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Hot Tea
Posted by Oddizee (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/26/2017
I just drank a cup of plain black tea. Have a few times before. My Throat was so painful I didn't dare speak. I drank a cup earlier this morning and again when I woke(rested)at 12 pm. First cup removed most of pain, second, more plus I have my spark back. Simple to soothe if you have it. Worth a try. I also recommend going outside if not too cold. Sunshine and fresh air can do wonders. When I lived in Az. it was one of my healing tiers.
Hot Tea
Posted by Sara (Des Moines, Iowa) on 11/01/2011
What I do, is I take a cup of boiling hot water let it cool a little, but while it is cooling I take a little slice of lemon and squeeze some juice out of it. Then stir in raw honey, after my tea is to my "darkness" of choosing I sit outside on cool fall nights and drink my tea slowly. And you **might** be thinking "But doesn't the cold make your cold worse?" Actually it helps me because I absolutely see no help in being stuck in the air that has been polluted by my sickness.
Hot Tea
Posted by Nana (Chicago, Il) on 06/17/2011
My mother always gives me hot tea with a touch of lemon and a hint of honey for my sore throught. To be honest, nothing works better!
Hot Tea
Posted by Mountaingirl (Asheville, Nc, United States) on 09/08/2009
Hot Tea for sore throat
1/2 large lemon
dash powdered cayenne
dash powdered ginger
1 tsp. manuka honey
2 cups before bed took away my sore throat completely. I've tried this in the past but never with so much lemon. I enjoy sour and this was almost too much for me but did the trick amazingly well. I knew it was working from the pleasant burn during and after drinking it.
Hot Tea
Posted by Melissa (Selma, Alabama)
Drink hot tea with lemon and honey to relieve sore throat and laryngitis.
Hot Tea
Posted by Julie (Edina MN)
make a cup of your favorite tea, add a slice of lemon, lemon juice, 2-3 tablespoons of honey and add aloe vera juice, you can mix some ginger or cinnamon in too if you want: It works great! my throat cleared up overnight.
Hot Tea
Posted by Marina (Harrison City, PA)
Drinking tea always works for me. I usually drink mine with french vanilla creamer and sugar. It tastes good and it helps my throat very well.
Hot Tea
Posted by Stacey (Birmingham)
i say drinking a hot cup of tea cures a sore throat. and to open an blocked nose, the cheap way is to inhale steam when you boil some water in a kettle.
Hot Tea
Posted by Donovan (Nassau, Bahamas)
An effective remedy is a hot cup of tea with three drops of lozenges (Vicks or Equate). Personally, I prefer Vicks. Ingredients:
1. Hot Cup of Tea (Before adding sugar, place one drop of the desired cough/sore throat suppressant).
2. Wait 30 seconds.
3. Add 3 teaspoons of sugar.
4. Stir tea for 10 seconds. (This allows the menthol to mix with the tea and drop to dissolve).
5. Then add 2 more drops of the cough/sore throat drop.
6. Wait 10 seconds and it's done and ready to consume.
If done accurately, you should be able to smell the menthol vapors from about a foot away. I should also warn you that the 1/4 of tea left in the cup will be the very strong and may taste equivalent to that of a cough syrup (not as harsh) but it works. With 2 or 3 cups of this, you should be ready to go. Enjoy.