot effect as fire it gets your heart pumping more blood to rush the endorphins (natural body made morphine) to the mouth area. This creates 2 effects: 1st, you get relaxed due to the anesthesic effect of the endorphins and 2nd, the nutrients that u took with your remedy spread through your body faster, and on top of that it's a natural antibiotic. I use it for sore throats and colds in the following manner:

in glass pour about 2-4oz water (for diluting purposes [gonna try ACV next time]),
1 whole lemon (not those dry lemons we want some juice here),
1-2 Tbsp of honey (natural honey none of those syrup mixed ones) and cayenne (lots of it)

I usually put cayenne till it's red (remember were going for the blood and endorphin rush here). Bottoms up! (this is a shot) There still hasn't been a cold to pass the 3 day mark with this stuff.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Sabrina (Canada) on 05/04/2007

An oldie but a goodie, my recipe is a little different. Mix vinegar of any variety with a spoonful of cayenne, a spoonful of licorice root, and a small amount of RAW honey. Drink it back - the sore throat will go away shortly. The raw honey is great because honey has natural antiseptic properties, and it makes the mix a little easier to drink!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Ken (Arlington, VA) on 02/03/2007

Simple remedy that is working for me to assist in ridding your body of sinus issues and assisting in the reduction of sore throat is just this.... 1 cup of lightly pre sweetened tea, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 vile of ginseng and royal jelly. Heat in the cup for about 2 minutes, let set for another couple of minutes and slowly drink. You will start to feel the sore throat go away while your sinuses drainage. It also appears to help me relax. Always remember to discard of any excess mucus in order to get rid of the bacteria that has collected in your sinus cavities during the time of mucus build up. Good luck to everyone.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Janeene (Saginaw, MI) on 12/28/2006

I have used this remedy for YEARS and can tell you, IT WORKS!! The only thing that I do different is, I add an equal amount of ground ginger along with the cayenne pepper into a cup of HOT water and allow it to steep with a lid on the cup for 5 minutes. Then allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature (or add a little cold water) and gargle. This may seem time consuming when you are in a lot of pain but it is worth the wait! Allowing it to steep like that makes sure the spices are at their best. The cayenne brings the blood to the throat helping circulation for those well needed "healing soldiers" and the ginger calms the throat and helps reduce the swelling. I sometimes drink this as a tea on those cold winter nights to help me stay warm! For you hunters out there...sprinkle cayenne in your socks to keep your feet warm out in the field. The moisture from your feet activates the heat of the pepper keeping those toes TOASTY!!! CAYENNE PEPPER IS THE BEST!

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